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37. H. Dingle and R. L. Caldwell, Ann. Ento- Sci. 114, 283 (1962); B. P. Uvarov, Proc.

P. Uvarov, Proc. Heritability is, thus the proportion of the

mol. Soc. Amer. 64, 1171 (1971). Roy. Entomol. Soc. London Ser. C 25, 52 total variance accounted for by variance in
38. H. Dingle, Amer. Natur. 102, 149 (1968). (1961). additive genetic influences.
39. J. S. Kennedy and H. L. G. Stroyan, Annu. 46. F. 0. Albrecht and R. E. Blackith, Evolu- 51. G. H. Caswell, Bull. Entomol. Res. 50, 671
Rev. Entamol. 4, 139 (1959); A. D. Lees, tion 11, 165 (1957); P. Hunter-Jones, Anti- (1960); M. J. Norris, Anti-Locust Bull. No. 6
J. Insect Physiol. 3, 92 (1959); Advan. Insect Locust Bull. No. 29 (1958); W. J. Stower, (1950); S. Utida, Res. Pop. Ecol. Kyoto 3,
Physiol. 3, 207 (1966); J. Insect Physiol. 13, D. E. Davies, I. B. Jones, J. Anim. Ecol. 93 (1956).
289 (1967); B. Johnson, Entomol. Exp. Appl. 29, 309 (1960). 52. L. C. Birch, J. Anim. Ecol. 17, 8 (1948);
9, 301 (1966). 47. 1. M. Campbell,. Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 4, L. B. Slobodkin, Growth and Regulation of
40. A. S. Danilevskii, Photoperiodism and Sea- 272 (1962); in Breeding Pest-Resistant Trees, Animal Populations (Holt, Rinehart & Win-
sonal Development of Insects (Oliver & H. Gerhold, Ed. (Pergamon Press, New ston, New York, 1961).
Boyd, Edinburgh, 1965); S. D. Beck, Insect York, 1966); W. G. Wellington, Can. 53. K. P. V. Sammeta and R. Levins, Annu. Rev.
Photoperiodism (Academic Press, New York Entomol. 96, 436 (1964). Genet. 4, 469 (1970).
1968). 48. D. S. Falconer, Introduction to Quantitative 54. D. Lack, The Natural Regulation of Animal
41. M. J. Norris, Symp. Roy. Entomol. Soc Genetics (Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1960). Numbers (Oxford Univ. Press, London, 1954).
London 2, 56 (1964); D. G. Harcourt and 49. R. L. Caldwell and J. P. Hegmann, Na- 55. D. S. Farner, Amer. Sci. 52, 137 (1964); B.
M. Cass, Nature 210, 217 (1966). ture 223, 91 (1969). Lofts and R. K. Murton, J. Zool. 155, 327
50. The basic models of quantitative genetics (1968); G. V. T. Matthews, Bird Navigation
n preparation.
42. R. L. Caldwell, in
(Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, ed. 2,
43. L.oCaldwel, prenration.
M. Koch, Bio
43. M. Biol. Zentralbl. 885, 345
345 (1966). 1966assume that individual differences in con-
tinuously varying traits are the result of both 1968).
44. D. B. Carlisle, P. E. Ellis, E. Betts, J. Insect genetic and environmental differences. The 56. F. R. Harden-Jones, Fish Migration (Amold,
Physiol. 11, 1541 (1965); P. E. Ellis, D. B. total (phenotypic) variance for any trait is London, 1968).
Carlisle, D. J. Osborne, Science 149, 546 expressed by: VP = VA + VN + V. where 57. R. H. MacArthur, Auk 76, 318; G. W. Cox,
(1965). VA is the additive genetic variance, VN is Evolution 22, 180 (1968).
45. F. 0. Albrecht, Polymorphisme Phasaire et the nonadditive genetic variance (due to 58. 1 thank R. L. Caldwell, J. P. Hegmann, S. B.
Biologie des Acridiens Migrateurs (Masson, dominance and epistasis), and V. is the en- Kater, J. S. Kennedy, T. R. Odhiambo, E.
Paris, 1967); J. P. Dempster, Biol. Rev. Cam- vironmental variance. Phenotypic variance Reese, and R. Strathman for comments on
bridge Phil. Soc. 38, 490 (1963); J. S. can be partitioned into these components and various drafts of this manuscript. Supported
Kennedy, Symp. Roy. Entomol. Soc. London heritability estimates (h2) can be obtained by NSF grants GB-2949, GB-6444, and GB-
1, 80 (1961); Colloq. Int. Cent. Nat. Rech. from this partitioning where h2 = VAI/VP. 8705 and a special fellowship from the PHS.

independent manipulation of the stimuli

that normally preserve a particular
form of perceptual constancy. Also,
there is a much wider range of visua
constancies, including those of -orienta-
Visual Spati'al Illusions: tion and movement, than is generally
A General Explanation Size Constancy and Distance Stimuli

A wide range of visual illusions, including geometrical " As the distance of an object varies,
the size of the retinal projection of the
distortions, can be explained by a single principle, object (image), for all practical pur-
poses, varies as an inverse linear func-
R. H. Day tion of distance (4). Departures from
this function are slight as the object
itself increases in size. Data show that
with monocular viewing in a dark, fea-
tureless environment the apparent size
Under specified conditions a consist- tions and the effects which belong in of an object also varies as an inverse
ent discrepancy occurs between the ap- the same class but are not usually linear function of distance (5). How-
parent and physical value of a property treated as illusions. Whereas the fol- ever, with binocular vision- in a normal-
of an object, such as its size, shape, lowing explanation is based on the ly illuminated, structured environment
orientation, or movement. These differ- processes that normally maintain per- the apparent size of an object is nearly
ences are called spatial illusions and for ceptual constancy, it is more general constant with distance. This relative
over a century one group, the geometri- than others and recognizes separate stability, first described by Descartes (6)
cal illusions, has remained unexplained classes of illusion for size, shape, ori- and studied quantitatively by Martius
despite intensive experimental analysis. entation, and movement. All classes are (7) and Thouless (8), occurs even
Although there has been a resurgence linked to a particular spatial constancy when the observer and object are
of interest in explaining these effects, and explained in terms of the same separated by more than 1000 meters
such as attempts to do so in terms of principle. Size illusions have been (9). Because the retinal image of an
spatial constancy (1, 2), no theory has singled out for detailed treatment be- objzct varies with distance but the ap-
yet gained general acceptance. I wish cause, in addition to containing the parent size remains constant, it has been
here to propose a general explanation Miuller-Lyer (3) and most of the other assumed that size constancy is depend-
that encompasses a wide range of ef- well-known effects, their analysis serves ent on sensory information for distance.
fects, including the geometrical distor- to elucidate the main principle on This assumption was tested and con-
which the general explanation is based. firmed by Holway and Boring (10) in a
dbepartmentofi profesory MoashUnieriraofty,
Clayrton, Victoria, 3168, Australia.
Hwver, I emphasize that there are
separate classes of illusion derived from
well-known experiment in which in-
formation for distance was progressive-
24 MARCH 1972 1335
ly eliminated until apparent size ap- of three dimensions onto two at the eye are central to the following explanation.
proached that predicted from changes (12). This list may not be exhaustive Apparent site and apparent distance
in the retinal image. but it includes most of the binocular are by no means perfectly correlated. A
Information for distance is conveyed and monocular stimuli known to be in- substantial body of data (14) has shown 6'n'
by a wide range of stimuli traditionally volved in discrimination of distance. that apparent size cannot be accurately '
called "cues for distance" (11). Whereas The different classes of stimuli and those predicted from apparent distance data
there is no absolutely correct or univer- within a single class can be inde- and that the hypothesis of apparent
sally accepted classification of ithese dis- pendently eliminated or varied. For size-apparent distance invariance is not
tance stimuli, they can be arbitrarily but example, retinal disparity, a binocular acceptable (15).
conveniently grouped into five cate- stimulus derived from the slightly dif-
gories: (i) retinal disparity (or binocu- ferent image at each retina, can be
lar parallax), (ii) muscular adjustments eliminated by using one eye and can Size Illusions and Distance Stimuli
(convergence, accommodation, pupil- be varied by means of an optical system
lary change), (iii) monocular move- (13); adjustments to the optics results in Distance stimuli serve to maintain ;
ment parallax, (iv) atmospheric stimuli disparities greater or less than normal constancy of apparent siz7e as the retinal
(color change, aerial perspective), and for a given distance. The observation image varies with the distance of the
(v) projected stimuli (linear perspec- that at least five groups of stimuli con- object. It follows that if the stimufi
tive, texture gradient, element size, in- vey information for distance, that they which normally preserve constancy are
terspace size, element frequency, inter- can operate as distance stimuli alone or independently manipulated, with the
space frequency, overlay, and elevation), together, and that each can be varied image of the object not varied, changes
all of which derive from the projection with the image of the object not varied, in apparent size will be induced. The
differences between apparent and physi-
cal size are called spatial illusions and
occur when retinal Jfisp-arity, conver-
' A II B I gence-accommodation, and projectee'
distance stimuli (elevation, perspective-
texture, element and interspace fre-
quency, and element and interspace
size) are singly or jointly varied. Fur-
thermore, Tley can be predicted when
other distance stimuli are similarly
X, ^manipulated.
l a> , /
1- 0v R
i9t1 \RN | |Gogel, Wist, and Harker (16) varied
; *t
retinal dispirity by optically modifying
interpupillary distance, with the distance
I e 11]Iof
5the object constant at 152.4 centi-
m/ n§='\Xmeters. Convergence and accommoda-
tion were controlled throughout and
XfT^tE > -- 9 ) , I alternative distance stimuli were elimi-
nated. For the three interpupillary bases
(12.4, 6.5, and 3.2 cm), which rep-
resent approximately doubled, normal,
and halved ocular separations, the ap-
C| D parent size of a 30.5-cm object was
28.5, 31.9, and 40.0 cm, respectively.
Thus with increased disparity equivalent
to that for a smaller distance, apparent
size decreased (28.5 cm) and with
reduced disparity it increased (40.0
|1l, (At1 | ,t
l S liLL4 'i' |s| cm). With normal disparity there was
I I 1s t .... < s. - \a
wijH I ..............
close correspondence between ap-,,
parent (31.9 cm) and physical (30.5
1 0~ '> 9 '\> - z | 1 | cm) size. It can be concluded that in-
a S-i; i t-41& dependent manipulation of the disparityv-
stimulus for distance, with the image
ti5-s t>9 \~ M N not varied, results in discrepancies be-.
%,V>- --t--^ RJN | ^ tween apparent and physical size, that
is, in size illusions.
Early (17) and recent (18, 19) exW'
periments involving manipulation of
Fig. 1. Elevation of the object, size gradient, and frequency and size of adjacent ele- convergence and accommodation by
ments are stimuli for distance that normally contribute to size constancy when the optical and other means have also
image of the object is varied with distance. The slightly smaller apparent difference
between the figures in (A) and in (B) demonstrates the role of these distance stimuli proue difrne bewe apparen
in preserving size constancy. Size illusions occur when figure-s and their images are and physical size. Leibowitz and Moore,
not varied, and the same distance stimuli are varied, as shown in (C) and (D). (19) took steps to preserve the normal
1336 SCIENCE, VOL. 175
correspondence- between convergence terrain has not been considered as a ers of which are simply derived from
and accommodation, an oversight of stimulus for distance, although their the principles described, are shown in
.nany earlier studies, and obtained size variation with distance is obvious. Fig. 2. Failure satisfactorily to explain
;tches to a standard object at five ob- Blessing, Landauer, and Coltheart these geometrical illusions so far seems
- rvation distances (10, 25, 50, 100, and (24) varied size gradient and element to have been due mainly to a failure to
400 cm). At each distance accommoda- size and frequency using two tunnels, recognize the range and subtlety of the
tion was optically adjusted to .25, .50, each 450 cm long, but tapered and pat- distance stimuli projected from the
1.00, 2.00, and 3.00 diopters with con- terned to project stimuli equivalent to three-dimensional extended environ-
vergence individually adjusted to cor- those from a 675-cm and a 225-cm ment. Whereas the possible role of the
respond. Apparent size varied with tunnel. In the "longer" tunnel the ap- size gradikent in the form of perspective
onvergence-accommodation following parent size of a 16.4-cm standard was has been widely discussed (1, 2), little
linear function up to a viewing dis- 21.38 cm and in the "shQrter" tunnel or no attention has. been paid to the
tnce of about 100 cm. The differences it was 16.38 cm. Under the conditions size and frequency of adjacent elements
*tween apparent and physical size are reported, accommodation and conver- and their interspaces, or to the eleva-
2atial illusions induced by independent gence would have been operative but tion.
variation of muscular stimuli for dis- constant and presumably would have It can be assumed that the slightness
tanct. been adjusted to the physical distance of the effects in Fig. 2 are due in part
Projected stimuli, including overlay, of the objects. Nevertheless, manipula- to the presence of alternative stimuli,
elevation, size gradient, element size, tion of the projected stimuli produced such as retinal disparity and conver-
nd element frequency serve to main- marked change in the apparent size of gence-accommodation, which signal the
ain a degree of size constancy even in an object, the image of which at the true distance of the objects. In this
a picture (Fig. 1, A and B) (20). The eye was not varied. regard, Schlosberg (25) has argued that
Terence between the "near" and "far" whereas any picture contains a iium-
.jects in Fig. IA with distance stimuli ber of -stimuli for depth, such as shad-
.s-nt is less than in Fig. 1B in which Geometrical Size Illusions * ing, clearness of outline, perspective,
.stimuli are absent. Size illusions and overlay, it also presents a number
-cur when these same stimuli are For the most part the well-known of stimuli for "flatness," such as identity
varied either singly or in various com- geometrical size illusions derive from of binocular images, absence of monoc-
binations, with the image of the object manipulation of one or more projected ular parallax, and constant conver-
ntot varied. An example of a size illu- stimuli for distance with the image of gence and accommodation. Elimination
;on from elevation, gradient, and the focal object, usually a line figure, of these stimuli for flatness would pre-
Iment size and frequency is shown in not varied (see Fig. 1, C and D). Typi- sumably increase apparent depth and,
-g. IC. In Fig. 1D the illusion persists cally the size of a single, adjacent, or therefore, apparent size. However, I
4fter the complete gradient is removed attached element or the size or fre- emphasize again that apparent size and
so that only element size, frequency, quency of proximal elements is varied; apparent distance are not perfectly cor-
nd elevation remain. In some figures the interspaces between related (14, 15). However, if alterna-
McDonald and O'Hara (21) varied elements or between the object and an tive stimuli for true distance were
ue elevation stimulus using a method adjacent element are manipulated; these eliminated and careful psychophysical
developed earlier by Gibson (12). One interspaces also vary with distance un- procedures adopted it is conceivAble
object was mounted-above a patterned der normal conditions. Examples, some that discriminable differences would
surface, with the mounting concealed; of which are well-known illusions, oth- occur between the pairs in Fig. 2. Greg-
with monocular observation the raised
object, which was nearer, appeared
'arther away than a second located on A B
.he surface. The mean apparent size of C
the elevated object at a distance of 3 m UU
was 37.1 cm, but another of identical
:ize, located on the surface at the same
1listance, was 30.0 cm. That is, when [IIi1-LiI]
he elevation of an object in the visual
<d is adjustod by raising it vertically D I E F
i the same elqvation as a more distant l I
abject, the size of the nearer object
appears greater. I -
rhe role of projected size gradients
from extended patterned and textured
..r,ain as a stimulus for distance has G ( 0 H l
ieen thoroughly studied by Gibson (12). 0 U
: part played by the size of individ- OQo C 0 I) u __ m
elements h}as been demonstraCted ool00 ' ~ .Nl] li IF+11l
by early investigators (3, 13) and by YJK.)J
Cotheart(22) anhe Lratedareuerndy
Thegreatr frqueny oEpofspaces (D and E), size of interspace
Fig. 2. Size illusions induced by the size of proximal elements (A-C), size of inter-
and presence of a size gradient (F), size of both-
'ements per unit of visual angle that elements and interspaces (G and H), and frequency of elements and size of interspace
are projected from far areas of the (I), with the image of the object not varied in each case.
24 MARCH 1972 1337
ory (26) found such differences in ap- A circles, increases (33); it is reasonable
parent distance using luminous figures to assume that this would be so with
in darkness; a condition that would have | < the other illus Me
2. can be
eliminated some stimuli for the true concluded tat 4e basis of th g
distance of the figures. versions of we Muller-Lyeris te size
Although tempting, it is not neces- of the attached elements and th tney
sary to assume that the attached adja- belass as the other
cent elements and interspaces of Fig. 2 1 illusions in Fig. 2 in which the honr-
induce neural processes which mediate zontal line appears longer. When the
size illusions. Whereas, undoubtedly, il- inward-directed arrows of the short iV
lusory phenomena are correlated with lusion are placed at a distance from tbte-
neural events and interactions between C ends of the line e revers.
them, it is sufficient to account for the r |* rws(e34)
w demonstrated that with
effects in terms of stimuli that are LC L . JLJ this modification it is the interspace be-
normally involved in the preservation of tween the arrows and the ends of the
perceptual size constancy. Element and line which determines the illusion (Fig.
interspace size are merely examples of 'D 2, D-F).
such stimuli. J Erlebacher and Sekuler (30, 35)
Holiway and Boring (10) showed i have sh7own that ite7bi-truf the Miller-
that as the distance stimuli are progres- Lyer illusion with irwad-dited e- ar-
sively eliminated w,ith the image varied, row' attac[hrnenis (Fig. 3A) is the dis-
apparent size shifts from almost per- E tance between the ends of the obliques,
fect constancy to that predicted by the that'is, the defined spices betieen-ftRe-
visual angle of the external object. In J ends of the arrbws. It seems reasonable
other words, the degree of size con- to assume tit' ill the short components
stancy is a function of the number of of the Muiller-Lyer group (Fig. 3, B-D)
aistanc &timuli operating. It follows Fig. 3. Four versions of the Maller-Lyer nd the smaller component of &he Del-
t at w en the image of an object is illusion (A-D) in which the apparent boeuf figuin (Fig. 3E) are determined
not varied, the magnitude of the illusion size of the adjacent elements (right) and by the dogned inner space.
will increase with the number of stimuli size of the inner space defined by the ele- In sumnwary, the long and short com-
for distance. Leibowitz and co-workers ments (left). The Delboeuf illusion (E) ponents of the'Miiller-Lyer illusions, in-
(27) systematically varied the number is essentially similar with the size of the cluding those with arrow attachments,
of distance stimuli using actual scenes, right, determining
and the inner space effect on tit are
the determining r probably
rbbysprt separate iausions;
luin~~ firt
photographs, and figures and convinc- on the left. is determined by the size of the attach-
ingly showed that the Ponzo illusion ments and is -reverm ---they are
(Fig. 2F) increases as a function of the large, and the sec tetrfiine by
number of distance stimuli available sion with outward-directed attachnjmnta DO-er space tinard
when the image of an object is not is 3 to 4 times grea t aith attachment
varied. inward-directed elements (29, 30). In 'tori7acc6ited for in the terms set out
fact, the illusion in the latter figure is here; the size of the attachments in the
sometimes absent altogether (31). As long component and of the defined in-
Miiller-Lyer Illusions with some patterns (Fig. 2, A, B, and ner space between attachments in the
C) the basis of the illusions in the Jqng short component are essentially distance
The Muller-Lyer illusions (Fig. 3) conrp niientVoftih- MWIe-ri'y- group stimuli that tidr normal visual condi-
belong with those of F,ig. 2, but more is-the--site of 'the p xima elemen. tions aiwSt2 t*h paservation of size
detailed attention to them is warranted When the circles, squares, arrows, and c _ , the MiiLer-Lyer group
by the considerable interest that they lines (Fig. 3) are small relative o te isessentiay-siilar to other illusions in
have aroused since they were originally main line the latter appears largei th which the size of adjacent elements is
described nearly a century ago (28). a comparison line, and when they are the principal determinant of the effect.
Two points, both sources of consider- large relative to the main line, the line| Since it is the size of adjacent elements
able misunderstanding, deserve em- appears smaller. showed and epac br' than the perspective
phasis. (i) The common version of the when the attachments -are cextensive effect of' th atiow forms," attempts,
Miiller-Lyer illusion (Fig. 3A) consists lines (Fig. 3B) the ilusion revers|eswhen such as thi -by Asher (36), to test a
of two equal lines, one with outward the two attachments are each about constacy tboary based on the latter
arrows (the "long" figure) and the o third theTen t tma ine. assumption haveAot been successful.
other with inward arrows (the "short-" However, with the typical arrow attach-
figure). However, a wide range of ments, reversal from that which ap-
terminal elements in addition to the peared larger to that which appeared Odmitation ad Movement Illusions
traditional arrows, including circles, smaller than a comparison line did not
squares, and straight lines coextensive occur, although the trend was clear, Apparent orientation, movement, and
with the main lines, results in an illu- and reversal would probably have oc- shape -(in additit So size) egjl)it con--
sion (3, 13) (Fig. 3). Therefore, an curred had the attachments been suffi- siderable constai^py o4en the orienta-
explanatio~n applicable only to the illu- ciently extended. A similar reversaWl oc- tion, movement,' ai shape of the
sion with the arrow attachm nse s(2) is curs with the Delboeuf illusion (Fig. 2D) image vary as wwlaut of the tilt, ~
inadequate. (ii) Itli~aiteen established, as the outer circle, which defines V.e in- motion, md be f Xh observer, re-
but not widely-recognized, that the illu- terspace between the inner and the outer s,pectively (37). t ns~eato of orien-
1338 SCECE, VOL. 175
tation and movement constancy and
their associated illusions will point to
the generality of the explanation.
When the head of the observer is
tilted laterally in a well-illuminated en-
vironment apparent orientation is per- /
fectly constant (38), and in darkness
it is nearly so (39). Orientation con-
stancy depends on information for the
orientation of the observer and this is
conveyed by both gravitational and vis-
ual stimuli. Elimination or reduction of
these stimuli reduces orientation con-
stancy considerably (39, 40)._If gravi-
tational and visual stimuli for the orien-
tation of the observer are separately Fig. 4. Vertical orientation of the visual field and elements within it are stimuli that
varied, with orientation of the image at normally contribute to orientation constancy when orientation of the image is varied
the eye not varied, a difference occurs with the tilt of the observer. Orientation illusions occur when orientation of whole
L____ the
between apparent
the apparent and
and physical
physical or part the
figures effectfieldis greatest
of the is varied when imageareorientation
with they the retina
held nearattothe varied. contours
eye tonoteliminate In both
orienta of Ahe h.ct. The gravita- of the page.
tional stimulus can be changed by rotat-
ing the observer in the darkened cabin
of a human centrifuge (41, 42). Rota- stationary gives rise to movement illu- size constancy, geometrical size illu-
tion imposes a gravitoinertial force, the sions. For example, if the stimulus for sions that derive from the latter would
direction of which is a function of cen- movement that normally impinges on be expected to increase and those from
tripetal and gravitational directions. la'byrinthine receptors is varied by rotat- the former decrease. That is, if a partic-
Under these conditions a vertical bar ing the observer in a dark centrifuge, ular stimulus at a certain stage of de-
appears tilted, an effect called the oculo- ith a point of light stationary relative velopment assumes greater significance
gray illusion. Visual orientation to him, the point exhibits apparent in the preservation of constancy its in-
stimuli, which derive from environmen- movement during acceleration, an ef- dependent manipulation will have a
tal features and contours (analogous to fect called the oculogyral illusion (39, greater effect in generating illusory ef-
projected visual stimuli for distance), 42). Likewise, if the normally stationary fects when the image of an object is
can be changed by tilting the whole or visual field stimuli for the movement of not varied. Conversely, if a stimulus
part of the visual field (43). The Zoll- the observer are varied by moving progressively loses its significance in
ner illusiodfl, the apparent tilt of vertical whole or part of the field, the well- maintaining perceptual constancy the
lines by the superimposition of slanted known illusion called induced move- illusory effect from its manipulation
lines, and its numerous variants (3, 37) ment occurs (47). would be expected gradually to decline.
are instances of orientation illusions that It can be assumed that, as with ap- During repeated judgments of an illu-
occur when only that part of the visual parent size and distance, correlations sory pattern similar shifts in the sig-
field immediately adjacent to the object between the orientation of the apparent nificance of stimuli may be expected
is tilted (see Fig. 4). Because the geo- object and the body and between the to occur. It is reasonable to expect also
metrical orientation illusions (Fig. 4) re- movement of the apparent object and that differen stimiuli are primarily in-
sult from manipulation of visual stimuli the body are not perfect. volved in the maintenance of con-
lor the orientation of the observer, it is 'stancy according to the culture in which
necessary to distinguish them from geo- the individual is reared. Thus, manip-
metrical size illusions that derive from Effects of Age, Practice, and Culture ulation of those stimuli would be ex-
distance stimuli. The two are often con- pected to have a greater effect in caus-
fused and explanations of size illusions An explanation of spatial illusions is ing illusions. In general it can be ex-
have been unjustifiably criticized be- incomplete if it cannot offer an ac- pected that those stimuli that are pri-
cause they cannot account for orienta- count of the systematic change in the marily involved in the maintenance of
tion effects (44, 45). magnitude of some illusions with age a perceptual constancy will, when
When the head is moved the retinal (48), repeated judgments (the prac- varied with the image of the object
image of a stationary or moving object tice effect) (49), and cultural back- fixed, give rise to the greatest illusory
varies but the apparent motion of the ground (50). There is now a consider- effects.
object (including in the limit its sta- able literature dealing with each of these
tionary position) is extraordinarily con- variables, and it is known that with age
stant (46). It is reasonable to assume some illusions- increase in magnitude Summary and Conclusions
that visual motion constancy, including and others decrease. It is reasonable to
constancy of the stationary position assume that these variations in magni- Representation at the visual recep-
(usually called position constancy), is tude are an outcome of change in those tors of such properties of the object as
dependent on information for the move- stimuli primarily involved in the main- its size, shape, orientation, and move-
ment of the observer. This information tenance of the associated perceptual ment ~ roo~derable_variation_as
is probably carried by stimuli acting on constancy. For example, if during de- the distance, bearing, posture, and mo-
semicircular canal mechanisms and by velopment there is, for whatever rea- tion of the observer, relati.yAq.JboSe
visual stimuli. Independent variation of son, a shift from motion parallax to object, changes. However, despite
these two classes with the visual image projected stimuli jn the maintenance of these gross and frequent deformations
24 MARCH 1972 1339
of the image, prevdpoetesr- Teter fsaililsosot Schlosberg, Experimental Psychology (Me-
main extraordinarily stable. Such con-
stancy has obvious biological utility;
lined here distinguishes between classes
of illusory effect and, in linking each
13. tHuen Londonr, 1954).utintoSpc
ception (Hafner, New York, 1935).

the observer perceives his world, ac- to, its particular class of spatial con- 14. W.EptenJ.Prk1.Cae,Psco. ul
cording to its fixed physical features stancy, offers a general and testable 15. Because the relation between apparent size
and apparent distance is not "invariant"
rather than in terms of its variable sen- explanation. Failure to recognize class- it can be expected that in some conditions
sory representation. es of illusion (and perceptual con- slgtvrain wllocrnth oead
not in the other. For example, a change in
Constancy of apparent size, shape, stancy) , such as tho'se ofI size, orien-ta- apparent size could occur without a cor-
orientation, an and moveent isepen-
oeet-sdpn in and
tin, n ovement,can be egarded
oenn,cnb eadd conceivable thresholddistance.
that intheapparent
related change is
for theIt oc-
dent on information for the distance, as among the major deficiencies of re- currence of one is higher than for the other
and vice versa under specified conditions.
bearing, lateral tilt, and movement of cent attemnpts (2,. 44).to explainilu 16W.C GglE.R WstG.SHakr
the observer, respectively. Thus, as the sory effects. I do not claim that this ex- Amer. J. Psychol. 66, 537 (1963)
17. C. Wheatstone, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lon-
retinal image shrinks with distance, planation, which I call the general don 128, 371 (1838); Phil. Mag. 3, 504-523
constancy of apparent size is maini- constancy theory, satisfactorily encofn- (1852); C. H. Judd, Psychol. Rev. 9, 27 (1902);
E. R. Hering, Spatial Sense and Movements
tamied by five classes of distance stim- passes all known illusions, but merely of the Eye (American Academy of Optom-
uli that operate singly or in various that it is more comprehensive than al- 18 etry, Baltimore, 1942).
ernaive eplantions I cnclud H. A. T.Swenson, J. Gen. Psychol. 7, 360
combintions Likeise, isualorien
combiatios. Liewis, visal oien-

tat-ion constancy is dependent on gravi-

terntive xplantions .1 cnclud thathat (1932); G. Hermans, J. Exp. Psychol.
145 (1937); E. G. Heineman, E. Tulving, J.
any stimulus which serves to maintain- Nachmias. Amer. J. Psychol. 72, 32 (1959);
tat-ional and visual stimuli for the oni- ecetual cons-tancy of a property of W. C. Gogel, J. Psychol. 53, 91 (1962); ibid.,
entation of the observer, and move- an object as the visual representation 19. H.LioizadD or,J p.Sc
ment constancy on visual and nonvis- of that property varies will, when i'n- Amer. 56, 1120 (1966).
uAl stimuli for the movement of the dependently manipulated with the ret- 20. 64E.G oig mr .Pyhl 7 9
observer. Illusions occur when stimuli inal image not varied, produce an i1- 21. R. P. McDonald and P. T. O'Hara, Ibid., p.
that normally''pr"ie-seir-ve constancy are lbusion. This general principle prediCtS 22. F. M. Coltheart, Nature 221, 383 (1969).
operaffve but "with the image of the the conditions under which illusory ef- 23. A. A. Landauer and, W. Epstein, Percept.
Psychophys. 6, 273 (1969).
jitnot varied. thus if retinAl fects will occur and has wide explana- 24. W. W. Blessing, A. A. Landauer, M. Colt-
heart, Amer. J. Psychol. 80, 250 (1967).'
disparity, convergence-accommodation,
disparity, convergence-accomodation, tory application.
tory application.25. H. Schlosberg, ibid. 22, 601 (1941).
projected stimuli, or other distance 26.~R. L. Gregory, Nature 204, 302 (1964).
varied with the image
stimuliare notRderences and Notes 27. H. Leibowitz, R. Brislin, L. Perlmutter, R.
R Tauch,sycol. orsc. 2, 29 (194);
Hennessy, Science 166, 1174 (1969).
Yvaried, illusions of size occur. Those 1.E. 1.TauHsch, PSycho. Forsc. 24, 299(1954);W. 28. F. C. Muiller-Lyer, Arch. Phystol., Suppl. vol.
rsligfrom variationresulting of projected Erivonfos, Studi.Gen.Pyco.103,1231 (1957)
Kristof, rchiv. Ges. Psycho. 113, 127 (1961).
2. R. L. Gregory, Nature 199, 678 (1963); in
263 (1889).
29. A. Binet, Rev. Phil. 40, ii(1895); G. Hey-
stimuli are the. well-known geometri- mans, Z. Psychol. Physiol. Sinnesorg. 9, 221
cal size
cal illuions and
izellusons nd iclud the Mdl-
incude theMW- New Horizons
Ed. (Penguin, Psychology, B. M.
in Harmondsworth, Foss,
England, (1896).
30. R. Sekuler- and A. Erlebacher, Amer. J.
ler-Lyer group. In essentially the same
manner, independent manipulation of
.6;966; Eyecand.
Londn, BraiLndn
Prc. oy.Soc.Lonon
B 171, 279 (1968).
Psychol., in press.
R. H. Pollack, Percept. Mot. Skills 19, 303

stimuli for the orientation and the mo- 3. E. C. Sanford, A Corei xprmna 32. E. 0. Lewis, Brit. J. Psychol. 2, 294 (1908).
Psychology (Heath, London, 1897). 33. H. Ikeda and T. Obonai, Jap. Psychol. Res. 1,
-tion of the observer, with the orienta- 4. C. H. Graham, in Vision and Visual Per- 17 (1955).
tion and the motion of the image at ception, C. H. Graham, N. R. Bartlett, 3. L. 34. B. J. Fellows, Quart. J. Exp. Psychol. 19,
Brown, Y. Hsia, C. G. Mueller, L. R. Riggs, 208 (1967); Brit. J. Psychol. 59, 369 (1968).
the retina not varied, gives rise to il- Eds. (Wiley, New York, 1965), p. 361. 35. A. Erlebacher and R. Sekuler, 3. Exp.
lusory orientations and movements of 5. A. H. Hastorf and K. S. Way, J. Gen. Psy- Psychol. 80, 462 (1969).
chol 47, 181 (1952); W. Lichen and S. Lurie, 36. G. H. Fisher, Quart. 3. Exp. Psychol. 22, 631
the object. Amer. 3. Psychol. 63, 280 (1950); R. Over, (1970).
Limited attempts to explain size il- ibid. 73, 599 (1960).
6 6."It 37. R. H. Day, Human Perception (Wiley, Syd-
is not the absolutesize of images (on ney and New York, 1969)
lusions in terms of the projected stim- the eyes) that counts. Clearly they are a 38. E. Neal, 3. Psychol. 37, 287 (1926).
uli that preserve perceptual constancy hunidred times bigger (in area) when objects 39. R. H. Day and N. J. Wade, Psychol. Bull.
are very close than when they are ten times 71, 33 (1969).
are by no means new; Thie'ry (Si) pro- further away; but they do not make us see 40. H. A. Witkin and S. E. Asch, 3. Exp. Psy-
posed such aviewin the later part of the objects a hundred times bigger;
~~~~~~~~~~~~contrary, on the
they seem almost the same at 4.E chol. ah .B(1948).
38, 762 kd is in 8 2
the last century, and in recent times any rate as we are not deceived by too (1873).
great a distance." (Rene Descartes, Dioptrics,42. A. Graybiel, Arch. Ophthalmol. 48, 605
n.Oa.Rio. aygl 5 7
there has been a spate of such propos-
als including the "misapplied -constancy
7. G. Martius, Phil. Stud. 5, 601 (1889). 43.
E56. shadH .Wti,3 x.Pyhl
hypothesis" advanced by Gregory (2). 8.931RH.bThules, Brt1931. Psco.2,~38, 455 (1948); M. Austin, G. Singer, R. H.
(1931); ibid 22, 1 (1931).Day, Nature 221, 583 (1969).
However, Gregory's theory is confined 9. A. S. Gilinsky, Amer. 3. Psychol. 68, 173 444W. H.N. Hotopf, Brit. J. Psychol. 57, 307
largely to geometrical size illusions and 10 (1955). I-.
10.A. H. Holway and E. G. Boring, ibid. 54, 21 45~. G. H. Fisher, The Framework for Perceptual
invoks disancescalng
gien bby
scling gien -(1941). Localization (Ministry of Defence, United
a limited number of projected stimuli. 11. Historically it was assumed that because only Kingdom, 70/GEN/9617, 1968).
points and patches of light are projected 46. H. Wallach and 3. Kravitz, Psychonom. Scd.
Furthermore, the Mifller-iLyer illusion at the retina, the third dimension, that of 2, 217 (1965).
is seen by him to be a consequence of depth or distance, must be con-structed from 47. K. Duncker, Psychol. Forsch. 12, 180 (1929);
these data. However, retinal disparity, motion H. Wallach, Sdi. Amer. 208, 56 (1959).
distance scaling resulting from the con- parallax, and geometrical features result in 48. S. Wapner and H. Werner, Perceptual De-
immediate sense of depth and can be velopment (Clark Univ. Press, Worcester,
vergingr arrws There
is no recogyni- readda tml o epth A-in th same.. Mass., 1957); T. Piaget, The Mecphanisms of

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