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annual report 2010
Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 1
t he JCC Movement has adapted to a new reality, one where organizations can
no longer take for granted that things will stay the same, that associates will
always remain connected, or that distinctions between agencies will forever retain
their clarity. We are entering a time of flux and rapid change when JCCs and
JCC Association must become more flexible and much more responsive. Today’s
environment has caused us to think about different ways of delivering our services so
we can effectively lead the JCC Movement in the 21st century.

Our board task forces have helped us reach these conclusions. Accordingly,
we spent 2010 devising entirely new approaches to wellness (DISCOVER@
JCC), to executive succession and the development of a new generation of lay
leaders, to doing a serious study of the Jewish impact of JCC day camps, and to
reinvigorating the JCC connection to Israel. A primary focus was to open up a real
conversation with our affiliate JCCs about our recommitting to our Jewish mission,
and to encourage them to begin similar conversations with their users about the
type of Jewish lives they want to lead, and how we can make it possible for them
to do so. We tried hard to listen more than to speak, and to understand more than
to prescribe.

This annual report follows that pattern. We consistently looked at things from the
point of view of our affiliated JCCs and asked ourselves what were the challenges
they faced in 2010, and how did we respond. We provided a wealth of meaningful
services to JCCs and their communities, but we know that we must constantly adapt
to the rapidly changing conditions, both Jewish and general, within which JCCs
operate. We want to hear from you through our different communications channels—
our 1000 Conversations blog, Facebook pages, Twitter feed, our new website, our
Listservs—and even old-world technology like the telephone. Make sure to look on
our website at the videos we have prepared to supplement this annual report and let
us know what you think. We always look forward to hearing from you.

Paula L. Sidman, Chair Allan Finkelstein, President & CEO

Jewish Community Centers have an exalted
mission: they are dedicated to enhancing the well-
being of their communities in a multitude of ways.
That means the JCC Movement cares about the
spiritual, cultural, physical, psychological, and
economic health of the people who come to JCCs
to learn, to play, and to grow.
JCCs represent the highest and deepest values of
Jewish life—a reverence for education, compassion,
and justice—and a uniquely North American
expression of Jewish culture.
In welcoming everyone, the JCC is the one
place where people of different backgrounds
can enjoy the extraordinary richness and
variety of Jewish tradition, everything from
Maimonides to Shalom Sesame.
At JCC Association, we are always aware of our
responsibility to support JCCs as they continue
their vital work. The year 2010 was the year we
looked for solutions, pragmatic ways we could
help JCCs overcome their challenges. From our
Biennial Conference in Atlanta, which focused on
providing JCCs with the right tools to do their jobs,
to the continuing expansion of JCC Excellence:
Benchmarking, we dedicated ourselves to serving
our constituents and putting their needs first.

Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 1

Meeting Challenges

provide staff with
The most effective way is to

many opportunities to deepen

their Jewish literacy.
We have devised numerous programs that do just that, for preschool
teachers, for camp counselors and directors, for adult program directors,

to grow a
even for marketing and administrative staff.

vibrant Jewish
In 2010, we offered webinars and training conferences to 270 JCC
early-childhood teachers and directors so they could become even more

atmosphere deeply familiar with the classic Jewish wisdom of An Ethical Start®. We
created a beautiful family activity calendar based on the mishnayot
at the JCC? drawn from Pirke Avot, which forms the basis of the program, and sent it
to almost 7,000 families. In addition, our consultants trained more than
2,000 early childhood directors and teachers on the most current and
effective pedagogical practices.

Our Benchmarking data tells us We trained staff from 54 camps to use TAG: Jewish Values through
that JCC users appreciate a rich JCC Camping® and the Goodman Family Foundation: Yisrael Sheli
Jewish ambience and that they (My Israel), and we continued the intensive Jewish education of resident
are more likely to donate when camp directors through our Hemshech and Netivim programs, with
they feel the JCC is a vibrant
support from The AVI CHAI Foundation. JCCs comprise the largest
Jewish institution.
network of Jewish camps, serving almost 85,000 children.
How can JCCs ensure that they
We compiled extensive background resources for the staff leaders of
exude that Jewish vibrancy?
our JCC Maccabi Israel trips, and we sent monthly updates to JCC
executives and marketing directors on the contemporary situation
in Israel—not just the news that’s always in the headlines, but
information about Israeli business, music, movies, holiday
celebrations, food, and everything that makes the Jewish
State such an exciting place.

We shared a weekly electronic d’var Torah from the

Mandel Center for Jewish Education, and we gave
JCC leaders the opportunity to engage in serious
Jewish learning at our Biennial convention and
our board meetings. Although the JCC is open
to all, we worked hard to ensure that all
JCCs have that expressly Jewish feeling.

2 JCC Association of North America

Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 3
Meeting Challenges

How to
attract, develop,
and retain
the staff and
volunteer leaders
of tomorrow?
Our Benchmarking data clearly
shows that a satisfied, motivated
JCC staff is associated with greater
member retention and more
program participation. That means
a healthier bottom line for JCCs.
We also know that only half of JCC
professionals expect to be in their
jobs in three years.

What can JCCs do to retain their best

staff members and provide them with
the development and advancement
opportunities that will keep them
engaged and productive and serving
two million users?

4 JCC Association of North America

Because human capital is critical to the success of
JCCs, the JCC Association board established the
Future Talent Task Force to learn how to identify
and advance promising staff. In 2010, we awarded
$70,000 in JCC Association graduate scholarship
funding for potential and current JCC professionals
to enhance their expertise, and we launched a social-
media campaign to reach more recipients. The Merrin
Center for Teen Services offered its coveted Teen
Professional Fellowship to a new group of 16 JCC
teen workers. These dynamic young professionals
have proven to be candidates for the next generation
of JCC management. To make it easier and more
economical for JCC staff members to continue their
professional learning, our professional leadership
department instituted a series of webinars, which
drew hundreds of participants across North America.

Our research shows that executive directors who

have a clear vision for their JCCs inspire and
motivate their staff. But how can executives develop
the skills to clearly communicate their vision?
Our annual Executive Seminars encouraged 67
executive directors to keep learning and growing,
and we provide first-time executive directors with an
intensive mentoring program to help them succeed.
The Mandel Center for Excellence in Leadership and
Management offers consultation in strategic thinking
and executive-board development. The 2010 Biennial
convention in Atlanta gave executive directors and
lay leadership the priceless opportunity to learn
together, forming a deeper understanding of their
respective roles and responsibilities. The Esther
Leah Ritz Next Generation JCC Leadership Institute
at the Biennial enrolled 55 emerging JCC leaders in
an intensive training program, which also introduced
them to each other as future JCC leaders.

Today’s JCC staff member requires feedback

and evaluation to remain committed, and we’re
committed to helping JCCs acquire the skills they
need to support their staff.

Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 5

6 JCC Association of North America
Meeting Challenges

What kind of Jewish lives do people
want to live... and how can we make it
possible for them do so?
With that question, Allan Finkelstein introduced the idea of engaging in “1,000
Jewish conversations,” a continent-wide discussion about major issues that
impact Jewish life, and how the work of JCCs can address those issues. The
conversation generated a number of ideas aimed at removing barriers to Jewish
Challenge: involvement among today’s young people — and informed much of the work of

How to
JCC Association throughout the year.

We gave the stage to two important young voices at the JCCs of North America
re-invent the Biennial convention in Atlanta. Sharon Brous, founding rabbi of the innovative
spiritual community IKAR, urged JCCs to raise the bar, not lower it, noting that
JCC for a new the more you challenge this generation, the more they respond. Ariel Beery,

CEO of PresenTense — a group that connects creative young minds with the
resources to make their Jewish social venture ideas a reality — described a
generation reaching out to make a difference, and saw that JCCs could become
ideal platforms to help them realize their potential.
Today’s younger generation communicates
We developed DISCOVER @ the JCC, a campaign of programming and
differently — and has other opinions about marketing resources that aim to posit JCCs as the total wellness leaders in
involvement — than their parents did. their communities. DISCOVER is piloting now at six JCCs. Its first phase will
Shaped by the digital age they grew focus on providing a holistic wellness model for soon-to-be parents and families
up in, they are accustomed to rapid with young children. Today’s young parents often feel disconnected from the
change, passionate about social issues, traditional support structures that guided previous generations through the
and skeptical about institutions. Their challenging early years of childrearing, creating a tremendous need for the
engagement in the Jewish community JCC to become their go-to spot. DISCOVER will offer them programming in
cannot be taken for granted, nor can everything from mommy-and-me yoga to health fairs, from financial planning
their association with the JCC. for young families to Shalom Sesame™ — and of course, all of it with a strong
foundation in Jewish values.
Jewish young adults and The tools of 21st century marketing and communications have changed — and are
parents with young children redefining community for a new generation. To keep JCCs on top of the curve,
are the future of Jewish we provided training at Biennial, at regional conferences, and via webinars,
community in North on how to evolve the JCC’s marketing strategy from advertising to creating
America. How can JCCs relationships, using new channels like FaceBook, Twitter, Google searches, and
evolve to connect with pay-per-click campaigns.
this generation, give
Real change is impossible without strong and informed leadership. Our task
them the services
force on executive succession advised JCCs to prepare now for the approaching
they want and need, turnover of top staff as the baby boomers near retirement, and prescribed steps
and inspire them to ensure JCCs find capable new professional leaders. On the lay side, our task
to map their own force on engaging a new generation provided a path for JCCs to reach out to
meaningful Jewish prominent young people in their communities and encourage them to bring their
journeys? expertise and viewpoints to the board.

Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 7

Meeting Challenges

8 JCC Association of North America

Challenge: Our task force on revitalizing the JCC/Israel
relationship published its report in May, and

How to put called for a new approach, one that encourages

open discussion and constant engagement

Israel at the heart with Israel. We began a year-long pilot program

with seven JCCs to help them be exemplars in

of the JCC... implementing the task force recommendations,

and provide opportunities for informal Israel
every day? education and open forums for discussions.

Our new Young Shlichim program paired JCCs

In the ‘60s and ‘70s, nothing unified North with young, idealistic, and dedicated Israelis who
American Jews of all denominations like in sharing Israeli cultural life with North American
support for the young nation of Israel Jews, have touched their communities with
during its struggle for survival. In recent programs that entertain, educate, and inspire.
decades, as Israel has become more Working with the Jewish Agency for Israel, we
secure, more prosperous, and more firmly are able to bring these emissaries to JCCs at a
established, politics have increasingly reduced cost, and help turn the JCC into the town
hall of the Jewish community.
chipped away at that unity. Today, it is
all too common for Israel to be regarded Our Mandel Center for Jewish Education
as a complicated topic, too political to published the third curriculum of its Israel
be on the agenda outside of yearly Yom education program for JCC resident camps,
Ha’atzma’ut celebrations. Yisrael Sheli: My Israel. The goal of this program,
generously funded by the Goodman Family
Our connection to Israel is far too Foundation, is to impart a clear picture and love
important to be pushed to the sidelines. of Israel to teens, and to inform them with facts
Eretz Yisrael is the nexus of Jewish before they enter a university environment all too
history and tradition, and modern Israel likely to confront them with anti-Israel sentiment.
is the epicenter of Jewish culture and
We literally connected teens with Israel over the
creativity today. If our JCCs are to be summer, taking groups from several JCC camps
true and complete Jewish environments, on a five-week exploration of the Jewish homeland
Israel must be part of the equation. But with our JCC Maccabi Israel program. And we laid
how do we foster a meaningful relationship the groundwork for our biggest teen experience in
between JCCs and Israel in a new era? Israel yet, working with our partner, Maccabi World
Union, to bring our most popular Jewish-identity
building programs — JCC Maccabi Games® and JCC
Maccabi ArtsFest® — to Israel for the first time, in
the summer of 2011. Nearly 1,000 teen athletes
and artists are expected to participate.

Our office in Israel sends regular bulletins to JCC

leaders to keep them aware of current issues,
and provides JCCs with a monthly compendium
of information about Israeli movies, music, books,
holiday celebrations, and food. We are doing
everything we can to keep Israel on the mind of the
JCC Movement, and in its heart.

Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 9

10 JCC Association of North America
Lenny Krayzelburg JCC Swim Academy
Children from California to New York lined up to learn to swim at
Lenny K JCC Swim Academy sites, and more JCCs are in the process
of signing on to this revolutionary water-safety system. The four-time
gold medal winner Lenny Krayzelburg business model provides JCCs
with an expanded revenue stream as well as way to connect with
young families who want their children to be safe around the water.

An Ethical Start® calendar a

We produced a family-activity calendar through An Ethical
Start, our early-childhood-education values curriculum,
which suggested games, projects, and conversation starters,
all based on mishnayot drawn from Pirke Avot, the classic
Jewish text. The calendar was another way to engage young
families with children in JCC preschools and to expand their
connection to Jewish life.

b c
Mandel Center for Jewish Education: TAG: Jewish Values
through JCC Camping®
We added five new units, including one on sportsmanship, to our wealth of material in
TAG: Jewish Values through JCC Camping®, a program that gives JCC resident and day
camps serving 85,000 campers a way to incorporate Jewish enrichment into the camp d
day. An acronym of Torah, Avodah, and Gemilut Chassidim, TAG offers camp directors
more than forty units that address the weekly Torah portion, Israel, and daily life as seen
through Jewish values. e
These illustrations are h
from TAG unit Basic
Ideas in Jewish Life and
Thought: Torah. f

Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 11

JCC Maccabi Israel teen trips
JCC Maccabi Israel trips were a great success
for JCC camps from Miami, Milwaukee,
Chicago, and Pittsburgh. Traveling together
with their camp friends through the Jewish
State cemented the bond these teens felt for
JCC Maccabi Games and ArtsFest each other and for their JCC camp. And the
together! camp benefited from a more cohesive group
of young counselors.
Our first ever combination JCC Maccabi Games/JCC
Maccabi ArtsFest was a great success in Baltimore,
and the Games in Denver, Omaha, and Richmond, and
ArtsFest in San Rafael, California, drew thousands of
teens to participate in what has become the largest
gathering of Jewish young people. Besides participating
in sports and arts workshops, the teens spend time in
community service and just
having fun together. The
JCC Maccabi Games and
ArtsFest are one of the
most popular Jewish
teen programs ever.

12 JCC Association of North America

Days of Caring and Sharing
Teens attending the JCC Maccabi Games in Baltimore, Omaha,
Richmond, and Denver, and JCC Maccabi ArtsFest in San Rafael,
California, spent part of their time serving their communities. Some
of the athletes worked with the Special Olympics, while others
coordinated sports activities for kids from the local YMCA and Boys
and Girls Club. All the Days of Caring and Sharing projects allowed
the teens to perform the mitzvah of helping others.

Merrin Teen Fellows

The Merrin Center for Teen Services selected 16 professionals
working with teens to participate in the sixth cohort of the
acclaimed Merrin Teen Professional Fellows Program. The
program, which started in 1999 with the support of Seth
Merrin and Anne Heyman, will feature five seminars held over
16 months. Participants focus on developing their leadership
skills, learning how to serve teens more effectively, planning
their career paths in the JCC Movement, and deepening their
sense of Jewish identity.

Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 13

Training Highlights
We recognized the need
for JCC professionals to
maintain and enhance their
skill sets despite the economic
hardships brought on by the
recession, so we designed
a variety of long-distance
learning opportunities. The
result was that hundreds
of JCC staff members took
advantage of the chance
to learn. We ran webinars
on time management,
supervision, programming,
early childhood education,
and many other topics.

JCCs of North America Biennial

Benchmarking Expands
Over 600 people from JCCs all over the U.S. and Canada gathered
in Atlanta for our Biennial convention to learn, network, and to 48 JCCs
be inspired to make their JCCs the hubs of their communities. One of our most popular programs
Great speakers, 60 dynamic workshops, and lots of time to share ever, JCC Benchmarking continued
experiences gave JCC leaders the tools they need to turn their JCCs to add invaluable data from even
into smooth-running operations. And a host community barbecue more JCCs to build a multi-leveled
gave everyone a chance to visit the magnificent Marcus JCC. profile of what excellence means in
the JCC Movement. Participating
JCCs were able to judge their
effectiveness in different areas
against other JCCs of their size and
Mandel Center for Excellence in against themselves over time. Real
information enabled JCCs to make
Leadership and Management Retools informed decisions and achieve
for Better Service measurable results.
Reorganization has made the Mandel Center for Excellence
even more effective in providing consulting services to
JCCs. We added strategic thinking consultations to our mix
of marketing, fundraising, governance, and professional
leadership services to offer JCCs a more complete portfolio.
We introduced a client-contact tracking system to help ensure
that JCCs were receiving the individual attention they need
and deserve. We made 222 visits to affiliated JCCs.

JCC Grows
Affiliated with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s People’s Garden Initiative,
our program for social-justice gardens at JCCs continued to resonate with many,
and more JCCs told us about their gardening and other food-related projects.
Many JCCs now sponsor CSAs (community supported agriculture) and farmer’s
markets. Some participated in the fresh-food collections we encouraged around
the High Holidays, which were donated to local food pantries. Growing and eating
wholesome food in a sustainable way is an essential part of our new wellness
initiative, Discover @ the JCC.

14 JCC Association of North America

JWB Jewish Chaplains Council
Since 1917, JWB Jewish Chaplains Council has served the religious,
educational and morale needs of Jewish personnel in the U.S.
Armed Forces. We maintain an unwavering commitment to these
dedicated men and women. We provide what they need to observe
Shabbat and holidays; our chaplains and trained lay leaders offer
comfort, counsel and assistance to resist the overwhelmingly
Christian culture in the military; in short, we strive to keep them
connected to Judaism and the Jewish community throughout their
military service.

During the past year, JWB had more than 300 points of contact
per month requesting help, guidance, materials, counseling and
intervention. Of these, approximately two-thirds come from
chaplains and lay leaders, one-sixth from active and reserve military
members, and one-sixth from families of Jewish military personnel.

JWB recruits potential chaplains from the major rabbinical training

institutions in the United States; provides special training and
counseling for them, and recruits and trains lay leaders to serve
where no Jewish chaplains are available. Working through its
Israel Shlichim at JCCs and JCC Camps network of chaplains and lay leaders, it provides kosher foods and
ritual necessities to Jews serving across the world; it offers support
Once again, we interviewed, vetted, and trained over 400 and counsel to the families of active-duty Jewish military personnel,
young Israeli shlichim to work at JCC camps and JCCs. and ensures that Jews killed in action receive appropriate ritual
Through their presence, these energetic young Israelis services. In 2010, we sent hundreds of holiday packages to troops
introduced JCC campers to contemporary Israel, a country overseas to enable them to observe the High Holy Days, Hanukkah,
that is as diverse, as dynamic, and as fast-paced as the U.S. Purim, Pesach and Shavuot.
and Canada. At a time when the ties of North American
youth to Israel are slackening, bringing shlichim to JCCs is
more important than ever. Torahs for Our Troops
JWB Jewish Chaplains Council has
undertaken to commission small,
lightweight Torah scrolls for military
chaplains to carry easily in the battle
theater and on ships. A Torah scroll,
no matter the size, presents a major
fundraising challenge, but we have
been gratified by an overwhelming
community response. The first Torah
was completed and dedicated in May at
the U.S. Capitol, and is already in use.
After only six months of fundraising,
several more scrolls have been
completed, much to the delight of
military chaplains on active duty.

Michele Obama’s Let’s Move Initiative

First Lady Michele Obama invited us as the sole Jewish
organization to participate in a White House meeting of
community faith-based groups committed to combating
childhood obesity. Her Let’s Move Initiative wants to reduce
this health risk in one generation, and we support that effort
all the way. Our VP of program services and the Mandel
Center of Jewish Education Patricia Cipora Harte (standing, Senator Carl Levin (D-Michigan), chair of the Armed
third from left) proudly represented JCC Association and Services Committee (left) prepares to add to the
committed us to expand JCC Grows to one-third of JCCs in Torah scroll with help from scribe Zerach Greenfield.
the next five years.
Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 15
Dedicated Donors Helped Us Meet the Challenges
No annual report would be complete without a resounding Feldman Family Supporting Foundation, Redwoods Group
“thank you” to the generous donors – both individuals and Foundation, the Segal Family and Corporate Sponsor Coca-
foundations – who share our commitment to Jewish Community Cola NA support our best-known teen Jewish identity-
Centers. They understand the importance of our programs and building programs, the JCC Maccabi Games® and JCC
services, which help JCCs serve their local communities with Maccabi ArtsFest®.
excellence. They share our passionate dedication to meeting
The Mandel Center for Excellence in Leadership and
the religious and morale needs of Jewish military personnel
Management, also supported by the Mandel Supporting
through our JWB Jewish Chaplains Council. More than 2,100
Foundations, is meeting the challenge of attracting, developing
generous donors supported both the JCC Association annual
and retaining the staff and volunteer leaders of tomorrow,
fund and JWB operating funds in 2010. Thank you to all. We
within its larger mission of constantly helping JCCs improve
especially thank the Crown Family for its generous support of
their operations and business practices.
JWB operations.
The work of our early childhood services department, and
We could not possibly meet the challenges outlined in
its values-education curriculum An Ethical Start®, was
this report without significant assistance from visionary
strengthened by a continuing grant from the Brill Family
foundations. Programs developed through the Mandel
Foundation. With support from the foundation, our department
Supporting Foundation’s ongoing support of the Mandel
of early childhood services is bringing extraordinary
Center for Jewish Education enables us to enhance a
programming and training to JCC preschools and to families
vibrant Jewish atmosphere at JCCs and JCC camps.
with young children.
The AVI CHAI Foundation continues to be a source of
sustenance and encouragement as our programs deepen Generous grants from Jerri-Ann and Gary Jacobs, Paula L.
Jewish life at JCC camps, and the Goodman Family Sidman, and Mandel Supporting Foundations allowed us to
Foundation helped us meet the challenge of strengthening undertake special projects, enhancing our operations and the
the Jewish identities and connections to Israel of services we provide to JCCs.
thousands of youngsters and teens. A grant from the We offer special thanks to all of our donors, whose vision
Harold Grinspoon Foundation helped us undertake the first and commitment to the work we do truly helps us meet
comprehensive study of JCC day camps, which is leading the challenges facing the Jewish community, and allows
to new and important developments in Jewish training and JCC Association to continue to effectively lead the JCC
programming. The Soref-Breslauer Texas Foundation, Movement in North America.

revenues expenses
2010 by the numbers

11,101,000 10,950,000

Program Enrichment Services Marketing & Communications


Professional Leadership

Finance & Administration



25 Community Consultation Services Financial Resource Development


00 Jewish Education & Israel Operations Biennial Convention

4,3 Services to the Military

000 ,00
0, 0








National Federation/ 0
Affiliate Dues
Agency Alliance
Annual Giving & and Individual Federations 0
,00 2,
Foundation Grants 92
Corporate Sponsorship/Other 1,3 1,0

Program Fees Draw from Investments


for Operations

16 JCC Association of North America

JCC Association Endowment and Capital Funds
Launched in the fall of 2005, the Meeting the Challenge: SECURING JEWISH FUTURES campaign is making it possible for JCC Association to
achieve a tripartite goal:

• Creating and endowing the new Merrin Center for Teen Services, to benefit both Jewish teens throughout North America and the
professionals in JCCs who work with them;
• Enhancing the JCC Association general endowment, to enable us to meet the rising costs of our current initiatives, maintain the quality
of our signature programs, and to respond flexibly to new JCC needs as they arise; and
• Meeting the capital expenses of our relocation to offices at 520 Eighth Ave, necessitated by the changing real estate market in New
York. Our new headquarters are providing a fiscally responsible, cost efficient, technologically sophisticated home with room for growth
in the years ahead.

We thank the donors whose commitment and generosity have helped us pass the two-thirds mark of our $12,000,000 goal for this
campaign*. Their contributions will enable us to continue to help JCCs, YM-YWHA’s and JCC Movement camps provide programs of
excellence and inspire Jewish Journeys for the more than 2,000,000 members and participants who use their services every year.

The Merrin Center for Guest and Visiting Ronald M. Katz

Teen Services Personnel Suite Laura Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z
Anne Heyman and Seth Merrin Virginia A. and Francis Maas Toby and Robert Rubin
Sandra Saltzman
The Jerri-Ann and Gary Jacobs Family Entryway Mezuzah Doris and David Yorysh
Conference Center Barbara and Edwin Goldberg
Jerri-Ann and Gary Jacobs *As of December 31, 2010
Work Stations
For information about contributing to the
The Irene and Edward H. Mandell L. Berman
Meeting the Challenge: SECURING JEWISH
Kaplan Lobby Ruth White Brodsky & Joanne
FUTURES Campaign, or to learn about naming
Irene and Edward H. Kaplan and David Brodsky
opportunities in the new JCC Association
Marshall B. Coyne Foundation, Inc.
The Barbara and Morton Mandel continental headquarters, please contact
Deena and Jerome A. Kaplan
Executive Suite Fani Magnus Monson
I. E. Millstone k”z
Barbara and Morton Mandel Vice-President and Chief Development
Barbara and J. Victor Samuels
Irene and Philip M. Shiekman
Program Services Suite by email at or
Joan and Irwin Jacobs President’s Office and by telephone at (212) 786-5135
Senior Staff Office Mezuzot
Conference Rooms and Department Suites Dana Egert
Noreen Gordon Sablotsky The Redwoods Group, Inc.
Ann P. and Stephen M. Kaufman Shirley and Allan Solomon
Evelyn and Jerome B. Makowsky Roberta and Allan Weissglass
Geri and Lester Pollack
Paula L. Sidman Mezuzot
Andrea and Alan P. Solow Harriet and George Blank
Ruth and Michael Fletcher
President’s Office Maxine and Jay Freilich
Betty S. Melaver and Norton Melaver k”z Debby and Hal Jacobs
Judith and Lester Lieberman
Senior Staff Offices Fani Magnus Monson and Michael
Bonnie and Allan Finkelstein A. Monson
Amy and Alan Meltzer Alan and Janet Mann
Sharon and Stephen Seiden Ronna and Michael Segal
Sharon and David Wax Amy and Andrew J. Shaevel
Charlene and Jack G. Shaffer
Management Team Offices
Irene and Philip M. Shiekman Deferred Gifts
David Sterling Stephen Fitzsimmons

Cheryl Fishbein and Philip Schatten


Staff Lounge Linda and Jerome Spitzer

D’vora Tager and Robert Dietz
Nonspecific Gifts
Professional Team and Myrna Block
Consulting Staff Offices Jane Gellman
Michael Ostroff Thelma Z. and Melvin Lenkin
Carol and Lawrence Zicklin Charitable Fnd. Inc.

Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 17

Endowment Funds: Estate of Mary Litt
Children and Grandchildren of Jerome
B. Makowsky, 1998-2002 Chair, JCC
Janet Robinson k”z and Irwin Jay Robinson
Arlene and Leonard Rochwarger k”z
Joanna and Daniel Rose

Beyond 2000 Association, in his honor

Lynn and Gerald Ostrow
Charlene and Jack G. Shaffer
Judith Shiekman k”z and Philip
Patricia and Stephen R. Reiner M. Shiekman
JCC Association is grateful to the Harry and Shirley and Allan Solomon Jeanne and Milton Zorensky
Jeanette Weinberg Foundation of Baltimore, Andrea and Alan P. Solow
and proud to have partnered with it in this Estate of Henrietta Weil Builders
successful campaign, which enhanced our Jean Adler and Robert L. Adler k”z
endowment by a total of $5,100,000. We Friends Hyman J. Cohen
thank the following donors whose generosity Wendy and Warren Blumenthal Bonnie and Allan Finkelstein
in contributing $3,600,000 made it Eleanor and Edward Epstein Leo and George P. Frenkel
possible to meet the Weinberg Foundation’s Laura Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z Yetra Goldberg and
$1,500,000 challenge grant: Charlene and Jack G. Shaffer Israel Goldberg k”z
Randi and Ian Sherman Ann P. and Stephen M. Kaufman
Visionary Peggy and Philip Wasserstrom Judith and Mark D. Litt
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc. Evelyn and Jerome B. Makowsky
Visionary: $1,500,000 Joan and Martin E. Messinger
Founders Founders: $250,000 and above Anne S. Reich & Henry and Anne Reich Family
Edgar M. Bronfman Benefactors: $100,000 and above Foundation, Inc.
Irene and Edward H. Kaplan Builders: $50,000 and above Syril Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z
Evelyn and Jerome B. Makowsky Patrons: $25,000 and above Muriel Russell
Sponsors: $10,000 and above Helen Zimman and Harold O. Zimman k”z
Benefactors Friends: $5,000 and above
Jane Gellman Patrons
Ann P. and Stephen M. Kaufman Ella and Gerrard Berman k”z
Arlene and Robert Kogod Elayne and Julian Bernat
Jacqueline Blatt and Ronald L. Leibow
Merle and L. Michael Orlove
Geri and Lester Pollack
Endowment Funds: Shirley and Roy Durst
Edwin A. Hochstadter

Endowing Today for

Bea D. Katcher k”z
Syril Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z Charles R. Katz
Noreen Gordon Sablotsky Lynne and Charles Klatskin
Paula L. Sidman and Edwin N. Sidman k”z
Carol Brennglass Spinner and
Arthur C. Spinner
Tomorrow Arthur Kokot
Jacqueline Blatt and Ronald
L. Leibow
Lee and John M. Wolf, Sr. The following individuals made a leadership Norma and Alfred W. Levy
commitment to JCC Association’s Endowment Betty S. Melaver and Norton Melaver k”z
Builders Fund to assure that the work of the JCC Susan Mintz and Donald R. Mintz k”z
Estate of Matilda Blendes Movement continues in perpetuity. We give Merle and L. Michael Orlove
Bonnie and Allan Finkelstein them our special thanks. These gifts were Pesses-Sachs Family
Betty S. Melaver and Norton Melaver k”z received prior to the inception of the Beyond Evelyn S. and Shaol L. Pozez
Anne S. Reich & Henry and Anne Reich Family 2000 Endowment Campaign. Anne S. Reich and Henry S. Reich k”z
Foundation, Inc. Barbara and Norman Seiden
Cheryl Fishbein and Philip Schatten Founders Geraldyn and Henry Sicular
Linda and Jerome Spitzer Joan and Jesse Feldman k”z Roseann and Alan Simberloff
Roberta and Allan Weissglass Florence G. Heller Memorial Fund Linda and Jerome Spitzer
Florence G. Heller Trust
Patrons Mary and Solomon Litt k”z Sponsors
Anise and Ronald Belz Barbara and Morton L. Mandel Gerry and Charles Aaron k”z
Ruth White Brodsky and Joanne and Donald Samuel Morganroth Dinerman Family
Brodsky Geri and Lester Pollack Barbara and Daniel Drench
Marvin Gelfand Esther Leah Ritz k”z Andrew L. Eisenberg
Barbara and Edwin Goldberg Linda Fischer k”z and Robert Fischer
Virginia A. and Francis Maas Guardians Annette and Lionel Goldman
Phyllis and Philip Margolius Lili and Max M. Hahn Alvin Gray
Marvin J. Pertzik Syde Hurdus Dolores and Solomon Greenfield
Aliki and Peter Rzepka Sam Sulsten Anise and David A. Kaplan
Barbara and J. Victor Samuels Lee and John M. Wolf, Sr.
Barbara and Norman Seiden
Judith Shiekman k”z and Philip M. Shiekman Benefactors
Sharon and Edwin Toporek Beatrice and Irving Edison
Linda Cornell Weinstein and Sherwin Weinstein Henry Kaufmann Foundation
Barbara and Douglas Bloom Evelyn Goodstein and Jacob Goodstein k”z
Barbara and Daniel Drench Irene and Edward H. Kaplan
Annette and Lionel Goldman Frances and Joseph Kruger k”z
Tillie Mazor Foundation/Judith Lieberman Judith and Lester Lieberman
Judith and Mark Litt Minnie Nathanson k”z

18 JCC Association of North America

Janet Kaplan and Leonard Kaplan k”z
Clara Larner and Martin L. Larner k”z
Lynn and Gerald Ostrow
Endowment-Funded We are grateful to the donors to this endowment

Marvin J. Pertzik
Harriet L. and William Rosenthal Program Support Judith and Joseph D. Hurwitz
Irene and Edward H. Kaplan
Anita Rotman and Arthur Rotman k”z Ann P. and Stephen M. Kaufman
Eugenia and Irving Ruderman Merrin Center for Teen Services Carol and Leonard Lewensohn
Milton A. Shorr JCC Association is grateful to Anne Heyman Philanthropic Fund
David Sterling and Seth Merrin whose generosity established Barbara and Morton L. Mandel
Muriel and Myron Strober the Merrin Center for Teen Services, which Evelyn and Jerome B. Makowsky
Sharon and Edwin Toporek is dedicated to enhancing the work of teen Melanie Katzman and Russell Makowsky
Peggy and Philip Wasserstrom professionals and providing programming for Geri and Lester Pollack
H. S. Weil Estate the youth they serve. Laura Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z
Linda Cornell Weinstein and
Sherwin Weinstein Support of JCC Association Endowed Scholarships
Roberta and Allan Weissglass Israel Office JCC Association scholarships enable students
Judith and Mark D. Litt who plan to make careers in the JCC Movement
Founders: $250,000 and above to pursue their education at the master’s
Guardians: $150,000 and above Jewish Education Programming level. We are grateful to the donors of these
Benefactors: $100,000 and above Geri and Lester Pollack scholarship funds:
Builders: $50,000 and above
Patrons: $25,000 and above JCC Association Scholars Fund
Sponsors: $10,000 and above Robert L. Adler Memorial Scholarship Fund
Syril Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z Alumni Scholarship Fund
Lenny Rubin Israel Education Fund Ella and Gerrard Berman Scholarship Fund
This fund, named in honor of Lenny Rubin k”z Elayne and Julian Bernat Scholarship Fund
upon his retirement, supports the continuation Harold Dinerman Memorial Scholarship Fund
of Israel education for JCC Association staff. We Shirley and Royal H. Durst Scholarship Fund

Thank You
thank the generous donors who contributed to Joan and Jesse Feldman Scholarship Fund
this fund in 2010: Frances and Samuel Finkelstein Memorial
Scholarship Fund
vcr vsu` Harry Kosansky Frenkel Memorial Scholarship Fund
Israel Goldberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kate Obstgarten Private Foundation
Laura Rubin Goodstein-Kleitman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Edwin Hochstader Scholarship Fund
In addition, we thank the many people of the Irene and Edward H. Kaplan Scholarship Fund
JCC Movement—lay and professional—who Philip R. Kaplan Memorial Scholarship Fund
contributed to the fund to honor Lenny Rubin’s Bea D. Katcher Scholarship Fund
memory. Charles R. Katz Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mary and Solomon Litt Scholarship Fund
Lorraine Fay Linder Senior Citizens Fund Minnie and Louis Nathanson Memorial
Lorraine Fay Linder k”z Scholarship Fund
Pesses-Sachs Scholarship Fund
Esther Leah Ritz Next Generation Evelyn S. and Shaol L. Pozez Scholarship Fund
Memorial Fund Henry S. and Anne S. Reich Scholarship Fund
To honor the memory of Esther Leah Ritz k”z, Joanna S. and Daniel Rose Scholarship Fund
former continental chair and founder of the JCC Syril and Leonard Rubin Scholarship Fund
Association Endowment Fund, we established Michael-Ann Russell Memorial Scholarship Fund
the Esther Leah Ritz Next Generation Memorial Fedgie and Hy Schultz Memorial Scholarship Fund
Fund. Proceeds of this endowment underwrite Geraldyn and Henry Sicular Scholarship Fund
the cost of the Next Generation program, which Diana S. Simberloff Memorial Scholarship Fund
supports the development of lay leadership for Avraham Soltes Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jewish Community Centers. Sam Sulstan Memorial Scholarship Fund
Olga F. and Oliver B. Winkler Scholarship Fund
Helen and Harold O. Zimman Scholarship Fund

The National Federation/Agency Alliance is a partnership that provides

a significant amount of funding to nine national agencies including
$1,226,500 to JCC Association of North America in FY 2010/2011. The
national agencies that make up the Alliance engage in critical work to build
capacity and support the work of the federations and their local affiliates. They also help advance the
federation system’s goals on a national and international stage. While mindful of its role in evaluating
and monitoring the national agencies, the Alliance works to promote deeper relationships and create
synergy between the national agencies and the federations.

Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 19

Esther and Jack B. Levy
Judith and Lester Lieberman
JCC Association Gold Circle
Everett Foundation Inc.
Irene and Edward H. Kaplan
Fani Magnus Monson and
Michael A. Monson

2010 Annual Funds

Janet and Alan Mann
Jeannie and Brian Kriftcher
Sharon R. and Marc B. Merklin
Sharon and Stephen Seiden
Barbara and Sidney F. Miller
Paula L. Sidman
Mandel Center for Excellence in Leadership Stephanie and Eric Nislow
Shirley and Allan Solomon
and Management Marvin J. Pertzik
Andrea and Alan P. Solow
JCC Association is grateful to the Mandel Connie and Alvin M. Pesachowitz
Sharon and David Wax
Foundation for its annual renewable grant, Joan Karlin and Paul Resnick
which created and sustains the Mandel Center Doris and Rammy Rochman
Silver Circle
for Excellence in Leadership and Management. Nancy and Lawrence I. Rosenberg
Lisa F. and Ron Brill
Laura Rubin
JCC Association thanks Irene and Edward Joanne F. and Donald W. Brodsky
Wendy and Steven Rubin
H. Kaplan for their support that established Marcella E. and Neil Cohen
Toby and Robert Rubin
a program within the Mandel Center for Bonnie and Allan Finkelstein
Linda and Barry Russin
Excellence in Leadership and Management Cheryl Fishbein and Philip Schatten
Lori Barnet and Jeffrey K. Savit
dedicated to helping new and emerging Ruth and Michael Fletcher
Debra and Gerald K. Schwartz
Jewish communities to create Jewish Noreen Gordon Sablotsky
Ronna and Michael Segal
Community Centers. Roslyn F. and Ricky Haikin
Randi and Ian Sherman
Rosalyn and Howard T. Jacobson
Irene and Philip M. Shiekman
Mandel Center for Jewish Education Ann P. and Stephen M. Kaufman
Linda S. and Kenneth Simon
JCC Association is grateful to the Mandel Jacqueline Blatt and Ronald L. Leibow
Susan Stearns
Foundation for its annual renewable grant, Laurie F. and Paul Lieberman
Muriel and Myron Strober
which created and sustains the Mandel Center Judith and Mark D. Litt
Francine Zorn Trachtenberg and Stephen
for Jewish Education. Virginia A. and Francis Maas
Millie and Lawrence Magid
JCC Association also thanks the following for Mary Rita and Norman Weissman
Evelyn and Jerome B. Makowsky
their support of programs within the Mandel Carol and Robert Wertheimer
Lisa and Thomas Mandel
Center for Jewish Education: Eileen and Steven Wishnia
Betty S. Melaver
Jessica and Eric M. Zachs
David C. Ackerman: Amy and Alan Meltzer
TAG Sportsmanship Unit in memory of Marvin Linda and Jerome Spitzer
Super VIP Associate
A. Myers Sherry and Doron Steger
David C. Ackerman
The Irma T. Hirschl Trust
The AVI CHAI Foundation: Ruth Brodsky
Roberta and Allan Weissglass
Netivim: a continued support program for Sandra and Arnold P. Gold
Lekhu Lakhem alumni Mark S. Horowitz
Bronze Circle
Jane Tzinberg Rubin and
Chizuk: Jewish programming directors Meryl K. and David Ainsman
Kenneth Rubin
strengthening Lekhu Lakhem—JCC Camps Elizabeth A. Schiro and Stephen L. Bayer
Barbara and Norman Seiden
Harriet and George Blank
Goodman Family Foundation: Johanna and Arnie Sohinki
Wendy and Warren S. Blumenthal
The Goodman Family Institute: Yisrael Sheli David Sterling
Tanya and Stephen A. Bodzin
(My Israel) Enid and Barrie M. Weiser
Edie and Joel Brodsky
Lee and John M. Wolf, Sr.
Nancy I. Brown and Peter Brown
Annual Fund 2010
Margey and Gary Cheses
JCC Association gratefully acknowledges VIP Associate
Susan R. Diamond and Martin Schenker
the following donors who have made Julian Bernat
Dana Egert
generous contributions to the 2010 annual Barbara and Douglas Bloom
Andrew L. Eisenberg
support program: Jane and John C. Colman
Arlene Fickler
Barbara and Daniel Drench
Leadership Circle Dale T. and Edward Filhaber
Ann F. and Robert Eisen
Jeffrey and Paula Gural Carol and Howard F. Fine
Janet S. and Doron Elam
Jerri-Ann and Gary Jacobs Robin Frederick and Michael Gold
Jeanne and Donald Epstein
Stephen Muss Maxine and Jay Freilich
Arlene and Henry C. Friedman
Freddi and Marvin Gelfand
Alan Goldberg
Platinum Circle Jane Gellman
Babe Grollman
Joan and Martin E. Messinger Barbara and Edwin Goldberg
Lawrence A. Kades
Geri and Lester Pollack Joyce and Neil B. Goldstein
Laurie and Robert D. Kimsal
Barbara and J. Victor Samuels Rita and Lawrence Gotfried
Jeanmarie and Gary S. Lipman
Allison and Kenneth B. Jacobs
Scott A. Menaker
Carole and Morton H. Katz
Joann and Herbert Nevyas

20 JCC Association of North America

Gerald S. Ostrow
Amy and David E. Posner
Irwin Jay Robinson
Program and JWB Jewish Chaplains Council
JCC Association gratefully acknowledges the
Crown Family Philanthropies for its operating
Charlene and Jack G. Shaffer
Carol Brennglass Spinner and Project Support grant, which helps sustain the work of JWB
Jewish Chaplains Council. We also thank the
Arthur C. Spinner more than 1,000 individual donors whose
Jeanne and Jordan Tobin JCC Association gratefully acknowledges generosity makes JWB’s vital work possible and
Anita and Earl Winestock the following individuals and foundations recognize those individuals and organizations
that have made generous contributions in that made gifts in 2010 of $500 or more:
Executive Associate 2010, making these programs and projects
Anonymous possible: Dr. and Mrs. Ari Berenson
Robin and Bob Ballin Kenneth J. Bloom
Lynn and Daniel Bernstein Grants for Special Projects B’nai Israel Congregation, Rockville, MD
Kara Bierman Jerri-Ann and Gary Jacobs Jeffrey Braverman
Marjorie and Morley Blankstein Mandel Supporting Foundations Buffalo Grove, IL, Auxillary No. 89
Renee and Gary J. Bomzer Paula L. Sidman Congregation Beth David, San Luis Obispo, CA
Cheryl and Hal Bordy Congregation Or Zarua, New York, NY
Nancy and Irving Chase Camping/Day Camp Study Covenant B’nai B’rith Unit 2215
CMS Endowment Foundation Harold Grinspoon Foundation Federation of Jewish Women’s Orgs. of Maryland
Martin G. Englisher Gavlin Family Foundation
Carol and Jeffrey Folkerth Early Childhood Initiative/An Ethical Start® Jewish Federated Charities of the Shoals
Marilyn and Sam Fox The Lisa and Ron Brill Charitable Trust Jennifer Turner
Richard J. Fox Kirschenbaum Silver Post 282
Sue and Martin Fox JCC Maccabi Experience Manette and Louis M. Mayberg
Judith Corn and David Fried Debra and William Mendelsohn
Donna Gilbert JCC Maccabi ArtsFest The Metropolitan New York District of the United
JoAnn and Paul Gillis JCC Association thanks the following donors for Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
David Jacobs their generous support: Debra Newman Kamin
Jerome A. Kaplan and Deena Kaplan Feldman Family Supporting Foundation, Inc. Pittsburgh Conference Jewish Women’s
Ronald M. Katz The Redwoods Group Foundation, Inc. Organizations
Sherry Kulman The Soref-Breslauer Texas Foundation Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis
Susan C. and Samuel A. Lieberman Ronna and Michael Segal Temple Emanuel
Howard L. Lipschutz Temple Israel of the City of New York
Garth Potts JCC Maccabi Games The New Kalman Sunshine Fund
Patricia and Stephen R. Reiner JCC Association thanks its collaborative partners Harriet and Nathan Wasserstrum
Sidney and Lois Robbins in presenting the JCC Maccabi Games: Sally G. and Robert E. Waters
Leonard M. Robinson Maccabi USA/Sports for Israel Randi and Barry Weiss
Susan and Alan Sataloff Maccabi World Union Preston M. Woline
Suzanne and Brian Schreiber Young Israel of North Beverly Hills
Tracey and Jordan Shenker Support of Continental Youth Sports
Marjorie and Mark Sokoll Programs in JCCs
Susan and Richard Strait
Paula A. Tanker Jr. NBA/Jr. WNBA Program Initiative
Sharon and Edwin Toporek National Basketball Association
Linda Cornell Weinstein and Sherwin
B. Weinstein NHL Street Hockey
National Hockey League

We thank the myriad federal Scholarship Programs

employees who supported JCC We gratefully acknowledge the generous
Association through contributions supporters of the JCC Association Scholarship
to the Combined Federal Campaign. Program, which enables students who plan to
make careers in the JCC Movement to pursue
Bequests their education on the master’s degree level.
Estate of Eva Schoenberger k”z
Elizabeth Schiro and Stephen L. Bayer
Leadership Circle: $25,000 and above Ed Lee and Jean Campe Foundation
Platinum Circle: $18,000 - $24,999 Shirley and William L. Grossman Scholarship
Gold Circle: $10,000 - $17,999 Fund
Silver Circle: $5,000 - $9,999 Louis and Anita Perlman Family Foundation
Bronze Circle: $2,500 - $4,999
Barbara and J. Victor Samuels
Super VIP Associate: $1,800 - $2,499
VIP Associate: $1,000 - $1,799
Executive Associate: $500 - $999

Thank Yo
vcr vsu
Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 21
Torahs for Our Troops Ruth and Michael Fletcher Preferred Vendors
JCC Association and JWB Jewish Chaplains Lori Frank The following companies provide preferential
Council thanks those visionary donors whose Fort Belvoir Jewish Congregation continental account status or services to
commitment to the religious and spiritual Debra M. G. and Ronald S. Hunter affiliated JCCs and/or financial support to
wellbeing of Jewish U.S. military personnel The Jewish Federations of North America JCC Association programs:
led to their making the naming gifts for the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex Co.
first four small, portable Torahs for use by Jewish War Veterans of USA Manny Pevan AbCoaster
Jewish military chaplains. Three have been Post 65 Accrisoft Corporation
completed, and a fourth has been begun. Laurie and E. S. Katz Advecor, Inc.
Bernice C. and Maxim I. Kovel American Council on Exercise
The JWB Military Torah assigned to U.S. Air Dale L. and R. H. Latiff American Specialty Health
Force Central Command, Qatar: Jeffrey Marks Am-Finn Sauna & Steam Inc.
Anonymous Piassick Family Foundation Balance Body Inc.
The Leonard R. Strelitz Memorial Torah Raleigh-Cary Jewish Federation Bank of America Merchant Services
assigned to the U.S.S. George H.W. Bush: Donald and Sylvia Robinson Family BioAge
The Leonard R. Strelitz Memorial Foundation Carab Enterprises, Inc.
Talmud Fund Sharon and Stephen Seiden Clubcom, Inc.
The Memphis Jewish Community Torah Cynthia D. and David S. Shapira Crown Trophy
assigned to the U.S. Army Central Command, Elizabeth and Bradley Winer Cybex
Afghanistan: EnerNoc Inc.
The Jewish Community of Memphis, TN The San Diego Military Services Torah Fabiano Designs
The San Diego Military Services Torah: Congregation Beth Israel of San Diego: FreeMotion Fitness
Jerri-Ann and Gary Jacobs Claire and David Ellman GOJO Industries, Inc.
Lawrence Family JCC of San Diego County Landscape Structures
We also acknowledge and thank the more L. E. B. Enterprises, Inc. Les Mills West Coast, Inc.
than 600 donors who have contributed to Susan Shmalo Leslie’s Poolmart, Inc.
Torahs for Our Troops and recognize those Gloria and Rodney Stone Matrix Fitness Systems Corp.
individuals and organizations that made gifts Temple Emanu-El Maytronics US, Inc.
in 2010 of $500 or more: Jan Tuttleman Mondo America, Inc.
Sharon and David Wax National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
The JWB Military Torah assigned to U.S. Air Network Services Company
Force Central Command, Qatar: Torah Fund Octane Fitness LLC
Koby A. Abels Brett C. Oxman Polar Electro Inc.
Harriet and George Blank Power Systems, Inc.
Lisa F. and Ron Brill Florence G. Heller-JCC Association Precor
Joanne and Donald W. Brodsky Research Center Retention Management
Tanya and Stephen A. Bodzin We thank the following donors whose Staples
Nancy I. and Peter Brown generous contributions support the Florence Sterling & Sterling, Inc.
Nancy and Irving Chase G. Heller–JCC Association Research Center’s Technogym ULSA Corp.
Judy and Jason Chudnofsky practice-oriented research for Jewish The Redwoods Group, Inc.
Central Nassau Committee JWB Community Centers and YM-YWHAs: TMI Salt Pure Corp.
Lori Frank
Dr. Sandra Gold Sandra and Arnold P. Gold Program Partners
Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex Co. Judith and Lester Lieberman American Council on Exercise
Bryna Shuchat and Joshua H. Landes Frances and Bernard Marcus International Council on Active Aging
Richard F. Miller Toby and Robert Rubin Les Mills West Coast, Inc.
Fani Magnus Monson and Michael Monson
Karen Pack Corporate Sponsors
George and Ellen Rifkin We thank and acknowledge Loeb & Loeb
Vicki Roitman LLC for providing pro bono legal services
Thank You
Noreen Gordon Sablotsky Family Foundation regarding intellectual property for JCC
Paula L. Sidman Association’s signature programs.
Andrea and Alan P. Solow v c r v s u`
Mrs. Joyce H. Strelitz We gratefully acknowledge the following
Ronna and Michael Segal companies who provided support to JCC
Lori and Matthew Sidman Association continental programs:
Diana and Morton Tobin
Anne B. Tursky JCC Maccabi ArtsFest and JCC Maccabi
Arthur and Joan Weisberg Family Games
Foundation, Inc. The Coca-Cola Company
Just Born, Inc.
The Leonard R. Strelitz Memorial Torah
assigned to the U.S. Army Central Command,
Leslie Ainsman
David Brenner
Ellen and Daniel Dubin

22 JCC Association of North America

JCC Association Officers and Board
Chair: Secretary: Honorary Chairs:
Paula L. Sidman David Wax, San Diego, CA Edward H. Kaplan, Washington, DC
Ann P. Kaufman, Houston, TX
Vice-chairs: Associate Secretaries: Jerome B. Makowsky, Memphis, TN
Lisa Brill, Atlanta, GA Dana Egert, Boca Raton, FL Morton L. Mandel, Cleveland, OH
Marvin Gelfand, Los Angeles, CA Linda Russin, New City, NY Lester Pollack, New York, NY
Gary Jacobs, San Diego, CA Daniel Rose, New York, NY
Virginia A. Maas, Los Angeles, CA President: Alan P. Solow, Chicago, IL
Noreen Gordon Sablotsky, Miami, FL Allan B. Finkelstein
Philip Schatten, New York, NY
Andrew Shaevel, Buffalo, NY


Meryl K. Ainsman, Pittsburgh, PA Ira I. Kronenberg, Passaic, NJ Ian Sherman, Ottawa, ON
Stephen L. Bayer, W. Hartford, CT Sherry Kulman, Toronto, ON Philip M. Shiekman, Philadelphia, PA
Alvin K. Berkun, Pittsburgh, PA Ronald L. Leibow, Los Angeles, CA Paula L. Sidman, Boston, MA
Daniel M. Bernstein, Irvine, CA Jack Levy, Birmingham, AL Linda S. Simon, Presto, PA
Harriet Blank, New Hope, PA Judith Lieberman, Morristown, NJ Mark Sokoll, Boston, MA
Gary J. Bomzer, N. Miami Beach, FL Virginia A. Maas, Los Angeles, CA Shirley Solomon, Boca Raton, FL
Lisa F. Brill, Atlanta, GA Lawrence Magid, Searingtown, NY Alan P. Solow, Chicago, IL
Donald W. Brodsky, Houston, TX Jerome B. Makowsky, Memphis, TN Carol Brennglass Spinner, New York, NY
Edie Brodsky, Long Beach, CA Morton L. Mandel, Cleveland, OH Jerome Spitzer, New York, NY
Nancy I. Brown, Palm Beach, FL Thomas Mandel. Akron, OH Doron Steger, Martinsville, NJ
Gary Cheses, Columbus, OH Joyce D. Mandell, West Hartford, CT Jeanne Tobin, Beachwood, OH
Edward B. Cohen, Boca Raton, FL Marc B. Merklin, Akron, OH Francine Zorn Trachenberg, Washington, DC
Marcella E. Cohen, Potomac, MD Sidney F. Miller, Columbus, OH David Wax, Rancho Santa Fe, CA
Susan R. Diamond, San Francisco, CA Eric Nislow, Owings Mills, MD Allan Weissglass, Staten Island, NY
Stephen Dorsky, Birmingham, AL Marvin J. Pertzik, St. Paul, MN Mary Rita Weissman, Dayton, OH
Dana Egert, Boca Raton, FL Alvin M. Pesachowitz, Falls Church, VA Robert Wertheimer, Baltimore, MD
Andrew L. Eisenberg, Boston, MA Geri Pollack, New York, NY Anita Winestock, Vancouver, BC
Martin G. Englisher, New York, NY Lester Pollack, New York, NY Steve Wishnia, Memphis, TN
Arlene Fickler, Philadelphia, PA Stephen R. Reiner, New York, NY Eric M. Zachs, Hartford, CT
Dale T. Filhaber, Boca Raton, FL Paul Resnick, Palo Alto, CA
Howard F. Fine, San Francisco, CA Leonard M. Robinson, Fairfield, NJ
Cheryl Fishbein, New York, NY Rammy Rochman, Richmond Hill, ON HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS
Ruth Fletcher, Los Gatos, CA Daniel Rose, New York, NY
Meyer L. Balsar, Houston, TX
Carol Folkerth, Columbus, OH Lawrence I. Rosenberg, Owing Mills, MD
Julian Bernat, El Paso, TX
Robin Frederick, Stamford, CT Jane Tzinberg Rubin, St. Louis, MO
Daniel Drench, Verona, NJ
Susan Fox, Brooklyn, NY Steven Rubin, St. Paul, MN
Irwin L. Elson, Detroit, MI
Maxine Freilich, Stamford, CT Toby Rubin, San Francisco, CA
Gilbert S. Fox, Nashville, TN
Marvin Gelfand, Los Angeles, CA Linda Russin, New City, NY
Marilyn Fox, St. Louis, MO
Jane Gellman, Milwaukee, WI Noreen Gordon Sablotsky, Miami, FL
Hugh W. Greenberg, Detroit, MI
Sandra Gold, Englewood, NJ J. Victor Samuels, Houston, TX
Gordon R. Gross, Buffalo, NY
Edwin Goldberg, Louisville, KY Alan Sataloff, Palo Alto, CA
Mark D. Litt, Larchmont, NY
Joyce Goldstein, Essex Fells, NJ Martin J. Satinsky, Nashville, TN
Gerald S. Ostrow, Pittsburgh, PA
Roslyn Haikin, Houston, TX Jeffrey Savit, Boston, MA
Irwin Jay Robinson, New York, NY
David Jacobs, W. Hartford, CT Philip Schatten, New York, NY
Harriet L. Rosenthal, West Orange, NJ
Gary Jacobs, Del Mar, CA Brian Schreiber, Pittsburgh, PA
Irving Ruderman, Rochester, NY
Kenneth Jacobs, Jacksonville, FL Gerald K. Schwartz, Miami Beach, FL
Norman Seiden, Tenafly, NJ
Howard T. Jacobson, Prairie Village, KS Michael Segal, Miami, FL
Myron Strober, Palm Beach, FL
Edward H. Kaplan, Washington, DC Stephen Seiden, Livingston, NJ
Henry Taub, Tenafly, NJ
Ann P. Kaufman, Houston, TX Andrew J. Shaevel, Buffalo, NY
John M. Wolf, Sr., Palm Beach, FL
Stephen M. Kaufman, Houston, TX Jack G. Shaffer, Denver, CO
Brian Kriftcher, Stamford, CT Jordan Shenker, Richmond, VA

Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 23

JCC Association Michael Rowland
Contract Consultant, Marketing |
Strategic Performance
D’wayne Haywood
Shipping and Receiving
(212) 786-5107
Staff and Services (212) 786-5153

Please note that if you are in our Community Consultants Odelia Sussman Janine Acevedo / Donald Credle
telephone system through the main Dori Denelle1 Program Associate, Mandel Center Receptionist
switchboard (212) 532-4958, you can Vice-President| Community for Excellence in Leadership and (212) 532-4949
contact additional staff members via Consultation Management and Community Services
their extensions (Last four digits of (651) 452-2219 (212) 786-5109 Financial Resource Development
their number below). Staff members is responsible for JCC Association’s
can also be reached directly at their fundraising efforts, including annual
telephone numbers listed below. Ann F. Eisen2 Florence G. Heller-JCC support and designated giving,
Vice-President | Governance Association Research Center JCC Associates, grant-seeking,
Administration (504) 866-5090 Prof. Steven M. Cohen corporate sponsorship and preferred
Allan Finkelstein Director, Florence G. Heller-JCC vendor programs, special events
President and Chief Executive Officer Association Research Center and the MEETING THE CHALLENGE:
(212) 786-5082 Janet S. Elam3 Securing Jewish Futures capital and Vice-President | Emerging Leadership endowment campaign.
(512) 241-1118 Finance and Administration
Yael Lubofsky Services oversees management Fani Magnus Monson
Coordinator of Board Relations of financial and human resources Vice-President and Chief
(212) 786-5084 Brandi Johnson record keeping, financial reports, and Development Officer Administrative Assistant, information technology. Assists JCCs (212) 786-5135
Southeastern Office in developing data-processing plans
Rabbi Alvin Mars (504) 866-5090 and in conducting financial reviews.
Senior Consultant to the President on Ziva Davidovich
Educational Development Bob Kimsal Director of Annual Funds
(603) 292-6205 Professional Leadership Senior Vice President and Chief (212) 786-5099 Financial Officer
Alan Goldberg
Vice President | Professional (212) 786-5141
Community Services consults David Sobel
with all communities to enhance Director of Corporate Partnerships
(212) 786-5122
the functioning of JCC boards, Accounting (212) 786-5148
executives, and staff. Provides JCCs Pearl Magence
with ongoing training in areas such Controller
JoyAnn Brand
as lay leadership development, staff (212) 786-5132 Elaine Vasquez
Associate Vice-President/Director of
development, programming, finances, Financial Resource Development
Training | Professional Leadership
etc. Helps JCCs improve their services Administrator
(212) 786-5114
by conducting research, gathering Irina Abramov (212) 786-5136
statistical data, and strategic planning Accounting Assistant
studies, developing annual work (212) 786-5133
Lonny Friedman
plans, and providing seminars for JCC Association’s Israel Office
Camp Consultant and Operations
management and lay leaders. represents the interests of North
Director, Merrin Center for Teen
Services Human Resources American JCCs and provides services
Mandel Center for Excellence for them in Israel. It also implements
(212) 786-5111 Irina Khomina
in Leadership and Management Israel-based Jewish educational Human Resources Manager,
in Jewish Community Centers is programs including training seminars
(212) 786-5131
transforming the field by allowing for JCC professional staff and
Tory Holland
JCCs to assess their management lay leaders, JCC Maccabi Israel®
Program Associate/Registrar |
effectiveness and leadership needs, experience programs for teens, Taglit-
Professional Leadership Information Technology
to be more responsive to difficulties Birthright Israel for young adults,
(212) 786-5086 Andy Zhang
as they arise, and develop a partnership initiatives between JCCs Manager, Information Technology
practical approach towards and community centers in Israel, and
continuous self-improvement over (212) 786-5103 creates specialized Israel trips for
Strategic Performance
time. MCELM is helping JCCs meet JCC members.
the challenges of the future with David E. Posner
confidence and proficiency. Vice-President | Strategic Paul Niedbala Leah Garber4
Performance Associate, Information Technology/ Director, Israel Office
Gary S. Lipman Tel: 212.786.5124 System Administrator 011-972-2-625-1265
Executive Vice-President and Chief (212) 786-5094
Operating Officer
Director, Mandel Center for Deann Forman
Sara Sless
Excellence in Leadership and Director of Benchmarking | Strategic Production Program Director, Israel Office
Management Performance Franklin James 011-972-2-625-1265
(212) 786-5138 (212) 710-6432 Production Supervisor (212) 786-5118 Yaron Lipschitz 
Gladys Goldman Jordan Zarin
JCC Maccabi Israel Operations
Executive Assistant Manager of Information Resources | Donald Credle Director
(212) 786-5088 Strategic Performance Production Assistant 011-972-2-625-1265 (212) 786-5145 (212) 786-5113

24 JCC Association of North America

Avigail Barkai Marketing and Communications Adults Michele Korntreger
Office Administrator, Israel Office maintains consistent brand Patricia Cipora Harte Program Director, JCC Maccabi
011-972-2-625-1265 image for the JCC Movement Vice-President, Program Services Games and provides strategic marketing (212) 786-5130 (212) 786-5116
training to JCCs to increase their
Lilach Shalom effectiveness in image building,
Accountant, Israel Office advertising, communications , public Barbara Lerman-Golomb Jason Silberfein
011-972-2-625-1265 relations, digital and interactive Consultant on Social Responsibility, Operations & Athletics Director, marketing and branding, as well as Greening and Environment JCC Maccabi Games
accommodating the in-house needs (212) 710-6436 212.786.5081
JWB Jewish Chaplains Council of JCC Association.
is a US Government-accredited
agency to serve the religious, Robin Ballin Randy Ellen Lutterman Shaliach
educational, and morale needs of Sr. Vice-President and Chief Consultant on Arts, Culture and Ideas Assaf Goren
Jewish personnel in the armed Marketing Officer (212) 786-5123 Shaliach, JCC Association
forces, their families, and patients (212) 786-5112 (212) 786-5121
in VA hospitals. Its Council Advisory
Group consists of Conservative, Early Childhood Education
Orthodox, and Reform rabbis and Peter Shevenell Mark Horowitz Program Associates
active-duty Jewish chaplains, a Creative Director Director, Early Childhood Services Nicole Bernard
cooperative and successful venture (212) 786-5101 (212) 786-5098 Program Associate for Program
in Jewish pluralism. Services, Adults, Sports and Wellness
(212) 786-5093
Rabbi Harold Robinson Miriam Rinn Lisa Litman
Director, JWB Jewish Chaplains Communications Manager, Director, An Ethical Start
Council; Director, Armed Forces and JCC Circle Editor (610) 668-1656 Janet Sylvan
Veterans Services (212) 786-5092 Program Associate for Early
(212) 786-5119 Childhood Services and Merrin Center Health and Wellness for Teen Services
Jeremy Kortes (212) 786-5129
Rabbi Barry Baron Sr. Graphic Designer Steve Becker
Director, Health and Wellness
Deputy Director, JWB Jewish (212) 786-5143
Chaplains Council Services
(212) 786-5137 (212) 786-5105 Dan Hertzberg
1 JCC Association Midwestern
Graphic Designer Services Office
Janine Acevedo (212) 786-5087 Anthony Slayen
Continental Fitness, Wellness and 2478 Pond Circle West
Program Associate, JWB Jewish St. Paul MN 55120
Chaplains Council Membership Consultant
(651) 452-2219
(212) 786-5090 Chris Strom Membership Consultant Interactive Marketing Specialist (212) 786-5128
(212) 786-5117 2 JCC Association Southeastern
Mandel Center for Jewish Education Services Office
has as its mission to infuse the Merrin Center for Teen 8200 Hampson Street, Suite 200
people, experiences and programs Kelly Rainey Services New Orleans, LA 70118
of the JCCs of North America with Marketing Administrator Lonny Friedman (504) 866-5090
Jewish content, learning, and values, 212.786.5096 Operations Director, Merrin Center fax (504) 866-8164
and thereby to enhance and elevate for Teen Services
every Jewish person who is part of a (212) 786-5111 3 JCC Association Southwestern
JCC community. Services Office
Program Services provides JCCs P.O. Box 30372
Dr. David Ackerman and camps with program assessment Alec Rieger
Austin, Texas 78755
Director, Mandel Center for Jewish and resources to help them maintain Director of Camping Services & (512) 241-1118
Education creative, innovative programming Initiatives
(212) 786-5110 in arts and culture, early childhood (212) 786-5126 education, adults, teens, individuals 4 JCC Association Israel Office
with special needs, fitness, Solomon and Mary Litt Building
Patricia Cipora Harte recreation, and camping. It also JCC Maccabi Games & 12 Hess Street
Vice-President, Mandel Center for coordinates GesherCity, an initiative JCC Maccabi ArtsFest Jerusalem, 94185, Israel
Jewish Education for young adults and the JCC Dan Deutsch 011.972.2.625.1265
(212) 786-5130 Maccabi Experience, which includes Director, JCC Maccabi Experience fax 011.972.2.624.7767 JCC Maccabi Games®, JCC Maccabi (212) 786-5089
Israel®, and JCC Maccabi ArtsFest®.
Matthew Abrams Gerber Merrin Center for Teen Services
Senior Program Director, creates programs and resources for
Mandel Center teens and the professionals working
(212) 710-6434 with them to help JCCs inspire the A special Thank You and Good Luck next generation to embark on its
Jewish journey.
to Steven J. Rod and Alan Mann, who
Odelia Sussman retired from JCC Association in 2010 after
Program Associate, Mandel Center Arnie Sohinki 40+ years each in the JCC Movement.
for Jewish Education Sr. Vice-President, Program Services
(212) 786-5109 (212) 786-5097 Kol hakavod - we miss you!

Meeting Challenges: Annual Report 2010 25

JCCs of North America CENTERS

Jewish Community Centers

Association of North America
520 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018

Directory of Jewish Community Centers

CANADA JCC at Jack & Lee Rosen Southwest Orlando JCC of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, NV Asheville JCC, NC
Calgary Jewish Community Centre, Calgary, AB Campus, O rlando, FL Shimon & Sara Birnbaum JCC, Bridgewater, NJ Sandra & Leon Levine Jewish Community Center,
JCC of Edmonton, AB JCC Suncoast, St. Petersburg, FL Betty & Milton Katz JCC, Cherry Hill, NJ Charlotte, NC
JCC of Greater Vancouver, BC JCC of the Greater Palm Beaches, Palm Beach NJ Y Camps, Fairfield, NJ Charlotte & Dick Levin JCC, Durham, NC
Rose & Max Rady JCC, Winnipeg MB Gardens, FL NJY Camps - Nah-Jee-Wah, Cedar Lake, Teen & Raleigh-Cary JCC, Raleigh, NC
JCC of Hamilton & Area, ON The Lore & Eric F. Ross JCC, Boynton Beach, FL Mountaintop, Milford, PA Jerry Shaw Jewish Community Center of
JCC of London, ON JCC North, Palm Beach Gardens, FL NJY Camps - Nesher, Round Lake & Kislak Adult Akron, OH
Soloway JCC, Ottawa, ON Marcus JCC of Atlanta, Dunwoody, GA Camp, Lake Como, PA Mayerson JCC, Cincinnati, OH
Miles Nadal JCC, Toronto, ON Zaban/Blank Branch, Dunwoody, GA Associated Camps Inc. - Block-Hexter Vacation Camp Livingston, Cincinnati, OH
Prosserman JCC, Toronto, ON Shirley Blumenthal Park Branch, Marietta, GA Center, Fairfield, NJ Mandel JCC of Cleveland, OH
Schwartz/Reisman Centre, Toronto, ON Augusta Jewish Community Center, GA JCC of Ocean County, Lakewood, NJ The Jewish Community Center of Greater
JCC of Windsor, ON Jewish Educational Alliance, Savannah, GA JCC Princeton Mercer Bucks, Lawrenceville, NJ Columbus, OH
JCC Chicago, IL Milton & Betty Katz JCC, Margate City, NJ Marjorie & Oscar Boonshoft - Center for Jewish
Anita M. Stone JCC, Flossmoor, IL JCC of Central NJ, Scotch Plains, NJ Culture & Education, Dayton, OH
UNITED STATES Bernard Horwich JCC, Chicago, IL Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, Tenafly, NJ JCC of Toledo, OH
Bernard Weinger JCC, Northbrook, IL JCC MetroWest, West Orange, NJ Oklahoma City Jewish Federation,
Levite JCC, Birmingham, AL Florence G. Heller JCC, Chicago, IL Leon & Toby Cooperman JCC, West Orange, NJ Oklahoma City, OK
Valley of the Sun JCC, Scottsdale, AZ Hyde Park JCC, Chicago, IL Lautenberg Family JCC, Whippany, NJ Charles Schusterman JCC, Tulsa, OK
East Valley JCC, Chandler, AZ Mayer Kaplan JCC, Skokie, IL JCC of Western Monmouth, Manalapan, NJ B’nai B’rith Camp, Beaverton, OR
Tucson JCC, AZ Ezra Multi-Service Center, Chicago, IL Ronald Gardenswartz JCC of Greater Jewish Community Center of Allentown, PA
Barbara & Ray Alpert JCC Long Beach, CA Resident Camping Services - Camp Chi, Albuquerque, NM Jewish Memorial Center, Altoona, PA
JCC Development Corporation, Beverly Hills, CA Lake Delton, WI Sidney Albert Albany JCC, Albany, NY Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg, PA
Silverlake Independent JCC, Los Angeles, CA Z Frank Apachi Day Camp, Northbrook, IL Barry & Florence Friedberg JCC, Oceanside, NY Jewish Community Alliance of Lancaster, PA
The Shalom Institute, Malibu, CA Florence Weiss Perlstein Vacation Center, Barry & Florence Friedberg JCC: Long Beach Pinemere Camp Association, Philadelphia, PA
JCC at Milken, West Hills, CA Lake Delton, WI Division, Long Beach, NY Charles & Elizabeth Gershman Y, Philadelphia, PA
Westside JCC, Los Angeles, CA Pritzker Center for Jewish Education, Skokie, IL JCC of the Greater Five Towns, Cedarhurst, NY The Collaborative, Philadelphia, PA
Merage JCC of Orange County, Irvine, CA JCC at Woodland Commons, Buffalo Grove, IL Sid Jacobson JCC, East Hills, NY Kevy K. & Hortense M. Kaiserman JCC,
Oshman Family JCC, Palo Alto, CA JCC of Indianapolis, IN Mid-Island Y JCC, Plainview, NY Wynnewood, PA
Lawrence Family JCC of San Diego County, JCC of Greater Kansas City, KS Suffolk Y JCC, Commack, NY Raymond & Miriam Klein JCC, Philadelphia, PA
La Jolla, CA JCC of Louisville, KY Suffolk Y JCC East, Port Jefferson Station, NY Jacob & Esther Stiffel Senior Center,
Camp Mountain Chai, San Diego, CA New Orleans JCC, LA Riverdale YM-YWHA, Bronx, NY Philadelphia, PA
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay, Goldring-Woldenberg JCC – Metairie, LA Boro Park YM-YWHA, Brooklyn, NY JCC of Greater Pittsburgh, PA
Berkeley, CA Jewish Community Alliance, Portland, ME Shorefront YM-YWHA of Brighton Manhattan JCC of Greater Pittsburgh/South Hills Branch, PA
Contra Costa JCC, Walnut Creek, CA JCC of Greater Baltimore, Owings Mills, MD Beach, Brooklyn, NY Scranton JCC, PA
JCC of San Francisco, CA JCC of Greater Baltimore - Park Heights Branch, Edith & Carl Marks JCH of Bensonhurst, JCC of Wyoming Valley, Wilkes Barre, PA
Camp Tawonga, San Francisco, CA Baltimore, MD Brooklyn, NY York JCC, PA
Osher Marin JCC, San Rafael, CA Katie & Irwin Kahn Jewish Community Center, Sephardic Community Center, Brooklyn, NY JCC of Rhode Island
Peninsula JCC, Foster City, CA Columbia, MD Kingsbay YM-YWHA, Brooklyn, NY Charleston JCC, SC
Addison-Penzak JCC of Silicon Valley, Jewish Federation of Howard County, JCC in Manhattan, New York, NY Katie & Irwin Kahn Jewish Community Center,
Los Gatos, CA Columbia, MD YM & YWHA of Washington Heights & Inwood, Columbia, SC
Bronfman Family JCC, Santa Barbara, CA JCC of Greater Washington, Rockville, MD New York, NY Memphis JCC, TN
Boulder JCC, CA Capital Camp & Retreat Center, Rockville, MD The Educational Alliance, New York, NY Gordon JCC, Nashville, TN
Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center, JCCs of Greater Boston, Newton, MA 14th Street Y of The Educational Alliance, Jewish Community Center of Austin, TX
Denver, CO Leventhal-Sidman JCC, Newton, MA New York, NY Aaron Family JCC of Dallas, TX
Greenwich JCC, CT JCC Brookline, Brighton, MA 92nd Street Y, New York, NY JCC of Houston, TX
Mandell Jewish Community Center, West Metrowest JCC, Framingham, MA Surprise Lake Camp, New York, NY JCC/West Houston, TX
Hartford, CT JCC of the North Shore, Marblehead, MA Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Little Neck, NY Barshop JCC of San Antonio, TX
JCC of Western Connecticut, Southbury, CT Springfield JCC, MA Central Queens YM-YWHA, Forest Hills, NY I.J. & Jeanne Wagner JCC, Salt Lake City, UT
JCC of Stamford, CT Boroughs JCC, Westborough, MA Samuel Field Y - Bay Terrace Site, Bayside, NY JCC of Northern Virginia, Fairfax, VA
Siegel JCC, Wilmington, DE Worcester JCC, MA Newburgh JCC, NY Weinstein JCC, Richmond, VA
Washington District of Columbia Jewish JCC of Greater Ann Arbor, MI Jewish Community Center of Rockland County, The Marilyn & Marvin Simon JCC,
Community Center JCC of Metropolitan Detroit, West Bloomfield, MI West Nyack, NY Virginia Beach, VA
Adolph & Rose Levis JCC, Boca Raton, FL Jimmy Prentis Morris Branch, Oak Park, MI Jewish Community Center of Schenectady, Stroum Jewish Community Center,
Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties, Fresh Air Society / Tamarack Camps, Niskayuna, NY Mercer Island, WA
Fort Myers, FL Bloomfield Hills, MI JCC of Staten Island, Staten Island, NY Stroum Jewish Community Center, Seattle, WA
David Posnack JCC, Davie, FL Sabes JCC, St Louis Park, MN Avis/South Shore JCC, Staten Island, NY Harry & Rose Samson Family JCC,
Jewish Community Alliance, Jacksonville, FL JCC of the Greater St. Paul Area, St Paul, MN JCC on the Hudson, Tarrytown, NY Milwaukee, WI
Michael-Ann Russell JCC, North Miami Beach, FL Jewish Community Center, St Louis, MO Rosenthal JCC of Northern Westchester,
Dave & Mary Alper JCC, Miami, FL The Staenberg Family Complex, St Louis, MO Pleasantville, NY
Miami Beach JCC, Miami Beach, FL Marilyn Fox Building, Chesterfield, MO JCC of Mid-Westchester, Scarsdale, NY Berkshire
Roth Jewish Community Center of Greater Omaha JCC, NE Hills - Emanuel Camps, Ardsley, NY
Orlando, Maitland, FL

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