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2ND Quarter: Module 3

Rogelio DG. Burce

Mary Ann C. Doctor
Module Writer

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

HUMSS – Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 3
First Edition, 2020

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Introduction to
World Religion and
Belief System
Quarter 2 – Module 3

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of the elements of Theravada and
Mahayana Buddhism.
Performance Standard

Intro to World Religion. Qr.2.Wk3 Rogelio DG. Burce

The learner draws the insight from the acts of generosity of Tzu Chi Foundation that
reflect the core teaching of Mahayana.
Most Essential Learning (Week 3)
Explain the uniqueness and similarities of Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism.
Learning Competency
● Distinguish the differences between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism.
● Appreciate the distinctiveness of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism.


● This module is intended to you learners of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Science
Strand classes specifically in your course subject Introduction to World Religion and
Belief System.
The lesson included in your module teaches you to analyze the similarities and
differences of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism.
● It also helps you to appreciate the differences of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism.
In this module there are activities that will guide you to better understand your
Are you ready and excited? Let’s start…

Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your correct answer on the space
1. The following countries are strong adherents of Buddhism in its original form except

Intro to World Religion. Qr.2.Wk3 Rogelio DG. Burce

a. Ski Lanka, b. Thailand c. Myanmar d. Indonesia
2. One of the writings included in Tripitaka known as the Way of the Doctrines.
a. Dhamapada b. Dhapta c. Darwin d. Dhami
3. He is the Buddha of Pure Land.
a. Amitha b. Amihatba c. Amitabha d. Aminah
4. It is the major development in Mahayana Buddhism.
a. traditions b. supernatural c. monk d. wisdom
5. The following are status given to Buddha in Theravada Buddhism except
a. saint b. teacher c. inspirer d. savior
6. The following are common to Theravada and Mahayana except
a. Buddha’s status b. scripture c. Ten Precepts d. Noble Truth
7. It is known as Theravada’s key virtue.
a. compassion b. wisdom c. courage d. knowledge
8. It is known as Mahayana’s key virtue.
a. compassion b. wisdom c. courage d. knowledge
9. This is the characteristics of Buddhism philosophy.
a. shallow b. earnest c. speculative d. absolute
10.This is the characteristics of Buddhism morality.
a. shallow b. earnest c. speculative d. absolute

Big word for Buddhism world!
Arrange the scramble letters of important words in Mahayana Buddhism as defined already at
the side of each of them.
Important Ideas Meaning
1. RITOSA An Enlightenment in Zen Buddhism
2. NRIAVNA the “blowing out” of desire that Buddhist seek; a state of no
beings, consciousness, or desire
3. ATATATGAH Buddha nature
4. RASMSAA An Endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth; often called
reincarnation by Westerners.

Buddhism’s beginnings and development
As Winfried Corduan explains in his book “Pocket Guide to World Religions,” originally
Buddhism was a religion that focused on monks as the only possible candidates for enlightenment.

Intro to World Religion. Qr.2.Wk3 Rogelio DG. Burce

Laypeople could only support the monks in their endeavors and earn merit for themselves but could
not achieve the final goal. Unsurprisingly, then, within a few centuries of the Buddha’s death, a new
movement came to the forefront that introduced sufficient changes to include all adherents, not just
full-time monks, in the possibility of enlightenment. According to Winfried Corduan, it becomes a
religion that combines moral earnestness with deep philosophical speculation.

Furthermore, as Buddhism continued to spread it adapted itself in many other new ways,
forming numerous smaller schools. Today, Buddhism is found closest to its original form in Ski
Lanka, Thailand and Myanmar (Burma). However, in most of the rest of Asia it has found many new
and different forms of expression

Let’s differentiate!
Lesson: Comparative Analysis on Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism
on Buddhism Practices
1. Humanity Human beings are emancipated by Human aspirations are
self-effort, without supernatural aid. supported by divine
powers and the grace they
2. Key virtue Wisdom Compassion
3. Responsibility Attainment requires constant Religious practice is
commitment, and is primarily for relevant to life in the
monks and nuns. world, and therefore to lay
4. Ideal The Arhat who remains in nirvana after The Boddhisattva
5. Buddha’s A saint, supreme teacher, and inspirer. A savior and god
6. Metaphysics Minimizes metaphysics (supernatural) Elaborates metaphysics
7. Rituals Minimizes ritual Emphasizes ritual
8. Practice Practice centers on meditation Includes petitionary
9. Similarities
a. Founder and Buddha and India
place of origins
b. Main scripture Tripitaka contains three baskets with doctrines (Dhamapada, the
Way of the Doctrine), sayings and practices
c. Main teachings The ‘Four Noble Truths’
d. Main practices The Ten Precepts

II. Comparative Analysis on Buddhism’s

Philosophy by Gerald R. Mcdermott

Intro to World Religion. Qr.2.Wk3 Rogelio DG. Burce

Subject Theravada Mahayana
1. Ultimate concern Liberation in nirvana (end of Rebirth in heaven (such as the
consciousness and Pure Land of Amitabha
individuality) Buddha) or becoming a Buddha
2. Views of Reality
a. Gods: They exist but cannot help Many bodhisattvas and
b. Self: Many lives before nirvana in None in theory but yes in
many heavens and hells practice
c. World: In flux; a process not a thing; Either impermanence or (for
no beginning or end some Mahayanist philosophers)
4. Basic human problem Suffering in samsara because Suffering of a Buddha (such as
of ignorance of Buddha’s Amitabha) or absolute Buddha
teachings nature
5. Resolution Acceptance of Buddha’s a. Pure Land school: call in
teachings and practices of his faith on Amitabha Buddha
virtues and the Noble Eightfold b. Other philosophical schools:
Path lose attachment to all theories
or meditate with the realization
that all that exists is finally
only pure thought

III. Comparative Calendar by Winfried Corduan

Day Theravada Mahayana Japan
Buddha’s First full moon Eight day of the fifth April 8
Birthday (fifteenth day of the lunar month (Tibet is
(Vesak) lunar month) the same as
Buddha’s Same as his Eight day of the December 8
Enlightenment birthday twelfth lunar month
Buddha’s Same as his Eight day of the February 15
Death birthday second lunar month
Start of First full moon of
three-month-l the seventh lunar
ong Rain month
Retreat (Vassa)
End of Rain Within one month
Retreat at the end of the

Intro to World Religion. Qr.2.Wk3 Rogelio DG. Burce

Ancestor First to the First to the fifteenth June 13 through 15
Veneration fifteenth day of the day of the eight
Festival eight lunar month lunar month

What’s More?
Activity 1: The Hallmarks of Buddhism religion
Explain the following hallmarks of Buddhism religion as applied in our modern world.

Hallmarks of Application Explanation

1. Chastity Cool Head (tolerance)

2. Compassion Caring Heart (comfort)

3. Charity Committed Hand


Guide Questions;
1. Which do you think is the most difficult characteristic to apply in our modern world? Explain.
2. If you are going to rank the hallmarks of Buddhism, what would be its proper arrangement?
Explain each of them.
Most significant:
Moderately significant:
Least significant:

Intro to World Religion. Qr.2.Wk3 Rogelio DG. Burce

Moving On!
Activity 2- The Short which Buddhist usually wears
Compare Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism by completing the short which a Buddhist
usually wears.

Activity 3: Buddha Factor!

Search for the common image of Buddha in the internet and paste it here. Give your personal
interpretations on it as connected with Buddhism major teachings and practices.

Buddha Image What they signify as connected with

its teachings and practices?
1. His face
2. His eyes
3. His body posture

Content (5 points) – the explanation given is related with general teachings and practices of Buddhism.
Presentation (5 points) – The contractions of sentence and ideas are precise and convincing.

Intro to World Religion. Qr.2.Wk3 Rogelio DG. Burce

What I CAN Do?
A. Write T if it refers to Theravada and M, if to Mahayana.
_____ 1. Many bodhisattvas and buddhas.
_____ 2. Human beings are emancipated by self-effort, without supernatural aid.
_____ 3. The Arhat who remains in nirvana after death.
_____ 4. Religious practice is relevant to life in the world, and therefore to lay people.
_____ 5. Human aspirations are supported by divine powers and the grace they bestow.
_____ 6. Practice centers on meditation.
_____ 7. Elaborates metaphysics.
_____ 8. Includes petitionary prayer.
_____ 9. Suffering in samsara because of ignorance of Buddha’s teachings.
____10. God exist but cannot help.

B. Write T if the statement is True and F, if it is False.

11. In Mahayana Buddhism Buddha’s time of enlightenment is same with his death.
12. The Rain Retreat is unique to Theravada Buddhism.
13. Tibet usually follows the Theravada’s schedule.
14. Buddha’s Death is called Vesak.
15. Ancestor veneration is something common to Theravada, Mahayana and Japan.

Congratulations! You’re almost done in attaining a well-oriented status in Buddhism
religion. Kindly, answer the following questions.
1. What is the most significant influence of Buddhism religion in our history?
2. Would it be possible for Buddhism to exist without the life of Buddha?
3. How would you compare Buddhism to other religion?
a. Christianity__________________________________________________________________________
b. Islam________________________________________________________________________________
c. Judaism______________________________________________________________________________

Intro to World Religion. Qr.2.Wk3 Rogelio DG. Burce

Inihanda ni;
Mr. Rogelio D.G Burce
Bagong Barrio Senior High School
Teacher 1.


Mga Sanggunian:
Corduan, Winfried. “Guide to World Religions,” Intervarsity Press.USA.2006
Mcdermott, Gerald R. “World Religion- An indispensible Introduction, Thomas Nelson.USA.2011
Smith, Huston. “The World’s Religions,” HarperCollins. USA.1991

Answers Key
1. D 1. SATORI 1. M 11. T
2. A 2.NIRVANA 2. T 12. T
3. C 3.TATHAGATA 3. T 13. F
4. B 4. SAMSARA 4. M 14. F
5. D 5. M 15. T
6. A 6. T
7. B 7. M
8. A 8. M
9. C 9. T
10. B 10. T

Intro to World Religion. Qr.2.Wk3 Rogelio DG. Burce

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