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The Department of Education releases this Frequently Asked Question to guide parents/guardians,
learners, teachers, and schools in implementing the enrollment guidelines and processes stipulated in
DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2021.

The issuance of the enrollment guidelines supports the full implementation of the Basic Education-
Learning Continuity Plan which goal is to ensure that education must continue with the paramount
consideration of the well-being and safety of the learners, parents/guardians, and teachers.


Q: What is the enrollment period for School Year 2021-2022?

A: For School Year 2021-2022, the enrollment period will start on 16 August 2021 and continue until
the start of the School Year on 13 September 2021.

Q: What will be the conduct of the enrollment this School Year? How the enrollment will be
conducted this School Year?

A: Enrollment shall primarily be administered remotely particularly in areas under the Enhanced
Community Quarantine (ECQ) and Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ).

However, parents/guardians may physically submit the Modified Learner Enrollment and Survey Form
(MLESF) in schools in lower risk areas (i.e., General Community Quarantine [GCQ] and Modified
General Community Quarantine [MGCQ]) provided the strict observance of health protocols.

Q: How remote enrollment be implemented?

A: Similar with the enrollment process last School Year 2020-2021, learners may be enrolled remotely
through phone calls, short message service (SMS), and online submission of the MLESF to ensure the
safety of all parties involved. It is a process of registering learners without face-to-face interaction.

Q: What is a dropbox enrollment?

A: It is a type of enrollment strategy where parents/guardians just drop the accomplished MLESF in
the enrollment dropbox or kiosk/booth, whichever is appropriate, located in front of the school gate,
in front of the Barangay halls and other strategic locations that are accessible to parents and


Q: What are the various ways of enrollment?

A: Learners can be enrolled in the following ways: Teacher-led Enrollment, through parent/guardian
initiative or by calling to the school’s enrollment hotline, and physical enrollment. For better
understanding and appreciation, here are some information that may help you with.

Teacher-Led Enrollment

This is applicable to those learners already in the system. Teachers will contact their students from
the previous School Year (SY 2020-2021) to inform their parents/guardians about the enrollment
process in enrolling their child for School Year 2021-2022.

Enrollment Hotlines

School Enrollment focal person/s (SEFPs) will be designated to receive calls and queries from parents
of incoming learners (for kindergarten, Grades 7 &11, transferees, Balik-Aral, and ALS learners).
School contact information shall be made available to the public, for purposes of enrollment and other
related concerns.


Parents/guardians may enroll their child through the drop box enrollment established in schools and
in enrollment kiosk/booth in every Barangays and in other visible locations accessible to the public.
This is the last resort for parents/guardians to enroll their child assuming that they do not have access
to other enrollment platforms.

In close coordination with the Barangays Officials, schools may establish enrollment kiosk/booth
where parents can access and submit the MLESF.

Parents/guardians and other persons involved in implementing physical enrollment are advised to
observe the health and safety protocols to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Q: What are the instructions I need to know in enrolling my child?

DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2021 lays the following instructions that may serve as guide to
parents/guardians in facilitating the enrollment of their child depending on which category is
applicable to them:

For incoming Grades 1-6, 8-10 & 12 learners

Parents of incoming Grades 1-6, 8-10 and 12 learners will be contacted by the school, preferably
through previous advisers for remote enrollment procedures. However, parents/guardians may also
reach out to their child’s adviser for enrollment through the contact numbers published by the school.

For incoming kindergarten, Grade 7 & 11 learners

Parents of incoming kindergarten, Grade 7 &11 learners shall communicate/re-affirm their intent to
enroll their children to a school of their choice via digital and/or physical enrollment platforms
established by schools, which is similar procedures during the early registration.

For transferees

Learners planning to transfer from one school (“the originating school”) to another (“the receiving
school”) shall directly contact the receiving school through its published enrollment contact details.
Previous adviser is no longer required to facilitate submission of MLESF of learner that is about to
transfer to another school.

For Balik-Aral enrollees

All Balik-Aral enrollees shall directly contact their preferred schools for enrollment. The receiver
schools shall register enrollee’s enrollment and survey data.

For ALS enrollees

ALS enrollees may communicate their intent to enroll via digital and/or physical enrollment platforms
established by schools and barangays with community learning centers (CLCs). Modified ALS Form 2
(Annex A) shall be used for this purpose, consistent with DepEd Order No. 58, s. 2017. This form will
be made available in digital and physical format.

Q: What are the documentary requirements I need to submit in enrolling my child?

A: In enrolling a child, the parent or guardian needs to submit the following documents either through
online (e-mail, Facebook messenger, Viber, etc.) or at the designated enrollment kiosk/booth:

1. Accomplished Modified Learner Enrollment and Survey Form (MLESF); and

2. Those eligibility and documentary requirements enumerated in DepEd Order No. 03, s. 2018
(Basic Enrollment Policy), if already available in the possession of the parents:
a. PSA Birth Certificate (Formerly NSO)
b. Learner School Form 9 (Form 138) if the learner is enrolling for Grades 1-12.

Q: Until when can I submit the documentary requirements stipulated in DepEd Order No. 03, s.

A: In recognition of the difficulties presented by the current public health emergency and the
guidelines set by the IATF, deadlines for the submission of documentary requirements under Section
V-A of DepEd Order No. 03, s. 2018 shall be deferred to December 31, 2021. This shall apply to both
public and private schools.

Q: Can a school deny the acceptance of the learner if the documentary requirements cannot be
provided by the parent/guardian during the enrollment period.

A: Considering the current situation, schools cannot deny the acceptance or enrollment of learners
based on failure to submit the documentary requirements during the enrollment period.

Q: Who has the responsibility to transmit the learner’s school record?

A: Only schools and their personnel shall coordinate the transmission of learner’s records, whether
internally (e.g., between a learner’s previous and incoming class advisers or externally (i.e., between
schools). As such, schools shall not compel learners and their parents/guardians to take
responsibility for transmission of school records.
Q: Is the transmittal of electronic format/scanned copy of credential document for specific grade
levels allowed/admissible?

A: For Grades 6 and 10 completers who already enrolled in Grade 7 and Grade 11 respectively,
transmittal of scan copy of Form 137/SF10 together with other supporting or attached documents to
the receiving school is an option, provided that the request shall be made through the LIS portal-
Tracking/Transfer facility in accordance with DepEd Order No. 54, s. 2016, and that school official
email ( shall be used in sending/receiving by both school.

The option to transmit scanned credentials/documents through official email instead of sending hard
copies of documents is available for kindergarten completers who opted to transfer and enroll to
Grade 1 in another school. ALS mobile teachers may also use this option in sending electronic/scanned
copy of the Portfolio Assessment Passer Certificate for Elementary and Junior High School completers
who enrolled in Grade 7 and Grade 11 respectively.


Q: What is the Modified Learner Enrollment and Survey Form (MLESF)?

A: MLESF is a tool that will be used to register learners for the school year and gather information on
household capacity to facilitate the administration of various learning modalities (i.e., available
devices, possible factors, etc.).

Q: Where can I get a copy of the MLESF?

A: Copy of the MLESF can be accessed and downloaded from the DepEd Central Office, Regional
Office, Division Office, and Schools websites. MLESF can be accessed and downloaded by teachers
and school personnel on the Learner Information System (LIS) Support page.

Parents or guardians may also access MLESF in an enrollment kiosk/both established in front of the
schools, in every Barangay Hall, and other locations accessible to the public.

Q: How and where can I submit the accomplished MLESF?

A: Parents/guardians may submit the accomplished MLESF to schools by sending it to the previous
teacher of their child and School Enrollment Focal Person through available online platforms such as
email, Facebook Messenger, and Viber.

To those without access to online platforms, parents and guardians may submit the MLESF in the
dropbox of the school, enrollment kiosk/booth in every barangay, and other locations that are
accessible to them.

Q: Is the MLESF must be submitted with the signature of the parent/guardian?

A: Parents/guardians must submit the accomplished MLESF with their signature since it signifies that
all information, they provided is correct.

However, in exceptional cases, if the learner information in the MLESF is obtained through a phone
call, the School Enrollment Focal Person (SEFP)/ previous adviser shall first get the consent of and
inform the parent/guardian that the conversation will be recorded and the purpose of the data

Q: I registered my child during the Early Registration that s/he will be enrolling in a particular grade
level this School Year. Do I still need to accomplish and submit the MLESF?
A: Yes. Parents still need to accomplish and submit the MLESF since there are information not included
or collected in the early registration form. The submission of the MLESF is also necessary to confirm
learner information.


Q: What is a School Enrollment Focal Person (SEFP)?

A: SEFP is the personnel designated by the school to oversee the overall conduct of enrollment and
who shall receive all MLESF submitted by parents or guardians.

Q: What is an ALS Enrollment Focal Person (AEFP)?

A: AESP is the personnel in charge of receiving the ALS enrollment form and respond to queries related
to ALS.


Q: Can a learner with unsettled financial obligation with private school be accepted/enrolled by a
receiving school (public/private school)?

A: For learners who moved/transferred out from Private Schools but still have outstanding financial
obligations, the receiving public school is instructed to accommodate the learner and assist the
parents to execute an affidavit of undertaking as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 03, s. 2018. The
originating Private School, within thirty (30) calendar days upon receipt of electronic notification of
transfer through the LIS Portal-Tracking/Transfer Facility, is requested to review the validity of the
request and to take the required action by confirming the transfer request and clicking the unsettled
account check box to tag/mark in the system that the learner is just Temporarily Enrolled in the current
school, consistent with Section V.C. of DepEd Order No. 3, s. 2018 which states that such learners
“shall be required to submit an Affidavit of Undertaking, signed by parent/guardian in order to be
temporarily enrolled

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