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Cooperative Authority Development Regional Office I (CDA ROI) conducted a webinar

via zoom platform and Facebook live entitled. Koop Balitaan through the assistance of the
Tulong Balita. The Koop-Balitaan seeks to continually disseminate and offer the most recent
information and updates on the Authority's issuances, rules, and developmental activities. The
topic of the program is entitled Webinar on Entrepreneurship and Basics of Supply and Value
Chain for Cooperatives. Together with the first speaker Dr. Edmund Chris Acosido the Office of
the Administrator, Head Office who share his knowledge and expertise on Cooperative
Entrepreneurship, second speaker Ms. Corazon G. Valdez of Department of Agriculture,
Regional Office 1 who share her knowledge and expertise on Market Linkage and Basics of
Supply and Value Chain, and lastly Ms. Helena Roxanne Indigne who share the Bigkis Program
of the Ateneo De Manila University. This topic aims to help the young people and cooperatives
to build entrepreneurial mindset and to be entrepreneur.
This program focuses on becoming an entrepreneur and creating your own business. Dr. Edmund
Chris Acosido taught me that having a desire is not enough to start a business; you must also
have a right entrepreneurial mindset to push you to realize your ambition regardless of the
circumstances or failures that you may encounter along the way. Learning is an ongoing process.
Failure is unavoidable in our lives, but there is no excuse to stop dreaming and pushing ourselves
to reach our goals. If you believe you can't do it, you'll never accomplish it. The biggest killer of
the entrepreneurial mindset is not what you would expect. It is not failure, the economy, or bad
ideas. It is doubt in our surroundings, our abilities, and ourselves. Self-doubt kills many dreams,
long before any external factors can come into play. Starting a business will not end in building
your entrepreneurial mindset but it just a start. Ms. Corazon G. Valdez also taught me the
importance of learning the supply and value chain to have an excellent start up. It helps the
entrepreneurs to have a proper production and distribution that will give them a competitive
advantage in the industry. Ms. Helena Roxanne Indigne taught me that developing ourselves is
important in many aspects of life. Ms. Helena Roxanne Indigne showed me that self-
development is essential in many areas of life. What I mean is that trusting and believing in
ourselves is the key that opens our eyes to the truth that even if the path is difficult, if we are
willing and believing that we can, then it is true that we can do it. Having a growth mindset
means believing that we can learn anything if we are sufficiently motivated. It means putting in
the effort despite the risk of failure. And most importantly, it means knowing that making
mistakes doesn’t mean that we’ve failed it means that we have the opportunity to grow. If you
never fail, you’ll never learn to succeed.

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