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Topic: Example of an Annotated Bibliography (replace with your topic)

Dr. Schultz (replace with your name)

1. Turabian, Kate. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. 8th ed. Chicago;
University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Turabian lays out the rules for citation, grammar, and organization in Turabian or Chicago
format research papers. This citation format is a required format for this paper, and the book
will provide valuable information about how to cite and organize properly. Alternatively, you
may find the Perdue Website very helpful in determining the proper format for your materials: .

2. Include 10 books or articles, in alphabetical order, in Turabian format. Use hanging indent for the
source. Provide the annotation in a .5 indent as demonstrated here.

The annotation should include 2-3 sentences explaining the main thesis of the book. It should
also include 2-3 sentences explaining how it fits into your research project and why it is a
valuable source. Remember that these sources must be scholarly sources. I encourage you to
take a look at all of the material available in the Jerry Falwell Library website to help you when
doing your research.

3. . . .

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