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$100,000, the daughter would pay no The estate tax also imposes an exces- ality, enactment of this law actually
capital gains tax on the $150,000 in- sive compliance cost on taxpayers, resulted in a revenue gain of $16 bil-
crease in the value of that home. The again lowering income tax collections. lion.
bill we are debating today would effec- Estate planning can be very complex, Finally, Congress reduced the capital
tively change this to require that a requiring the average family which en- gains rate from 28 to 20 percent in 1997.
capital gains tax be paid on the full in- gages in it to spend anywhere from JCT estimated at that time that such a
crease in the asset price from the time $30,000 to $150,000 according to one reduction would result in a revenue
it was originally purchased. As the study. It should be noted that twice the loss of $21.2 billion over 10 years. How-
Wall Street Journal pointed out this number of estates were required in 2004 ever, over the first 4 years following
week, the JCT has calculated that to file all the death tax paperwork this rate reduction alone, revenues
changing how inherited assets are than actually paid the tax. Many of from capital gains tax were $47.8 billion
treated in terms of capital gains tax these filings require hiring lawyers and more than JCT estimates.
law would raise $50 billion to $60 billion accountants at a significant cost to Given all these problems with the
a year. Most important, this $50 to $60 these estates. In fact, Alicia Munnell, a JCT and CBO estimates, what are we to
billion exceeds the amount of revenue professor of finance at Boston College believe about the cost of repealing the
the estate tax raises annually, which and a former member of President death tax? Personally, I believe that
has only accounted for 1 percent to 2 Clinton’s Council of Economic Advis- even though the Federal Government
percent of all Federal receipts over the ers, has estimated that the costs of may lose some revenue from elimi-
years. In other words, the estate tax complying with estate tax laws are nating the estate tax, that amount will
has not traditionally been a major roughly the same as the revenue be negligible, if the Government loses
source of revenue for the Federal Gov- raised. In particular, she has written any money at all. Thus, the argument
ernment and elimination of the that ‘‘in the United States, resources that we cannot afford to eliminate the
stepped-up basis rule should more than spent on avoiding wealth transfer taxes death tax is a hollow one. Two-thirds
cover any loss of revenue from elimi- are of the same general magnitude as of the American people support repeal
nating this tax. the yield.’’ Similarly, she wrote in an- of the death tax according to a recent
A 2005 study from one econometrics survey.
other article, ‘‘the compliance, or,
firm—CONSAD Research Corporation— It is time to follow their wishes.
more appropriately, the avoidance
backs up this analysis. In particular, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen-
costs of the transfer tax system may
they found that the revenue impact of ator has used 3 minutes.
well approach the revenue yields.’’ Put
permanent repeal coupled with a lim- Mr. SESSIONS. I thank the Chair
another way, for every dollar of tax
ited stepped-up basis rule for the cal- and yield the floor.
revenue raised by the estate tax, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen-
culation of estates’ capital gains real-
Munnell estimates that another dollar ator from South Carolina.
izations would actually yield a small
is wasted simply to comply with or Mr. DEMINT. Madam President, we
net gain in revenues through 2014.
Third, JCT and CBO scores ignore avoid the tax. are being subjected, once again, to the
Fourth, another reason it is safe to tired old Democratic song that Repub-
fact that existence of estate tax itself
helps reduce income tax collections. believe that the estimates we are dis- licans are trying to help their rich
For example, the estate tax encourages cussing today are inaccurate is that, friends, even though the other side has
widespread tax avoidance, given its according to an analysis by the Amer- said only 2 or 3 out of every 1,000 Amer-
high top tax rate, which would return ican Family Business Institute, the icans pay this tax. They think we are
to 55 percent if we do not pass this bill. CBO underestimates economic growth doing this to get votes. Even though
To avoid paying the estate tax, parents in its analysis and thus tax revenues. they say only a small number of Amer-
in high-income brackets often shift re- Specifically, in scoring revenue loss icans pay this tax, the majority of
sources to their children in lower tax with repeal, CBO assumes that over the Americans believe it is wrong because
brackets, lowering income tax receipts. next 10 years that real GDP growth they know what Senator SESSIONS was
Similarly, income tax revenue is lost will average 2.95 percent per year. This just saying about a family-owned hotel
when transfers are made to tax-exempt forecast is an underestimation of his- chain, that it is not just those who own
groups, such as charities and family torical averages. Over the past 40 it who will suffer if it is broken up and
trusts. years, average growth in GDP is 3.20 sold, that it is all the people who work
Existence of estate tax also reduces percent; the 30-year average is 3.23 per- for it.
income tax collections by reducing the cent; the 20-year average is 3.11 per- So the question today is really when
amount of capital in the economy. cent; and the past 10-year average is someone dies in America, should their
Joint Economic Committee estimates 3.34 percent. If we assume a 0.1 percent property and possessions go to the Gov-
that the estate tax has resulted in $847 per year increase in GDP growth above ernment, or should it stay working in a
billion less in savings and capital in- CBO baseline, which would keep GDP family business or farm in producing
vestment in the United States over the below any of the averages I just men- jobs in this country?
long run—in other words, investment tioned, the result is a revenue loss One point I would like to make in
in such assets as office buildings, re- from repeal of only $87 billion over the this short period of time is, this estate
tirement accounts, houses, factory next 10 years. In other words, revenue tax does not benefit the average Amer-
equipment and so forth. Similarly, re- loss is more than 300 percent lower if ican. It does not help poor Americans.
cent studies have shown that the es- we assume only a slightly higher In fact, it takes their job.
tate tax encourages consumption rath- growth in GDP, which is still lower Just to deal with the death tax—and
er than savings and wealth accumula- than other recent 10-year GDP aver- we have heard these figures before—
tion, shrinking the size of taxable es- ages. lawyer and accountant fees are from
tates. Finally, past estimates by JCT and $30,000 to $150,000, life insurance poli-
In addition, according to Heritage CBO have been wildly off base. JCT cies, which Senator SESSIONS just men-
Foundation economists, the estate tax forecast that the capital gains tax re- tioned, appraisal costs, tax prepara-
costs our economy between 170,000 and duction enacted in 2003 would ‘‘cost’’ $3 tion—the cost of dealing with this is
250,000 productive jobs each year. These billion from fiscal years 2003 to 2005. actually much more than the revenue.
jobs are never created because the in- What happened? The cut in capital This chart reminds us that the rev-
vestments that would have financed gains tax rate raised revenue. In fact, enue in the death tax is less than $25
them are not made, as these resources tax receipts from capital gains tax are billion a year, but the economic cost to
are diverted to pay the death tax itself now expected to be $87 billion more our country is estimated at $847 billion
or pay for complex trusts and insur- than CBO originally predicted for years in lost capital investment because of
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ance policies to avoid the tax. If these 2003 to 2006. Similarly, JCT estimated the death tax, a loss of over 100,000 jobs
jobs were created, each of these 170,000 total revenue loss for the first year of per year, and over $10 billion in lost in-
to 250,000 individuals would be paying the 2004 American JOBS Creation Act— come.
income tax, lessening revenue loss a bill that provided several corporate The American people are not stupid.
from estate tax repeal. tax cuts would be $4.5 billion. In re- They know that while this tax may hit

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the wealthiest of Americans, that most on 5th Avenue have come up with this tion to them. That is why we don’t
of us as Americans work for those fam- death tax name, but this is an estate have legislation on which we can offer
ily businesses or farms. It makes no tax. If my wife or I die, there would be amendments.
sense to break up these businesses and no tax. I would acquire the property So, instead, we have the estate tax
send the money to the Government she had and vice versa. At such time as on the Senate floor, the latest effort to
where it will not be nearly as effective she and I pass away, and if there is a distort, distract, and confuse Ameri-
in producing economic prosperity. tax—of course, we have paid no tax on cans.
Madam President, I yield the floor. any of this—when we pass away, there The estate tax is an extremely costly
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- would be a tax perhaps. But if there tax for a wealthy few that comes at the
ator from Texas. was a tax, one would have 14 years to expense of every American born and
Mrs. HUTCHISON. Madam President, pay it. yet to be born for decades to come.
how much time is remaining? I want all within the sound of my How costly? Roughly $1 trillion. And
The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is voice to understand that 46 million how few? Twelve thousand estates in
2 minutes remaining. people have no health insurance, and America. We are a country of 280 mil-
Mrs. HUTCHISON. Madam President, there is not a word of debate in the lion people. We are legislating here
we passed a bill in 2001 that actually Senate. Gas prices are over $3 a gallon today for 12,000 people who are rich.
started lowering the death tax for a 10- in Nevada. Minimum wage has not been I think it is fair to say that Warren
year period, and then it will come back raised in years, and we are not doing Buffett, George Soros, the Gateses—
in full force. When it comes back in anything on that in the Senate. billionaires—they have said very clear-
full force, we are going to have up to a The Republican-dominated Congress ly that this tax should remain, that it
55-percent tax on estates that are over just eliminated the tuition tax credit, is their obligation as rich people in
$1 million. a credit for which one could get a tax America who have achieved the Amer-
What does this mean? It means that benefit for sending their kids to col- ican dream to pay these taxes. But
if someone owns a farm where the prop- lege. We are not working on that issue. there are a few who don’t feel that
erty has appreciated but they cannot We have a deficit approaching $9 tril- way. As Senator DURBIN indicated,
possibly produce enough on that farm lion, and we are doing nothing about $800-some-odd billion by people who are
to pay one lump sum on its value—55 that. pushing this legislation by running
percent of it—we would be breaking up Stem cell research, to give hope to full-page ads in newspapers around the
family farms and ranches all over this hundreds of thousands, if not millions, country.
country. That is what the death tax of Americans with diseases such as Let me talk about some myths con-
has been doing for years. Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, Lou cerning the estate tax. First, some pro-
In fact, America has the highest Gehrig disease—we are not doing any- ponents of the estate tax repeal spon-
death tax in the world. We say we are thing about that. sored by about 18 families would have
a country of small businesses, of fam- Prescription drugs for everyday us believe that it is a fiscal-free lunch.
ily-owned businesses, entrepreneurs Americans and for seniors—nothing. One group, the American Family Busi-
who have started with nothing and Not one of these issues is before the ness Institute, even claims that repeal-
built something, and yet we do the Senate, but we are going to talk about ing the estate tax would increase the
very thing that hurts those small busi- something today that affects two- coffers of this country. Oh, that is so
nesses. In fact, they cannot pass to the tenths of 1 percent of the people in wrong.
next generation. Thirty percent of fam- America—two-tenths of 1 percent. The Joint Committee on Taxation
ily businesses today pass to the second The estate tax is not high on the has estimated revenue loss over the
generation; 13 percent make it to the agenda of people in Nevada. I think we next 10 years to be about $400 billion.
third generation. That is because the are wasting precious days on divisive Even President Bush’s own Treasury
property owned in a business is worth issues when there are so many other Department says that repealing the es-
much more in value than it produces. matters that deserve and demand our tate tax will reduce Federal revenues.
The death tax walks away from the attention. Why aren’t we doing some- The Treasury Department puts the loss
American dream. The American dream thing in the Senate to address issues at about $340 billion. That is only half
is if you come to this country, if you that affect 99.8 percent of the American the story.
work hard, you can give your children people? According to the Tax Policy Center,
a better chance than you had. The I haven’t talked about the intrac- a joint project of the Brookings Insti-
American dream is that you can start table war in Iraq. It rages on. Our sol- tute and the Urban Institute—these are
with nothing and you can build some- diers continue to fight valiantly, and nonpartisan organizations—the rev-
thing if you work hard and you have a heroic performance and sacrifice has enue loss associated with repealing the
good idea. But the death tax walks not been matched, I don’t believe, by estate tax over the first full 10 years it
away from that because it breaks up the fact that we have $50 million we is in effect would be $750 billion. But
that family business, it breaks up the need to spend to get the military up to we have to borrow that money. So that
ability to accumulate wealth, it inter- the position it was in when the war would mean that this would be fi-
feres with freedom and the free enter- started. There has been deterioration nanced by China, Japan, Saudi Arabia,
prise in this country today. of our equipment. Great Britain, and other countries.
I hope we will not throw people out With respect to health care, there are Over half the money now that we have
of jobs, as Senator DEMINT just men- 46 million Americans who have no borrowed doesn’t come from Ameri-
tioned; that we will not prevent people health insurance. I think it is a na- cans; it comes from foreign countries.
from giving their kids a better chance tional crisis. So that is about $1 trillion. Over 10
than they had. Please vote for cloture The national debt—I mentioned that years, we can expect the national debt
today so that we can do the right thing briefly—stands at $8.4 trillion right to increase by $1 trillion for 12,000 es-
for our country and promote small now and is scheduled to grow to $12 tates, two-tenths of 1 percent at the
farms, family-owned businesses, and trillion by 2011, double what stood most.
entrepreneurship once again. when President Bush took office. The The second myth is that we need to
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Time has national debt represents a birth tax for repeal the estate tax to protect and
expired. our children, our children’s children, preserve small businesses and family
Mr. REID. Madam President, it is my and their children. The Senate is doing farms. That is a myth. Very few small
understanding that I will speak, then nothing to relieve the burden of the businesses and family farms pay any
Senator FRIST will speak, and then we birth tax. Why? estate tax, and an even smaller frac-
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will have a vote; is that correct? Well, we know the answer. The ma- tion suffers any liquidity problems as a
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- jority, the Senate Republicans, don’t result of the tax. In fact, the American
ator is correct. intend to fix these problems because so Farm Bureau in California, the largest
Mr. REID. Madam President, first, I many of them are problems they cre- farm producer in America—they grow
understand the people downtown and ated, and they don’t want to call atten- the most, by far, of any State in the

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Union—the Farm Bureau was asked, compromise that is not a compromise want that buzzard picking apart that
Show us a single farm in California when the costs are this large, are this dream that they had built together.
that was forced to sell as a result of close to full repeal. Fred Heinecke’s parents, unfortu-
the tax. They could produce not a sin- I don’t know where the term ‘‘a pig nately, didn’t know about that kind of
gle farm, not one. in a poke’’ came from, but if there were tax planning. As Mr. Heinecke of
It is a similar situation with small ever a description of what I think it Vanore, TN wrote to the Knoxville
business. In fact, the Small Business means, that is, you have a container News just this Saturday:
Council of America has said that the and you put something in it and you Current law allows a $4 million deduction
repeal of the estate tax will actually wind up with nothing, this is it. This is for a couple. That may be true if they die at
harm most small business owners be- an absolute farce. the same time, such as in a plane crash, but
cause of how it would change the tax I hope this Senate will not focus its not if they die separately as most couples do.
I learned the hard way because my parents
benefits they currently receive. attention on two-tenths of 1 percent of
died a couple years apart without a trust.
A third myth. We have a com- the American people and leave 285 mil- When my mom died in 2003, I wrote a painful
promise. If there were ever a myth lion people still wondering when are we check for over $300,000 to the Federal govern-
about a compromise, listen to this going to get some health insurance re- ment. This required the sale of property that
beauty. For the first, I think it is $5 form, when are we going to do some- had been in the family for over 50 years.
million or $10 million I read in the thing for health care, stem cell re- Fred, like so many people, not only
paper, no tax. None. Then, after you search, when are we going to do some- had to write that unexpected and huge
have over $5 million or $10 million, or thing about education costs. I can’t check to the Federal Government in
whatever the bottom figure is, then the imagine that our Senate would do this order to pay, he had to negotiate the
tax goes up to the outrageous sum of 15 with the red ink as far as you can see, sale of his parents’ property at one of
percent. Over $30 million, then it goes and we are going to focus on two- the worst moments in anybody’s life,
up to 30 percent. Someone who is worth tenths of 1 percent and leave everyone, and that is the time of their death, the
$30 million net—that is a lot of including the folks wanting a min- passing of his mom. As Fred’s story,
money—and it would even be more imum wage increase, out in the cold as which is so typical and like so many
than that because you would subtract they have been for years. This is un- other stories, illustrates, this death
stuff to get to the net estate—they fair. I would hope that we would not tax is unfair. I think that is the strong-
would be paying less taxes than some- vote for cloture on the motion to pro- est argument of why we bring the re-
body who works in Henderson, NV at ceed. This is wrong. peal of the death tax back to the floor
one of the industrial plants. They pay Madam President, the majority lead- today. It is time to bury it. It is time
more taxes, somebody working for er is on his way. I suggest the absence for it to go.
wages, than somebody with that kind of a quorum. In a few moments we will have a vote
of money. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The on cloture on the motion to proceed to
So the third myth perpetuated here clerk will call the roll. H.R. 8, and we need to be very clear
by the majority is that the only way to The assistant legislative clerk pro- about what this vote means. A vote in
reach a deal on the estate tax is by vot- ceeded to call the roll. favor is a vote to move forward with
ing on a motion to proceed and fore- Mr. FRIST. Madam President, I ask this important debate. A vote against
going your right to vote on all amend- unanimous consent that the order for is a vote to kill any chance of repealing
ments, save one, drafted by supporters the quorum call be rescinded. or even reforming this onerous tax and
of full repeal, and it is a full repeal The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without is a vote in favor of returning the
anyway. It amounts to about 85 or 90 objection, it is so ordered. death tax to the pre-2001 confiscatory
percent of the lost revenue. Mr. FRIST. Madam President, Mi- rate of 55 percent, an exemption of only
This country is bleeding in red ink. I chael Caudle’s father founded the $1 million per person.
support fiscally responsible reform of Greenfield Lumber Company in Green- Back in 2001, we passed a gradual
the estate tax, but anyone who knows field, TN in 1955. Michael’s dad and his phaseout of the death tax—real
the Senate and knows the compromise granddad spent years building that progress. Under that 2001 Economic
proposal will quickly see that the ma- business into the trusted, reliable fam- Growth Tax Relief and Reconciliation
jority’s proposal doesn’t even pass the ily business that exists today. But Act, the death tax is scheduled to dis-
laugh test. The best way to bring Mem- when Michael’s dad passed away 6 appear in 2010.
bers together on a difficult issue is to years ago in 2000, the business was put But under the terms of this com-
let the Senate work its will. That is on the brink. The family at that time, promise legislation, after 2010 it comes
what is supposed to be done, with Mem- all of a sudden, was forced to pay near- roaring back with that tax level of 55
bers of both parties able to offer any ly $400,000 in death taxes and almost percent in 2011. That is why we need to
amendment they choose and get a vote. had to sell the business they had act. We need a permanent fix, and that
Yet under the majority’s offer, only worked so hard to put together to pay is what this vote is all about.
the most ardent supporter of repeal of the tax. Last spring, the House passed a bill
the estate tax will be permitted to Michael says he hopes to pass that to make full repeal of the death tax
draft and offer an amendment. All lumber company on to his children and permanent. They did so with strong bi-
other Members would be denied that his grandchildren. It is his life. It is partisan support. Over a year has
opportunity. That fact alone should what he has worked for: to give them passed and thus now it is time for us to
tell people our majority friends are not that sense of family pride and commu- act.
serious about letting the Senate work nity, that pride and community that Americans have broadly said they
its will to develop a true bipartisan his dad had passed on to him. support repealing the death tax. In a
compromise. But like so many American families, recent poll commissioned by the Tax
But it is even worse than that. No his dream is threatened by what has Foundation, nearly 70 percent polled in
one I know has seen the actual lan- come to be known in my State as the favor of repeal.
guage of the so-called compromise— ‘‘buzzard tax,’’ and by people who don’t With stories like Mr. Henicke’s, it is
only what was in the newspapers—and see the value in preserving a hard-won not hard to understand why. We al-
there certainly has not been any actual family tradition, that name is appro- ready pay enough taxes over our life-
score of how much it would cost. But priate. times, whether it is a water tax, a gas
on descriptions of the amendment we One Tennessee couple told my office tax, a payroll tax, a utility tax, a cable
have seen in the press, credible outside they decided not to trust their fate to tax, a property tax, a sales tax, an in-
analysts have indicated this new pro- the tax man. They sold their east Ten- come tax—we are taxed every minute
ycherry on PROD1PC64 with SENATE

posal would cost about $825 billion or nessee car dealership so that if one of of our lives. We are taxed from that
$850 billion. As I have said, it is 85 or 90 them were to die suddenly, the other first cup of coffee in the morning to the
percent of the cost of full repeal. Only one simply wouldn’t have to pay those time we flip off the lights at bedtime.
those trying to sell the people a bill of exorbitant taxes; that burden wouldn’t In fact, we are taxed so much that one
goods could possibly call something a fall on their shoulders. They didn’t nonpartisan organization calculates

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that the first 5 months of the average On February 10 of this year I said the Frist Lott Shelby
Graham Lugar Smith
American’s salary is confiscated by the Senate would debate and decide the Grassley Martinez Snowe
Government. fate of the death tax. That time is upon Gregg McCain Specter
If you are an enterprising entre- us. I urge my colleagues to cast their Hagel McConnell Stevens
preneur who has worked hard to grow a vote in favor of cloture, of proceeding Hatch Murkowski Sununu
Hutchison Nelson (FL) Talent
family business or to keep and main- to allow debate on elimination of the Inhofe Nelson (NE) Thomas
tain that family farm, your spouse and death tax. If we do not, the death tax Isakson Roberts Thune
children can expect to hear the knock prevails. America’s family businesses Kyl Santorum Vitter
of the tax man right after the Grim lose and so do the workers they hire Lincoln Sessions Warner
Reaper. and the communities they support. A NAYS—41
Some on the other side of the aisle vote for cloture is a vote to protect Akaka Durbin Lieberman
argue that the death tax is a critical these family traditions. It is a vote for Bayh Feingold Menendez
stream of Federal revenue and that in what is right, for simple fairness. Biden Feinstein Mikulski
any event it only hits the superrich. Bingaman Harkin Murray
We will turn to the vote in just a few Boxer Inouye
Neither is true. Mounting evidence Obama
moments. Again, this is a vote on the Byrd Jeffords Pryor
shows that once widespread estate tax Cantwell Johnson
motion to proceed to allow debate. It Reed
avoidance is accounted for, the death Carper Kennedy Reid
tax nets zero to negative tax revenue. will require 60 votes on this very im- Chafee Kerry
Worse yet, the death tax may be re- portant issue. If we get 60 votes—and I Clinton Kohl
hope we do get those 60 votes—I expect Conrad Landrieu
sponsible for the loss of from as many Dayton Lautenberg
as 170,000 to 250,000 potential jobs each we will see a cloture motion on the un- Dodd Leahy Voinovich
year. derlying bill. If that underlying bill is Dorgan Levin Wyden

Meanwhile, it is not the superrich not successful, I would think that we

who are hardest hit by the death tax; would need to gather together to have
Rockefeller Schumer
family businesses bear the brunt. The compromise legislation, and I would
Seattle Times Company reports that 89 expect a vote on that as well. The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this
percent of all taxable estates filed in I yield the floor. vote, the yeas are 57, the nays are 41.
1995, before the 2001 reform, were $2.5 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho-
million or less in size. What does this the previous order, pursuant to rule sen and sworn not having voted in the
mean? XXII, the Chair lays before the Senate affirmative, the motion is rejected.
A family-owned business stands to lose the pending cloture motion, which the Mr. DORGAN. I move to reconsider
nearly half of all its assets when it passes clerk will report. the vote.
from one generation to the next. That is over The assistant legislative clerk read Mr. LAUTENBERG. I move to lay
half of everything, including land, buildings,
equipment, money and more—all because of
as follows: that motion on the table.
the current estate tax law which is really a CLOTURE MOTION The motion to lay on the table was
tax on death. They sell out, letting long- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- agreed to.
term employees go. Not because they want ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Mr. KOHL. Mr. President, I rise to
to. But because they have to. And the echo Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby explain to the people of Wisconsin my
reverberates through an entire community. move to bring to a close debate on the mo- vote this morning on the estate tax.
Just yesterday I heard from farmers tion to proceed to Calendar No. 84, H.R. 8: to The arguments surrounding estate
and western landowners and listened to make the repeal of the estate tax permanent.
tax repeal are muddled, and I believe
the damage, the harm they suffered as Bill Frist, Jon Kyl, Jim Bunning, Conrad
Burns, Richard Burr, Tom Coburn, there are important clarifications to
a result of this death tax. Some of my make. First, small businesses and
Wayne Allard, Craig Thomas, George
colleagues have said that the death tax Allen, Judd Gregg, Johnny Isakson, farms rarely—if ever—are forced to sell
doesn’t hurt farmers, but the farmers David Vitter, John Thune, Mike Crapo, off assets or close up shop to pay the
simply take a different view. Many of Jeff Sessions, John Ensign, Rick tax. Under the current exemption,
them are cash poor. They own land Santorum. roughly 99 percent of estates owe noth-
handed down from their parents. They The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- ing in estate taxes. When the exemp-
know there is no easy way their chil- imous consent the mandatory quorum tion expands to $2.5 million, 99.9 per-
dren can continue to work the land if call has been waived. cent of all estates won’t owe a dime.
they are subjected to this death tax, so According to a report by the Tax Pol-
The question is, Is it the sense of the
rather than wait for the death tax to icy Center, in 2011, with a $3.5 million
Senate that debate on the motion to
pick apart their family farm, they exemption, only two of every 100,000
proceed to H.R. 8, an act to make re-
make plans to sell the land in advance. people who die that year would be sub-
peal of the estate tax permanent, shall
That is the part of the story that never ject to the estate tax.
be brought to a close? The yeas and
gets told. The death tax not only con-
nays are mandatory under the rule. The second explanation is of what
fiscates the honest earnings of the re-
The clerk will call the roll. the Senate voted on today. Today’s
cently deceased, it often forces families
The assistant legislative clerk called vote was on a motion to proceed to a
to divest themselves of that family en-
the roll. bill to repeal the estate tax. Not to
In the past, when Congress enacted a Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the proceed to a compromise or any other
death tax, it was at an extraordinary Senator from West Virginia (Mr. deal—but to full repeal.
time of war, and the purpose was to ROCKEFELLER) and the Senator from I oppose full repeal of the estate tax.
raise temporary funds. But after the New York (Mr. SCHUMER) are nec- Our Nation can no longer afford this
war was over the death tax would go essarily absent. tax break for the very well off. I sup-
away, it was repealed. But that The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. EN- ported the 2001 tax bill because we were
changed in the last century. The death SIGN). Are there any other Senators in in a time of surplus. That is not the
tax was imposed and has never been the Chamber desiring to vote? case today. Now we face huge deficits,
lifted. Instead, it became entrenched The result was announced—yeas 57, deficits amplified by the war on terror
and it took 90 years to roll back. nays 41, as follows: and reconstructing the gulf coast. Ac-
It is time to stop punishing Amer- [Rollcall Vote No. 164 Leg.] cording to the non-partisan Center on
ica’s entrepreneurs and job creators for Budget and Policy Priorities, perma-
saving, for investing, and succeeding. nently repealing the estate tax would
Alexander Burns Craig
The death tax tells people it is better Allard Burr Crapo
add about $1 trillion to our national
ycherry on PROD1PC64 with SENATE

to consume today than to invest for Allen Chambliss DeMint debt from 2011 to 2021. We cannot af-
the future; to consume today rather Baucus Coburn DeWine ford, at this time, these kinds of costs.
Bennett Cochran Dole Nevertheless, I do support estate tax
than save for the future; to spend now Bond Coleman Domenici
and leave nothing for later. That Brownback Collins Ensign reform, and I will work with my col-
doesn’t make sense. It is unfair. Bunning Cornyn Enzi leagues towards that end. Responsible

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estate tax reform is possible and nec- 6 million people were inoculated the threat of a pandemic flu. We be-
essary. We must work to find an ex- against smallpox, the largest mass vac- lieve we have a lot of work to do.
emption level coupled with a tax rate cination in United States history. Even Mr. ROBERTS. As Senator CLINTON
that will provide significant relief, President Truman, who was scheduled has highlighted, the need to be pre-
while not adding nearly a trillion dol- to visit New York during this time, re- pared for both seasonal flu and a poten-
lars to the next generation’s tab. ceived a vaccination. tial avian flu pandemic is absolutely
f Through the cooperative efforts of critical. Some believe the potential
local government employees, public avian flu outbreak could be as lethal as
PANDEMIC FLU health workers and an army of volun- the 1918 Spanish flu. One cannot watch
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under teers, an outbreak was averted. Vac- or read the news without a report on
the previous order, there will be 25 cinations took place at hospitals, the concern of flu reaching our shores.
minutes for debate, equally divided be- schools, and police stations. Frequent In reality, human cases of avian flu
tween the Senator from Kansas, Mr. press bulletins helped to ensure that have been discovered in 10 countries.
ROBERTS, and the Senator from New people knew what was happening and Three years ago there were only three
York, Mrs. CLINTON. where they could go to have them- confirmed cases of avian flu in humans.
The Senator from Kansas. selves and their families vaccinated. Today these numbers have grown to
Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, I rise Our national public health system was over 224 human cases, 127 deaths.
today with my colleague, Senator able to respond both quickly and effi- In February, I took part in an avian
CLINTON, to talk about an issue that ciently to contain this disease. flu exercise at the National Defense
demands our attention and action: the As the New York City Health Com- University. That exercise was called
potential for a pandemic flu outbreak missioner reported in the American Global Tempest—aptly named. The ex-
and, more importantly, what we can do Journal of Public Health later that ercise simulated a worst-case scenario
about it. year, never before had so many people flu pandemic, and participants from
Behind me I have a picture of a in one city been vaccinated in such a several Federal agencies, and Members
crowded emergency hospital at Fort short time and on such short notice. of Congress, took part in the event. We
Riley, KS, during the 1918 Spanish flu Thanks are due to the press and radio all served as advisers to the President.
pandemic. That flu eventually took the for giving so generously of their space The exercise showed firsthand how
lives of more than 600,000 Americans and time to bring necessary informa- quickly our public health system and
and 50 million people worldwide. How- tion to the public. Had it not been for real critical infrastructure services can
ever, my colleagues may not be aware them and the intelligent cooperation of be simply overwhelmed, how commu-
that the first human cases of the Span- the public, the generosity of private nication can easily break down and
ish flu in the United States were dis- physicians and volunteer workers, no- how panic can take hold amongst the
covered in my home State of Kansas at tably from the American Red Cross, public. We were forced with the dif-
Camp Funston in Fort Riley, KS. the American Women’s Voluntary ficult decision of having to determine
On the morning of March 11th, 1918, a Services and former Air Raid Warden where limited medical supplies and
company cook reported to the camp in- groups from World War II, it would personnel should be targeted, how the
firmary complaining about a bad cold. have been impossible to have achieved Federal Government can sustain the
By noon, over 100 sick soldiers suf- this remarkable record. private sector and try to mitigate the
fering the same bad cold also reported Senator ROBERTS and I are here real economic effects of the pandemic,
to the infirmary. These complaints of today because we believe, half a cen- and if and when the Department of De-
bad colds turned out to be the first tury later, we face a similar public fense should be called in to assist with
cases of Spanish flu in America. health issue. The looming threat of the civilian efforts.
Within weeks, that influenza had pandemic influenza has caused our Fed- This Global Tempest exercise and ex-
spread to places as far away as Camps eral Government to begin mobilizing perience, along with understanding the
Hancock, Lewis, Sherman, and even to for when—not if—avian flu hits our strength and the force of the Spanish
several hundred prisoners at San Quen- shores. We are investing in research for flu in recent natural disasters such as
tin. By the summer, the flu reached a vaccine, stockpiling medications, and Hurricane Katrina, have taught us a
around the globe, killing tens of thou- trying to develop plans for mass vac- valuable lesson. We must be prepared
sands of people. cinations. at all levels to deal with the large-
This flu was so severe and damaging If recent history is any indication, scale public health emergency such as
that attack plans during World War I we may not be able to muster the same the pandemic flu. This system must be
had to be altered or postponed because response as we did in 1947 when Ameri- able to respond in any type of crisis.
there were shortages of healthy men to cans were still on a war footing or had But, more importantly, this system
battle. The Spanish flu continued to a mentality of working together. What must be ready to respond before the
spread all throughout 1919. It reached is worrisome to me when I think about crisis begins.
its death toll of nearly 50 million peo- our country’s preparedness is the fact As chairman of the Senate Com-
ple worldwide. we are not even prepared to deal with mittee on Intelligence and a member of
I yield to my distinguished colleague. the seasonal influenza we face every the Senate Agriculture and Health,
Mrs. CLINTON. Mr. President, I single year. Education, Labor, and Pensions Com-
thank my colleague. Senator ROBERTS Since 2000, we have had four short- mittees, I take the threat of a flu pan-
has outlined the impact the 1918 flu ages of seasonal influenza vaccine. We demic seriously and view it not only as
outbreak had on Kansas, our Nation, have seen senior citizens line up for a public health concern but a concern
and the world. It is almost unimagi- hours to get flu shots. Unfortunately, in regard to our national security.
nable that starting with that one com- we have seen some unscrupulous dis- Senator CLINTON is a fellow member
pany cook, 50 million people worldwide tributors trying to sell the flu vaccine of the HELP Committee. She shares
died. to the highest bidder. Millions of these concerns. However, we do not
I will tell a different story about a Americans have chosen not to get vac- want to stand before our colleagues
public health success. In March of 1947, cinated, despite the clear preventive ef- and our constituents, those watching
the City of New York faced an out- fects of the vaccine. today, and cause panic or alarm. There
break of smallpox when three cases ap- This is something we want to stress have been no cases of the avian flu
peared at a local hospital. On April 4, and that Senator ROBERTS and I have virus in the United States, nor has
New York City began a mass vaccina- been working on together to try to there been a human transmission of
tion campaign to prevent further cases come up with some practical solutions. the disease in a form that could fuel a
ycherry on PROD1PC64 with SENATE

from occurring. This is a matter of preparedness, not a pandemic. Instead, we stand together
Behind me is a photograph of Red partisan issue. This is a matter of plan- before all of our colleagues hoping to
Cross volunteers waiting to receive a ning. It is a matter of ensuring that motivate them to take the necessary
vaccination against this deadly dis- our health care system can respond steps to make sure we are adequately
ease. Over the next month, more than both to the annual flu outbreak and to prepared, should avian flu take hold in

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