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In Mass Appraisal, VDIS stands for:

Valuation Digitalization and Institutional System
Valuation Domestic and International System
Valuation Database and Information System
Valuers Data and Informational System
Correct answer
Valuation Database and Information System
The following groups are considered beneficiaries of the Schedule of Market Values,
LGU Treasurer
LGU Chief of Staff
LGU Assessor
Correct answer
LGU Chief of Staff
________ is a reference point from which the value of other similar properties is
measured or tested. To be consistent in determining the quality level of construction,
quality class benchmarks for class, age, type, of structure should be established. 
Break-even Point
Azimuths and Bearings
It is the amount required to acquire a similar new asset having the nearest equivalent
utility as the property being appraised, taking into consideration the current prices of
materials, equipment, labor, contractor’s overhead, profit and fees, and all other cost
associated with its acquisition, installation and construction, but without provision for
overtime or bonuses for labor and premium of materials
Indexing Technique
Reproduction Cost New Less Depreciation
Repricing Technique
Reproduction Cost New
Correct answer
Reproduction Cost New
The following factors are considered in estimating Reproduction Cost New of plant,
machinery and equipment, except
Bonuses for labor and premium of materials
Brokerage, wharfage, arrastre, and heavy lifts
Cost of basic machine
Customs duties and taxes
A business, retailer, or site that draws business to a given location
Crowd Drawers
Population Concentration
Traffic generators
High Density Population
The percentage of the total supply of units or space of a specific commercial type that
is vacant and available for occupancy at a particular point in time within a given
Vacancy rate
Occupancy Rate
Attrition Rate
Rental Rate

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