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Andropause: exploring the causes

and hormone free, evidence based

nutrients and botanicals for
Dr Eugene R. Zampieron,

Financial Disclosure: Receives royalties from Restorative Formulations

Urologe A. 2013 Jun 12. Testosterone deficiency - an
underestimated risk for men? : Prevalence of

• Pathologically low testosterone levels (< 2.5 ng/ml) were found in 15.2 % of
subjects while 37.4 % had a testosterone level lower than 3.5 ng/ml.
Decreased testosterone levels were not associated with age. In addition the
proportion of men with decreased serum testosterone levels was
comparable in all age groups. The average serum testosterone level
decreased slightly in all age groups during the period before midday.
• The data reveal high rates of testosterone deficiency in men independent
of patient age. As decreased serum testosterone levels may be the
consequence of several diseases and can be causally involved in the
pathogenesis of further diseases, it is strongly recommended that serum
testosterone measurement should be included in the diagnostic arsenal
especially when symptoms, such as loss of libido, erectile dysfunction,
lack of concentration, depression, lethargy, irritability and sleep
disturbance are present.
I would add high lipids,
weak legs, chronic low
back & weight gain here
Effects of restoring Test. Levels
• In a controlled study, 13 healthy men aged 57 to 76
years with low or borderline low blood testosterone were
administered testosterone therapy at the University of
Washington. The men received either testosterone or
placebo for three-month time periods. The men were not
supposed to know when they were receiving
testosterone or a placebo, but at any given time, 12 out
of the 13 were able to ascertain they were receiving
testosterone based on increases in their libido,
aggressiveness in business transactions or an
improvement in their sense of well-being.
• Tenover JS. Effects of testosterone supplementation in
the aging male. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1992
Researchers measured free testosterone and 25-hydroxyvitamin D
blood levels in a large group (2,069) men who were referred for
coronary angiography. The results were nothing short of startling for
those who fail to maintain optimal blood ranges of vitamin D and
These are most of
the men who go to
holistic physicians
Expanded Causes of Andropause
Restorative Medicine Model

• Precursor steal due to Dis- • 5 alpha reductase activity

Stress,elevating cortisol and • SHBG activity
reducing ‘Yin’ • Nutrient deficiencies
• Adrenal medulla Free radical and ROS stress to
exhaustion→low testes/leydig cells from
DOPAMINE→with elevations multiple agents
in Prolactin→Low Test • Low Growth Hormone
• Obesity/BMI issues production
• Lack of activity • Endocrine disruptors and
increased toxic load
• Excess aromatase • Malabsorption of minerals, like
• Hypothalamic damage due to zinc, leading to low T
high cortisol • Kidney disease
• Hypothalamic damage due to • OTHERS???
high ROS stress
STRESS:effect on adrenals
Precursor steal
“…Chronically increased cortisol
level, as seen during
prolonged stress, may reduce
the functional activity of
leuteinizing hormone—release
hormone (LHRH) pulse
generator, which may lead to
decrease in gonadotropin and
testosterone levels…”
Science. 1984 May
Stress hormones: their
interaction and regulation.
Axelrod J et al
Causes of Andropause
Obesity Estrogen cycle

“Men with obesity

and Syndrome X
Adipokines increase
IL-6 which increases
inflammation and
Even surgical loss of
fat increases
Causes of Andropause
Prolactin and Andropause
• Physiologic levels of prolactin in males enhance in LH receptors in
Leydig cells, resulting in testosterone secretion, which leads to
• Highly elevated levels of prolactin decrease the levels of sex
hormones —estrogen in women and Testosterone in men.
• Very Low Prolactin also effects serum testosterone

• Gonzales GF, Velasquez G, Garcia-Hjarles M (1989). "Hypoprolactinemia as
related to seminal quality and serum testosterone". Arch Androl. 23 (3): 259–65. Rev
Urol. 2000 Winter; 2(1): 39–42.

• Hyperprolactinemia and Erectile Dysfunction

• Scott I Zeitlin, MD Rev Urol. 2000 Winter; 2(1): 39–42.
sTAR - Steroidogenic acute
regulating protein {protein has
285 amino acids} transports
cholesterol to the mitochondria in
the leydig cells
Lay off the brew!!!
• The consumption of beer,
unlike other alcoholic
beverages, increases
serum prolactin, a
hormone necessary for
milk production, but not
good for andropausal
men!! (Carlson, Wasser,
& Reidelberger, 1985; De
Rosa, Corsello, Ruffilli,
Della Casa, &
Pasargiklian, 1981;
Grossman, 1987).
Causes of Andropause
Aromatase activity
Caue of Andropause: Elevations in SHBG review
of physiology
• Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is a glycoprotein, which binds to
human sex hormones. These binding proteins are most often found
bound to the primary male and female sex hormones.
• Major production of sex hormone binding globulin occurs in the liver,
but it may also be produced in the brain,uterus, testes, and in the
placenta during pregnancy.
• The function of this protein is to limit the levels of active unbound
sex hormones in the body. Very high or very low levels of the protein
in the body can indicate a variety of health conditions in both women
and men.
• Most sex hormones within the bloodstream are biochemically bound to
sex hormone binding globulins. Only a tiny portion of sex hormones
are "free" and able to enter cells where they bind to hormone
receptors. Therefore, the availability of sex hormones in the human
body is directly linked to the amount of SHBG the body produces.
• When produced by the testes, SHBG is instead known as an
androgen-binding protein, a protein that is produced in the Sertoli cells,
High levels of androgen-binding protein in the testes allow sperm cells
to mature in spermatogenesis
5 apha reductase

5 alpha
CAUSES of Andropause
Toxins:effect on Testes
CAUSES of Andropause
Toxins:effect on Testes
CAUSES of Andropause
Toxins:effect on Testes
Michael Phelps & Co at high risk of low
I wonder if
• A 2011 paper that was there’s an
published in the issue with
International Journal of Bromine
Andrology by Nickmilder
et al. a clear-cut
association with early life
exposure to chlorinated
indoor-pool water and low
testosterone levels in
adolescence and
probably later in life
(Nickmilder. 2011)
Amaral S et al. Front Biosci (Schol Ed). 2013 Jan 1;5:181-97.
Aging and male reproductive function:
a mitochondrial perspective.
Damage to Leydig cells cause low
Are toxin avoidance, antioxidants
and depuration a key??
• Researching the effects of aging in the male reproductive system is not
trivial. Not only are multiple changes at molecular, cellular and endocrine
levels involved, but any findings must be discussed with variable individual
characteristics, as well as with lifestyle and environmental factors. Age-
related changes in the reproductive system include any aspect of
reproductive function, from deregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-
gonadal axis and of local auto/paracrine interactions, to effects on testicular
stem cells, defects in testicular architecture and spermatogenesis, or sperm
with decreased functionality. Several theories place mitochondria at the hub
of cellular events related to aging, namely regarding the accumulation of
oxidative damage to cells and tissues, a process in which these organelles
play a prominent role, although alternative theories have also emerged.
However, oxidative stress is not the only process involved in
mitochondrial-related aging; mitochondrial energy metabolism,
changes in mitochondrial DNA or in mitochondrial-dependent
testosterone production are also important. Crucially, all these issues
are likely interdependent. We will review evidence that suggests that
mitochondria constitute a common link between aging and fertility loss
• Biomed Environ Sci. 2013 Jun;26(6):474-84. doi: 10.3967/0895-3988.2013.06.008.
• Effects of Environmental Lead Pollution on Blood Lead and Sex Hormone Levels among Occupationally
Exposed Group in An E-waste Dismantling Area.
• Yang Y, Lu XS, Li DL, Yu YJ.
• Source
• School of Environmental & Safety Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, Jiangsu, China.
• Abstract
• To study the effects of environmental multi-media lead pollution on blood lead and sex hormone levels among lead
exposed males engaged in E-waste dismantling, and the correlation between confounding factors and sex
hormone levels.
• An E-waste dismantling area in Taizhou of Zhejiang Province was selected as the research site. One hundred and
fifty two samples were collected from the groundwater, soil, rice, corn, chicken, and pork in the dismantling area.
The effects of the multi-media lead pollution on the male blood lead and sex hormone levels of FSH, LH, and T, as
well as the correlation with confounding factors, were studied.
• The blood lead concentrations in the males aged under 31, from 31 to 45 and from 46 to 60 were 98.55, 100.23,
and 101.45 μg/L , respectively. Of all the environmental media lead exposures, the groundwater, rice and soil were
main contributing factors to the lead accumulation in humans. FSH and LH levels increased with the age while the
T levels decreased with the age instead. There was a significant correlation between the FSH and LH levels and
wearing masks.

• There was correlation between the FSH, LH, and T

levels, and the mean values of lead concentrations in
environmental media, and the sex hormone levels
were correlated with the confounding factor of
wearing masks.
Workup up the Andropausal male Exam PE,Blood, Saliva,Urine

BMI • LH and FSH

Chemistry and health profile • Prolactin
with all hormones, VAP • SHBG
Free Total and Bioavailable • Cortisol X 4
Testosterone & DHT • Neurotransmitters
Estradiol (Ultrasens) • Amino acids
DHEA Uncong and S • Hair analysis
Cardivascular CRP and • RBC mineral levels
Fibrinogen & D-Dimer? • Liver detox profile
Delta PSA & Free to Total • Pregnenolone
Vit D and other Nutrients • Cytokine panel
IGF-1 • Fasting Glusocse,Insulin
HAIC & Fructosamine
Natural, non-hormonal
interventions for
trteating the underlying
causes of Andropause
and Low T syndrome
Work on your patients response to the stress
Put the Adrenals to
• Mild relaxants • Potent relaxants
– Chamomila – Jamaican Dogwood
– Vervain – Corydalis
– Oats (Avena) – Wild lettuce
– Motherwort Nervine trophorestoratives
• Stronger Relaxants -- St. John’s wort
– Passiflora
– Scutellaria
– Valerian
– Humulus (Hops)
– Eschscholtzia
• David Winston in his • Eleuthero
book ADAPTOGENS: • American Ginseng
Herbs for strength, • Ashwagandha
stamina and stress • Asian ginseng
relief, states the following • Cordyceps
‘adaptogens can be used • Reishi
for helping the body
respond to an excess of • Rhaponticum
adrenal hormones, and • Rhodiola
prevent oxidation damage • Schizandra
to the adrenals’
Make adrenal deposits
Adrenal tonic herbs
Exercise and Testosterone
Exercise helps (even in obese
men to raise) testosterone
Squats, 4 sets of 10
reps, increased
testosterone the
greatest !!
Treating Andropause: Better sleep
Chrysin and Aromatase
• Science. 1984 Sep 7;225(4666):1032-4.
• Inhibition of human estrogen synthetase (aromatase) by
• Several naturally occurring and synthetic flavones were found to
inhibit the aromatization of androstenedione and testosterone to
estrogens catalyzed by human placental and ovarian microsomes.
These flavones include (in order of decreasing potency) 7,8-
benzoflavone, chrysin , apigenin, flavone, flavanone, and
quercetin; 5,6-benzoflavone was not inhibitory. 7,8-Benzoflavone
and chrysin were potent competitive inhibitors and induced spectral
changes in the aromatase cytochrome P-450 indicative of substrate
displacement. Flavones may thus compete with steroids in their
interaction with certain monooxygenases and thereby alter steroid
hormone metabolism.
In response to eating certain plant foods, the intestine
converts their lignans into compounds called
enterolactones, which enter the bloodstream. Findings from
human and animal studies indicate that these
enterolactones protect against hormone-dependent
cancers via several well-established mechanisms
• Increasing your intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole
grains helps provide the lignans needed to boost serum
enterolactone levels. This fact helps explain why men
who eat healthier diets enjoy sharply reduced rates
of prostate cancer.
• The two most important lignans that most readily convert
to beneficial enterolactones in the body are
secoisolariciresinol diglucoside and
hydroxymatairesinol. Extracts obtained from flax and
the Norway spruce are now available as concentrated
dietary supplements to enable aging men to achieve and
maintain higher daily blood levels of enterolactones.
rosemary, oregano,
thyme, basil and coriander Scute
Cloves & Lemon Balm

Apples lemons
many fruits
Modulate Aromatase with Vit D3
• Steroids. 2012 Sep;77(11):1107-12. doi: 10.1016/j.steroids.2012.06.005. Epub 2012 Jul 16.
• The potential therapeutic benefits of vitamin D in the treatment of estrogen receptor positive
breast cancer.
• Krishnan AV, Swami S, Feldman D.
• Source
• Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Stanford, CA 94305, United States.
• Abstract
• Calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3)), the hormonally active form of vitamin D, inhibits the growth
of many malignant cells including breast cancer (BCa) cells. The mechanisms of calcitriol
anticancer actions include cell cycle arrest, stimulation of apoptosis and inhibition of invasion,
metastasis and angiogenesis. In addition we have discovered new pathways of calcitriol action
that are especially relevant in inhibiting the growth of estrogen receptor positive (ER+) BCa cells.
Calcitriol suppresses COX-2 expression and increases that of 15-PGDH thereby reducing the
levels of inflammatory prostaglandins (PGs). Our in vitro and in vivo studies show that calcitriol
decreases the expression of aromatase, the enzyme that catalyzes estrogen synthesis selectively
in BCa cells and in the mammary adipose tissue surrounding BCa, by a direct repression of
aromatase transcription via promoter II as well as an indirect effect due to the reduction in the
levels of PGs, which are major stimulator of aromatase transcription through promoter II. Calcitriol
down-regulates the expression of ERα and thereby attenuates estrogen signaling in BCa cells
including the proliferative stimulus provided by estrogens. Thus the inhibition of estrogen
synthesis and signaling by calcitriol and its anti-inflammatory actions will play an important role in
inhibiting ER+BCa. We hypothesize that dietary vitamin D would exhibit similar anticancer activity
due to the presence of the enzyme 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1α-hydroxylase (CYP27B1) in breast
cells ensuring conversion of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D to calcitriol locally within the breast
micro-environment where it can act in a paracrine manner to inhibit BCa growth. Cell culture and
in vivo data in mice strongly suggest that calcitriol and dietary vitamin D would play a beneficial
role in the prevention and/or treatment of ER+BCa in women
Vit D3
I would need 800 mg/day of I3C
GOAL Lower SHBG with
Radix Urtica spp.
Nettle Root Extract
• When testosterone binds to SHBG, it loses its
biological activity and becomes known as
“bound testosterone,” as opposed to the
desirable “free testosterone.”
• Nettle inhibits all 3 enzymes which can disable
testosterone: DHT, Aromatase and SGBH
• Scopoletin may be an active constituent
• DOSEs: 4-6 grams dried root/d;
• 600 -1,200 of a 5:1 extract
9 ml of 1:2 tincture { 1 gram herb/ 2ml liquid}
Nettle and SHBG
• Planta Med. 1997 Dec;63(6):529-32.
• Lignans from the roots of Urtica dioica and their metabolites
bind to human sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).

• Polar extracts of the stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) roots contain
the ligans (+)-neoolivil, (-)-secoisolariciresinol, dehydrodiconiferyl
alcohol, isolariciresinol, pinoresinol, and 3,4-
• These compounds were either isolated from Urtica roots, or
obtained semisynthetically. Their affinity to human sex hormone
binding globulin (SHBG) was tested in an in vitro assay. In addition,
the main intestinal transformation products of plant lignans in
humans, enterodiol and enterolactone, together with enterofuran
were checked for their activity. All lignans except (-)-pinoresinol
developed a binding affinity to SHBG in the in vitro assay. The
affinity of (-)-3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran was outstandingly high.
These findings are discussed with respect to potential beneficial
effects of plant lignans on benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Protect Testes from Oxidative
Damage and Endocrine disrupters
Se can protect the testes
Milk Thistle protects the
TESTES too??!!
• Phytomedicine. 2012 Sep 15;19(12):1077-84. doi:
10.1016/j.phymed.2012.06.011. Epub 2012 Jul 20.
• Preventive and protective effects of silymarin on
doxorubicin-induced testicular damages correlate
with changes in c-myc gene expression.
• Malekinejad H, Janbaz-Acyabar H, Razi M, Varasteh S.
• Source
• Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
Minerals which
Zinc help low T patients increase T but not normal T

This is a
High dose

apply topical
Mag gel before
class + oral
Evidence Based

which Increase
Macuna pruriens flowers,pods,seeds
DOSE 5 grams per day in the literature
• M. pruriens seeds are rich source of L-DOPA and its
• metabolites, which include epinephrine and
Therefore, an increase in dopamine level in the brain
following M. pruriens treatment may not only induce the
activation of sexual behavior but it may also increase
plasma testosterone level. It has been reported recently
that L-DOPA and its metabolite dopamine stimulate the
hypothalamus and forebrain to secrete gonadotropic
releasing hormone (GnRH)
. This, in turn, upregulates
• the anterior pituitary gland to secrete follicle
• stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone
• (LH) causing increased synthesis of testosterone by
• Leydig cells of the testis
• Fertil Steril. 2009 Dec;92(6):1934-40. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2008.09.045. Epub
2008 Oct 29.
• Mucuna pruriens improves male fertility by its action on the hypothalamus-
pituitary-gonadal axis.
• Shukla KK, et al.
• Seventy-five normal healthy fertile men (controls) and 75 men undergoing infertility
• Before and after treatment, serum T, LH, FSH, PRL, dopamine, adrenaline, and
noradrenaline in seminal and blood plasma were measured.
• Decreased sperm count and motility were seen in infertile subjects. Serum T and LH
levels, as well as seminal plasma and blood levels of dopamine, adrenaline, and
noradrenaline were also decreased in all groups of infertile men. This was
accompanied by significantly increased serum FSH and PRL levels in
oligozoospermic subjects. Treatment with M. pruriens significantly improved T, LH,
dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline levels in infertile men and reduced levels of
FSH and PRL. Sperm count and motility were significantly recovered in infertile men
after treatment.
• Treatment with M. pruriens regulates steroidogenesis and improves semen quality in
infertile men
Treatment with M. pruriens
significantly improved T
sTAR - Steroidogenic acute
regulating protein {protein has
285 amino acids} transports
cholesterol to the mitochondria in
the leydig cells
Ashwagandha Withania somnifera
Dose: 6 grams per day 12 ml of 1:2 tincture
Withania improves sperm count and hormones including
LH & Testosterone, lowered FSH & prolactin versus

Serum T
Tong Kat ali a.k.a
Eurycoma longifolia
Usual Dose 600 mg of 100:1 qd or 200-300 of 200:1 qd
can be very expensive
• Andrologia. 2012 May;44 Suppl 1:226-30. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0272.2011.01168.x. Epub 2011 Jun
• Standardised water-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia, Tongkat ali, as testosterone
booster for managing men with late-onset hypogonadism?
• Tambi MI, et al
• Source
• Wellmen Clinic, Damai Service Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
• Abstract
• In most countries, millions of people are relying on herbal medicines as remedy for numerous
ailments. In South-East Asia, Eurycoma longifolia Jack, also known as 'Malaysian ginseng' or
Tongkat ali, is used to combat stress and disease and to improve physical strength. Moreover, the
compounds of the roots of this plant are reported to have aphrodisiac and testosterone enhancing
effects in the rat. Considering that human studies are not available, 76 of 320 patients suffering
from late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) were given 200 mg of a standardised water-soluble extract
of Tongkat ali for 1 month. The Ageing Males' Symptoms (AMS) according to the standardised
rating scale and the serum testosterone concentration were taken. Results show that treatment of
LOH patients with this Tongkat ali extract significantly (P < 0.0001) improved the AMS score as
While before treatment only
well as the serum testosterone concentration.
10.5% of the patients did not show any complaint
according to the AMS scale and 35.5% had normal
testosterone levels, after the completed treatment 71.7%
and 90.8% of the patients showed normal values,
respectively. Thus, Tongkat ali extract appears to be
useful as a supplement in overcoming the symptoms of
LOH and for the management of hypogonadism
TongKat ali improves hormones
in elders 57-72 years old
• Phytother Res. 2013 Jun 11. doi: 10.1002/ptr.5017. [Epub ahead of print]
• Tongkat Ali as a Potential Herbal Supplement for Physically Active Male and Female
Seniors-A Pilot Study.
• Henkel RR, et al Department of Medical Bioscience, University of the Western Cape, Bellville,
7535, South Africa.
• Abstract
• Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia; TA) is known to increase testosterone levels and alleviate aging
males' symptoms. This study aimed at investigating TA as an ergogenic supplement for elderly
people. Thirteen physically active male and 12 physically active female seniors (57-72 years) were
supplemented with 400-mg TA extract daily for 5 weeks. Standard hematological parameters were
taken. In addition, the concentrations of total and free testosterone, dihydroepiandrosterone,
cortisol, insulin-like growth factor-1, and sex hormone-binding globulin were analyzed. As
additional biochemical parameters, blood urea nitrogen and creatine kinase as parameters of
kidney function and muscle damage, respectively, as well as the muscle strength by a simple
handgrip test were determined. After treatment, hemoglobin, testosterone, and
dihydroepiandrosterone concentrations, and the ratio of total testosterone/cortisol and muscle
force remained significantly lower in female seniors than in male seniors. Hematocrit and
erythrocyte count in male seniors increased slightly but were significantly higher than in female
seniors. Treatment resulted in significant increases in total and free testosterone concentrations
and muscular force in men and women. The increase in free testosterone in women is thought to
be due to the significant decline in sex hormone-binding globulin concentrations. The study affirms
the ergogenic benefit of TA through enhanced muscle strength.
Significant increases
in total and free
testosterone in men &
Tribulus & Testosterone
• Fiziol Zh. 2009;55(5):89-96.
• The influence of the Tribulus terrestris extract on the parametersThis
of the
study showed
functional preparedness and athletes' organism homeostasis. some increases in
• Milasius K, Dadeliene R, Skernevicius J. blood testosterone

• The influence of the Tribulus terrestris extract on the parameters of the functional
preparadness and athletes' organism homeostase was investigated. It was
established the positive impact of dietary supplement "Tribulus" (Optimum Nutrition,
U.S.A.) using per 1 capsule 3 times a day during 20 days on athletes' physical power
in various energy producing zones: anaerobic alactic muscular power and anaerobic
alactic glycolytic power statistically reliable increased. Tribulus terrestris extract, after
20 days of consuming it, did not have essential effect on erythrocytes, haemoglobin
and thrombocytes indices. During the experimental period statistically importantly
increased percentage of granulocytes and decreased percentage of leucocytes show
negative impact of this food supplement on changes of leucocytes formula in athletes'
blood. Creatinkinase concentration in athletes' blood statistically importantly has
increased and creatinine amount has had a tendency to decline during 20 days
period of consuming Tribulus terrestris extract. The declining tendency of urea,
cholesterol and bilirubin concentrations has appeared. The concentration of blood
testosterone increased statistically reliable during the first half (10 days) of the
experiment; it did not grow during the next 10 days while consuming Tribulus still
Tribulus fails to work in Rugby
• J Strength Cond Res. 2007 May;21(2):348-53.
• The effect of five weeks of Tribulus terrestris supplementation on muscle strength and body composition
during preseason training in elite rugby league players.
• Rogerson S, Riches CJ, Jennings C, Weatherby RP, Meir RA, Marshall-Gradisnik SM.
• Source
• School of Exercise Science and Sport Management, Southern Cross University Lismore, New South Wales,
• Abstract
• Tribulus terrestris is an herbal nutritional supplement that is promoted to produce large gains in strength and lean
muscle mass in 5-28 days (15, 18). Although some manufacturers claim T. terrestris will not lead to a positive drug
test, others have suggested that T. terrestris may increase the urinary testosterone/epitestosterone (T/E) ratio,
which may place athletes at risk of a positive drug test. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of T.
terrestris on strength, fat free mass, and the urinary T/E ratio during 5 weeks of preseason training in elite rugby
league players. Twenty-two Australian elite male rugby league players (mean +/- SD; age = 19.8 +/- 2.9 years;
weight = 88.0 +/- 9.5 kg) were match-paired and randomly assigned in a double-blind manner to either a T.
terrestris (n = 11) or placebo (n = 11) group. All subjects performed structured heavy resistance training as part of
the club's preseason preparations. A T. terrestris extract (450 mg.d(-1)) or placebo capsules were consumed once
daily for 5 weeks. Muscular strength, body composition, and the urinary T/E ratio were monitored prior to and after
supplementation. After 5 weeks of training, strength and fat free mass increased significantly without any between-
group differences. No between-group differences were noted in the urinary T/E ratio. It was concluded that T.
terrestris did not produce the large gains in strength or lean muscle mass that many manufacturers claim can be
experienced within 5-28 days. Furthermore, T. terrestris did not alter the urinary T/E ratio and would not place an
athlete at risk of testing positive based on the World Anti-Doping Agency's urinary T/E ratio limit of 4:1.
• Eurycoma 200:1 • Fresh organic Veggie juice 2 X
300 mg per day 8 OZ:
* Macuna extract equivalent to 5 – Kale
Gms per day – Celery
* Ashwagandha equivalent to 3 – Ginger ½ inch root
Gms per day Hair analysis showed Pb
toxicity→Detox X 6 months
* Nettle root {2 tsp 1:2 qd}
Increase competitive minerals
• Squats 4 sets of 10/day zn,
• Zinc 100 mg/day Increase flax seed fiber to
• Ornithine and arginine 3000 sequester Pb and act as
mg per day phytosterol
Liver Detox support formula
Homeopathic Pb
Quest lab values from April to
sept 2018
• Protocol without DHEA and Detox…. only botanicals (Tong Kat,
Ashwagandha, Nettles and minerals used
• Mucuna 6 grams, Ashwagandha 6 grams, 10:1 pine pollen; 50:1 Nettle
root; Shilajit, Boron 12mg;
• Ashwagandha daily, other 5 things rotate daily 4 day rotation
Tong Kat ali→ use reliable brand
Shilajit shows promise as a

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