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About Vendor (optional, no contact details phone or email or links)
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Choose Vendor Category

Gharelu Product Vendor / Gharelu Service Vendor
Type of Gharelu Product
Gharelu Food and Beverage Varieties
Gharelu Arts, handicrafts and decoratives
Gharelu Accessories and Jewellery
Gharelu Toys and Children items
Gharelu Fruits, nuts and vegetables
Gharelu Designs and Printings
Gharelu Herbs and Medicines
Gharelu Handmade Items
Gharelu Clothing and Apparels
Gharelu homestay and paying guests
Other Gharelu items

Input for Gharelu service vendor

Choose Type of Gharelu Service
Gharelu Fitting and Plumbing Services
Gharelu Clothing and Tailoring
Gharelu Design and Printings
Gharelu Furniture and home Décor
Gharelu Marketing and Promotions
Gharelu Events and catering
Gharelu travel and tour services
Gharelu Electrician
Gharelu Artist / Painter
Looking for specific Gharelu service(buyer)
Other Gharelu services

About Gharelu service provider (max 250 words, no contact details phone or email or links)

Choose conditions for availability of service(any 1, optionals extra)

Instant service on Demand
Pre booking and orders only(choose minimum order/ prebooking time eg. 3 hrs before or 2 days
before etc)
Service only on specific day and time (choose day and time of availability)
Advance payment only (optional)
Service only / product and service (optional)

Sample pictures of your past service(optional)

Price for your Service

Fixed price/ negotiable
Pricing Details(optional)

Post Gharelu service (pending approval)

Gharelu Product input

Product picture
Product title/ name
Product description max 250 words(no contact details phone or email or links)
Product Price
Choose product category
Choose product availability(…. In stock, preorder or prebook, available only on specific day and time)
Colour/ size varieties or similar category items

Post gharelu product for sale(pending approval)

Logged in as vendor (switch to buyer) /vice versa
New/ Pending orders
Post new Gharelu product for sale
My Gharelu products on sale
Comments on my Gharelu products
Change info/ settings
Contact Gharelu team for help

Buyer register / login

Login via Facebook, google or phone number
Create profile( same as vendor)

Choose product to buy

Add to basket
Products chosen….
Grand total including delivery charges
Apply promo/coupon code
Contact details, phone, location, landmark
Delivery preference : same day/quick delivery, normal delivery, scheduled delivery

Order details and delivery details

Notes to Gharelu(if any)
Payment method
Confirm order (pending approval)

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