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My pants are torn

2.The screen of my tablet is scratched.

3.My sister's car is dented.

In my room there are two cracks in the wall.

5.My college uniform is stained.

6.I unintentionally broke my favorite cup.

7. My play station is

2.The Fire alarm need adjusting

The Fire alarm need to be adjusted

3.The lights need replacing

The lights need to be replaced

4. The plants need watering

The plants needs to be watered

5. The oven needs fixing

The oven needs to be fixed

6.The ceiling needs painting

The ceiling needs to be painted

7. The windows need washing

The windows need to be Washed

8.The lights switch need changing

The lights switch changed

C: I would like to file a complaint

E: what's the matter ?
C: I bought this cell phone 3 days ago and it has a problem.
E: What happened?
C: The problem is that when you call me, the phone doesn't ring.
C: I`d like a refund.
E: Do you have a receipt?

Customer: Good afternoon Mss. My name is Alexandra Medina. I'm afraid there is a

SalesPerson:Good afternoon, Miss. Alexandra Medina, My name is Soniel. What is the


Customer: I bought a blender yesterday in this store, but the blender needs to be

SalesPerson:Why, what is wrong with the blender?

Customer: I was premiering my new blender with my favorite juice, but when I touch
the button It didn't work.
I was wondering if you could change me for another one? So I want to return it.

SalesPerson: I'm sorry to hear that, of course we can exchange it for you. Do you
have the receipt

Customer: Yes, of course. I have it, let me show you.

SalesPersonGood. Thank you. All rigth you bought a Power 23 Blender. We'll exchange
it for a Power TT 23, which is more powerful. Do you want it?

Customer: Ok. If you are sure it will be ok. I accept it. But It will has another
problem I will be here again. And you will give me my money back.

SalesPerson: I guarantee you, Miss, that you won't have any problem, come back with
your receipt and we will refund your money.

Customer:Ok. Thank you.

Have a good day!

SalesPerson: Thank you and have a nice day

Customer:It was a pleasure for me

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