Farewell To Speech - Let Us Start With The Action!

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Farewell to speech - let us start with the action!

Manual on hacking Zionist and Crusader websites

Prepared by: Irhabi 007

Media Battalions of Al-Qaida

From the constitution of God:

I seek refuge in God from cursed Shaytan

In the name of God the compassionate, the merciful

Unite them and enclose them

And settle down in them each observation


To the knights of media jihad

To the forums and the glory of the media networks
To whoever benefits from them of the mujahidin in the path of God and the
companions of jihad
To whoever was and still is providing strategic and logistical support to the jihadi
media with God’s permission
...To the hidden pious people - we estimate them and God estimates them
...To the two beloved brothers Irhabi 007 and Muhibb al-Shaykhayn

....And all who set out on their path of practice in learning and work of the hidden
supporters of jihad

We dedicate this work and we ask God Almighty that he should make by means of it
a delight for the media mujahidin and a scourge for the infidel crusaders and the filth
of their hired dogs and their sinners from among the apostates

In the name of God the compassionate the merciful

Thanks to God who glories Islam with its victory, and who humiliates polytheism with
its conquest, and who arranges affairs by His order, and who confounds the infidels
with his scheme, who fates the days of a state by his justice, and has created the
wages of the pious by His permission, and prayer and peace upon he who is from
the Most High God the beaon of Islam by his sword and upon his family and his
companions and whoever follows them in doing good, etc.

And peace upon you brothers of Islam in every place and the mercy of God almighty
and His blessing
And we thank God, praise and exalt Him, that your brother agreed to complete this
glorious work upon which set out out favoured brother Irhabi 007, may God preserve
him. And by its announcement the infidel dogs of the Jews and the servants of the
cross will be irked. And he was working on the preparation of this book and its
publication for almost a year. And he had not completed its publication when the
intelligence apparatuses of the Western countries became angered, and their filthy
media. And they set up their nets like the needlework of a spider to prevent its being
published, and they were able to do - temporarily - what they wanted, and it was not
concealed from anyone the difficulty of jihadi media work which no one dares to
undertake except one who possesses faithfulness and purity at his foundations, and
certainty and trust in God, along with his reasons for taking up his pioneering path.
And between that condition and the other, there passes media jihad with its difficult
stages which result in being chased and pursued and arrested for a long time for
many of the companions of jihad on the information network, and what of that if it
were more than that, for indeed it is is the toll of that glorious path, the path of the
prophets and the elite of the forefathers and the example of those who have gone
before - bleak in prospect, furnished with thorns, bitter to the taste! But it is the right
of the one who passes upon it, and of the necessary conditions and impositions of
the path that it calls to the pleasure of Almighty God in the two abodes, with that
which God has promised of reward and bounty in the world and in the end with the
gardens of paradise and the companionship of the blessed prophet upon whom be
prayer and peace in the next world - how could there not be - and the Lord of glory
and majesty may his might be exalted says: ‘and do you think that you will enter
paradise, when God knows which of you have striven, and which are the patient
ones’. (Surat Al-‘Imran 143 [sic - actually 142]). And the word of God, the most
glorious of speakers, ‘you think that you will be left when God knows which of you
have striven, and do not take other than God and his messenger and the believers
as his intimates, and God knows well what you do’.(Al Tawba: 16). And the blessed
word of God Almighty “You think that you will enter paradise, and there has not come
to you the like of those who passed on before you, they were otuched by poverty and
hardship and shaken until their messenger said and those who believed with him
[said] when is the victory of God? Verily the victory of God is near.” (Al Baqara: 214),
and our master and prophet Muhammad prayer and peace of God upon him said in
the sahih: ‘Verily the ware of God is precious, verily the ware of God is precious,
verily the ware of God is paradise! And indeed it is part of the deal of a path like this
one and this career, that there should be many difficulties and barriers! And the
matter is not an easy one, and it is one of those things which are the firmest
positions in the support of jihad on account of the many falsehoods and doubts from
those who have pledged themselves and their consciences to Satan and with those
who come in spite, and there are doubts and falsehoods cast on the mujahidin and
the supporters of jihad, and hat damage that does to the filling of a person’s heart
with brilliant light and tasting the sweetness of faith, [so that there is instead] the
sourness, the sourness - all the sourness, so that he believes and holds to
complicated falsehoods as certainty and he speaks the speech of them with the word
which does not follow that which is in his mind he sets up upon it those things which
are from it: the air of the word in the bottom of Hell, seventy Autumns as in the sahih
- this in the next life. As for what happens in this world, what is believed of these
falsehoods for the benefit of the crusaders and from their twists and turns for the
purposes of the filthy researchers in our countries, and the there are many harms to
brothers because of the falsehoods and untruths with no basis to them in truth, and
the pioneer does not lie to his family! And the most important and the most
dangerous of the teachers of falsehood and doubt are the many broadcasts which
spread like fire on in straw on dry ground, as is mostly the case in the forums. And
we do not simply often, but we embellish carelessly, and the heat suffices the

And we maintain our commitment to our path with the carrying out of preparation,
and the care taken with this encyclopedia of excellent summary which was made
and prepared by our favoured brother Irhabi 007, may God preserve and keep him, a
glory and an asset to the Islamic Ummah in general, and the front of the mujahidin in
particular, and may God make him a scratch in the eye of the infidels and [hurt] both
those from the apostates and main their sins be damned, and the hypocrites
collectively, O God, amen.

More than one brother set out upon this work and we carried out a summary of what
our beloved brother Irhabi 007 wrote and prepared, may God preserve him. And we
completed various updates to the links and to the list of programmes required and
recommended in the encyclopedia. They renewed the attachments which are to be
clicked on and we carried out translation of other languages which were in it. And the
compliation of selections and the preparation in more than one dialect, and the
completion of the unification of the dialect to classical Arabic. And we ask God that
He write that what we set out to do is acceptable. And as we ask Him for honesty
and purity in word and deed, we ask Him for innocence, and we call for God’s
protection against all who seeks to damage this work of Islam and the Muslims and
the jihad and the mujahidin, and we ask God to paralyse and sever the hands, and to
deafen and block the ears and to blind the eyes and to place a seal on the hearts of
all who would seek of themselves to damage the Muslims and may God preserve
our brother Irhabi 007 in goodness and health and inspire him with wisdom and
foresight and the fullness of jihad in the path of God and expedite our brothers the
media mujahidin and all of the mujahidin in the field and their supporters who have
good intentions and express them secretly or openly, O God, amen.

Indeed, noble brother, nothing is ever implemented at the beginning without first the
protection of God and faithfulness in God, may he reckon us and bless the faithful.
And as we said and repeated, we seek the proection of God may He be praised and
magnified from all who would wish harm on the Muslims for this little trifle, for we
have done it as a part of the jihad of the Ummah against its enemies, and this most
important front needs support work with perseverence and patience, and this is the
media front and upon it we publish this work and we ask God to accept it. God
straighten the aim of the mujahidin and set their feet firm and make fast their hearts.
God be with our prisoners and our free people who have been seized in the prisons
of the idolatrous crusader conqueror. What is there for them but Your mercy, and the
door of your opening, O most merciful of the merciful, be there for them all, God, we
ask you for a whole life spent in the goodness of the work of jihad in your path, and
the greatest of the spite and harassment by your enemies and the enemy of your
messenger - upon whom prayer and peace - and the enemy of the believers, and we
ask you after than for the goodness of the promise of martyrdom, outstanding among
those accepted in your path other than those practicing in the noble ranks of the first
and the companionship of the faithful prophets and the pure martyrs and the
excellence of the forefathers in companionship, God answer our prayer, Amen.

Blessings upon all of you, and you have preserved a glory for all honour and an
asset for all battles

Concerning all the beloved noble brothers - who refused to publish your names so
that the honour is enough for them and the glory that God knows them and will
reward them for the sake of our beloved Ummah, its best part -

Your brother, the poor one of the smallest effort and the most ignorant of them

Sayf al-Athari

God was with him and with his brothers the Muslims

In the name of God the compassionate the merciful

God be pleased, O noble one

Goodbye to words, let us begin with the action!

The encyclopedia of hacking Zionist and Crusader websites

The noble brother, peace upon you and the mercy of God Almighty, and His

First, it is necessary that you learn about a certain matter:

Don’t reckon that glory is a date that you can eat: you won’t reach glory until you lick
a prickly pear!

And in the same way, you won’t become a pro “hacker” overnight

Indeed the real “hacker” does not use programmes that were made by some other
hacker, but rather the real hacker is the one who makes something new! And that is
because the solution which the hacker seeks to implement, whatever it was, belongs
in that case to the creator of the programme! Just as what another hacker achieves
becomes known whenever it arrives to you. I add to that that ‘hacker’ programmes
may contain gaps which enable the maker of the programme - the hacker whose
work you use - to enter your computer and do a hack on you!

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