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IAH – 302

Renewable Energy Sources

Development Technology

IAH-302, Sonal K. Thengane, IIT Roorkee

Course Outline
 Energy scenario, introduction

 Biomass Tue 8:00 – 8:55 am

Wed 9:00 – 9:55 am
Thurs 8:00 – 8:55 am
 Solar
Internal assessment (30%)
 Wind
Mid-semester (20%)
End-semester (50%)
 Hydro

 Other energy sources (ocean,

geothermal, hydrogen)
Is the world running out of fossil fuels?

Is the world running out of energy?


How many humans can the Earth support?

It took 127 years for the world population to double
from 1 billion to 2. But, it took only 47 years, from 1927
to 1974, to double from 2 billion to 4.
Since 1960, world population has grown by about 1
billion every 13 years.

Earth has 1.9 hectares of land per person for growing food
and textiles for clothing, supplying wood and absorbing

Average individual in USA uses about 9.7 hectares.

Earth can support at most one-fifth of the present population, 1.5 billion people, at an American standard of living.
Earth surface area: 510.1 million km²
1 hec = 0.01 km2 4
• Capacity/ability to do work or cause
a change in matter

Units: Joule (J); kWh

Other units: calorie (1 cal = 4.184 J)
Scalar quantity

𝑃𝐸 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ

𝐾𝐸 = 𝑚𝑣

Energy transfer that occurs when an object is displaced by an external force
in the direction of the force

𝑊 = 𝐹 𝑑 cos 𝜃

Units: Joule (J); Nm; kg (m/s2)m

Scalar quantity

Rate of energy transfer or the rate at which work is done
𝑊 𝐹 ∆𝑥
𝑃= = = 𝐹𝑣
𝑡 ∆𝑡

Units: J/s ; watt (W) ; hp

Scalar quantity

1 hp = 746 watts (imperial)

1 hp = 736 watts (metric) Pony: 100 kg pulled by 30.5 m in 1 min
Horse: 50% more than pony 7

Electrical energy, Electrical power, Electricity

• Electrical energy: the amount of work done that causes electric current to flow through a circuit (energy
generated due to the movement of charge carriers in a conductor)
Energy (E) = Power (P) x time (t) = VIt = I2Rt (V= IR) Unit: J ; kWh

• Electrical power: the rate at which work (basically movement of charges) is done in an electrical circuit (the
rate of consumption of electrical energy by a device)
Power (P) = Potential difference (V) x Current (I) Unit: watt; kW

• Electricity: is the presence and flow of electric charge. Using electricity as a medium we can transfer
energy. Static electricity (e.g. rub a balloon or pen through your hair); Current electricity is what flows through
the lines and cables to your electric devices.
Charges (Coulomb) of electricity are not energy (Joule), and a flow of charges (C/s) is not a flow of energy (J/s)

Commercially, 1 unit of electrical energy (referred to as electricity in bills) = 1 kWh and average tariff in India is Rs. 6/unit
Example: For a 220 V , 1 A electric lamp to provide light for 30 minutes, how
much energy (in kJ and kWh) is required? If we use it for 1 month (June) non-
stop, how much will it add to the electricity bill?
Solution :
Electric power (P) :
P = V I = (220 Volt)(1 Ampere) = 220 Volt Ampere = 220 Watt = 220 Joule/second

Electric energy = Electric power x time = (220 Joule/second)(1800 second)

Electric energy = 3,96,000 Joule = 396 kJ
Electric energy = 0.22 (kW) x 0.5 (h) = 0.11 kWh = 0.11 x 3600 kJ = 396 kJ
Units for month of June = (30 x 24) h x 0.22 kW = 158.4 Added cost = Rs. 6 x 158.4 = Rs. 950.4

Typical electrical energy usage for appliances per hour

Activity for the week

Validate your electric bill


Sun – Main source of energy

Sun – ultimate source of energy
Solar energy is energy that comes from within the sun itself. Like other stars, the sun is a big gas ball made up mostly of
hydrogen and helium. The sun generates energy in its core in a process called nuclear fusion. During nuclear fusion, the
sun's extremely high pressure and hot temperature cause hydrogen atoms to come apart and their nuclei (the central cores
of the atoms) to fuse or combine. Four hydrogen nuclei fuse to become one helium atom. But the helium atom weighs less
than the four nuclei that combined to form it. Some matter is lost during nuclear fusion. The lost matter is emitted into
space as radiant energy.

Every day the sun radiates, or sends out, an enormous amount of energy. The sun radiates more energy in one second than
people have used since the beginning of time.

It takes millions of years for the energy in the sun's core to make its way to the solar surface, and then just a little over 8
minutes to travel the 93 million miles to earth. The solar energy travels to the earth at a speed of 186,000 miles per second,
the speed of light.

Only a small portion of the energy radiated by the sun into space strikes the earth, one part in two billion. Yet this amount of
energy is enormous.

All other renewable sources of energy comes from sun directly or indirectly.


Energy densities of different fuels and energy storage sources

Nuclear fuels MJ/kg
Uranium 80,620,000
Thorium 79,420,000
Plutonium-238 2,239,000
Volumetric energy density

Energy density is the amount of energy stored in a given fuel

per unit volume. For energy per unit mass, a more accurate
term for is specific energy (or gravimetric energy density)


Gravimetric energy density

Classification of energy sources
Primary Secondary
Those that are either found or stored in Mostly industrial utilities and energy
nature; Some can be directly used sources produced from primary sources
E.g. coal, oil, natural gas, biomass, E.g. steam, electricity, heat, chemicals
geothermal, hydro, nuclear

Renewable Non-renewable

Continuously produced in the nature and Accumulated in nature for a long time
are not exhaustible and can’t be replaced timely if exhausted
E.g. solar, biomass, geo thermal, wind, E.g. coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear
tidal, hydro

Why renewable energy is important?

• solution to issues of climate change, emissions, and energy security
• clean and ecofriendly with long-term certainty
Global investment (billion USD)

• investment in the field (R&D and implementation)

has been increasing
• cost of technologies has been declining
• efficiency continues to rise Fossil fuels

• heavily encouraged by policy measures, banks, and

environmental legislations

*IEA, 2019

Global Warming and Climate Change

• Global warming: the rise in global temperatures mainly

due to the increasing concentrations of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere

• Climate change: the increasing changes in the measures

of climate over a long period of time – including
precipitation, temperature, and wind patterns

• Alternate term: Global climate change


• Global surface temperature (GST) or
global mean surface temperature:
calculated by averaging
the temperature at the surface of the
sea and air temperature over land
• Long-term changes in GST
indicate global cooling
or global warming

• Baseline: 14℃ (1880- present)

Greenhouse effect


Greenhouse effect
• Greenhouse effect: the process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a
temperature above what it would be without this atmosphere
• John Tyndall recognized the Earth's natural greenhouse effect (1860s)
• Svante Arrhenius predicted that changes in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could substantially alter the surface
temperature through the greenhouse effect (1896)

• Primary greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous
oxide (N2O), and ozone (O3).

• Natural greenhouse effect warms the planet to its comfortable average of 15℃ and keeps life on earth, well, livable.
Without it the world would be a frozen, uninhabitable place, more like Mars (-18 ℃).
• Human activities (burning of fossil fuels and clearcutting of forests) accelerated the greenhouse effect and caused global

What are the main reasons for global
warming ?

Deforestation Excess use of fossil fuels


Global Warming
Potential (GWP)
CO2: 1
CH4: 28–36
N2O: 265–298



Source: Emission
Database for Global
Atmospheric Research
version 3.2



Barnett et al. 2005

Simple Solutions

• Tree plantation
(Bastin et al. 2019,

• Reduce use
• Conserve (reduce

Policies ????


International Initiatives for Climate Change

• United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international environmental
treaty adopted on 9 May 1992 (197 member countries)
Objective: stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent
dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system

1995: Conferences of the Parties (COP) to assess progress in dealing with climate change
1997: the Kyoto Protocol (established legal obligations for developed countries to reduce their greenhouse gas
emissions in the period 2008–2012)
2015: the Paris Agreement (governing emission reductions from 2020 on. commitments of Nationally
Determined Contributions (NDCs) members, to lower the target to 1.5 °C)
• United Nations Development Program (UNDP): Sustainable development goals (7: Affordable and Clean
Energy; 13: Climate Action)

Global Energy

Global primary energy consumption
Consumption increased by 2.9% in 2018, strongest since 2010
and almost double the 10-year average. Growth was
particularly strong in the case of gas and renewables.

Million tonnes oil equivalent

Years (1993 – 2018) *BP Report 2019

Global primary energy consumption (Percentage)

Oil remains the most used fuel, and the gap

between coal and gas has narrowed

Hydro and nuclear remained relatively flat in

2018 at 7% and 4%, respectively

Years (1993 – 2018)
Coal production Coal consumption
China remains the world’s largest coal consumer,
using more than 50% of all the coal.
India led all countries in coal consumption growth.

Million tonnes oil equivalent

CIS: Commonwealth of
Independent States

India, the world’s second largest consumer,

importer and producer of coal

US and Europe are shutting

down coal power plants

Years (1993 – 2018)

Oil production Oil consumption

Million barrels daily

Years (1993 – 2018)
Natural gas production Natural gas consumption
Gas production and consumption registered record-high volumetric
increases in 2018. i.e. 5.2 % and 5.3%

billion cubic metres

Years (1993 – 2018)

Nuclear consumption
Million tonnes oil equivalent

• Nuclear consumption in China has

more than quadrupled in the last 10
• Largest declines were recorded in
South Korea and Belgium

Years (1993 – 2018)

Million tonnes oil equivalent

• China and Brazil have the largest
• In 2018, Asia Pacific accounted for 41%
of global consumption, 20 years ago it
accounted for only 20%.

Years (1993 – 2018)

Bhakra Dam, Himachal Pradesh (1963) Tehri Dam, Uttarakhand (2006)

1325 MW installed capacity (226 m 1000 MW installed capacity
height) (260 m height)
Installed Capacity and Actual Electricity Generation
• Installed capacity: the maximum output of electricity that a generator can produce
under ideal conditions. Unit: kW, MW

• Electricity generation: the amount of electricity that is produced over a specific period
of time. Unit: kWh, MWh

• Capacity factor of a power plant: ratio of actual output over a period of time, to its
potential output if it operates at full installed capacity indefinitely.


Average capacity factors for typical power plants (UK, 2012)

Reasons for reduced capacity factor:

plant is out of service (maintenance, operational issues, absence of labor, etc.); electricity is not needed / price of
electricity is too low to make production economical; adding more generating units; unavailability of fuel
Example: A nuclear plant with a capacity of 1,000 megawatts (MW) produces
648,000 megawatt-hours (MW·h) in a month, say April; whereas a wind farm
with 10 turbines @ 2 MW nameplate capacity of each turbine, produces
43,416 MW·h of electricity in a year, say 2020. Which one has the higher
capacity factor?



Million tonnes oil equivalent

• China accounted for 45% of

global growth and its
consumption has increased 20-
fold in the last 10 years.

Years (1993 – 2018)
Renewable energy
generation by source

• Wind has accounted for around

50% of renewables generation in
the last few years

• Solar has constantly increased its
share and now represents 24%

Power generation
Solar: 15-25%
Wind: 40-50%
Years (1998 – 2018)

Biofuels production (million tonnes oil eq.)

Share of global electricity
generation by fuel

• Coal is the dominant fuel for power

generation, accounting for 38%, the
same share as 20 years ago.

• Gas is the second most used fuel with a
share of 23.2%, higher than in 1998.
• Oil and nuclear has declined
substantially over the same period
• Share of renewables is 9.3%, up from
only 3% 10 years ago

Years (1986 – 2018)

Renewables share of
electricity generation by
• Europe has the highest
penetration at 18.7%, followed
by South & Central America at

• Except for middle east, CIS, and
some parts of Africa, rest all are
progressively moving towards

Years (1986 – 2018)

• Global primary energy production increased in case of both fossil fuels and renewables
• Global primary energy consumption grew rapidly in last few years, led by natural gas and
• Carbon emissions rose at their highest rate in the last decade
• Bigger economies (China, USA, India) were the critical energy consumers with China and
USA also leading in production of majority of energy
• Countries with high fossil fuel reserves lags in renewable energy
• Coal still accounted for the largest share of power generation at 38% with renewables at


Indian Energy




• Energy intensity and Per capita energy consumption are the most used policy indicators,
both at national and international levels.
• Energy Intensity is defined as the amount of energy consumed for generating one unit of
Gross Domestic Product (at constant prices).

Energy intensity in India


Per capita energy consumption in India

2018-19: 7000 kWh (India)

2018-19: 90000 kWh (USA)
2018-19: 30000 kWh (China)

Trends in the growth of the economy, population and energy indicators

TPES: Total primary energy supply

TFC: Total fuel consumption

India’s energy sector by source and fuel (2017)

TPES: total primary energy supply (882 Mtoe with domestic production of 554 Mtoe)
TFC: total fuel consumption

Electricity generation by source, 1973-2017

2020: Power Sector
Sector GW % of Total Fuel GW % of Total
Central Sector 94 25.3% Total Thermal 231 62.2%
State Sector 103 27.9% Coal 199 53.7%
Private Sector 174 46.9% Lignite 6.3 1.7%
Total installed 371 Gas 249 6.7%
capacity Diesel 0.5 0.1%
Hydro (Renewable) 45.6 12.3%
India has set itself a target of 175 GW Nuclear 6.7 1.8%
RES* (MNRE) 88 23.7%
renewable energy capacity by 2022 including
Total 371
100 GW of solar and 60 GW of wind power

Share of renewable energy in TPES, electricity and TFC (1977-2017)

TPES: total primary energy supply

TFC: total fuel consumption
Traditional use of biomass for heating and cooking in households is by far the largest source of
renewable energy in India
Bioenergy consumption has increased steadily with population growth for decades, albeit at a slower
rate than overall energy supply


Electricity generation by state, 2018

India’s Power Sector Investments in Last Decade


Population without energy access (million people)

Structure of India’s Power Sector



• Gross Domestic Product (GDP): It’s the market value of all the final goods and services produced within a country in a
given time period. GDP includes only final goods and services.

• Real GDP is the value of the final goods/services produced in a given

year, expressed in the prices of some “base year”.

• Nominal GDP is the value of the final goods/services produced in a

given year, expressed in the prices of that same year.

• Gross National Product (GNP) is the market value of all

goods/services produced in a given time period by the
citizens of a country.

• GDP is defined based on where the production takes place,

GNP is based on who produces the goods/services E.g.
profits generated by General Electric in China is not included
in U.S. GDP but is included in U.S. GNP

• GNP = GDP + income earned by ci zens from inves ng overseas − income earned by foreign na onals in domes c economy

Sankey Diagram
• A Sankey diagram is a specific type of flow diagram used for visualization of material, cost or energy flows on
a system or regional level.
• Sankey diagrams emphasize the major transfers or flows within a system. They help identify the important
contributions to a flow, and show conserved quantities within defined system boundaries.
• The width of the arrows is proportional to the flow quantity.
• It has directed arrows (between at least two nodes) featuring flows in a process, production system or supply
• They are suitable for a wide range of applications: energy, material flow & supply chain management or
business & marketing analysis.








Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)

• Nodal Ministry of the Government of India for all matters related to new and renewable energy. The broad
aim of the Ministry is to develop and deploy new and renewable energy aspects to supplement the energy
requirements of the country.
• Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE) in 1981.
• Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (DNES) in 1982.
• Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) in 1992.
• Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) renamed as Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
(MNRE) in 2006.

• The mission of the Ministry is to ensure Energy Security; Increase in the share of clean power; Renewables to
supplement fossil fuel based electricity generation; Energy Availability and Access; Energy Affordability; and
Energy Equity.

Renewable Energy: Under the Electricity Act 2003 and the National Tariff Policy 2006, the central and the state
electricity regulatory commissions must purchase a certain percentage of grid-based power from renewable

Energy Efficiency: Under the Energy Conservation Act 2001, large energy-consuming industries are required to
undertake energy audits and an energy labelling program for appliances has been introduced.


Energy Equity evaluates the accessibility and affordability of energy within a country or region

India released its National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) to mitigate and adapt to climate change on
June 30, 2008 through 8 missions:

• National Solar Mission

• National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE)
• National Mission on Sustainable Habitat
• National Water Mission (NWM) Mission
• National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE)
• National Mission for A Green India (Green India Mission)
• National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)
• National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change (NMSKCC)

A positive message but lack of strategic implementation at ground level and lack of synergy with the existing

Case Studies

1) Indira Nagar, a small hamlet in Tonk district, Rajasthan, consists of 13 houses with a population of 190, mainly
farmers. Most of them have their own lands that they use to cultivate a single rain fed crop of pulses and
groundnut every year; whereas others are laborers.

Intervention: Minda NexGenTech Ltd along with the support of local sarpanch set up a 240 W solar power-based
micro grid, capital investment being made by the company. The solar power plant works on BOM (built, operate,
and maintain) model where each household pays monthly charge of Rs. 150 for usage.

Objectives: Providing basic lighting and charging of mobile phones • Better standard of living by providing
opportunity for generating income • Kerosene free lighting • Improvement in health, safer environment and
education opportunities

Pre Implementation: Kerosene lamps used for lighting emitted harmful fumes with a characteristic smell.

Post Implementation: Basic lighting achieved to all houses in Indira Nagar. This also developed entrepreneurial
spirit among women. Activities such as grinding pulses and stitching to supplement family incomes have now
become part of their activity during evening hours where they make use of energy efficient LED bulbs. e.g.
grinding of pulses at Rs5/kg which has resulted in a monthly additional income of about Rs 547 per household.
Other activities initiated are sewing centre, education centres etc. In all the efforts have been to come up with
sustainable development for the villagers.

Technical specifications of the solar power plant

Component Specifications
PV module 1 × 240 W
LED bulbs 1.5 W × 2 (LED bulbs)
Mobile charging 5.5–6 V (Single point)
Battery 2 nos, 12 V-150 Ah (ampere
hour), tubular lead–acid battery

Other Transmission distribution box,

components household distribution box
interconnecting wires/cables,
separate switches, battery box
and electrical

2) Udmaroo, Ladakh (Micro Hydro & SPV):

Location Details: Due to the snow and cold for almost 3-4 months in Ladakh region most of the remote villages
remain inaccessible. Udmaroo is on the bank of River Shayok in Nubra valley and is located at about 150 km
from Leh. The village has 90 households with a total population of about 540.

Intervention: Micro Hydro installed with a capacity of 32 kW which presently generates 20–25 kW electricity
using glacier stream above the village. LEDeG – in collaboration with several national and international partners.
User cash of approximately Rs 1000 per household contributed towards capital cost whereas user in-kind
contributed unpaid labor for installation. The unit is looked after and managed by the village electricity

Objectives: To make the region self-reliant making use of renewable resources mainly sun and water, both of
which are available in abundance in the region.


Pre-implementation: Due to its remoteness, topography, and location has been an energy-deficient region and
so a centralized electricity distribution model is not feasible for the region. During prolonged winter season, the
extreme weather conditions and scarcity of natural resources makes life difficult.

Post-implementation: The villagers in addition have

taken initiatives to install carpentry and saw machine, a
flour machine, and an oil expeller machine. These have
resulted in added income to the community and
provided livelihood to many families along with
reduction in drudgery.

LEDeG along with SCATEC Solar (India) have installed four
small SPV (solar photovoltaic) power plants during 2011
in four other remote villages of Ladakh.

IAH-302, Sonal K. Thengane, IIT Roorkee

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