Iron Cross Stalingrad v3

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PUBLISHED 10/10/19

These rules are very much work in progress and we look forward to receiving your feedback on
them. We will be producing a number of publications that focus on specific theatres of World
War II and encompassing new unit rules and scenario conditions.

Assault Troops: Equipped with submachine guns, assault troops benefit from an additional +1 to hit at
ranges up to 6” (15cm). They suffer a -1 to hit at ranges over 12” (30cm).

Body Armour: Troops with body armour always count as in cover against enemy small arms fire from
Infantry Detachments, Snipers and MG’s.

Desant: Infantry Detachments and Support Squads, apart from Anti-tank Guns, may use medium and
heavy vehicles as transport (one unit per vehicle).

Elite: Elite units generate extra command tokens at the start of each turn. Roll a d6 for each command
token generated by elite units (including those for the command unit): each 6 rolled generates an
additional command token.

When taking a CMT, if a ‘5’ is rolled, two morale markers may be removed from an elite unit.

Improvised AT Weapons: These are the same an INFANTRY ANTI-TANK WEAPON (IAW) - see pg
19 of the rule book - but with a range of 4”/10cm.

Light Infantry: A light infantry unit may react on a 2+ instead of a 3+. Morale markers (but not
command tokens) are ignored for this test.

Not One More Inch!: The unit suffers a -1 penalty on all reactions that involve a Fall Back move or any
move that takes the unit further away from enemy troops.

Unmotivated: The unit receives a -1 penalty to the die roll for reactivations. This rule is optional for
troops in specific scenarios.

Weak Firepower: Italian infantry detachments suffered from poor firepower compared to their
contemporary European forces. They only roll one die when firing at infantry or support squads up to 12
One unit may be designated as a command unit at no cost. Command units bestow an additional
two command tokens per turn.

Up to half of Infantry Detachments, MG Teams, Mortar Teams and Anti-tank Guns may
purchase transports for the points listed below. Up to half of the infantry detachment may add
improvised AT weapons (weapon value of 6) for +3 pts per unit.

The number of infantry detachments in the force must exceed the number of support squads.
The number of vehicles taken must not exceed the number of Infantry Detachments.
Medium Vehicle Semovente 47/32 11/9 6 5 28 4
Light Vehicle L3/CV35 Light Tank 9/8 0 4 10 2
Medium Vehicle CV35 Flame Tank 9/8 8 3 Heavy, Rare* 20 3
Light Vehicle Fiat L6/40 11/9 4 4 Autocannon 19 3
Light Vehicle Truck 7 n/a n/a Transport 3 0
Infantry Detachment Infantry Detachment n/a 3 5 Weak Firepower 21 4
Infantry Detachment Bersaglieri Detachment n/a 3 5 Elite, Max of two 32 4
Infantry Detachment Alpini Detachment n/a 3 5 Light Infantry, Max. of one 28 4
Support Squad M1936 F22 Anti-tank Gun n/a 9 3 Heavy, Rare 30 4
Support Squad PaK38 or 97/38 Anti-tank Gun n/a 8 3 Rare 25 4
Support Squad 47mm Anti-tank Gun n/a 5 3 18 3
Support Squad MG Team n/a 0 3 20 3
Support Squad Flamethrower Team n/a n/a 3 Flamethrower, Heavy, Rare 30 4
Support Squad MortarTeam n/a 0 3 25 4
Support Squad AT Rifle/Breda AA Gun Team n/a 4 3 17 3
Support Squad Sniper Team n/a n/a 3 18 3

Armour is given as the value for the front followed by the value for the side/rear/top; armour
values are reduced by 1 if the firer is within 6.

*may only be taken if at least three L3/CV35 Light Tanks are also selected.

Up to 1 in 3 CV35 Light Tanks may upgrade its weaponry to a 20mm AT rifle (Weapon Value 4) at
a cost of 6 points.

Improvised AT Weapons: These are the same an INFANTRY ANTI-TANK WEAPON (IAW) - see pg 19
of the rule book - but with a range of 4”/10cm.

Weak Firepower: Italian infantry detachments suffered from poor firepower compared to their
contemporary European forces. They only roll one die when firing at infantry or support squads up to 12

This is a pretty poor orbat by by all accounts. It has no armour that will survive against even the
weakest Soviet anti-tank capability. Similarly, it has very little to damage any Soviet armour and any
access the Italians have to anti-tank capability is highly limited. Definitely an infantry force!
One unit may be designated as a command unit at no cost. Command units bestow an additional
two command tokens per turn.

Up to half of the Infantry Detachments, MG Teams, Mortar Teams plus Anti-tank Guns may
purchase transports for the points listed below. Up to half of the infantry detachment may add
improvised AT weapons (weapon value of 6) for +3 pts per unit.

The number of infantry detachments in the force must exceed the number of support squads.
Medium Vehicle Panzer IV F1 12/10 5 5 Rare 28 4
Medium Vehicle Panzer III E-G 11/10 6 5 Rare 29 4
Light Vehicle R-1 Light Tank 9 0 4 15 2
Light Vehicle R-2 or R-35 Light Tank 10/10 5 4 20 3
Light Vehicle Truck/Kubelwagen 7 n/a n/a Transport 3 0
Infantry Detachment Infantry Detachment n/a 3 5 24 4
Support Squad M1936 F22 Anti-tank Gun n/a 9 3 Heavy, Rare 30 4
Support Squad PaK38 or 97/38 Anti-tank Gun n/a 8 3 Rare 25 4
Support Squad Bohler Anti-tank Gun n/a 5 3 18 3
Support Squad MG Team n/a 0 3 20 3
Support Squad Flamethrower Team n/a n/a 3 Flamethrower, Heavy, Rare 30 4
Support Squad MortarTeam n/a 0 3 25 4
Support Squad Sniper Team n/a n/a 3 18 3

Armour is given as the value for the front followed by the value for the side/rear/top; armour
values are reduced by 1 if the firer is within 6.
Improvised AT Weapons: These are the same an INFANTRY ANTI-TANK WEAPON (IAW) - see pg 19
of the rule book - but with a range of 4”/10cm.

Again, deficincies in armour and anti-tank capability means this is primarily an infantry force.
Most tanks available to the Romanian player are totally outclassed by Soviet armour by this time
One unit may be designated as a command unit at no cost. Command units bestow an
additional two command tokens per turn.

Up to half of the Infantry Detachments, MG Teams, Mortar Teams plus Anti-tank Guns may
purchase transports for the points listed below. Up to half of the infantry detachment may add
improvised AT weapons (weapon value of 6) for +3 pts per unit.

The number of infantry detachments in the force must exceed the number of support squads.
The number of vehicles taken must not exceed the number of Infantry Detachments.
Medium Vehicle Panzer IV F1 12/10 5 5 28 4
Medium Vehicle Panzer IV F2 12/10 9 5 Rare 48 6
Medium Vehicle Panzer III E-G 11/10 6 5 29 6
Light Vehicle Toldi I 10/9 4 4 18 3
Light Vehicle Toldi II 11/9 4 4 20 3
Light Vehicle Panzer 38T G 12/9 5 4 25 4
Light Vehicle Csaba Arm’d Car 9 4 4 Rare, Scout Car 15 2
Light Vehicle Truck/Kubelwagen 7 n/a n/a Transport 3 0
Infantry Detachment Infantry Detachment n/a 3 5 24 4
Support Squad PaK38 or 97/38 AT Gun n/a 8 3 Rare 25 4
Support Squad PaK36 AT Gun n/a 5 3 18 3
Support Squad MG Team n/a 0 3 20 3
Support Squad Flamethrower Team n/a n/a 3 Flamethrower, Heavy, Rare 30 4
Support Squad MortarTeam n/a 0 3 25 4
Support Squad AT Rifle Team n/a 4 3 17 3
Support Squad Sniper Team n/a n/a 3 18 3

Armour is given as the value for the front followed by the value for the side/rear/top; armour
values are reduced by 1 if the firer is within 6.

Improvised AT Weapons: These are the same an INFANTRY ANTI-TANK WEAPON (IAW) - see pg
19 of the rule book - but with a range of 4”/10cm.

The Hungarian 1st Division was woefully understrength with little more than 30 Toldi, 16 Panzer IV’s, 9
Panzer III’s and 45 Armoured Cars.
One unit may be designated as a command unit at no cost. Command units bestow an additional
two command tokens per turn.

Infantry units, MG Teams, Mortar Teams and Anti-tank Guns may purchase transports for the
points listed below. Any of the infantry detachments in the force may add IAW’s: PTRD, PTRS
(weapon value of 4) for +3 pts per unit. The number of infantry detachments in the force must
exceed the number of support squads. The number of infantry plus support squads must exceed the
number of heavy plus medium vehicles in the force.


Heavy Vehicle KV-1 16/14 8 6 Heavy 74 10
Heavy Vehicle KV-2 15/14 8 6 Heavy, Howitzer, Rare 71 9
Medium Vehicle T-34/76 13/11 7 4 32 4
Medium Vehicle OT-34 13/11 n/a 4 Flamethrower, Heavy, Rare 48 6
Medium Vehicle KV-1S 15/14 8 5 57 8
Light Vehicle T-70 Light Tank 13/9 6 4 27 4
Light Vehicle T-60 Light Tank 12/9 4 4 21 3
Light Vehicle BA-10 Armoured Car 9/8 6 4 Scout Car, Rare 19 3
Light Vehicle BA-20 Armoured Car 9/8 1 4 Scout Car, Rare 16 2
Light Vehicle BA-64 Armoured Car 8/8 1 4 Scout Car, Rare 15 2
Light Vehicle M5 Halftrack 10/9 n/a n/a Transport 6 0
Light Vehicle Truck/Jeep 7 n/a n/a Transport 3 0
Conscript Infantry Conscripts, Not One More
Infantry Detachment n/a 3 5 22 3
Detachment Inch!
Infantry Detachment Infantry Detachment n/a 3 5 Not One More Inch! 25 4
Assault troops, Body Armour,
Infantry Detachment Assault Engineers n/a 5 5 33 5
Elite, Not One More Inch!
Support Squad Flamethrower Team n/a n/a 3 Flamethrower, Heavy, Rare 30 4
Support Squad 85mm Anti-tank Gun n/a 9 4 40 5
Support Squad 76mm ZiS-3 ATG n/a 8 3 25 4
Support Squad 57mm ZiS-2 ATG n/a 9 3 30 4
Support Squad 45mm Anti-tank Gun n/a 8 3 25 4
Support Squad Quad Maxim n/a 1 3 Infantry Gun 25 4
Support Squad AT Rifle Team n/a 4 3 17 3
Support Squad Sniper Team n/a n/a 3 18 3
Support Squad MG Team n/a 0 3 20 3
Support Squad MortarTeam n/a 0 3 25 4
Armour is given as the value for the front followed by the value for the side/rear/top; armour values are
reduced by 1 if the firer is within 6.

Note that the 85mm anti-tank gun has no gun shield.

Assault Troops: Equipped with submachine guns, assault troops benefit from an additional +1 to hit at
ranges up to 6” (15cm). They suffer a -1 to hit at ranges over 12” (30cm).

Body Armour: Troops with body armour always count as in cover against enemy small arms fire from
Infantry Detachments, Snipers and MG’s.

Desant: Infantry Detachments and Support Squads, apart from Anti-tank Guns, may use medium and
heavy vehicles as transport (one unit per vehicle).

Not One More Inch!: The unit suffers a -1 penalty on all reactions that involve a Fall Back move or any
move that takes the unit further away from enemy troops.
One unit may be designated as a command unit at no cost. Command units bestow an additional
two command tokens per turn.

Infantry units, MG Teams, Mortar Teams and Anti-tank Guns may purchase transports for the
points listed below. Any of the infantry detachments in the force may add IAW’s: PTRD, PTRS
(weapon value of 6) for +3 pts per unit. The number of infantry detachments in the force must
exceed the number of support squads. The number of infantry plus support squads must exceed the
number of heavy plus medium vehicles in the force.


Medium Vehicle Panzer IV F1 12/10 5 5 28 4
Medium Vehicle Panzer IV F2/G 12/10 9 5 48 6
Medium Vehicle Panzer IV D 10/9 5 5 23 3
Medium Vehicle Panzer IV B/C 11/9 5 5 25 3
Medium Vehicle StuG III A-E 13/10 5 5 28 4
Medium Vehicle Panzer III E-G 11/10 6 5 29 4
Medium Vehicle Panzer III H/J 12/10 7 5 36 5
Medium Vehicle Flammpanzer II 11/9 n/a 4 Flamethrower, Heavy, Rare 34 5
Light Vehicle SdKfz 222 Armoured Car 8/8 4 4 Scout Car, Rare 15 2
Light Vehicle SdKfz 231 (8-rad) 9/8 4 4 Scout Car, Rare 17 3
Light Vehicle 251/1 Halftrack 10/9 5 n/a Transport 9 0
Light Vehicle Truck/Kubelwagen 7 n/a n/a Transport 3 0
Infantry Detachment Infantry Detachment n/a 3 5 25 4
Infantry Detachment Assault Detachment n/a 3 5 Assault Troops 25 4
Support Squad PaK36 Anti-tank Gun n/a 5 3 25 4
Support Squad PaK38 Anti-tank Gun n/a 8 3 18 3
Support Squad Flamethrower Team n/a n/a 3 Flamethrower, Heavy, Rare 30 4
Support Squad PzB-39 ATR Rifle Team n/a 4 3 17 3
Support Squad Flakvierling 38 n/a 4 3 Infantry Gun 27 4
Support Squad le IG 18 n/a 7 3 Howitzer 27 4
Support Squad MG Team n/a 0 3 20 3
Support Squad MortarTeam n/a 0 3 25 4
Support Squad Sniper Team n/a n/a 3 18 3

Armour is given as the value for the front followed by the value for the side/rear/top; armour
values are reduced by 1 if the firer is within 6.

Assault Troops: Equipped with submachine guns, assault troops benefit from an additional +1 to hit at
ranges up to 6” (15cm). They suffer a -1 to hit at ranges over 12” (30cm).
One unit may be designated as a command unit at no cost. Command units bestow an additional
two command tokens per turn.

Up to half of Infantry Detachments, MG Teams, Mortar Teams and Anti-tank Guns may
purchase transports for the points listed below (they should really be running...). Any infantry
detachment may add improvised AT weapons (weapon value of 6) for +3 pts per unit.

The number of infantry detachments in the force must exceed the number of support squads.
The number of vehicles taken must not exceed the number of Infantry Detachments.
Medium Vehicle Semovente 47/32 11/9 6 5 28 4
Light Vehicle L3/CV35 Light Tank 9/8 0 4 10 2
Medium Vehicle CV35 Flame Tank 9/8 8 3 Heavy, Rare* 20 3
Light Vehicle Fiat L6/40 11/9 4 4 Autocannon 19 3
Light Vehicle Truck 7 n/a n/a Transport 3 0
Infantry Detachment Bersaglieri Detachment n/a 3 5 Elite 32 4
Support Squad M1936 F22 Anti-tank Gun n/a 9 3 Elite, Heavy, Rare 39 5
Support Squad PaK38 or 97/38 Anti-tank Gun n/a 8 3 Elite, Rare 33 5
Support Squad 47mm Anti-tank Gun n/a 5 3 Elite 23 3
Support Squad MG Team n/a 0 3 Elite 26 4
Elite, Flamethrower, Heavy,
Support Squad Flamethrower Team n/a n/a 3 39 5
Support Squad MortarTeam n/a 0 3 Elite 32 4
Support Squad AT Rifle/Breda AA Gun Team n/a 4 3 Elite 22 3
Support Squad Sniper Team n/a n/a 3 Elite 23 3

Armour is given as the value for the front followed by the value for the side/rear/top; armour
values are reduced by 1 if the firer is within 6.

*may only be taken if at least three L3/CV35 Light Tanks are also selected.

Up to 1 in 3 CV35 Light Tanks may upgrade its weaponry to a 20mm AT rifle (Weapon Value 4) at
a cost of 6 points.

Improvised AT Weapons: These are the same an INFANTRY ANTI-TANK WEAPON (IAW) - see pg 19
of the rule book - but with a range of 4”/10cm.
One unit may be designated as a command unit at no cost. Command units bestow an additional
two command tokens per turn.

Up to half of Infantry Detachments, MG Teams, Mortar Teams and Anti-tank Guns may
purchase transports for the points listed below. Any infantry detachment may add improvised
AT weapons (weapon value of 6) for +3 pts per unit.

The number of infantry detachments in the force must exceed the number of support squads.
The number of vehicles taken must not exceed the number of Infantry Detachments.
Medium Vehicle Semovente 47/32 11/9 6 5 28 4
Light Vehicle L3/CV35 Light Tank 9/8 0 4 10 2
Light Vehicle Fiat L6/40 11/9 4 4 Autocannon 19 3
Light Vehicle Truck 7 n/a n/a Transport 3 0
Infantry Detachment Alpini Detachment n/a 3 5 Light Infantry, Max. of one 28 4
Support Squad 75mm Mountain Gun n/a 9 3 Heavy, Howitzer, Rare 30 4
Support Squad PaK38 or 97/38 Anti-tank Gun n/a 8 3 Rare 25 4
Support Squad 47mm Anti-tank Gun n/a 5 3 18 3
Support Squad MG Team n/a 0 3 20 3
Support Squad MortarTeam n/a 0 3 25 4
Support Squad AT Rifle/Breda AA Gun Team n/a 4 3 17 3
Support Squad Sniper Team n/a n/a 3 18 3

Armour is given as the value for the front followed by the value for the side/rear/top; armour
values are reduced by 1 if the firer is within 6.

Up to 1 in 3 CV35 Light Tanks may upgrade its weaponry to a 20mm AT rifle (Weapon Value 4) at
a cost of 6 points.

Improvised AT Weapons: These are the same an INFANTRY ANTI-TANK WEAPON (IAW) - see pg 19
of the rule book - but with a range of 4”/10cm.

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