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DepEd Vision, Mission, and Core Values


We dream of Filipinos
who passionately love their country
and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential
and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.

As a learner-centered public institution,

the Department of Education
continuously improves itself
to better serve its stakeholders.


To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete
basic education where:

Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.
Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive
environment for effective learning to happen.
Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for
developing life-long learners.



Annual Report 2020

Our Objectives

To provide ACCESSIBLE and QUALITY formal or informal education FOR ALL.

SchoolsToDivision Office
be a center Caloocan
of GOOD City
GOVERNANCE in the National Capital Region by dedicating
individual viability and integrity in nurturing excellence.


Caloocan Moving Forward SDO Caloocan

Being true to our mandate of delivering quality education to all children, we have articulated
our roadmap based on the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda or BESRA.

As we look forward to the next five –years, towards the year 2022, we visualize SDO-
Caloocan to be compliant to such mandate, as we measure our performance by the four 4 R’s:

REACH – which is providing accessible education for all

RATING – which would measure the quality of education we provide
RESPONSIVENESS – which determined the efficiency of our services
REVENUE, RETURN & RECOGNITION – which would size up our integrity and accountability in

Our Responsibility

The education sector holds a sensitive responsibility among all government agencies, as the
agency which the country bestows to hold the future of Philippine society. The quality of life of the
next generation of Filipinos is dependent on the kind of education that the Department of Education
provides them. Hence, the quality of life of the Caloocan learners is also dependent on the kind of
education that SDO-Caloocan affords them. Such enormous responsibility and accountability to our
learners may be enormous; nevertheless, the task of providing them quality education is compelling.

As Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones said, “I will not be alone. In addition to my small
team, I have the entire educational system – private and public institutions, organizations of schools,
civil society organizations, media, and of course the entire DepEd, as well as my personal friends.
And yes, the environment of education – the churches, social institutions, and most of all families
who still believe in the old adage that education begins at home”.

Division Tagline

“Caloocan Moving Forward; Caloocan Naman ang No. 1”

The new Division tagline emphasizes the thrust of the Division to ever seek new ways to
improve and continue to be of service to its most important stakeholders, the learners. This is a
manifestation of the people of Caloocan be at the helm of educational reform and process

Table of Contents

DepEd Vision, Mission and Core Values .........................................................................

Table of Contents ...............................................................................

Message from the Head of Office ..................................................................................

I. Introduction ..................................................................................

II. Highlight of Accomplishments .........................................................

1. Status of Basic Education Resources ...........................................

1.1 SDO Personnel ....................................................................

1.2 School Personnel ................................................................

1.3 Organizational Outcomes ...................................................

2. Educational Outcomes .............................................................

2.1 Performance Dashboard .....................................................

2.2 Support to Operations .........................................................

III. Performance Commitment and Accountability ....................................................

IV. Intervening and Innovating Accomplishments .........................................................

1. Intervening Accomplishment .....................................................

2. Innovating Accomplishment ......................................................

3. Awards, Recognition, Other Honors Received .............................

V. Monitoring, Evaluation and

Adjustment (MEA) Results ...............................................................

VI. Financial Accomplishments ............................................................

VII. Action Points for Next Year .............................................................

Message of the Head of Office

I. Introduction

The Schools Division Office, Caloocan City is the third largest Division in terms of student
population in the National Capital Region. It is situated at the corner of 10th Avenue and P. Sevilla
Street, Caloocan City. The primary function of the Division is to provide education services to the
communities in the city of Caloocan.

Quality education has always been the primary thrust of the Division. As the city’s
educational institution, it believes that the most important resource of the country is the people. So,
essential to the function of the Division is maximizing material and non-material resources to deliver
quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating education to the young Filipinos so they may be able to
develop their full potential and become morally upright, globally competitive and responsive to the
challenging demands of a technologically advanced society. It commits itself to the total development
of the Filipino children and youth, the future of this nation.

The Schools Division Office, Caloocan City to date has a total of 89 schools composed of one
integrated school, 52 elementary schools, 30 junior high schools (14 of which also offer senior high
school curricula), six stand-alone senior high schools, and one integrated school. There are six schools
(three elementary schools and three secondary schools) offering Special Education classes.

In the Elementary Level, schools are divided in seven school districts, namely Caloocan
North I, Caloocan North II, Caloocan North III, Caloocan North IV and Tanque Districts, all located
at the Congressional District I. Those situated in Congressional District II are the districts of Aromar
and Pobcaran. At present under the online EBEIS, there are 247 private schools, 134 Kinder and
Elementary courses, two schools offering secondary courses, 23 stand-alone senior high schools, and
88 integrated schools.

The Division has a total of 9,298 teaching personnel, 488, non-teaching personnel, and 258
teaching-related personnel, for a grand total of 10,044 personnel. This represents 93.80% of the total
filled items in the Division.

The Schools Division Office of Caloocan is composed of three functional divisions namely
the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent, Curriculum Implementation Division, and the
Schools Governance and Operations Division.

The Office of the Schools Division Superintendent (OSDS) is tasked to ensure that the
teaching and non-teaching personnel are accurately and timely compensated and that the issues and
concerns relative to personnel matter are addressed. It ensures its personnel are committed,
competent, innovative, and accountable in the performance of their duties and responsibilities in order
for them to meet performance standards. This office also ensures that schools and learning centers are
provided with adequate services and resources to ensure child-friendly and healthy learning and
working environments and that all stakeholders are provided with readily available, updated, and
accurate data and records for information and decision making.

The Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) is tasked in ensuring that schools and
learning centers are able to implement the curriculum effectively and that they are able to
continuously improve management and instruction. On the other hand, the Schools Governance and
Operations Division (SGOD) focus on ensuring that schools and learning centers are delivering
educational services effectively and efficiently and that they maintain a conducive learning
environment. Also, SGOD maintains that the teaching and non-teaching personnel are competent and
are performing their respective duties are responsibilities.
The day-to-day operations of the Division Office is under the leadership of Dr. Nerissa L.
Losaria, CESO VI, Schools Division Superintendent and is assisted by Dr. Diosdado S. Medina and
Ms. Flordelisa D. Pereyra, CESE, who are designated as Officers-In-Charge of the Office of the
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent. They are supported by the Dr. Jocelyn M. Aliñab, CID
Chief and the Dr. Ivee C. Perez, SGOD Chief.

Socio-Economic Cultural and Demographic Background

Caloocan is comprised of two unconnected portions of land, the Upper Caloocan called the
“Caloocan North” and Lower Caloocan or “Poblacion Area”, both officially known as Congressional
District I and II respectively. Upper Caloocan has a land area of 3,773 hectares, bounded on the north
by San Jose, Bulacan, on the east and south by Quezon City and on the west by Valenzuela. Lower
Caloocan has a land area of 1,807 hectares, bounded on the north by Malabon, on the east by Quezon
City, on the south by Manila and on the west by Navotas. The whole of Caloocan is divided into 16
zones with 188 barangays.

The local government development issues and challenges have been circling around the
increasing population of the city in the past ten years. The Caloocan City Development Plan 2017-
2019 cites the 2012 National Statistical Coordination Board (NSBC) data on the city’s poverty
incidence, registering it at 2.8%, which is slightly higher than the Regional average of 2.6%. A major
driver of this data is the high incidence of Informal Settler Families (ISF). The local government
reports that there are 54,953 families or 17.19% who are considered ISF. Most of these families
(78.57%) are located in North Caloocan area, while 21.43% live in South Caloocan.

II. Highlights of Accomplishments

1. Status of Basic Education Resources

1.1 Schools Division Personnel

The SDO has a good figure in terms of filling up the items for the DO proper with a rate of
88.60%, this is because of the continuous filling up of vacant positions in the SDO in response to the
emerging needs of support to education.

Operating Unit Filled-Up Vacant
1 Office of the Schools Division Superintendent      
  Office of the SDS Proper 4 2 2
  Administrative Services 33 29 4
  Legal Services 2 1 1
  ICT Services 1 1 0
Office of the Curriculum Implementation
  Office of the Division Chief 1 1 0
  Instructional Management 12 10 2
  District Instructional Supervision 32 31 1
  Learning Resource Management 3 2 1
Office of the School Governance and Operations Division 
  Office of the Division Chief 2 2 0
School Management Monitoring and
  2 2 0
  School Mobilization and Networking 2 2 0

  School Health and Nutrition 15 14 1
  Education Facilities 1 1 0
  Human Resource and Development 2 2 0
  Planning and Research 2 1 1

1.2 School Personnel

The SDO Caloocan has already filled up the 93.86% of the total number of plantilla positions for
implementing and non-implementing have been filled-up.

No. of Plantilla
Operating Unit Filled-Up Vacant
Schools Position
1 Non-Implementing Units        
  SPED (Centers - Elem & JHS)) 5 32 30 2
  Elementary Schools 53 5291 5102 189
  Junior High Schools 15 1199 1103 96
  Senior High Schools 20 305 262 43
2 Implementing Units        
  Junior High Schools 15 2997 2724 273
  Senior High Schools 0 0 0 0

2. Education Outcomes/Results
A. Performance Dashboard

Key Performance Indicators Target Actual Results Gain/Gap

(KPIs) Outcome
 Kindergarten 26,835 23,803 -3,032
 Elementary 171,030 160,074 -10,956
 Junior High School 113,524 115,714 2,190
 Senior High School 37,679 36,331 -1348
 Elementary (A & E) 639 817 178
 Junior High School (A & 3,367 3,099 -268
E) 35 63 28
 Basic Lit. Prog.
● Elementary 82.94% 81.47% -1.47%
● Junior High School 77.73% 79.56% 1.83%
● Elementary 89.31% 86.47% -2.84%
● Junior High School 93.86% 96.84% 2.98%
NIR (Kinder entrants) 64.40% 53.15% -11.25%
Dropout Rate
● Elementary 1.33% 0.63%* local data -0.70%
● Junior High School 1.55% 1.46%* local data -0.09%
School Leaver Rate

Key Performance Indicators Target Actual Results Gain/Gap
(KPIs) Outcome
● Elementary 0.00% 0.55% 0.55%
● Junior High School 4.78% 4.05% -0.73%
Promotion Rate
● Elementary 98.39% 97.58% -0.81%
● Junior High School 90.78% 91.81% 1.03%
Transition Rate
● Elementary 99.87% 99.22% -0.65%
● Junior High School 100.47% 99.56% -0.91%
NAT Results
● LAPG 37.79% NDA N/A
● NAT 6 38.18% NDA N/A
● NAT Grade 10 47.93% NDA N/A
● NAT Grade 12 36.16% NDA N/A

B. Organizational Operations
Program/Subprograms/ Outcome/Output Target Actual
Service (as indicated in the Indicator (as indicated in Accomplishment
NEP) the NEP) (As reported in
the BAR No. 1)

Education Policy Percentage of completed 100% 100%

Development Program education researches used
for policy development
Percentage of satisfactory 100% 100%
feedback from clients on
issued policies
Number of localized 3 3
policies formulated,
reviewed and issued
Number of education 69 69
researches completed
Number of proposed 3 3
policies reviewed
Basic Education Inputs Percentage of schools
Program meeting the standard ratio
for teachers
A. Elementary 53 53
B. Junior High School 31 31
Classroom Pupil Ratio
A. Kindergarten 1:25 1:27
B. Grades 1-3 1:45 1:50
C. Grades 4-6 1:45 1:55
D. Junior High School 1:45 1:46
Percentage of schools with
computer package
A. Elementary 100.00% 100.00%
Program/Subprograms/ Outcome/Output Target Actual
Service (as indicated in the Indicator (as indicated in Accomplishment
NEP) the NEP) (As reported in
the BAR No. 1)

B. Junior High School 100.00% 100.00%

Number of new classroom 296 1,280

Number of textbooks and SLMs - SLMs -
instructional learning 36,080,000 36,080,000
materials procured for Grade 6 – Grade 6 –
printing and delivery 100,000 110,628
Number of equipment 0 0
A. Science and Math
Number of equipment 0 0
B. ICT Package
Number of equipment 1,835 1,835
C. Tech Voc Equipment
Inclusive Education Percentage of learners
Program enrolled in
A. Multigrade (public) 0.00% 0.00%
B. SPED (public) 98.77% 103.70%
C. ALIVE (both public and 95.33% 105.00%
D. IPED (public) 0.00% 0.00%
E. ALS 95.30% 126.4%
Number of Schools offering
A. Alive 6 6
B. IPED 0 0
C. SPED 6 6
D. Multigrade Education 0 0
E. Madrasah 7 7
F. Open High School
Number of Community 69 83
Learners offering ALS
Support to Schools and Retention rate
Learners A. Elementary 100.00% 99.05%
B. Junior High School 94.69% 95.35%
Completion Rate
A. Elementary 100.00% 96.72%
B. Junior High School 92.23% 88.74%

Program/Subprograms/ Outcome/Output Target Actual
Service (as indicated in the Indicator (as indicated in Accomplishment
NEP) the NEP) (As reported in
the BAR No. 1)

Proportion of children and

young people achieving
towards mastery, closely
approximating mastery and
A. Elementary 42.63% 57.47%
B. Junior High School 46.98% 54.03%
Number of learners 26,611 46, 535
benefitting from the School
Based Feeding Program
Number of grantees
A. Education Service
Contracting (ESC) 11,450 12,184
B. SHS Voucher 28,225 29,173
C. Joint Delivery Tech-Voc 665 571
and Livelihood (TVL)
Increase in percentage of 56.14% 100%
schools conducting schools
learning action cell sessions
Number of teachers and 8578 8687
teaching-related staff

D. Support to Operations (Based on PREXC)

Performance Actual
Target Accomplishment
Learning and Development
Capability Training on RPMS- No. of school heads and
PPST for Raters on the 12 PPST key teachers trained 200 200
Orientation on the Enhanced No. of ICT Coordinators
IPCRF consolidation system oriented
105 105
Teacher Induction Program No. of newly hired
teachers inducted
200 200
Kumustahan on the Status of No. of employees
School Infrastructure Projects and trained 105 105
Building Facilities
Sports Training for SDO Coaches No. of employees
300 300
Assessment of Learning
DLAC Session with Division No. of personnel met for 40 40
management and program the deliberation of data

Performance Actual
Target Accomplishment
developers on learner assessment
Pilot Testing for Division No. of oriented division
Education Assessment (e-testing) personnel and school 102 102
Orientation (Phase 2) head
Division Conference for the No. of re-oriented
National Standardized Testing school testing 120 120
Program coordinators
Fourth Quarter Program No. of oriented division
Implementation Review personnel
120 120
Research Training for Master No. of Trained
Teachers participants
200 200
Review of Guidelines on LIS for  
School LIS Coordinators
178 178
Webinar on Child Protection, No. of Participants
Safeguarding and Cybersafety for capacitated 280 280
Training on Constitution and By- No. of Participants
laws and Federation Election of trained 280 280
SSG / SPG Advisers
DepEd NCR Safeguarding No. of Trained
Guidelines on Online Interaction participants
200 200
Technology and Software Advancement for BE-LCP
Procurement of Zoom Platform No. of Payments made
3 3
Learning and Development
SGOD LAC Session No. of SGOD Personnel
470 470
Division Orientation on Schools No. of employees
SBM Level of Accreditation trained
105 105
Third Quarter Program No. of SGOD Personnel
Implementation Review of SGOD Participated 33 33
Capacity Building for Public No. of Participants
Schools District Supervisors on capacitated
Leaning Outcomes Assessment,
53 53
School PIR, and Research
MHPSS Using the Manual from No. of Participants
168 168
the Central Office capacitated
Reiteration of DepEd Order no. No. of Trained
14, s. 2020 Health Updates on participants 198 198
COVID Awareness
Mental Health and Psycho-social No. of employees
Webinar for Non-Teaching trained 120 120
Personnel of SDO Caloocan
Improve Quality and Relevance for K to 12 Implementation
Seminar of Test Item Writers on No. of Teachers trained 640 640
Test Construction (Item Writing,

Performance Actual
Target Accomplishment
Field Testing and Finalization)
Division Learning Action Cell No. Of teachers
Across Learning Areas and Other oriented/trained 1,700 1,700
Special Programs
Division webinar/ writeshop for the No. of Teachers trained
k to 12 on the development of self-
learning modules across all 8,000 8,000
learning areas (first and second
Post conference and recognition No. Of teachers
activity for SLM writers, validators, oriented/trained and
illustrators and video lesson recognized
500 500
Post conference and evaluation on No. Of teachers
first and second quarters locally oriented/evaluated 45 45
developed SLMS SLMS
Year-end evaluation for PPAs No. of SDO Personnel
implemented of CID Submitted Reports
50 50
Strategic planning of CID for SY No. of SDO Personnel
2021-2022 trained
50 50
Skills Enhancement on Quality No. of quality assured
Assurance of Learning Materials LRMs
90 90
Yearend evaluation CY 2020 and No. Of supervisors/CID
strategic planning for CY 2021 personnel 50 50
Division Webinar Enhancement No. of Teachers trained
Training for Kindergarten
Teachers on Pedagogies and 180 180
Child-Centered Approach in The
New Normal
Webinar Series on Development No. of Teachers trained
and Utilization of Electronic-
Science Intervention Material (E- 125 125
SIM) for Elementary and Junior
High School Teachers
Capacity Building on Provision of No. of Division Trainers
Technical Assistance in School trained 50 50
Management and Assessment
Division Training on Enhancement No. of Teachers trained
of Pedagogical Skills in Teaching
Reading in the Mother Tongue 70 70
and Bridging Process for Grade
Webinar on the Assessment and No. of Teachers trained
Evaluation Strategies in the New 270 270
Lekturang Pampanitikan No. of teachers trained 317 317
Skills Enhancement Training in No. of Teachers trained 117 117
ICT Technical Drafting using CAD

10 | P a g e
Performance Actual
Target Accomplishment
Division Training on Upskilling of No. of teachers trained
Teachers in Speech,
Performance, and Script Writing
5,100 5,100
for Video Lessons (Via FB Live)
Webinar on Teaching Approaches No. of Teachers trained
& Strategies for Distance Learning 1,400 1,400
Across Learning Areas
A Division Capability Building on No. of Teachers trained
Enhancing the English Language 100 100
Competence of Teachers
Seminar-Workshop on No. of Teachers trained
Instructional Focus in Elementary 120 120
Seminar-Workshop on Content No. of Teachers trained
Update and Pedagogy in 70 70
Mathematics 10
Capability Training Workshop for No. of Teachers trained
EsP Department Heads, Master
Teachers and Teachers for 100 100
Secondary Level and Elementary
Engaging teachers online: creating No. Of teachers trained
video lessons 101
6,000 6,000
Online division writeshop for k to No. Of teachers
12 on the development of self- oriented
50 50
learning modules (SLM) across
learning areas
Webinar series on building No. Of teachers
community of readers in the new oriented/trained 3,000 3,000
Webinar on utilization and No. Of teachers
development of e-book using oriented/trained 1,000 1,000
Kotobee author
Webinar on utilization of No. Of teachers
facebook/messenger on distance oriented/trained 3,000 3,000
learning as a platform
AHA Tulong Eskwela webinar No. Of teachers
900 900
Webinar on Developing A Creative No. Of teachers
and Engaging Video Lessons in oriented/trained 1,000 1,000
The New Normal
Engaging Mathematics Teachers No. Of teachers
Online: Converting SLMs to Video oriented/trained 900 900
Script Writing and Video Lesson No. Of teachers
Development for Alternative oriented/trained
Delivery Mode (ADM) of Physical 110 110

11 | P a g e
Performance Actual
Target Accomplishment
Webinar on the Andragogy of No. Of teachers
Teaching SHS Learners vis-à-vis oriented/trained
70 70
Tertiary level Knowledge and Skill
Capability Building on Module and No. Of teachers
Video Lesson Development for oriented/trained
25 25
ADM in Applied Subject in
Technical-Vocational Strand
Webinar on Enrichment of MAPEH No. Of teachers
Content and Most Essential Skills oriented/trained
100 100
for Non-MAPEH Major Teaching
the Subject
Division Capability Building on No. Of teachers
Content and Pedagogy for Non- oriented/trained
1,278 1,278
Major Teachers Across Learning
Program Implementation Review No. Of supervisors/CID
(PIR) 3rd Quarter personnel 46 46
Computer 101: Ways of Taking No. Of teachers
2,000 2,000
Care of Computer and Files oriented/trained
Division Webinar/Workshop on No. Of teachers
Providing Reinforcement Learning oriented/trained
Resources (AUDIO CLIP) In 30 30
Teaching Music for Elementary
Division Upskilling and Reskilling No. Of teachers
Training for Elementary oriented/trained 580 580
Coordinators in the New Normal
Seminar-Workshop in the No. Of teachers
Development of an Epistemic oriented/trained
Community of Researchers
70 70
among SHS Teachers
Capacity Building Webinar for No. Of teachers
60 60
Madrasah Education oriented/trained
Webinar Series on Fostering No. Of teachers
Child-Centered Approach to oriented/trained 150 150
Speed Reading
Division Webinar/Workshop on No. Of teachers
Providing Reinforcement Learning oriented/trained
Resources (AUDIO CLIP) In
30 30
Teaching Music for Elementary

Division LAC Across Learning No. Of teachers

Areas, SHS, and Homeroom oriented/trained 500 500
Salient Features in the Creation of No. Of teachers
Interactive VLs and ADM Modules oriented/trained 70 70
for SHS in the New Normal

12 | P a g e
Performance Actual
Target Accomplishment
Capacity Building Seminar- No. Of teachers
Workshop on Mental Health and oriented/trained
200 200
Psychosocial Support: The Way
Forward for Homeroom Guidance
Capacity Building for EsP No. Of teachers
Coordinators, Master Teachers oriented/trained
and Department Heads on ESP 200 200
Teaching Strategies in the New
Skills Enhancement Training in No. Of teachers
Electrical Installation and oriented/trained 100 100
Capacity Building for Grade 10 No. Of teachers
and Senior High School oriented/trained
100 100
Registered Guidance Counselors
and Guidance Teachers
Webinar-Workshop in No. Of teachers
Strengthening the Competence of oriented/trained
100 100
SPED Teachers in the New
Training on Vegetable Production No. Of teachers
and Modern Agriculture of EPP oriented/trained 200 200
Agriculture Teachers
Inclusive Education Seminar- No. of Teachers trained
workshop of Regular Classroom 100 100
Seminar -workshop on Basic Sign No. of Teachers trained
Language of Regular Classroom 100 100
Training on the ALS K to 12 Basic No. of ALS Teachers
Education Curriculum 2.0 for ALS trained 100 100
Division re-echo on the adoption No. Of supervisors/CID
and implementation of Philippine personnel
45 45
professional standards for oriented/attended
Professional Development of CID No. of Supervisors
Personnel/ PIR/ SIP/ AIP/ TA trained
624 624
Intensive Capacity Building of No. of Supervisors
EPSs/ PSDSs on TA, AIP, SIP, trained 600 600
Division professional No. Of division leaders
development-lac on learning complied the LDM 40 40
delivery modality modules modules
Program Implementation Review NO. OF
50 50
Skills enhancement training in No. Of teachers 40 40
electrical installation and oriented/trained

13 | P a g e
Performance Actual
Target Accomplishment

C. General Administration and Support (Based on PREXC)

Performance Actual
Services/Projects/Activities Target
Indicators Accomplishment
Financial Management
Seminar Workshop on FMOM No. of School Financial
Staff trained
89 89
Seminar Workshop on Asset and No. of trained SDO
Property Management Personnel
60 60
Human Resource Development and Management
Seminar Workshop on Continuous No. of oriented division
5 5
Professional Development personnel
Seminar workshop on Personnel No. of trained SDO
60 60
Actions Personnel
Seminar on Competency Building No. of trained non-
for non-teaching School Based teaching personnel 100 100
Process Walkthrough and No. of trained SDO
Orientation on ISO 9001:2015 Personnel 120 120
Quality Management System
ISO QMS Requirements and No. of trained SDO
120 120
Documentation Personnel
Enhancement of SDO Operations No. of trained SDO
120 120
Manual Personnel
Learning Engagements for QMS on No. of trained SDO
30 30
the Standard Operating Procedure Personnel
Collaboration Training-Workshop of No. of trained ICT and
ICT Coordinator and LIS-EBEIS LIS-EBEIS 192 192
Coordinator in the New Normal Coordinators
Ancillary Service (Legal)
Crafting of Unified Localized Child No. of oriented school
89 89
Protection Policy guidance teacher
Performance Management
Division Intensive Training for No. of trained School
National Schools Press Conference Journalism Trainers 50 50
(NSPC) Qualifiers
Year End Review of the SDO No. of trained SDO
180 180
Caloocan Personnel Personnel
Seminar for SDO Non-Teaching No. of trained SDO
180 180
Personnel, Gearing Towards 2021 Personnel
Division Training for School's ICT No. of trained School
96 96
Coordinators ICT Coordinators
Division Training on Schools No. of trained School
Website and LRMDS Portal ICT and LR 185 185
Enhancement and Re-designing Coordinators

14 | P a g e
Performance Actual
Target Accomplishment
Division Training for School's ICT No. of trained School
Coordinators ICT Coordinators
96 96
Orientation on the Guidelines on the No. of trained School
use of Digital Devices for Students Property & ICT 103 103
Gender and Development
One Division Wide Seminar No. of SDO personnel
Workshop on GAD Mainstreaming 120 120
Gender Sensitivity Training for SDO No. of SDO personnel
120 120
Improving Quality and Relevance for K to 12 Implementation
Capability Building of CID on Self- No. of Teachers trained
50 50
Technical Support on Developing a No. of Videos
Creative and Engaging Video developed
1 1
Lessons in Distance Learning
(Phase 1)
Technical Support on Developing a No. of Videos
Creative and Engaging Video developed
1 1
Lessons in Distance Learning
(Phase 2)
School Based Management
Human Resource Rewards and Recognitions
Gawad Katapatan 2020 No. of Schools Division
Personnel Awardee
1,200 1,200
Cash Award Incentive/Prize for No. of Schools and
teaching and non-teaching Division Personnel 50 50
personnel Awardee

Part III. Performance Commitment and Accountability (Based on OPCRF of the head
of office)

Program Output E INDICATORS
and Process Process Output (Quality, Target Accomplishment
Requirements Efficiency,
Strategic 1. To lead in the Submitted Submitted Copy of Division
Management development Division Division Implementation Plan
and Operations and Implementation Implementation under BE-LCP in the
implementation Plan (DIP) under Plan (DIP) under light of COVID-19
of policies and BE-LCP BE-LCP on time pandemic

15 | P a g e
Program Output E INDICATORS
and Process Process Output (Quality, Target Accomplishment
Requirements Efficiency,
strategic plan
for the entire
schools division
specifically on
the SDO-
Plan in lieu of
Basic Education
Continuity Plan
(BE-LCP) in
light of COVID-
19 pandemic

2. To approve, Consolidated Submiited Monitoring Report

implement and report on the consolidated from the DRRM Unit
manage number of report on
monitoring of monitored monitroing using
Division and employees and the SDO
School Disaster schools during and Caloocan Safety
Risk after disaster Notification App
Management through
Plans customized SDO
Caloocan Safety
Notification App
under the Disaster
Risk Reduction
School Safety
3. To oversee the Percentage of the 100 % of the Accomplishment
Division and initiated health initiated health Report/ Project
School populace programs and programs and Completion Report
through services such as services such as
management health awareness, health awareness,
and milk, and feediing milk, and
implementation programs in feediing
of health schools were programs in

16 | P a g e
Program Output E INDICATORS
and Process Process Output (Quality, Target Accomplishment
Requirements Efficiency,
programs, managed and schools were
provision of implemented managed and
basic health and implemented

4. To initiate the Percentage of 100% of the Accomplishment

implementation Repaired repair for Report Project
of programs to buildings which buidings were Completion Report
ensure quality have been inspected and
and accessible inspected and completed
education in completed
schools and
learning centers
School Building
Program :
Repair of

Curriculum and 1. To lead in A. Percentage of 100% of the Acknowledgement

Instruction ensuring the submitted schools that Letter Consolidated
Management compliance to School submitted School Report on SIDP and
quality Instructional Instructional School Compliance
standards and Delivery and Delivery and in SDO Caloocan
managing School School
programs for Compliance by Compliance
curricula the schools under under BE-LCP
implementaion BE-LCP were were reviewed
under BE-LCP reviewed and

17 | P a g e
Program Output E INDICATORS
and Process Process Output (Quality, Target Accomplishment
Requirements Efficiency,
reports on the
findings and

B. A consolidated Submitted one Generated report

report from the consolidated from the tool
mechanism/tool report per subject
developed by area for TSP
SDO in Tracking
(TSP) with
regards to the
implementation of
Most Essential

2. To initiate A. Percentage of 100% of the Hard and soft copy of

and direct the the developed and SLMs per Self-Learning
development of quality assured subject were Modules
local curriculum Self-Learning developed and Summary of Reports
materials and Modules (SLMs) quality assured per subject area
programs to provide by the end of List of Modules
learning resources December 2020 Developed
in the light of
pandemic under

18 | P a g e
Program Output E INDICATORS
and Process Process Output (Quality, Target Accomplishment
Requirements Efficiency,
B. Percentage of 90% of the video Video Lessons
the developed and lessons develped by SDO-
quality assured developed in Caloocan
video lessons to SDO Caloocan
supplement were quality
learning materials assured based on
under BE-LCP the standard
released by the
regional office

3. To Percentage of the 100% of the Consolidated report

recommend qualified schools qualified schools Endorsement letter
evaluation of requesting permit requesting permit
applications for to operate were to operate were
new schools, acted and acted and
separation of endorsed to the endorsed to the
annexes, regional office by regional office on
integration of the end of the deadline
schools, December 2020
on to operate

Human 1. To oversee One consolidated Submitted Copy of the approved

Resource hiring in the report on the filled consolidated appointment from the
Development division both items/ positions report on the Civil Service
and teaching and for CY 2020 filled-items in the Commission
Management non-teaching division Transmittal
personnel letter/documents to
the regional office

19 | P a g e
Program Output E INDICATORS
and Process Process Output (Quality, Target Accomplishment
Requirements Efficiency,
2. To approve Consolidated Submitted Training Calendar
proposed report on the consolidated Approved Training
trainings needs approved trainings report on the Proposals
by all direct approved Project Completion
supervisors for trainings by the Report
all teaching and end of December,
non-teachig staff 2020
wihin the
schools division

3.To review the Percentage of the 100% of the Acknowledgement

implementation submitted In- submitted In- Letter Consolidated
of In-Service Service Training Service Training Report on the
Training/s Matrix of the Matrix of the submitted In-Service
(INSETs) schools under schools under Training Matrix of
BE-LCP were BE-LCP were the schools
reviewed and reviewed on time
reports on the
findings and

Resource 1. To lead in Percentage of the 100% of the Budget proposal ,

Management budget submitted budget submitted budget Acknowledgement
preparation and proposal of the proposal of the Letter for the
allocation in the Schools Division, Schools Division Monthly Cash
division and schools were and schools were Program
schools reviewed based on reviewed on time
the formulated based on the
guidelines, budget formulated
executions guidelines,

20 | P a g e
Program Output E INDICATORS
and Process Process Output (Quality, Target Accomplishment
Requirements Efficiency,
documents and budget
accountability executions
reports documents and

2. To exercise Submitted Submitted Copy of Summary of

general Summary of Summary of Obligations
administration Obligation Obligation by the
and supervision end of December
on : A.
obligations based
on allotments are
completed at the
end of the fiscal
year for full
budget utilization

B.compliance to Percentage of the 100% of the Copy of COA-AOM

identified received AOM is received AOM Management Letters
Statutory and addressed and all was addressed SDO Reply to AOM
Regulatory recommendations within the agreed COA Notice of
Requirements: will be executed time of Settlement
Audit for corrective compliance
Observation actions within the
Memorandum(A agreed time of
OM) compliance

21 | P a g e
Program Output E INDICATORS
and Process Process Output (Quality, Target Accomplishment
Requirements Efficiency,
3. To function as Consolidated Accomplished Complete Contract of
Head of report on the one consolidated Documents
procuring Entity approved report on the Summary of
(HoPE) contracts from the approved Approved Contract
adhering to project procured contracts form Documents
rules and by the end of the project
regulations December, 2020 procured within
the target date

Partnership and 1. To accept Consolidated Submitted Generated data from

Linkages grants, report on the consolidated DepEd Partnership
donations, resources report on the Database System,
bequets and generated from the resources Readiness Report on
other forms of schools and within generated in the Partnership
assistance froum the division division
various donors
and benefactors
of basic

2. To coordinate Consolidated Accomplished Copy of

and cooperate report on Deed of one consolidated DOD/DOA/MOA/M
with local Donation report on OU
government (DOD) ,Deed of Partnership-
units and non- Acceptance(DOA) DOD/DOA/MO
government /Memorandum of A/MOU within
organizations Agreement the deadline
including (MOA)/Memoran
national dum of
government Understanding
offices on (MOU)
affecting schools
partnership and
linakges in the
light of COVID-
19 pandemic

22 | P a g e
Program Output E INDICATORS
and Process Process Output (Quality, Target Accomplishment
Requirements Efficiency,
3. To establish Summary report Submitted Copy of summary
linkage and of donations for summary report report
network with the victims of within the
other local Typhoon Ulysses deadline
government in Marikina
units for
disaster risk
reduction and

Part IV. Innovating and Intervening Accomplishments

Significant Accomplishment/s in Fostering Learning (Number of produced and

quality-assured learning modules/ Activity Sheets)

Steadfast in its preparation for School Year 2020-2021, the Department of Education-
Schools Division Office of Caloocan through the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)
and Learning Resource Management and Development Section (LRMDS) led the
development and quality assurance of the Self- Learning Modules and video lessons to
address the modular approach and blended learning modality offered for various types of
learners in the Division.

The Division developed a complete set of SLMs totaling to 1, 116 SLMs for the first
quarter and 1, 125 SLMs for the second quarter. These SLMs cater to all the levels from
Kindergarten to Grade 12 across all learning areas including the Special Education, ALS,
Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE). Currently, the development and
quality assurance for the third quarter is underway with 82.43% completion.

The integration of SLMs with the alternative learning delivery modalities (modular,
television-based, radio-based instruction, blended, and online) helped ensure that all learners
have access to quality basic education for SY 2020-2021 with face-to-face classes still
prohibited due to the public health situation.

These SLMs are printed in schools during the first quarter while delivered to all
schools in printed format by the outsourced printer during the second quarter. For households
with gadgets and devices, under special circumstances, the soft copies of these modules can
also be accessed online or offline.

23 | P a g e
The activities placed in the SLMs are appropriate for learners with special needs, too.
Through these modules, these learners are given the same kind of care that we give them
while we were doing face-to-face classes. Most of them would be using video lessons aside
from the modules.

In the development of the modules, the SDO assured that the safety and health of
teachers-writers, illustrators, layout artists, validators and video developers will be its top
priority as SLMs and video lessons were done at home. Teachers who would need to visit
their schools to get materials to prepare the SLMs are required to follow the existing work
arrangement and health standards protocols.

With inclusivity in mind, the SLMs are integrated in video lessons, most especially
for K to 3 learners who require more auditory learning than other grade levels.
As regard the video lessons, the Division has uploaded 124 video lessons in the Division LR
portal, while there are 160+ in the LRMDS Facebook Group and still there are 300+
undergoing final validation, a total of 584 video lessons up to date.

Videos create a more engaging sensory experience than using print materials alone.
Learners actually get to see and hear the concept being taught, and they can process it in the
same way they process their everyday interactions.

In the later part of December, 2020 up to the early part of January, 2021, the Local
Government Unit of Caloocan made available the tablets for all Grades 9 to 12 learners with
a total of 62, 791 tablets in all. These tablets contain the soft files of the modules for easy
access of the learners. They can also use these for research of vast information and anything
related to their studies.

It is expected that the tablets will boost the study habits of the learners and hoped to
improve their learning performance at the end of the school year.

Division Level
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Caloocan High Rhodora R. Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module December 5, 2020 /
School Torrefranca Writer SDO Caloocan via FB
Maria Wenefrida J. Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module Live
Evangelista Writer and Validator
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module
Liberty C. Sacramento Writer and Validator
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module
Jenelyn M. Ibanez Writer
Princess Warlene S. Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module
Moyo Writer
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module
Aaron B. Ebuenga Writer
Ma. Lourdes D. Rola Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module

24 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module
Edgardo P. Lopez Validator
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module
Aurora D. Navarro Validator
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module
Argenia R. Matabang Writer & Video Lesson Developer
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module
Vivian A. Estayan Writer & Video Lesson Developer
Ma. Carolynn Anne B. Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module
Parulan Writer
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module
Myla M. Dela Cruz Writer
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module
Jeffrey C. Doguiles Writer
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Module
Jeffrey C. Doguiles Validator
Ma. Caridad C. Module Writer and Validator for 1st
Bondad and 2nd Qtr
Science Module Validator (1st
Ernesto M. Navarro Quarter)
Science Module Validator (1st
Marilyn T. Camero Quarter)
Science Module Validator (1st
Viola B. Donato Quarter)
Science Module Validator (1st
Melba B. Santos Quarter)
Science Module Validator (1st
Justine Joy S. Lucban Quarter)
Science Module Validator (1st
Heidee P. Valles Quarter)
Science Module Validator (1st
Hazel G. De Leon Quarter)
Nemia B. Desierto TLE SLM Module Validator
Joshua Jay Eden TLE SLM Module Writer
Angelo Melvin
Yalong TLE SLM Module Writer
Ma. Leonor D.
Tindugan MAPEH SLM Writer
November 27, 2020 /
1st Place Vlog Contest- English SDO Caloocan via FB
Grade 10- Brocka Month 2020 Live
Division Writer of Self-Learning September 25, 2020/
Je B. De Venecia Module in Mathematics 10 SDO Caloocan
Division Writer of Self-Learning
Donnie Boy M. Pineda Module in Mathematics 10
Division Writer of Self-Learning
Ma. Liza M. Recana Module in Mathematics 8
Rio Erica G. Sioson Division Writer of Self-Learning
Module in Mathematics 8

25 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Division Writer of Self-Learning
Juczvil R. De Mesa Module in Mathematics 9
Division Writer of Self-Learning
Yvette T. Policarpio Module in Mathematics 9
Ma. Caridad C. September 16, 2020/
Bondad Demonstration Teacher- Simulator SDO Caloocan
Edgielyn Janine L. Division Writer of Self-Learning August 27, 2020/
Alojacin Module in Mathematics 7 SDO Caloocan
Division Writer of Self-Learning
Aileen I. De Guzman Module in Mathematics 7
Ikatlong Puwesto- Pagbuo ng Video August 27, 2020 /
Argenia R. Matabang Lesson SDO Caloocan via
Ikatlong Puwesto- Pagbuo ng Video Zoom
Vivian A. Estayan Lesson
Grace Park ES Dec. 5, 2020 SDO
Marites L. Francisco Module Writer & Video Developer
Dec. 5, 2020 SDO
Cindy D. Cristobal Module Writer
Dec. 5, 2020 SDO
Lourdes O. Cerezo  Module Writer and Validator
Dec. 5, 2020 SDO
Rochelle C. Frias Module Writer and Validator
Dec. 5, 2020 SDO
Marilyn C. Arsenal Module Writer & Validator
Dec. 5, 2020 SDO
Monica E. Sevilla Module Writer
Dec 5, 2020 SDO
Carmencita G. Alberto Module Writer
Dec 5, 2020 SDO
Niezel P.  Plasquita Module Writer
Dec.5,2020 SDO       
Lourdes D. Punzalan Module Writer
Module Writer, Validator, & Dec.5,2020 SDO       
Aira Mae C. Lagasca
Demonstration Teacher Caloocan
Dec.5, 2020 SDO
Mateo P. Dela Rosa Module Writer
Dec.5, 2020 SDO
Isabelo C. Acosta Module Writer
Dec.5, 2020 SDO
Marvin A. Bautista Module Writer
December 5, 2020
Ramy C. Ambay Module Validator
SDO Caloocan
December 5, 2020
Joan D. Calvario Module Writer
SDO Caloocan
December 5, 2020
Lourdes G. Tadlip Module Writer
SDO Caloocan
Camarin D Nelly T. Datur Pandibisyong Paligsahan Buwan ng Agosto 28,
Elementary Wika 2020 2020,Lungsod ng

26 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
School Unit II Caloocan
Agosto 28,
Angelica N. Amandy Pagbuo ng Video Lesson 2020,Lungsod ng
Agosto 28,
Jocelyn M. Morales Ikalimang Puwesto 2020,Lungsod ng
November 27, 2020
Sophia Halle S. 1st Division English Virtual Fair
Evangelista 2020
Via Facebook
Cherry B. Godoy  Declamation First Place Livestream

Caybiga HS Heidilynn M. Alauig September 22,2020/

Pagbuo ng Video Lesson/Second Caloocan City (Online
Jonald B. Revilla Placer Awarding)
Marlene C. Valles
Irene I. Geron Pagsulat ng Dagli/Fith Placer
Maypajo May 17, 2020 Red
Online Poster Making Context 2nd
Elementary Learner Cross Caloocan
School Chapter
School, Teacher and 2020 Brigada Eskwela Jingle June 22, 2020, SDO
Learners Contest 3rd Place Caloocan
Teacher-Module December 5, 2020,
Writers and Gawad Pagkilala 2020 SDO Caloocan - CID
Evaluators  Facebook live
Horacio Dela Diomel Vince B. Jan-20
Costa Elementary 3rd Placer Merit Awardee
Canapi (Student)
School Dr. Rubie R. Soliman Math Simulator September 14, 2020
Dr. Rubie R. Soliman Gawad Primero Nominee November 11, 2020
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer December 5, 2020 via
Manuela P. Rebanal
(Kindergarten Module) FB Live
Maria Cristina B. Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer December 5, 2020 via
Morales (Kindergarten Module) FB Live
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer and December 5, 2020 via
Rizalina C. Castro Validator FB Live
(English Module)
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer and December 5, 2020 via
Dr. Avelina R.
Validator FB Live
(English Module)
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer, December 5, 2020 via
Marjorie F. Villasquez Validator, and Illustrator FB Live
(English Module)
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer, December 5, 2020 via
Mark Cristian A.
Validator, and Illustrator FB Live
(English Module)
Dr. Rubie R. Soliman Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer and December 5, 2020 via
Validator FB Live

27 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
(Math Module)
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer December 5, 2020 via
Madelyn B. Alcaraz FB Live
(Math Module)
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer December 5, 2020 via
Luz V. Dadulo FB Live
(AP Module)
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer December 5, 2020 via
Mary Ann P. Tuazon FB Live
(AP Module)
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer December 5, 2020 via
Rowena P. Rufo FB Live
(AP Module)
Ma. Salome G. Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer December 5, 2020 via
Baloloy (MAPEH Module) FB Live
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer December 5, 2020 via
Herminia P. Coroza FB Live
(MAPEH Module)
Gawad Pagkilala 2020- Writer December 5, 2020 via
Myla P. Miranda FB Live
(MAPEH Module)
Marcelo H. Del Kwentong Pambata August 27, 2020,
Pilar Elementary Jetsy Marie V. Tibar SDO-CALOOCAN
3rd Place
Pagbuo ng Video Lesson
Jetsy Marie V. Tibar
3rd Place
1st Quarter English Illustrator and
Jetsy Marie V. Tibar
Jetsy Marie V. Tibar SLM Filipino Writer
Pagbuo ng Video Lesson
Carolyn D. Malenab
3rd Place
Pagbuo ng Video Lesson
Odette M. Villamor
3rd Place
Filipino Writer & Validator 1st
Odette M. Villamor
English Writer & Validator 1st
Marilen R. Tavera
December 5, 2020,
Merasel R. Leones Music Writer 2nd Quarter SDO Caloocan
Maria Theresa T.
Music Writer 2nd Quarter
Araling Panlipunan Module Writer
Liezel C. Catabay
1st Quarter
Mapeh Module Writer
Ulyses M. Lampon
1st Quarter
MTB Module Writer & Team
Pamela S. Morong
Leader Division
Maria Teresa O English  Module Writer
Alibadbad 1st Quarter

28 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Araling Panlipunan Module Writer
Jay G. Perico
1st Quarter

Marites A. Mata Music Writer 2nd Quarter

Mary Ann B. Castor Filipino Module Writer 1st Quarter

Rochelle G. Ligon Music Writer 1st Quarter

Mapeh Arts Writer
Sheryl Joy F. Aloag
1st Quarter
Mapeh Writer
Sandra J. Rivera
1st Quarter
Mary Joy M English Module Writer
Tiolengco 1st Quarter
MTB Writer
Abegeal C. Ladiao
 1st & 2nd Quarter
Science Division Writer & MTB
Margarita P. Aspiras
Division Validator
COUNCILWIDE BSP       November 21, 2020
Raizin J2 Masiglat     POSTER MAKING SDO Caloocan
1st palce  
August 27, 2020
Allan E. De Paz SDO Module Illustrator
SDO Caloocan
Deparo High Ivan Darielle N. October 20, 2020,
2nd Place
School Cendeña MA. CLARA HS
Robotics Acceptability and
Den Benedict R. Effectiveness of Smart Waste
Cabangbang Isolation Machine (SWIM) as
Segregation Machine
Marc Rolance Tamayo  
Bagumbong January, 2020
Elementary Runner Up – Project Oscar 2020
Camarin High SY 2019 – 2020 Nestle July 11, 2020,
School Wellness Campus Best CAMARIN HS
Camarin High School
Implementing School
High School Category
Kristel Jane S. Aborita 1st Place, Feature Writing September 20, 2020
St. Joseph College of
Gracielle Alexandra
3rd Place, Photojournalism Novaliches
C. Dugang
Edcel P. Escaro 4th Place, News Writing
Maria Monica C.
6th Place, Editorial Cartooning
Kharen Joy O. Dela 10th Place, Editorial
Fuerte Writing
Paul Gabriel S. Janiola 10th Place, Science Writing

29 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Khrizia Mhaye Rank 1, Collaborative
September G. Lenon Publishing Best Sports Page
Rank 2, Collaborative Publishing
Desiree B. Tapia
Best Editorial Page
Rank 2, Collaborative Publishing
Chashmere Joy C. Tan Best Feature
Chello Jhane P. Rank 3, Collaborative
Rubinos Publishing Best Photo Page
John Jearvic R. Rank 4, Collaborative Publishing
Vasquez Best in Layout
Rank 4, B Collaborative Publishing
Zeed Cedrick V.
Arriannah Faye B. Rank 2, Online Publishing Best
Deperio Editorial Page

Rank 4.5, Online

Princess R. Garcia
Publishing Best Feature Page
Rank 5, Online Publishing Best in
Romeo S. Sabilao
Denise Leah A. Rank 5, Online Publishing Best
Capada News Page
Rank 5, Radio Broadcasting Best
Jemimah Ashlie Abas
Rank 3.5, TV Broadcasting Best
John Christian Suarez Video
Maria Andrea Rank 4.5, TV
Nalumen Broadcasting Best Script Writer
Rank 7, TV Broadcasting Best
Xyrille I. Ormita
Video Journalist
Rank 7, TV Broadcasting Best
Rebecca Ongkiko
1st Place, Online
Shiela Mae Vinas
Kaunlaran ES   Self-Learning December 5, 2020,
Alvin G. Lumas Module in English 1 Writer SDO Caloocan
Annabelle C. Dela Self-Learning Module in AP 2
Cruz Writer
Self-Learning Module in
Blesilda O. Guarin Writer
Self-Learning Module in English 1
Writer and
Eliza C. Mañucat Illustrator
  Self-Learning Module in

30 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Elsie O. Odinada Illustrator
Fleurdelys I. Albina Module in MAPEH 1 Writer
Helen C. Catulin Module in Filipino 2 Writer
Honeylyn P. Taguba Module in MAPEH 1 Writer
  Self-Learning Module in
Jennet S. De Guzman Mathematics 6 Writer
Division Learning Action Cell September 12,
Across Learning Areas
Jennet S. De Guzman Mathematics Emcee 2020 in SDO
Self-Learning Module in December 5, 2020
Mathematics 1 & 6 Virtual Recognition in
Jocelyn J. Husi Validator SDO Caloocan
  Self-Learning Module in
Jocelyn M. Moron Mathematics 1 Writer
Self-Learning Module in MAPEH
Writer and
Johnny A. Vivero Jr. Validator
August 5, 2020 in
Johnny A. Vivero Jr. Demonstration Teacher in MAPEH
SDO Caloocan
Self-Learning Module in December 5, 2020
Kindergarten Virtual Recognition in
Leslie P. Osorio Illustrator SDO Caloocan
Self-Learning August 5, 2020 in
Lovelyn I. Misajon SDO Caloocan
Module in AP Writer
  Self-Learning Module in December 5, 2020
Marie Paz M. Virtual Recognition in
Mathematics 3 Writer SDO Caloocan
  Self-Learning Module in MAPEH 1
Myra A. Bacani Writer
Self-Learning Module Writer
Myrna T. Corto
Self-Learning Module in
Mathematics 1
Rachelle L. Quides Writer
  Self-Learning Module in MAPEH 6 August 27, 2020 SDO
Raffy V. Gamueda Writer Caloocan
Self-Learning Module in TLE
Rolinda P. Espression
  Self-Learning Module in AP 2
Rosalie L.Bunag Writer

31 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Self-Learning Module in Filipino December 5, 2020
Validator and Virtual Recognition in
Rowena N. Pinili Illustrator SDO Caloocan
  Self-Learning Module in English 1
Sheila V. Roxas Writer
Veronica C. Libunao Demonstration January 28, 2020,
Teacher in Mathematics 1 Lerma ES
Oral Reading Interpretation Contest
- First
Place; Division Qualifier November 25, 2020 in
Teaching Approaches and Strategies SDO Caloocan
for Distance Learning Across
Areas – Member of TWG
Division Training Workshop on September 16, 2020/
Providing Reinforcement Learning SDO Caloocan
Resources (audio clip) Teaching
Subject for Elementary
Teachers – Member of TWG November 21, 2020 in
Self-Learning Module in MAPEH SDO Caloocan
December 5, 2020
Writer Virtual Recognition,
SDO Caloocan
Kim F Briones June 2020, SDO
Jude Anthony Batayo Caloocan
Llano High Adrian Michael Brigada Eskwela Jingle Contest –
School Brucelo Arbel John 6th Place
Brucelo Erick Pantuan
The Noreen Elen
Congress Jena Mae M. Cabug Pagbuo ng video August 27, 2020
Elementary lesson- Unang Pwesto (Video
School Editor)
Pagbuo ng video lesson- Ikatlong
Pwesto (Video Editor)
Pagbuo ng video
Erika L. Quinto
lesson- Ikatlong Pwesto (Presenter)
Video lesson making (Presenter) -
Geneva C. Capariño MTB
Category – 1st Place
*MTB module writer for 1st -3rd *October 2020
Angelica Andrea A. *MTB video presenter
*MTB video lesson script writer *November 2020
*MTB video lesson video editor
Jamila C. Traqueπa Kinder Module Writer August 27,2020-SDO
Karen Joice P.
Kinder Module Writer
Leonilla Marries M. Kinder Module Writer

32 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Loui Ann April A.
Math Module Writer
Rose Ann Detera MAPEH Module Writer December 5, 2020
Hana G. Molina MAPEH Module Writer
Syra Mae T. De Leon MAPEH Module Writer
Grace Carla Barba MAPEH Module Writer
Arlys Jean B. Bulaclac Math Module Writer August 27,2020-SDO
Rhodora A. Angeles MAPEH Module Writer December 5, 2020
Normita P. Ramirez Math Layout Validator SDO Caloocan
Mary Kae Catherine
English Contributor
M. Dimaandal
Rosalyn S. De Asis AP Module Writer
Anna May N. Gabad AP Module Writer
Jorein A. Asistente MAPEH Validator
Melissa J. Mariano Math Module Writer August 27,2020-SDO
Content Validator Chairman of the December 5, 2020
Gelyn J. Domingo Technical Working SDO Caloocan Sept.
Group 14-16, 2020
August 27,2020, SDO
Jean Rose M. Samar Math Module Writer CALOOCAN
Math Module Writer
Cristina M. Zamudio
Video Lesson Creator
Arlene A. Ecube Math Module Writer
Ruena B. Buis English Module Writer December 5, 2020
Cristina M. Dimaandal English Module Writer SDO Caloocan
Science Module Validator 1st and 2nd
Cristina S. Peπaflor
English Module Writer and
Leloisa C. Sahagun Validator (1st & 2nd Quarter ) Gr.3
TWG English Simulator
Science 4 Module Writer (1st & 2nd
Olivia G. Sarmiento
Araling Panlipunan Module
Evangeline I. Sison
Evelyn P. Sy Math 6 Module Writer
Science 4 Module Validator
Hazel D. Arquiza
NCR – Balik Kasaysayan Program
Math Module Writer Video Lesson
Paulo D. Zamudio Creator
Lesson Simulator
Myla B. Camaya English Module Writer and

33 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Lesson Simulator
Jane Jacqueline B. 2nd Place Division MAPEH Festival January 10,2020
Turla “Tinolabong Folk Dance”
Mckyla Jillian M.
Arabella Loriz C.
Shane ArevaloJash
Navine Gilos
.John Vincent M.
Bukas Zean Raven O.
Noel Nunez
Jadee M. De Guzman
Rhedel John R.
Carolina R. Serrato
Silanganan ES Zyrus John Raiven M. February 20,2020
Bialen (pupil, Grade 6 2nd Honors- 2020 DEPED- SDO- Caloocan
SY2019-2020) Mrs. Metrobank- MTAP Math Challenge
Marie Christine G. Category A: Public
(trainer) Schools Merit Awardees
Daniel John S.
3rd Honors- 2020 DEPED-
Enriquez (pupil, Grade
Metrobank- MTAP Math
6 SY2019-2020)
Mrs. Marie Christine Challenge Category A: Public
G. Apostol (trainer) Schools Merit Awardees
Mrs. Marie Christine 1st Quarter- Week 4- Math 5 Video Dec. 5, 2020, SDO
G. Apostol Developer CALOOCAN
Mrs. Marites F. Tibo-
oc 1st Quarter- Week 4- Math 5- SLM
Ms. Angela F. Writers
Mrs. Mary Ann V.
2nd Quarter- Week 4- Math 4- SLM
Ms. Angelica P. Ferrer
1st Quarter- Week 4- Math 5- SLM
School Validator
2nd Quarter- Week 4- Math 4 - SLM
Mrs. Perla C. Quesada
School Validator
Mrs. Perla C. Quesada Division Math SLM Validator
Pandibisyong Paligsahan Buwan ng August 28, 2020- SDO
Wika 2020 Caloocan
Ms. Ma. Ellen Jay C.
1st Place-Kwentong Pambata
Ms. Romina Grace D. 1st Quarter- Week 5- Filipino 3 - Dec. 5, 2020, SDO
Rongasan SLM Writers CALOOCAN

34 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Mrs. Jenny V. Raga-as
Mrs. Cherie B.
Apolinario 2nd Quarter- Week 5- Filipino 4 -
Mrs. Maria Victoria E. SLM Writers
Mrs. Lanie G.
2nd Quarter- Week 7- Filipino 4 - -
SLM Writers
Mrs. Marivic V. Itig
1st Quarter – Week 5 – MTB2 - SLM
Mrs. Jocelyn Janer 2nd Quarter- Week 5- MTB2 -
  SLM Writer
Ms. Aira M. Francisco
Ms. Fheljoan Grace A.
1st Quarter – Week 3 – MTB2 - SLM
Video Developer
Mrs. Remalyn B.
1st Quarter- Week 5- Filipino 3 -
SLM School Validator
2nd Quarter- Week 5- Filipino 4 -
SLM School Validator
2nd Quarter- Week 7- Filipino 4 -
Mrs. Marivic V. Itig SLM School Validator
1st Quarter – Week 5 – MTB 2 -
SLM School Validator
2nd Quarter- Week 7- MTB 2-
SLM School Validator
Mrs. Doris Ann B. 1st Quarter- Week 5- AP5- SLM
Guillermo Writer
1st Quarter- Week 5- AP5 – SLM
Mrs. Josephine D.C.
School Validator
Prince Z. Roa (Grade 3rd Place – Declamation Winner
2 pupil) (Division Level)
Ms. Romina Grace
First Division English Virtual Fair
Rongasan (trainer)
Ms. Maria Therese G. 2nd Quarter- Week 3- English5 -
Bulasa SLM Writer
Ms. Maria Therese G.
2nd Quarter- Week 4- English5 -
Mr. Aristotle C.
SLM Writers
Mrs. Evangeline S. 2nd Quarter- Week 3& 4 - English5
Francisco –
Ms. Mary Joy SLM School Validators

35 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Ms. Mary Joy
District English SLM Validator
Ms. Ma. Ellen Jay C. English SLM - Illustrator and
Tampus Video Developer
Ms. Dana C. 1st Quarter- Week 6- Music 3 SLM
Tresvalles Writer
Mrs. Lhea A. 1st Quarter- Week 7- Arts 3
Sampaga SLM Writer
Mr. John Paul D. 1st Quarter- Week 5- PE 3
Arenas SLM Writer
1st Quarter- Week 5- Health 3
Mrs. Agnes D. Barlis
SLM Writer
2nd Quarter- Week 4 - Music &
Mrs. Gina V. Punzalan
Arts 6 SLM Writer
Ms. Josefina O. 2nd Quarter- Week 4- PE 6
Hernandez SLM Writer
Mrs. Ma. Teresa V. 2nd Quarter- Week 4- Health 6
Jambalos SLM Writer
Mrs. Raquel A. Del
Rosario 2nd Quarter – MAPEH 6- SLM
Mr. Jayson P. Dela School Validators
Ms. Michelle P.
Ms. Renalyn P. 2nd Quarter -Week 6 Kindergarten
Querido SLM Writers
Ms. Michelle P.
Ms. Ma. Ellen Jay C. 2nd Quarter -Week 6
Tampus Kindergarten SLM Illustrator
Mary Ann O. Nov.27,2020 via
Sampaguita ES 3rd Place -Character Impersonation
Mendoza google meet
Gregoria de Jesus Dyrenz Descallar MTAP Math Challenge (Merit Division
Elementary Flores Awardee) Memorandum No. 1,
School 2.2020 February
Jhonrick Barcial Quiza MTAP Math Challenge
Marcy Aeranne Naz 1st Place BSP Pag-awit Tungkol sa Google Meet July 25,
De Asis Pagmamahal sa Bayan o Pagkakaisa 2020

Regional Level

36 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Caloocan High Gawad Primero 2020 LCP October 2, 2020, via
School   Champion FB Live/ DepEd TV
LCP Champion- Module Writer/ October 2, 2020, via
Ma. Lourdes D. Rola Validator FB Live/ DepEd TV
LCP Champion- Dry Run/ October 2, 2020, via
Ma. Lourdes D. Rola Simulation FB Live/ DepEd TV
LCP Champion- Content Creator of October 2, 2020, via
Ma. Lourdes D. Rola Video FB Live/ DepEd TV
LCP Champion- Content Creator of October 2, 2020, via
Argenia R. Matabang Video FB Live/ DepEd TV
Ma. Caridad C. LCP Champion- Module Writer/ October 2, 2020, via
Bondad Validator FB Live/ DepEd TV
LCP Champion- Distribution of October 2, 2020, via
Villa A. Cabrera Learning Packets FB Live/ DepEd TV
LCP Champion- Distribution of October 2, 2020, via
Aristotle Ed A. Masa Learning Packets FB Live/ DepEd TV
LCP Champion- Distribution of October 2, 2020, via
Marie Jen A. Paguia Learning Packets FB Live/ DepEd TV
October 2, 2020, via
Elizabeth R. Gallardo LCP Champion- Module Production FB Live/ DepEd TV
Ma. Caridad C. September 21, 2021-
Bondad Module and Activity Sheet Writer DepEd NCR
September 20, 2021-
Nemia B. Desierto Module Validator (Language Editor) DepEd NCR
MINALIN VALEDA 01-September-2020
Grace Park ES August 26, 2020          
My Bright Smile- Global Art
Lourdes D. Punzalan NCR Conference
Contest- Trainor
Oct 2, 2020 DepEd
Aira Mae C. Lagasca Gawad Primero Awardee
October 2, 2020
Ramy C. Ambay Gawad Primero Awardee
Deped NCR
CAYBIGA HS SSG, Caybiga CACHET-SAXUM AWARD 2020 June 9, 2020,
CACHET CHAMPION SCHOOL University of Asia and
Organization, CSI/ the Pacific/ Virtual
MAPULA (Teacher
NCR GAWAD PRIMERO 2020/ October 2, 2020, NCR
Jason C. Sibayan LCP Champion/Distribtuion of (Virtual)
Learning Package
SSG, Caybiga SANOFI Youth Health Patrol / December 15, 2020/
CACHET World Diabetes Contest. (Second Virtual
Organization, CSI, Placer)

37 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
CACHET JINGLE WRITING/ December 19. 2020
Jason C Sibayan SINGING CONTEST (Champion)
Caybiga CACHET CACHET-SAXUM AWARD 2020 June 9, 2020,
Organization, CHAMPION SCHOOL University of Asia and
JOKATE POBLETE the Pacific/ Virtual

Caybiga CACHET SANOFI Youth Health Patrol / December 15, 2020/

Organization, World Diabetes Contest. (Second Virtual
CACHET JINGLE WRITING/ December 19. 2020
Deparo High 5th Place Regional Search for Best January 6, 2020
School   Implementer
(Go Green) Secondary Category
Bagumbong AL JEFFERSON O. NCR Search for Kid and Parent September 18, 2020
Elementary REVILLA Pasiklab
Camarin High SY 2019 – 2020 Nestle July 11, 2020
School Wellness Campus Best
Camarin High School
Implementing School High School Camarin High School
Rank 7, Collaborative Publishing
Khrizia Mhaye Best Sports October 19, 2020
September G. Lenon Aurora Quezon
Elementary School
Shiela Mae Vinas 1st Place, Online Publishing
Bagong Silang 1st Place in the Sanofi Competition
SPG and Cachet for Diabetes December 12,2020
Officers Via Gmeet
School Campaign 2020
Silanganan Mrs. Perla C. Quesada Gawad Primero 2020 LCP
Champion Oct. 2, 2020 via
School - Distribution of Learning Packets
Gregoria de Jesus Marcy Aeranne Naz 1stPlace BSP Pag-awit Tungkol sa Google Meet August
Elementary De Asis
Pagmamahal sa Bayan o Pagkakaisa 31, 2020

National Level
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Caloocan High NCAA-PCEP Culture-based Module December 8, 2020 via
School Making Contest in the 8th Diwang FB Live
Jeffrey C. Doguiles Sagisag Kultura ng Filipinas Contest
Maville B. Carascal 1st Prize Winner, DOST November 23, 2020 /
International Cooperation COVID- DOST Intl. Coop.

38 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
19 Arts Competition (Junior Level)
John Edward N. 2nd Place, "Direk Ko, Ganap Mo" March 11, 2020 /
Eugenio Festival of Talents Ilagan, Isabela
2nd Place, "Direk Ko, Ganap Mo"
Jezelle Cabajes Festival of Talents
Philip Kenslhey B. 2nd Place, Interpretatibong Pagbasa,
Magro National Festival of Talents
Shane Dorothy C. 2nd Place, Interpretatibong Pagbasa,
Curit National Festival of Talents
Eishe Ann S.A. 2nd Place, Interpretatibong Pagbasa,
Gaviola National Festival of Talents
Jhan Cromwell M. 2nd Place, Interpretatibong Pagbasa,
Aguinaldo National Festival of Talents
Elizabeth SP. 2nd Place, Interpretatibong Pagbasa,
Baldovino National Festival of Talents
Argenia R. Matabang Organizer and Facilitator of Aling February 6, 2020,
Kaki's Store - Katapatan mo para sa Office of the
Kinabukasan ko a CIC activity Ombudsman
Organizer and Facilitator of Lost and
Found a CIC activity
Organizer and Facilitator of May
Pera sa Basura a CIC activity
Organizer and Facilitator of Kamag-
aral Ko, Kadamay Ko-Iskolar ng
Senior Intergity Crusaders a CIC
Organizer and Facilitator of Clean-
Up Drive a CIC activity
Organizer and Facilitator of
Pamaskong Handog a CIC Activity
Organizer and Facilitator of No
Apologies Seminar a CIC activity
LLANO ES 3rd Place - LEAD Philippine Poem 20-Dec-20
Dr. Joel R. Francisco Writing Competition (Teacher
Category )
Event Organizer:Online Campus June 6, 2020 (Virtual)
Journalism Advocates of the
Event:Online Battery Test in Sports
Writing Level 2
ALJON S. CADENA Sports News Writing: Finalist
Sports Feature Writing: Finalist
Sports Editorial Writing-Rank 3.5
Sports Writing- Rank 10
Over-all Rank: 6th
Batang Malaya Multi Media Contst September 16, 2020
Ezekeil Jane de
for World Day Against Child Labor:
Greeting Card Making Category

39 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place
Module Illustrator August 27, 2020
MHDPES Allan E. De Paz
SDO Caloocan
Best Implementer S.Y. 2019-2020
Deparo High
Deparo High School DepEd Wash in School S.Y. 2019-
2020 (WINS Program)
SY 2019 – 2020 Nestle July 11, 2020
Wellness Campus Best Camarin High School
Camarin High
Camarin High School Implementing School Third Runner-
High School Category  
Bagong Silang Champion Milo Cheerleading January 19,2020/
Elementary BSES Pep Squad Competition Tarlac City
CONGRESS E/S Magdalina P. National CACHET SAXUM December 19,2020
Maneclang (Teacher- AWARDS
Jingle Singing and Writing Contest
Recy d. Dollaga – 2nd Runner - up
Teacher CACHET
Coordinator Ayessa
Leigh P. Maneclang
-Pupil Dustine Allyson
P. Maneclang -Pupil

Jane Jacqueline B. CACHET “Youth Health Patrol-

Turla Social Media Campaign” 3RD Place
Ayessa Leigh P.
Ellaine Pangan
Jaydee M. De Guzman
Maritonie Shane S.
John Vincent M.
Zean Raven O. Onda
Rhedel John R.
Cieltio Zamora Tyron A. Lanada Lyon 8th Place 19th Philippines Robotics October 23, 2020
High School I - Royle D. Pallingayan Olympiad 2020 1st Robotic (virtual)
SHS Challenge of the Felta Multimedia
Vincent Tejerero Inc.

International Level
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place

Caloocan High Argenia R. Matabang Baybayin 101 (2.0) Lecture- August 28, 2020, via
School Workshop - Completer Kulltura Facebook
Caloocan High Vivian A. Estayan Baybayin 101 Lecture-Workshop - July 24, 2020, via

40 | P a g e
Name of School Participants Title and Awards Received Date and Place

School Completer Kulltura Facebook

Grace Park ES Ramy C. Ambay Google Certified Educator Level 1 Dec. 09, 2020 - online

Camarin D Alprince M. Igne LEAD Philippines December 12, 2020

School Unit II Mark Lawrence M. 2020 International Excellence Award Icon Hotel West
Caranto as Elementary Teacher Avenue, Quezon City
Kaunlaran ES Elycel S. Oropesa Online Training on Teachers’ November 2020
Competence Improvement held by Jakarta
SEAMO QUITEP in Language

IV. MEA Results

Planned/ %
KRAs targeted Accomplishment Gain/ Gap Remarks
Outputs vs. Targets
Improve Quality and Relevance for K to 12 Implementation

Automated Division Based

Assessment of Learning 640 640 100.00% 0 Implemented
Enhance/ Strengthen Delivery of
Curricular PAPs per Learning 1,700 1,700 100.00% 0 Implemented
Enhance Reading, Language and
Numeracy Competencies 8,545 8,545 100.00% 0 Implemented

Enhance LRMDS Portal or

better access to learning 240 240 100.00% 0 Implemented
Enhance/ Strengthen Delivery of
Curricular PAPs per Learning 29,888 29,888 100.00% 0 Implemented
Establish Inclusive Education in
345 345 100.00% 0 Implemented
Some Schools
Promote Professional growth
among CID members 1,354 1,354 100.00% 0 Implemented

Learning and Development

Enhanced school heads

competencies 610 610 100.00% 0 Implemented

Sports Enhancement 300 300 100.00% 0 Implemented

Assessment of Learning

Processed data on learner

assessment 760 760 100.00% 0 Implemented
Technology and Software Advancement for BE-LCP

Modernization BE-LCP tools for

Capacity Building 3 3 100.00% 0 Implemented

41 | P a g e
Planned/ %
KRAs targeted Accomplishment Gain/ Gap Remarks
Outputs vs. Targets
Learning and Development

enhance competencies for non-

teaching employees 1,147 1,147 100.00% 0 Implemented

Assessment of Learning

enhance teacher competencies

for Cybersafe and SSG/SPG 760 760 100.00% 0 Implemented

Financial Management

Ensure the cost-effective

utilization of financial resources
60 60 100.00% 0 Implemented
of the division and school

Human Resource Development and Management

Attend Training for Professional

65 65 100.00% 0 Implemented
Enhance Employee performance
and ultimate result in
682 682 100.00% 0 Implemented
organizational success

Performance Management

Capacitate agencies in the

Performance of their Human
Resource Management,
Recognize Best Practices and 50 50 100.00% 0 Implemented
Serve as a venue for exchange

Assess the Performance of SDO

Caloocan in the Delivery of
DepEd Mandates for the FY 180 180 100.00% 0 Implemented
Assess the Performance of SDO
Caloocan in the Delivery of
180 180 100.00% 0 Implemented
DepEd Mandates for the FY
Training for School ICT
Coordinator 89 89 100.00% 0 Implemented

Gender and Development

Office-wide gender equity plans

during disaster risk reduction 120 120 100.00% 0 Implemented
highly committed SDO
personnel who can carry out
120 120 100.00% 0 Implemented
advocacy on helping eliminate
Improving Quality and Relevance for K to 12 Implementation

Enhance/ Strengthen Delivery of

Curricular PAPs per Learning 50 50 100.00% 0 Implemented

42 | P a g e
V. Financial Performance

Adjusted Total
PARTICULARS Obligation % Disbursement % Unobligated Balance(2-3) %

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PS 3,427,412,466.02 3,427,412,466.02 100% 3,372,408,126.02 98% - 0%
MOOE 408,261,597.34 385,255,143.47 94% 318,047,393.58 83% 23,006,453.87 6%
CO 111,780,912.00 111,755,096.37 100% 20,264,030.80 18% 25,815.63 0%
3,947,454,975.36 3,924,422,705.86 3,710,719,550.40 23,032,269.50
PS 93,330,155.76 93,298,014.21 100% 93,298,014.21 100% 32,141.55 0%
MOOE 90,219,238.79 88,842,404.54 98% 69,064,053.99 78% 1,376,834.25 2%
4,131,004,369.91 4,106,563,124.61 3,873,081,618.60 24,441,245.30
PS 277,798,384.81 262,873,999.06 95% 262,873,999.06 100% 14,924,385.75 5%
MOOE 40,598,029.91 36,599,321.17 90% 21,858,347.10 60% 3,998,708.74 10%
CO 35,044.17 - 0% - 0% 35,044.17 100%
PS 8,482,900.00 - 0% - 0% 8,482,900.00 100%
MOOE 12,243,574.40 12,220,788.33 100% 9,237,792.86 76% 22,786.07 0%
339,157,933.29 311,694,108.56 293,970,139.02 27,463,824.73
GRAND TOTAL 4,470,162,303.20 4,418,257,233.17 99% 4,167,051,757.62 94% 51,905,070.03 1%

VII. Action Points for Next Year

Specific Instructions:

✔ This section will show the previous plan evaluation and recommendations for the next
Annual Plan.

✔ All functional divisions/units in the region and SDOs are required to fill out this part.

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