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AI support women

The problem
Help/support women suffering from ,, poverty, less or no education , Sex discrimination and
gender gap ,, in business and entrepreneurship

The main problem with policy decision for support women entrepreneurship now is that they are
rather opinion-based and not evidence-based.

For example :
The issue in this link below

We need to use artificial intelligence to offer “EVIDENCE” with policy decision

What is discussed in the meeting and summary :

1- High level overview about project requirements and Estimation time for Machine learning
development process .

2- Gathering data from external websites .

3- What does it mean by iteration in Machine learning and how to avoid multiple iteration in
Machine learning development life cycle ?

4- Interventions in RCT , what types of interventions in our project ?

At Jamil Abdul Latif website there are around 60 types of interventions , if we choose intervention
type is “child care” , we will NOT get any result from search results , that means there are some
intervention types still Not completed at Abdul Latif website .

And that will lead us to a new task, task details at the end of this word document.

5- If we have more than 100+ files ( pdf or word file ) about women suffering from poverty or
education , then we need to know WHICH intervention names repeated in the used with
participants .

6- what is our data types in RTC ? ( for example intervention types variables are categorical data
types , women age is numerical data type ) .

Data types will help us to find the with statistical test will be used .

New Task details
Write software code to do the following:

1- Fetch data from this link below :

2- Make sure that the returned data are stored in CSV or txt file ( CSV file could be opened in
Microsoft excel) .

3- Make sure that all intervention types has returned data , if there is NO data returned from some
types of intervention , then create a file called fecthResult and add missing data from intervention
types .

4- Try to classify the intervention types data into multiple CVS or txt files according to intervention
type name .

For example :
If we have intervention type name is “Professional_training” , then we will have CSV/txt file has the
same name “Professional_training” .

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