Answers To Common Questions About Breast Screening and Mammograms

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Livingston County News Thursday, September 30, 2021 A5

October is

Different types of breast cancer

Millions of women are diagnosed are in women age 55 and older.
with breast cancer every year.
According to the Breast Cancer INFLAMMATORY BREAST
Research Foundation, more CANCER: The NBCF describes
than 2.3 million women across IBC as an “aggressive and
the globe were diagnosed with fast growing breast cancer.” notes that
breast cancer in 2020.
IBC is rare, as data from the
Breast cancer statistics can give ACS indicates that only about
the impression that each of the 1 percent of all breast cancers
millions of women diagnosed in the United States are inflam-
with the disease is fighting matory breast cancers. Many
the same battle, but there are breast cancers begin with the
various types of breast cancer. formation of a lump, but Breast-
Learning about each type of reports that IBC
breast cancer can help women usually begins with reddening
and their families gain a greater and swelling of the breast, and
understanding of this disease. symptoms can worsen consider-
ably within days or even hours.
DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU: That underscores the impor-
DCIS is a non-invasive cancer tance of seeking prompt treat-
that is diagnosed when abnor- ment should symptoms present
mal cells have been found in themselves.
the lining of the breast milk
duct. The National Breast METASTATIC BREAST CANCER:
Cancer Foundation notes that Metastatic breast cancer may
DCIS is a highly treatable can- be referred to as stage IV
cer because it hasn’t spread breast cancer. When a woman
beyond the milk duct into any is diagnosed with metastatic
surrounding breast tissue. breast cancer, that means the
The American Cancer Society cancer has spread, or metas-
Metro Creative
notes that roughly 20 percent tasized, into other parts of the
A mammogram is the gold standard when it comes to breast cancer screening. of new breast cancer cases are body. The NBCF indicates that
instances of DCIS. metastatic breast cancer usu-

Answers to common questions about

ally spreads to the lungs, liver,
INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA: bones, or brain. Symptoms of
IDC is the most common type metastatic breast cancer vary
of breast cancer. The NBCF depending on where the cancer
has spread. For example, if

breast screening and mammograms

reports that between 70 and
80 percent of all breast cancer the cancer has spread to the
diagnoses are instances of IDC. lungs, women may experience
An IDC diagnosis means that a chronic cough or be unable to
cancer began growing in the get a full breath.
BY UR MEDICINE | milk ducts but has since spread
the same as annual background safer. Those with denser breasts you currently have no problems. A more extensive breakdown
into other parts of the breast of the types of breast cancer
NOYES HEALTH radiation, which is the amount are increasingly being offered And it has to be at least one full tissue. This is why IDC is char-
October is Breast Cancer can be found at https://www.
of radiation we’re all exposed to a 3D mammogram (known as year from your last one. But if acterized as “invasive.” Though
Awareness Month, which annu- on a daily basis from things like tomosynthesis), which is essen- you have a lump or other prob- IDC can affect people, including types.
ally sheds light on the impor- buildings, food, the atmosphere, tially a better mammogram. lem, you will need a  diagnos- men, of any age, the ACS notes
tance of early detection. that the majority of IDC cases – Metro Creative
etc. However, you may still need an tic  mammogram and your doc-
UR Medicine wom- Q:  I hate mammograms. ultrasound. tor will need to order it. When
en’s imaging specialist Dr. Would an ultrasound or If you think you might need to symptoms occur, it’s especially
Avice O’Connell answers a few something else do? consider these additional tests, important you see your doctor.
questions women commonly A:  A mammogram really is talk to your doctor and be sure The benefit of screening is to
ask about screening for and the gold standard when it comes to check with your insurance find breast cancer before it can
diagnosing breast cancer. to breast cancer screening. Over company. For the most part, be detected clinically or before
QUESTION:  I’m in my the last 30 years, there has been aside from tomosynthesis, these it’s displaying physical symp-
early 40s, I don’t have a fam- a 30 percent reduction in mortal- additional tests are not cov- toms, when the cancer is often
ily history of breast cancer ity rate and that’s in large part ered like your annual screening still in a much earlier stage.
and I breastfed my kids. Do I because of mammograms and mammogram is, so there may To schedule your mammo-
really need a mammogram? their effectiveness in finding be an out-of-pocket cost for you. gram, call Noyes Health in
ANSWER:  It’s still a very breast cancer in earlier stages, Q: How much will I pay for Dansville at (585) 335-4236,
good idea to get screened. Three when it’s less likely to be deadly my screening mammogram? or Noyes Health in Geneseo at
out of four women who are and is also more responsive to A: If you’re age 40 or older, (585) 991-6016.
diagnosed with breast cancer the great treatments the oncol- there is no “cost sharing” in an
have no family history of the ogy team has to offer. annual screening mammogram,
disease, and at least one in six Other types of equipment, meaning it’s fully covered by We Carry We Do
of all women diagnosed are in such as an MRI or an ultra- insurance and there won’t be a Forestry Flotation
their 40s. About 40 percent of sound, are used for various rea- charge to you for getting one. Tires! Tires!
years of life lost from breast sons but only in addition to a Medicare and most insurance
cancer are in women in their mammogram. For people with companies now cover tomosyn-
40s because in younger women, a high risk of breast cancer, an thesis. You can call and book
breast cancer tends to be more MRI and mammogram may be an appointment yourself and go
aggressive. Don’t take chances. offered, while those who have virtually anywhere you’d like.
Get screened annually starting dense breasts may get a mam- It’s important to explain that
at age 40, or sooner depending mogram and an ultrasound to be a screening mammogram means
on your risk factors.
Q: If I have a mammogram,
do I need to self-examine my
A: I like to think of it more as GARDEN DECOR
self- awareness than self-exami-
nation. You should know what

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A6 Thursday, September 30, 2021 Livingston County News

October is

Explaining the role of

staging in diagnosing
breast cancer
METRO CREATIVE ing system in 2018. Though
A cancer diagnosis can be this has made determining
overwhelming, and people the stage of breast cancer
who receive such news may more complex, Breastcancer.
be flooded with a range of org notes that it’s also made
emotions. staging more accurate. That
When delivering such improved accuracy increases
a diagnosis, doctors share the likelihood that doctors
vital information about their will choose the most effec-
patients’ disease. Those tive treatment plan for their
details can go a long way patients, which should ease
toward easing patients’ con- those patients’ concerns as
cerns. they begin treatment.
Staging is an important Staging is complex, and
component of cancer treat- patients should know that
ment. The National Cancer staging alone does not dic-
Institute notes that stage tate prognosis.
refers to the extent of the The following breakdown,
cancer, including how large courtesy of the NCI, is a
the tumor is and whether or brief description of the five
not it has spread, or metas- stages of cancer (stages O
tasized. through IV). A more detailed
Learning the stage of the description of breast can-
cancer, which is typically cer stages can be found at
Metro Creative expressed on a scale of 0 https://www.breastcancer.
Mammography screening has been proven effective in reducing breast cancer deaths in women 40 years and older, with a through IV, helps doctors org/symptoms/diagnosis/
mortality reduction of 40% possible with regular screening. understand how serious the staging.
cancer is and the patient’s n Stage 0: This is diag-

Study confirms value of mammogram

chances of survival. Staging nosed when abnormal cells
also is used to plan treat- are present but have not
ments and potentially iden- spread to nearby tissue.
tify clinical trials that may Stage 0 is also called car-
serve as treatment options. cinoma in situ, or CIS. CIS
Screenings shown effective at reducing deaths from breast cancer The American Joint Com-
mittee on Cancer oversees
is not cancer, but it may
become cancer.
the breast cancer staging sys- n Stages I through III:
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer tem and utilizes the TNM
Cancer is present in these
Monthly self-exams can help described as similar to the tex- mon for women’s breasts to be
stages. The higher the num-
RAPHY notes that three clinical char- ber, the larger the tumor is
Life is busy, and before we women more easily identify ture of an orange peel. Lumps in asymmetrical, but sudden asym-
changes in their breasts. Women the breast may indicate breast metry should be brought to the acteristics, referred to as “T, and the more it has spread
know it, we have missed an can look for the following signs cancer, though not all lumps are attention of a physician. N, and M,” are used to calcu- into nearby tissues.
important health screening. and symptoms and are advised cancerous. late the stage of the cancer: n Stage IV: The cancer
Discharge from the nipple: The
How often do you say to report any abnormalities to NBCF notes any discharge from n the size of the tumor and has spread into distant parts
Change in appearance of the
to yourself, “I know I’m their physicians immediately.
breast or nipple: Unexplained the nipple, particularly a clear whether or not is has grown of the body.
due, I’ll call and schedule Changes in how the breast or changes in the size or shape or bloody discharge, could be a into nearby tissue (T) Staging plays an impor-
it soon,” and that “soon” nipple feels: The National Breast of the breast; dimpling on the sign of breast cancer. The NBCF n whether the cancer is in
also advises women that a milky tant role in treating cancer.
becomes an entire year? Cancer Foundation Inc. says breast; unexplained swelling or the lymph nodes (N) Recognizing the role of stag-
nipple tenderness or a lump or shrinking of the breast, particular- discharge when not breastfeed-
A lot can happen in a year, ing should be discussed with a n whether the cancer has ing can help patients better
thickening in or near the breast ly when the shrinking or swelling
including the development or underarm could indicate breast is exclusive to one side only; and physician. spread, or metastasized, understand their disease and
of breast cancer. We cannot cancer. Some women may notice a nipple that is turned slightly Learning to recognize signs and into other parts of the body the direction of their treat-
emphasize enough the impor- changes in the skin texture or inward or inverted are some signs symptoms of breast cancer beyond the breast (M) ments.
tance of yearly screening an enlargement of the pores in and symptoms of breast cancer increase the likelihood of early Additional characteristics More information about
mammography. It gives your the skin of their breast. In many that can affect the appearance diagnosis and improves women’s were added to the AJCC’s
instances, skin texture has been of the breast or nipple. It is com- chances of surviving the disease. staging is available at www.
doctors the opportunity to TNM breast cancer stag-
find breast cancer early when
it is most curable. and the Society of Breast eral locations close to home, age 45 or 50 results in unnec-
In a recent study published Imaging. Yearly mammo- faster exam times, and same- essary loss of life to breast
in the Journal of the Ameri- grams save the most lives. day results from two expert cancer, adversely affecting
can College of Radiology Skipping just one year can radiologists for screening minority women in particu-
(JACR), researchers show decrease a person’s 10-year mammograms. So, do not lar.
the impact annual screen- survival rate by half. skip this year’s exam! Sched- Breast cancer screening
ing mammography has on The American College ule today. in women ages 75 years and
saving lives. The authors of Radiology and Society older have continued benefits
explain that their prospec- of Breast Imaging jointly Key points in terms of deaths averted,
tive study looked at 549,091 published updated breast Mammography screening and life-years gained.
women eligible for screen- cancer screening guidelines has been proven effective in Annual screening results
ing mammography in nine in June 2021 in the JACR. reducing breast cancer deaths in more screening-detected
Swedish counties between The guidelines state that in women 40 years and older, tumors, tumors of smaller
1992 and 2016. The study all women should have with a mortality reduction of sizes, and fewer interval can-
found women who attended a risk assessment by age 40% possible with regular cers than longer screening
screening mammography at 30 – especially minority screening. intervals. Metro Creative
either of their two last invita- women. It also emphasizes Annual mammography There is risk in not screen- Learning the stage of a breast cancer diagnosis helps doc-
tions before a breast cancer the importance of screening screening starting at age 40 ing; treatment advances tors understand how serious the cancer is and the patient’s
diagnosis had a significantly in overlooked or underserved provides the greatest breast are important but cannot chances of survival.
lower risk of breast cancer populations, including trans- cancer mortality reduction by overcome the disadvantage
mortality compared with gender individuals and black enabling diagnosis at smaller of being diagnosed with an
those who did not attend women. sizes and earlier stages, better advanced-stage tumor.
screening examinations; The ACR and SBI continue surgical options, and more –––
the greatest benefit (49% to recommend annual screen- effective chemotherapy. Full article: Duffy Tabar et al.
risk reduction) was seen in ing beginning at age 40 for Delaying screening until Radiology 2021
women who attended both women of average breast
screening appointments. cancer risk.
The findings of this study It is easier and more con-
are consistent with recom- venient than ever to schedule
mendations from the Ameri- your yearly mammogram.
can College of Radiology We are proud to offer sev- Real Estate Services
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Livingston County News Thursday, September 30, 2021 A7

October is

Location affects symptoms of metastatic breast cancer

A metastatic breast cancer Improving
diagnosis can be difficult to treatments combat
comprehend. Such a diagno-
metastatic breast
sis means that cancer that ini-
tially began in the breast has A 2017 study pub-
now spread to other parts of lished in the journal
the body. Cancer Epidemiology,
Many women who receive Biomarkers and Preven-
tion found that about
such a diagnosis have beaten one-third of women
breast cancer in the past and diagnosed with meta-
might not understand why it static breast cancer in
has returned and spread to the United States live
other parts of their bodies. at least five years after
But the threat of recurrence is diagnosis.
something all cancer patients Also known as stage
must face, and taking steps IV breast cancer, meta-
to understand as much about static breast cancer
is the most advanced
their disease as possible can stage of the disease.
prepare people to fight it once Metastatic breast
again. cancer refers to breast
The location of metastatic cancer that has spread
breast cancer will affect how beyond the breast and
women feel. Understanding nearby lymph nodes to
the relationship between loca- other parts of the body.
tion and symptoms can help Patients diagnosed
women identify problems with breast cancer
also should know that
they might otherwise write off improved treatments
as natural signs of aging, and may further their chanc-
that knowledge might compel es of surviving a diagno-
them to seek treatment that sis, even a diagnosis of
can prolong their lives. metastatic breast can-
What does location have cer. The American Can-
to do with metastatic breast cer Society notes that
The location of metastatic breast cancer will affect how women feel. survival rates are based
on women who were
Symptoms of metastatic of the body where the cancer sea, loss of appetite, and/or memory problems; mood or tite; fever; bloating; swelling diagnosed and treated
breast cancer vary depending is most likely to spread. dehydration, each of which personality changes; seizures; the legs; or a yellow tint to at least five years ear-
on where the cancer is locat- n Bone: Bones are the first can be indicative of high lev- or stroke or Òbrain attack,Ó the skin or whites of the eyes. lier. In the time since
ed. notes sight of metastasis for more els of calcium in the blood in which the supply of blood n Lungs: Breast cancer those survival rates were
that metastatic breast cancer than half of the women who due to bone breakdown, are to the brain has been cut off. that has spread to the lungs documented, treatments
most commonly spreads from could have advanced
develop metastatic breast can- other symptoms of metastatic n Liver: Women only rare- also does not often pro- even further, potentially
the breast to the bones, brain,
liver, or lungs. Some symp- cer. Sudden, severe pain and breast cancer that has spread ly experience symptoms of duce symptoms, and is often improving the five-year
toms of metastatic breast an inability to move are the to the bone. breast cancer that has spread detected via imaging studies survival rates for meta-
cancer may be mistaken for most common symptoms that n Brain: to the liver. Liver function conducted during treatment static breast cancer.
natural signs of aging, which cancer has spread to the bone. notes that between 10 and 15 tests are often how metastatic follow-up sessions. If symp-
might keep women from Pain in the back or neck; percent of women with meta- cancer that has spread to the toms do appear, they may
seeking treatment that could numbness or weakness in an static breast cancer develop liver is detected. However, include pain or discomfort in the breast to other parts of the
potentially extend their lives area of the body; or diffi- brain metastases. Symptoms some women do experience the lung; shortness of breath; body, the location of the can-
by a number of years. The culty passing urine or having that affect the brain can symptoms, which can include wheezing; persistent cough; cer cells can produce certain
following is a breakdown on bowel movements are other include headaches; changes pain or discomfort in the mid- or coughing up blood and symptoms that should not be
the symptoms of metastatic symptoms of bone metasta- in the senses, such as slurred section; fatigue and weak- mucus. mistaken for innocuous signs
cancer associated with parts sis. Fatigue, weakness, nau- speech or blurred vision; ness; weight loss/poor appe- When cancer spreads from of aging or other illnesses.

Road to recovery continues after treatment ends Follow Livingston County News
out that many cancer survi- treatment. These appoint- how to approach new fitness
The American Cancer vors recognize that life after ments also allow doctors regimens if they were inac-
Society reports that the five- treatment is less about “get- to determine if the cancer tive prior to diagnosis.
year survival rate for all ting back to normal” than has returned or spread to The road to recovery from
cancers combined that were it is about discovering the other parts of the body. In cancer may be filled with
diagnosed between 2009 and new normal. The Memorial addition, follow-up visits uncertainty. But cancer sur-
2015 was 67 percent. That’s Sloan Ketting Cancer Cen- provide an opportunity for vivors should recognize that
a noteworthy and encourag- ter reports that most people cancer survivors to bring up
millions before them have
ing statistic, though global indicate it takes between six any symptoms or questions
they might have. Patients survived the disease and
figures compiled by Our- and 12 months after they
can ask about ways to gone on to live full, happy 84 Avon-Geneseo Rd. Geneseo, NY 14454 indicate complete chemotherapy
reduce their risk of cancer lives. A patient approach Cell: 585-704-2246
that five-year survival rates before they truly feel like
following diagnosis are sig- recurrence and seek advice to recovery can help can-
themselves again. Office: 585-243-2643
cer survivors overcome any
nificantly lower in poorer Follow-up care also is a on getting back to normal,
including how quickly they obstacles they may encoun-
Fax: 585-243-1838 Marcea Tetamore
countries. vital part of recovering from Licensed Associate Broker
In addition, the road to cancer. The NCI notes that can begin exercising and ter along the way. 585-704-2246
recovery for cancer patients cancer survivors typically
typically does not end when return to the doctor every
treatments are completed. three to four months dur-

Ave . Inc. Call for

appointm n

The National Cancer Insti- ing the first two to three ent.
tute notes that many cancer years after treatment. After hair salon
survivors have indicated that, survivors may see
that information and sup- their doctors once or twice 84 Avon-Geneseo Rd. Geneseo, NY 14454
port was abundant during a year. Follow-up care is Hours of Operation
Cell: 585-747-2108 Tuesday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
their treatment. However, vital for cancer survivors, Office: 585-243-2643
once treatment stopped, a as it provides their doctors Saturday, 9:00am-2:00pm
new wave of questions and an opportunity to determine
Fax: 585-243-1838 Marie Beikirch Lic. R.E. Salesperson Sunday & Monday - Closed
uncertainty soon emerged. if patients are experienc- 585-747-2108 lways Phone (716) 937-7098
For example, the NCI points ing any side effects from Walk-ins A
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A8 Thursday, September 30, 2021 Livingston County News

October is

How to reduce risk of breast cancer recurrence

A breast cancer diagnosis
can change patients’ lives in Breast cancer
ways they never imagined. survivors face
That’s especially so in the
rare instances when women higher risk for
younger than 40 years old are other cancers
diagnosed with the disease.
According to the American Though most breast
cancer survivors don’t
Cancer Society, it’s uncom- get cancer again, the
mon for women younger than American Cancer Society
40 to receive a breast cancer notes that they are at
diagnosis. In fact, data from higher risk for getting
the ACS indicates that only some types of cancer.
about 4 percent of all women According to the ACS,
diagnosed with breast can- the most common sec-
cer in the United States are ond cancer in breast can-
younger than age 40. But 4 cer survivors is another
breast cancer. That only
percent is nothing to brush underscores the impor-
aside, especially when the tance of continuing to
ACS estimates that more than get screened even after
300,000 women in the Unit- successful treatment.
ed States are diagnosed with In addition to a sec-
breast cancer each year. That ond breast cancer,
means roughly 12,000 women breast cancer survivors
younger than 40 years old have a greater risk of
developing salivary
in the United States will be gland cancer, cancer of
diagnosed with breast cancer the esophagus, stomach
this year, and many of those cancer, colon cancer,
women will understandably uterine cancer, and ovar-
express concerns about can- ian cancer. The risk for
cer recurrence in the years to thyroid cancer, sarcoma,
come. melanoma of the skin,
The medical experts at and acute myeloid leuke-
Johns Hopkins Medicine note mia also is greater after
successful treatment for
that learning to cope with METRO CREATIVE
fears of breast cancer recur- Staying current with screenings and vaccinations can help breast cancer survivors reduce their risk for recurrence. – Metro Creative
rence is an important part of
the recovery process. Those first sometimes. That can be tors. It’s also vital that women flu shots and vaccinations. remains unknown if vitamin
same experts note that vari- difficult for younger breast prioritize their physical well- Annual physicals and screen- D supplements can lower risk
ous lifestyle changes can help cancer survivors with children being. Routine exercise and a ings for cardiovascular condi- of breast cancer recurrence, minimum SPF of 30 can help
women regain their health, at home, but prioritizing their healthy diet can help women tions like high cholesterol and but maintaining sufficient lev- women reach recommended
strength and optimism and own emotional well-being can reduce stress and maintain diabetes can help women stay els of vitamin D can promote levels of vitamin D.
quell any fears they have help women overcome their a healthy weight, which can on a healthy path forward. overall health. Women can Cancer recurrence is a sig-
about cancer recurrence. fears of recurrence. Support reduce risk for recurrence. n Monitor vitamin D lev- speak with their physicians nificant concern for survivors.
n Take care of yourself, groups can connect women n Stay on top of screen- els. Johns Hopkins Medicine about vitamin D and which However, various strategies
both emotionally and physi- with fellow breast cancer sur- ings and vaccinations. notes that the Nurses Health supplements to consider. In can help women reduce their
cally. Johns Hopkins Medi- vivors, and women should not Another way to reduce the Study found a link between addition, spending 20 minutes risk for recurrence and help
cine urges breast cancer sur- hesitate to discuss any fears risk of cancer recurrence is to low levels of vitamin D and per day in the sunshine while them regain their optimism
vivors to put their own needs or concerns with their doc- stay up-to-date on screenings, breast cancer incidence. It wearing sunscreen with a for the future.

Women have some control in risk for breast cancer

METRO CREATIVE nosis seem almost inevitable. more difficult, so the Office that oral contraceptives, such tors for breast cancer that may instill a feeling of help-
No one, regardless of their However, the Centers for Dis- on Women’s Health urges as birth control pills, have women may be able to control. lessness, women should know
age, occupation, skin color, ease Control and Prevention larger women to start slowly been linked to a higher risk Breast cancer affects mil- that many risk factors for
or socioeconomic status, is notes that not all risk factors if it’s been awhile since they for breast cancer. Women lions of women across the breast cancer are within their
immune to cancer. In fact, for breast cancer are set in exercised. In addition, aging can speak with their physi- globe each year. Though that control.
individuals might be hard stone. Though age and fam- women can speak with their cians about how to control
pressed to say no one in their ily history, two known risk physicians for advice about hormone-related risk factors
family and/or circle of friends factors for breast cancer, may exercise regimens they should for breast cancer.
has been diagnosed with can- be beyond a woman’s control, or need not avoid. n Alcohol consumption:
cer at some point. she still can exercise some n Taking hormones: The Studies have found that the
According to the Nation- control over other risk factors. CDC notes that hormone more alcohol a woman con-
al Cancer Institute, there n Physical activity: The replacement therapies that sumes the greater her risk for
were 18.1 million new can- 84 Avon-Geneseo Rd., Geneseo, NY 14454
CDC notes that women who include both estrogen and pro- breast cancer becomes. Smok-
cer cases across the globe in Cell: 585-315-6617
are not physically active have gesterone taken during meno- ing, exposure to chemicals that
2018. Among women, when pause can increase a woman’s have been found to cause can- Office: 585-243-2643 ext 101
a higher risk of getting breast
excluding non-melanoma skin
cancer, no cancer was more cancer than those who are. The risk for breast cancer when cer and changes in hormones Fax: 585-243-1838
Patricia Cole
Office on Women’s Health, a taken for more than five years. related to working night shifts Lic. R.E. Broker & Notary Public
prevalent globally than breast In addition, the CDC reports are some additional risk fac- 585-315-6617
cancer. The World Cancer division of the U.S. Depart-
Research Fund reports that, in ment of Health & Human
2018, breast cancer accounted Services, notes that women
for 25.4 percent of all new can- should get two hours and 30
cer diagnoses in women. That minutes of moderate-intensity
figure is nearly three times as aerobic physical activity every
high as the percentage of cases week or 75 minutes of vig-
of colorectal cancer, which orous-intensity aerobic activ- 84 Avon-Geneseo Rd. Geneseo, NY 14454
accounted for the second most ity each week. This should Cell: 585-750-3320
new cancer cases diagnosed in be accompanied by muscle- Office: 585-243-2643
women in 2018.
It’s understandable to be
strengthening activities on
two or more days each week.
Fax: 585-243-1838
Alan S. Cole Lic. R.E. Salesperson
fearful of such figures, which Carrying around extra weight 585-750-3320
can make a breast cancer diag- can make moving around

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