HIWD370_Annotated Bibliography Rubric

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Name - IA Annotated Bibliography Rubric


Rubric Detail

  Levels of Achievement

Criteria Advanced Proficient Developing

Mechanics 18 to 20 14 to 17 1 to 13 points 0 to 0
points points Some to points
•Grammar – A few errors several errors Not
correct word in the in the present
usage, proper following: following:
nouns, •Grammar – •Grammar –
sentences correct word correct word
complete, usage, proper usage, proper
academic nouns, nouns,
tone sentences sentences
•Punctuation, complete, complete,
Spelling academic academic
tone tone
•Punctuation, •Punctuation,
Spelling Spelling

Formatting 18 to 20 14 to 17 1 to 13 points 0 to 0
points points Some to points
Turabian A few errors several errors Not
formatting is in Turabian in Turabian present
correct formatting formatting

Sources 18 to 20 14 to 17 1 to 13 points 0 to 0
points points At least 6 points
At least 10 At least 8 sources that Not
sources that sources that meet the present
meet the meet the following
following following requirements:
requirements: requirements: •Sources are
•Sources are •Sources are scholarly
scholarly scholarly •Sources
•Sources •Sources clearly relate
clearly relate clearly relate to the topic

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  Levels of Achievement

Criteria Advanced Proficient Developing

to the topic to the topic under

under under discussion
discussion discussion

Assessment 18 to 20 14 to 17 1 to 13 points 0 to 0
points points Some to points
•Identifies the A few errors several errors Not
article’s thesis in the in the present
and purpose following: following:
•Assesses the •Identifies the •Identifies the
value and article’s thesis article’s thesis
importance of and purpose and purpose
the source •Assesses the •Assesses the
value and value and
importance of importance of
the source the source

Content 18 to 20 14 to 17 1 to 13 points 0 to 0
points points Some to points
•Annotations A few errors several errors Not
are well in the in the present
thought out, following: following:
and well •Annotations •Annotations
organized are well are well
•Writing is thought out, thought out,
clear and and well and well
precise organized organized
•Analyzes and •Writing is •Writing is
evaluates the clear and clear and
source and its precise precise
relevance to •Analyzes and •Analyzes and
the topic at evaluates the evaluates the
hand source and its source and its
relevance to relevance to
the topic at the topic at
hand hand

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