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ACT 205

Do you think only certain individuals are attracted to these type of jobs, or it is the
characteristics of the job themselves are satisfying?
- For me, I think it is the characteristics of the person that makes it satisfying to work even
if the work requires extreme hard-work. As I observe, people are fond of doing different
type of jobs, some people love teaching children and some people don’t, that’s why I
believe that the satisfaction on the job depends on the person’s passion about the job.
Because if you love what you’re doing then you’ll never be tired of it even if it makes
you tired.
What characteristics of this job might contribute to increase the levels of job satisfaction?
- The only characteristics I can think of is the money a person can make regarding to the
job, if it’s a business then how much profit can a person made and if he’s an employee
then it’s about how much is your salary. As stated from the second case that there are
times that you can earn so much and there are times that you lose so much. That’s why I
think it is very important for her to work more than the time required because even in a
short period of time the company might loss a lot of money.
Given that the four individuals we just read tends to be satisfied with their jobs, how might
these satisfaction relate to their job performance, citizenship behavior, and turnover?
- I observed that as those people stated how they become satisfied with their jobs, as they
become satisfied with their job their performance regarding to their work will effect
positively. Because as they work hard they don’t want that their hardships will only go to
waste and everything they did will only come to a bitter end. Also I can say that they sure
love what they’re doing even it is very hard for them and it requires a lot of sacrifice.
And if they love what they’re doing then it will increase their performance and make
them do their job more proficient.
Recall David Clark’s statement that “there are plenty of people who would love to have this
job. They’re knocking on the door all the time” How might Clark’s perception that he has
a job many others desire contribute to his job satisfaction?
- I could say that his perspective will make him think about the importance of his job.
Because as he think that he’s job is a special job that everyone would actually love to do
makes him feel lucky that he’s the one that got the job and not other people. He will think
that he’s good enough to play the role of the job, that he had more advantage than other
people who doesn’t have the job. Everyone who’ll feel that way will surely give
importance on their job even if it is very tiring and hard.

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