Data Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data: Male Female

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Chapter IV

Data Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of data

On this chapter presents the analysis, and interpretation of data gathered. The researcher

conducted an informal survey for the 10 respondents which divided in two groups each group consists of

5 males and 5 females. As an experimental research study, the analysis was followed up in two phases;

through observation and survey questionnaires. The objective of this study is to know if it is possible to

make an alternative long-lasting fragrance soap, and to identify the duration of the soap’s scent on two

different types of respondents.

The following are the result of the survey, observation, and experiment conducted by the


Profile of the Respondents

Table 1

The gender of the respondents

Gender Frequency Tally Percentage

Male 5 ///// 50%
Female 5 ///// 50%
Total 10 /////-///// 100%
Male Female

50% 50%
The table 1 shows the gender of the respondents which consists of 50% were male and 50% were

female. Equal number of respondents were randomly selected. In addition, this data shows how the vary

genders giving the best amount of analysis based on the different choice of both men and women.

Part I. The use of Alternative soap

Table 2

Respondents who love to use scented soap

Characters Frequency Tally Percentage

Yes 9 /////-//// 90%
No 1 / 10%
Total 10 100%

Yes No


The table 2 shows that 90% of the respondents prepared to use scented soap than odorless soap. While

10% of the respondents does not prepared to use scented soap. Most of the random respondents have

chosen yes with frequency of 9 out of 10. This clearly reveals as the respondents would still prepare to

use scented soap than odorless.

Table 3

The prepared fragrance of the respondents who said yes

Fragrance Frequency Tally Percentage

Mild 6 ////// 60%
Strong 4 //// 40%
Total 10 //////-//// 100%
Mild Strong Table 3 shows that the 60% of

the respondents used a mild

soap, while 40% of them

prepared to use strong

fragrance. Half of the

respondents therefore prepared

to use a fragrance soap with

mild scent.

Table 4

The reason of the respondents who said no

Characters Frequency Tally Percentage

I have allergies 0 0%
I do not prepare to use 1 / 100%

scented soap
I hate strong scent 0 - 0%
Others 0 - 0%
Total 1 100%
ItI have
good I do not prepare to use scented soap
ItI hate
bad scent Others
It smells okay
It smells so good that gives me the feeling of satisfaction


The table 4 shows that

100% which has frequency


1, does not prepared to use

scented soap. Therefore,

only one (1) among ten (10)

respondents does not

prepared to use fragrance soap.

Part II. Product tested: Long-lasting fragrance soap

Table 5

The condition of the soap’s scent after used

Characters Frequency Tally Percentage

It smells good 5 ///// 50%
It smells bad 0 - 0%
It smells okay 4 //// 40%
It smells so good that / 10%

gives me the feeling 1

of satisfaction
Total 10 100%
The table 5 explains the answer of the respondents about the condition of the scent that was

tested on them. The results show that 50% of the respondents have chosen that the soap scent is smells

good meanwhile, 40% of them had chosen that the soap’s scent was okay and 10% said that the soap

was so good that gave them the feeling of satisfaction.

Table 6

Respondents who think scent of the soap will last long after used

Characters Frequency Tally Percentage

Yes 9 /////-//// 90%
No 1 / 10%
Total 10 100%

Yes No The table 10 shoes that

10% 90% of the respondents

answered yes to the

question meanwhile,

10% out of 100%

therefore answered that

the soap’s scent will not

90% last long at all.
Table 8



Characters Frequency Tally Percentage

Yes 8 /////-/// 80%
No 2 // 20%
Others 0 - 0%
Total 10 100%

Yes No Others

The table 8 shows that

frequency of 8 and a percentage

80% of the respondents

answered yes based on the

follow-up experiment on the

comparison of the scent of other

scented soap. Meanwhile, the

frequency of 2 respondents and a percentage of 20% answered no.

Table 9



Because it smells good
It gives long-lasting fragrance
It is natural, it doesn’t need chemicals that could ruin or harm. It smells good and gives a long-lasting
fragrance without harming Frequency
the users. Tally Percentage
Because it smells 4 //// 50%
It gives long-lasting 3 /// 37.5%

It is natural, it doesn’t 1 / 50% 12.5%

need chemicals that 38%

could ruin or harm. It

smells good and

gives a long-lasting

fragrance without

harming the users.

Total 8 100%

The table 9 have shown the advantage of the alternative long-lasting fragrance soap compared

to other scented soap. The frequency of 4 with a percentage of 50% said the alternative fragrance soap

gives good scent, meanwhile the frequency of 3 and a percentage of 37.5% also answered yes because
the alternative fragrance soap gives long-lasting fragrance. Lastly, the frequency of 1 and a percentage

of 12.5% have said that the alternative fragrance soap is natural, which does not need chemicals that

could ruin or harm. The total of 8 respondents have answered yes.

Table 10



Characters Frequency Tally Percentage

Because it smells bad 1 / 50%

compared to other

scented soap
I just prepare other 1 / 50%

scented soap
Total 2 100%
Because it smells bad compared to other scented soap The table 10 shows that a
I just prepare other scented soap
total of 2 respondents have

answered no. The frequency

of 1 and a percentage of 50%

50% 50%
have said that the alternative

soap was smells bad

compared to other scented

soap. Meanwhile the

remaining frequency of 1 and percentage of 50% have answered that he/she is just prepared to use other

scented soap.
20 mins 40 mins 1-2 hours 3-4 hours 5-6 hours Part III. The alternative

10% long-lasting soap

30% 10%

Table 11


duration of the fragrance

soap after used

Characters Frequency Tally Percentage

20 mins 1 / 10%
40 mins 1 / 10%
1-2 hours 5 ///// 50%
3-4 hours 3 /// 30%
5-6 hours 0 - 0%
Total 10 100%

The table 11 shows the duration of the soap, in this table presents the answers of the respondent

regarding the duration of the soap after taking a bath for one day. The frequency shows that 1
respondent with a frequency of 10% answered that the soap lasted 20 mins. The other frequency shows

that 1 respondent with a percentage of 10% have chosen 40 mins, meanwhile, 5 of them with a

percentage of 50% have answered 1-2. The frequency of 3 and a percentage of 30% have chosen 3-4


Table 12

Willingness of the respondents to use the soap again

Characters Frequency Tally Percentage

Yes 9 /////-//// 90%
No 1 / 10%
Total 10 100%

Yes No



The table 12 explains the result of the gathered answers of each respond, the result shows that 9 of the

respondents with a percentage of 90% have simply like the scent of the soap that is why they are willing
to use the soap again. Meanwhile, the frequency of 1 and a percentage of 10% have answered no

because they are not prepared to use scented soap.

Chapter V

Summary, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

A short summary of the whole study is presented on this chapter. From the beginning up until answered,

this chapter also contains the researcher’s conclusions on how possible to make an alternative fragrance

soap as well as the recommendations are also provided.


To answer if an alternative soap with long-lasting fragrance is possible, the research conducted a

study which entitled “The effectiveness of Lemon zest, Glycerin-based soap, Citrus Sinensis, Mentha x

piperita, and Lavandula angustifolia as an alternative long-lasting fragrance soap.” Therefore, the

research aimed to study the three main sub-questions:

1. Is it possible to make a long-lasting fragrance soap using Lemon zest, Glycerin-based soap,

Citrus Sinensis, Mentha x piperita, and Lavandula angustifolia?

2. How long the fragrance will last after using the soap?

3. How does alternative scented soap different from other fragrance soap?

One of the researcher’s objectives is to prove from the hypothesis if the fragrance of the soap last at least

1-2 hours. With these, related literatures and studies were obtained to find supporting details that would

help make the study trustworthy. This study is an experimental research, therefore the soap had to be

made and tested to the respondents.

The researcher gathered more information through different ways: survey questionnaires, experimenting,

and observation. There were 10 respondents consists of five (5) men and five (5) women. The researcher

aimed to determine if the fragrance of soap have different duration from different gender.
A survey questionnaire was given to each of the students to answer the first part of the survey which is

the use of alternative soap. The alternative long-lasting fragrance soap were distributed to the respondent

24 hours after making the soap. Firstly, they used it to their hands and know how they feel about the

texture of the soap. After this they were able answer the second part of the survey questionnaire which is

the product tested: Long-lasting fragrance soap. Lastly, the respondents evaluated to answer the final

part which is the duration of alternative long-lasting fragrance soap.


Based on the observation during the experiment conducted among the respondents using the soap

to gathered information. Therefore, the following finding were determined:

Part I. The use of soap

Most of the respondents prepared to use scented soap which better than odorless soap. Mild scent is the

best for them because it soothes their mind, and it will not hurt their olfactory sense. Those respondents

that have said no, the reason was, they have an allergy, and they just don’t prepare to use scented soap.

Part II. Product tested: Long-lasting fragrance soap

After the product was tested among the ten (10) respondents to both men and women, the

respondent’s final opinion is that the soap gives them a good scent. Most of them thought that the

alternative fragrance soap would long go after use.

Furthermore, half of the respondents believes that there is an advantage of alternative long-lasting

fragrance soap compared to other scented soap. The primary reason of respondents who answered yes,

the soap gives them a good scent and it is natural it does not have the chemicals which could harm the

users. Meanwhile, those respondents who answered no, the main reason was, the soap gives them bad
scent, some of them just does not prepared to use scented soap, and lastly, other respondent just prepare

to use proven and tested scented soap.

Part III. The alternative long-lasting fragrance soap

The respondents together with the researcher therefore conclude that the alternative long-lasting

fragrance soap last up to 1-2 hours and some of them have chosen 3-4 hours. Based on the interview

after the survey, the respondents who said the scent only last 20-40 minutes were the people who said

they are not prepared to use scented soap. The particular reason for the circumstance was, the

respondents have an allergy, and they have to wash their hands with alcohol immediately.

Moreover, half of the respondents are willing to use the soap again. According to the respondents the

soap gives them a long-lasting fragrance and menthol feeling after used.


1. The researcher aims to answer the problems, based on the survey and experiment that have

been conducted by the respondents which are: Five (5) men, and 5 (five) women. The researcher,

therefore, concludes based on the survey that has been conducted. it is possible to make an alternative

long-lasting fragrance soap using Lemon zest, Glycerin-based soap, Citrus sinensis, Mentha x Piperita,

and Lavandula Angustifolia. Therefore, regardless of the duration and hypotheses incurred, a soap’s

fragrance may last longer.

2. Based on the survey, 5 persons responded that the fragrance would last long until 1-3 hours,

there were also said the scent lasts 3-4 hours. Thus, this shows that sweat of a person becomes a factor

that decreases the capability of the soap’s scent to last long.

3. Based on the survey that was conducted, there is an advantage of alternative long-lasting

fragrance soap compared to other scented soap. Perhaps, half amount of the respondents is prepared to

use mild scent soap.

4. Most of the respondents prepared to use scented soap with mild fragrance. Majority were also

attracted to the fragrance of the soap rather than the duration of the scent.

5. Using essential oils in the soap, making a mild scent but gives long-lasting fragrance. Users of

soaps tend to notice and consider the scent of the and how it may last than other scented soaps.



 If they are looking a new and natural scented soap, they may try out the new alternative

scented soap.


 They can suggest this soap for their children, especially those who active in playing outdoor.

Future Researchers

 If they would like to expand to seek more information about the soap specifically to know the

expiration date and pH value that the soap contains to give the alternative long-lasting

fragrance soap details.

 It is recommended for them to spend huge money for them to make an alternative long-

lasting fragrance soap.

 It is also recommended to the researchers to upgrade the materials by adding other materials

to the soap in order for them to make it more scented. They can innovate the soap into anti-

bacterial as well as whitening soap.


 They should be aware of what the study all about especially on applying on their skin before

being experimented so that they may participate well in experimentation.

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