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1st Algerian Multi-Conference on Computer, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AMCEEE'17)

24-27April 2017, Algiers, Algeria

Cooperative Artificial Bee Colony Optimization

to Improve PID Tuning in Automatic Voltage
Regulator System

Fatima Harfouchi Hacene Habbi

Applied Automation Laboratory Applied Automation Laboratory
M'hamed Bougara University of Boumerdès M'hamed Bougara University of Boumerdès
Av. de l’indépendance, Boumerdès, Algeria Av. de l’indépendance, Boumerdès, Algeria

Abstract— Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) system is This particular problem has made the subject of many
used in conjunction with synchronous generator to regulate research works that attempted to develop suitable tuning
reactive power and voltage level under normal operating mechanisms for standard PID parameters. To this end,
conditions at various load levels. To guarantee the stability of several methods have been proposed in the literature [5].
the whole power system, suitable control of AVR system must Among the well-known conventional PID tuning methods,
be achieved. Basically, the control loop in AVR system involves the Ziegler-Nichols tuning rule is obviously the most
a PID controller which has the role of regulating the voltage common in practice. The Ziegler-Nichols tuning rule works
output of synchronous generator at a specified level. Suitable quite well for a wide range of industrial processes. However,
tuning of PID parameters in AVR control loop is an important
it does not provide optimal tuning and tends to generate big
issue which devoted special interest in literature. This paper
addresses the problem of optimal tuning of PID-controlled
overshoots and large settling times which may induce non-
AVR system by using a novel artificial bee colony (ABC) desirable effects on the controlled process dynamics. To
strategy that relies on cooperative learning concept. The improve the performance of PID controller, optimal tuning
optimization strategy referred to as cooperative learning of its standard parameters can be formulated as an
artificial bee colony (CLABC) algorithm is applied to the optimization problem and solved by means of global search
problem of PID design for improved performance of AVR methods. On this issue, swarm intelligence (SI) and
system. The resulting performance is compared to other evolutionary algorithms such as particle swarm optimization
conventional and ABC based tuning methods. (PSO) [6], genetic algorithms (GA) [7], bat algorithm [8],
differential evolution (DE) [9] and artificial bee colony
Keywords—PID controller; Tuning; Optimization; AVR (ABC) algorithm [10], have been investigated in many
system; Artificial bee colony algorithm studies.
In this paper, optimal tuning problem of PID controller
I. INTRODUCTION for automatic regulator voltage system is addressed by using
During past decades, industrial process control strategies artificial bee colony optimization strategy. The AVR system
were subjected to great enhancements brought by the is used in conjunction with synchronous generator to
development of various tools and approaches that have been regulate reactive power and voltage level under normal
involved in both technical and theoretical plans. Advanced operating conditions at various load levels [11]. Synchronous
control methods such as adaptive control [1], neural control generators have a significant role in providing energy for
[2], fuzzy control [3], and computational intelligence based electrical systems. The stability of the whole power system is
control [4] have been introduced to the control field and closely related to the stability of synchronous generator. The
applied successfully to a number of application studies. AVR control system is basically designed as PID control
Although advanced control strategies showed considerable loop for which optimal tuning is required to keep constant
improvements in many practical case studies, the the output voltage of synchronous generator. To achieve this
Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control strategy control objective, cooperative learning ABC optimization
remains the most widely used controller in industry with based on multiple search rules is used. ABC optimization is
almost 90% integration rate. Optimal tuning of PID one of the most popular swarm algorithms, being introduced
controller is however a challenging issue to which process by Karaboga in 2005 [12]. ABC concept has rapidly gained
operators are frequently faced in practice. Indeed, many the attention of researchers and applied to various scientific
controlled processes show complex dynamical behaviors that and engineering problems in several fields [10], [13]-[17].
impose hard constraints on the PID-controlled loops which, The basic ABC model was subjected to many improvements
in turn, should need retuning to preserve normal operation. to enhance its computational performance and robustness
1st Algerian Multi-Conference on Computer, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AMCEEE'17)
24-27April 2017, Algiers, Algeria

[18]-[20]. This study considers two ABC variants, namely V F (s ) KE

the Gbest-guided ABC algorithm (g-ABC) [18] and the  (3)
V R (s ) 1   E s
cooperative learning artificial bee colony (CLABC)
algorithm [21] to deal with the problem of improving PID- Typical values of K E are in the range of 10 to 400. The time
controlled AVR system performance. constant  E is in the range of 0.5 to 1.0 seconds.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, a brief
review of PID controller and AVR system model is The generator model is expressed by a first-order transfer
presented. Section 3 is dedicated to the artificial bee colony function which describes the functional relationship between
optimization strategy. Section 4 shows the simulation results the generator output voltage and the field voltage. This
and discusses the compared performances. Conclusions are model can be represented by a gain K G and a time constant
finally formulated in Section 5.  G , which gives:

V t (s ) KG
V F (s ) 1   G s
The AVR system control loop consists of five main
functional modules which are the controller, the amplifier, These constants are load dependent, K G may vary between
the exciter, the generator and the sensor. Fig.1 depicts the 0.7 to 1.0, and G between 1.0 and 2.0 seconds from full load
basic control configuration. Each of those components is to no load.
briefly described in the following.
A. PID Controller
The PID controller is used to improve the dynamic
response of AVR system as well as to reduce or eliminate
the steady-state error. As well-known, the PID controller
consists of Proportional, Integral and Derivative gains. The
equation for a PID controller (in the time domain) is Fig. 1. PID-controlled AVR system.
expressed by the following control law:
Finally, the sensor is modeled by a first-order transfer
t de (t )
u t   k p .e t   k i  e   d   k d (1) function, given by :
0 dt
V S (s ) KR
where u t  and e t  denote the control signal and the error  (5)
V t (s ) 1   R s
signal, respectively. k p , k i and k d are the proportional,
 R is a very small time constant, ranging from 0.001 to 0.06
integral and derivative constants, respectively. For
performance and stability purposes, the values of those seconds.
parameters must be suitably determined with regard to the
dynamics of the installed electrical components of AVR III. ARTIFICIAL BEE COLONY OPTIMIZATION STRATEGY
A. Basic ABC Strategy
B. AVR System Model The artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is a swarm
The role of an AVR system is to keep constant the output based meta-heuristic algorithm which imitates the foraging
voltage of the synchronous generator at a specified level. behavior of honey bees [12]. In ABC concept [22], the honey
Depending on the application study, each component of the bee colony model employs three types of bees: employed
control loop shown in Fig. 1 is modeled by means of linear bees, onlooker bees and scouts. An employed bee searches
transfer functions. around the current food source to find a new source position
with better nectar amount. If the nectar amount of the
The amplifier model can be described by a gain K A and discovered position is higher than that of the previous one,
a tile constant  A , giving a first-order model of the form: the bee saves the new position in her memory and forgets the
V (s ) KA old one. Each employed bee is associated with a food source,
 R   in other words, the number of employed bees is equal to the
V E (s ) 1   A s
number of food sources. After all employed bees complete
Typical values of K A are in the range of 10 to 400. The their search processes, they share their information with
amplifier time constant is very small ranging in general from onlooker bees which are waiting in the hive. An onlooker
0.02 to 0.1 seconds. bee chooses a food source according to a probabilistic
greedy selection mechanism. Therefore, food sources with
The exciter model can be expressed by a transfer better profitability will get higher probability to be selected
function with gain K E and time constant  E . The model has by the onlookers. Similar to employed bees, each onlooker
the form: bee produces a modification on the position in her memory
1st Algerian Multi-Conference on Computer, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AMCEEE'17)
24-27April 2017, Algiers, Algeria

and investigates the nectar amount of the generated algorithm is based on multiple solution search equations
candidate source. If a position cannot be improved further which are integrated in different ways at the employed and
through a predetermined limit tolerance called ''limit", then onlooker stages. In the present study, the employed bees are
that food source is assumed to be abandoned. The divided into 3 groups; each group forms a sub-population of
corresponding employed bee becomes then a scout. The potential solutions and uses search equations different from
abandoned position will be replaced with a new food source the other groups. The onlookers are arranged in one group.
found by the scout. The solution updating equations are given as follows [21]:
In the initialization phase, the algorithm generates v ij  x ij  i j  x ij  x kj  (9)
randomly a population of SN food sources (solutions) in the
admissible search domain as follows: v ij  x ki  i j  x ij  x kj 1  (10)
xi  x
j j
 rand  0,1  x x j
 v ij  x ij  ri j  x ij  x mean   r1ij  x kj  x kj1 
min max min (6) j
where i  1,2,..., SN , j  1,2,..., D , and D is the number of
v ij  x best
 ri j  x ij  x mean
  r1ij  x kj  x kj1  (12)
optimization parameters; x min j
and x max
are the lower and
upper bounds for the dimension j, respectively. After v ij  x kj  i j  x kj 1  x kj 2  (13)
initialization, the population of food sources is subjected to
repeated cycles of the search processes of employed bees, v ij  x best
 i j  x kj  x kj 1  (14)
onlooker bees and scout bees.
In the employed bees' phase, each employed bee where i j  1,1 , ri j , r1ij  0,1 are random numbers generated
generates a new candidate solution around its current for each dimension at each processing time. x kj , x kj 1, x kj 2 , are
position by the following equation:
the j th dimensions of solutions selected randomly from the
v ij  x ij  i j  x ij  x kj  (7) sub-populations. k , k 1 , k 2 , are not equal to each other and to
i . x best denotes the j th dimension of the best solution
where i  1, 2,..., SN , j  1,2,..., D  and k  1, 2,...,SN are randomly
obtained by the sub-population so far. x mean j
is the average
chosen indexes; k has to be different from i , and i j is a th
solution corresponding to the j dimension for all solutions
random number in the range  1,1 . Greedy selection between in the sub-populations.
the old and the updated food source position is performed by At employed phase, search equations (9) and (10) are
the employed bee based on fitness value evaluation. This called by the first group of foragers to generate new
valuable information about the position and the quality of the candidate solutions. Only one of these two search equations
food sources are shared with the onlooker bees. is used to perform solution updating based on an increasing
In the onlooker bees' phase, the onlookers receive the probability defined by  iter / MCN 1/3 , where iter is the
information about the food sources shared by employed bees
current generation number and MCN is the maximum
and choose a food source to exploit depending on a
probability related to its nectar value which is computed by: number of cycles. If the random value between 0 and 1 is
smaller than or equal to the predefined probability, then Eq.
fit i (9) is used. Otherwise, search mechanism described by Eq.
pi  (8) (10) is performed. Based on the same definition of
 fit n
n 1
probability given above, (11) and (12) are used for the
where fit i is the fitness value of the solution i . It should be second group, and (13) and (14) for the last group.
noted that onlooker bees also use Eq. (7) to generate new Besides, in order to increase the convergence speed of
candidate solutions. the algorithm, employed bees are managed to start by
In the scout bees' phase, the ABC algorithm deals with changing one random dimension as basic ABC does. Then,
food sources abandonment. Any solution that cannot be when the number of iterations reaches iter  MCN / 4 , the
improved through a predefined number of generations will algorithm will have to optimize randomly one or all
be abandoned and replaced by a new position that is parameters simultaneously. While reaching the end of the
randomly determined by a scout bee by using Eq. (6). optimization process, i.e. between iter  MCN / 2 and
iter  MCN , the employed bees will update all parameters of
B. Cooperative Learning Artificial Bee Colony Optimization the solution.
Strategy Subsequently, after completion of the employed bee
Relying on the idea that employed foragers or onlooker phase and based on greedy selection, the onlookers will start
foragers of a bee swarm might have to evolve in separate to change one random parameter of the solution by using Eq.
groups during the search process, a novel ABC variant, (10). When iter  MCN / 4 , the onlooker bees will have to
referred to as CLABC, is introduced in our recent research update randomly all parameters of the solution by using Eq.
work [21]. The search strategy in the proposed CLABC (9) or only one random dimension through Eq. (10).
1st Algerian Multi-Conference on Computer, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AMCEEE'17)
24-27April 2017, Algiers, Algeria

IV. NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS the other hand, ABC, g-ABC and CLABC based tuning rules
In order to illustrate the performance of the proposed of AVR system’s PID controller outperform considerably
cooperative learning ABC based optimal PID tuning strategy well the conventional Ziegler-Nichols tuning method. Here,
for AVR system, comparative study of ABC, g-ABC and it is important to mention that the resulting performances of
conventional Ziegler-Nichols tuning methods is presented. ABC strategies are reached through 25 iterations only. The
Setting parameters for the population-based algorithms are superiority of the CLABC tuning method is however due to
set as follows: the lower and upper bounds of the PID gains improvements introduced at the employed and onlooker
are taken as [0.2, 2]. The colony size is set to 30, the stages of ABC model, allowing better characterization of the
abandoned limit is chosen as SN*D, and the number of cooperative foraging behavior of swarm bees.
iterations is chosen as 25. The control parameter C in g-ABC 1.5
Terminal voltage step response

algorithm is set to 1.5. Each global search algorithm is run Ziegler-Nichols

10 times. ABC-PID
The objective function to be optimized is formulated by
considering different temporal performance specifications

terminal voltage
which are the Rise Time (RT), the Settling Time (ST), the
Peak Overshoot (PK) and the Integral of Time Weighted
Absolute Error (ITAE). The performance criteria is then
expressed by:
f    PK  ST   RT  ITAE (15)

The AVR system parameters are given in Table 1. The 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
parameters are illustrated according to the block diagram of Time (s)

Fig. 1.
Fig. 2. Comparison of Ziegler-Nichols, ABC, g-ABC and CLABC tuning
methods of PID control in AVR system.
Amplifier K A = 10; A = 0.1 V. CONCLUSION
Exciter K E = 1; E = 0.4 This paper presents an application study of cooperative
Generator K G = 1; G =1
learning artificial bee colony (CLABC) optimization to the
problem of parameters tuning of PID controller in electrical
Sensor K R = 1; R = 0.01 automatic voltage regulator (AVR) system. The suggested
tuning method aims at determining optimal parameters of
PID control for AVR system in order to improve transient
Comparative results of Ziegler-Nichols method, ABC, g- response of synchronous generator output voltage. The
ABC and CLABC tuning methods are presented in Table 2. corresponding control problem is formulated as a global
The results are shown in terms of best obtained results. The search optimization problem which is solved based on ABC
voltage step responses of the AVR system obtained by the optimization strategy relying on cooperative foraging and
compared algorithms are depicted in Fig. 2. multiple search mechanisms defined at both employed and
onlooker phases. The results are compared to conventional
TABLE II. CONTROL PERFORMANCE OF AVR SYSTEM OBTAINED BY Ziegler-Nichols method, and to other results obtained by
DIFFERENT TUNING METHODS using ABC and g-ABC models. The resulting performances
Tuning Methods of ABC strategies on PID tuning outperform the
Ziegler- conventional Ziegler-Nichols method. However, the CLABC
Parameters ABC g-ABC CLABC
Nichols tuning rules achieves better performance than ABC and g-
Kp 0.4673 0.8563 0.8487 0.7221 ABC algorithms. Metaheuristic tuning of PID controllers is a
Ki 0.8801 1.0234 1.2475 0.8958 promising tool for optimal control implementation.
Kd 0.0620 0.4004 0.4223 0.3731
Computational cost of real-time tuning or retuning of PID
RT (s) 2.42 0.16 0.09 0.18
ST (s) 3.62 0.44 0.44 0.27
control laws is an effective challenge that might define an
PK (%) 46.93 8.05 8.44 3.85 interesting future research direction.

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24-27April 2017, Algiers, Algeria

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