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Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, volume 29, 1620-1626, 2016

Effect of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, and soil water

content on incidence and severity of Sugarcane streak
mosaic virus (SCSMV) infecting sugarcane

Lilik Koesmihartono Putra1 and Tri Asmira Damayanti2

1IndonesianSugar Research Institute, Jl. Pahlawan 25 Pasuruan 67126 Indonesia;
2Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Jl. Kamper, Darmaga, Bogor
16680 Indonesia

Abstract Streak mosaic disease caused by Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV) is a major disease of
sugarcane in Indonesia and it can cause significant economic losses. To develop appropriate disease management
practices, several approaches including fertilizer application and manipulation of soil water content were investigated. A
glasshouse experiment to examine the single effect of nitrogen fertilizer on disease severity was conducted using ZA
(ammonium sulphate) fertilizer with six levels (0, 400, 600, 800, 1,000 and 1,200 kg/ha). A field trial to investigate the
effects of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers on SCSMV incidence was also carried out using ZA as the nitrogen fertilizer
and KCl (potassium chloride) as the potassium fertilizer. Five levels of ZA (0, 400, 600, 800, and 1,000 kg/ha) and four
levels of KCl (0, 100, 200, and 300 kg/ha) were examined. The impact of soil water level on disease severity using four
levels of soil water content (55%, 70%, 85% and 100% field water capacity) was also assessed in a glasshouse experiment.
The glasshouse fertilizer experiment showed that applications of ZA ≥ 1,000 kg/ha shortened the incubation period of
SCSMV and increased disease severity. The fertilizer field trial showed that the application of ZA and KCl fertilizers
significantly increased SCSMV incidence compared to the control. Investigation on the relationship of soil water content
and disease severity indicated that the higher soil water content tended to increase disease severity.

Key words SCSMV, nitrogen, potassium, soil water content, disease severity


Streak mosaic, caused by Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV), is a major disease of sugarcane in Indonesia. The
virus was first reported in 2005 in East and Central Java (Kristini et al. 2006), and since then has spread widely among
sugarcane plantations in Java Island. SCSMV has been detected in sugarcane fields of 30 sugar mills throughout Java.
Most sugarcane varieties, including PS851, PS862, PS864 and PSJT941, can be infected by the virus and infections have
been found in the highly susceptible variety PS864 (Damayanti and Putra 2011; Putra et al. 2014, 2015a).

SCSMV is a member of genus Poacevirus in the family Potyviridae and has flexuous filamentous particles (890 × 15 nm)
containing a single-stranded positive-sense RNA genome of approximately 10 kb (Hema et al. 2001; Xu et al. 2010; Li et
al. 2011; Putra et al. 2014). The virus is easily transmitted through plant extracts (sap) and is spread vertically through
sugarcane setts. SCSMV has narrow host range only infecting members of the Poaceae family namely sugarcane, wild
canes and their relatives, sorghum, maize and several weed grasses such as Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Pennisetum
glaucum, Digitaria delilis, Brachiaria moniliformis, Panicum repens, Paspalum conjugatum and Rottboelia exaltata (Hema
et al. 2001; Xu et al. 2010; Damayanti and Putra 2011; Putra et al. 2014, 2015b). No insect has been reported as a vector
of the virus.

Putra et al. (2015a) reported that the rapid distribution of SCSMV in Indonesia was mainly due to the spread through cane
cuttings and transportation of planting materials from one area to other areas regardless the health of cane cuttings. The
widespread occurrence of SCSMV was also related with the dispersal of variety PS864 that is highly susceptible to SCSMV.

Due to the widespread occurrence of SCSMV, the virus could affect sugarcane production in Indonesia. Field observations
gave a preliminary indication that the virus can cause reduction in cane production of about 12.17% (Putra et al. 2015a).
Yield losses assessment on PS864 showed that a disease incidence at ≥ 50% reduced sugar yield by about 20% (Putra
et al. 2014).

Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, volume 29, 1620-1626, 2016

To develop an appropriate disease management, several approaches have been studied including varietal resistance trials
and application of hot-water treatment (HWT) to cane cuttings. The results revealed that there is no highly resistant variety
against SCSMV and HWT could not eliminate the virus from infected cane cuttings but delayed the appearance of the
symptoms and reduced disease severity (Putra et al. 2014).

Nutrients and soil water content have been reported affecting the development of plant disease (Agrios 2005; Ghorbani et
al. 2008). This paper reports the results of our investigations on the effect of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, and
manipulation of soil-water contents on the infection of sugarcane by SCSMV.


Two types of trials were conducted in this study of fertilizer and soil water content. All experiments were carried out in the
glasshouse and the field of the Indonesian Sugar Research Institute (ISRI), Pasuruan.

Fertilizer experiments

A glasshouse experiment to examine the single effect of nitrogen fertilizer on disease severity was conducted using ZA
(ammonium sulphate) fertilizer with six treatment levels, 0, 400, 600, 800, 1,000 and 1,200 kg/ha. The experiment was
arranged in a randomized complete-block design with three replicates. For each treatment, one healthy single-eye cane
cutting of PS864 was planted in each 25-cm-diameter polybag of the planting media containing a mixture of soil, sand and
compost (2:1:1) with the eye facing up and covered lightly with the mix. The ZA fertilizer was applied near the cane cuttings
at planting time. The plants were then inoculated 6 weeks after planting using an abrasive pad rubbing technique (Putra et
al. 2014). We made observations of the disease incubation period daily and disease severity was assessed 3 months after

A field trial to investigate the effect of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) fertilizer on SCSMV incidence was also carried out
using ZA (ammonium sulphate) as the nitrogen fertilizer and KCl (potassium chloride) as the potassium fertilizer. The trial
was arranged using split-plot design with three replicates. The main plot was N fertilizer consisting of five levels, 0, 300,
600, 800 and 1,000 kg ZA/ha. The sub plot was KCl fertilizer consisting of four levels, 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg KCl/ha. The
ZA fertilizer was applied twice, one-third at planting and two-thirds 2 months after plating. The KCl fertilizer was applied at
2 months after planting. Each unit plot was 10 rows, 6 m in length and each row was planted with 20 two-budded cane
cuttings of variety PS864. The plants were mechanically inoculated with SCSMV using an abrasive pad rubbing method
(Putra et al. 2014) 2 months after planting. The crop was maintained with standard cultivation practices until 4 months after
planting. Disease incidence was rated 1 and 2 months after inoculation. The number of stools was recorded 2 months after
planting, and the number of stalks and plant heights were recorded 4 months after planting.

Soil-water experiment

The impact of soil water content on SCSMV severity was investigated in a glasshouse experiment. The treatments of soil
water content represented four levels of field water capacity, 55%, 70%, 85% and 100%. The experiment was arranged in
a randomized complete-block design with three replicates.

SCSMV-infected seed canes of PS864 were used in this experiment. The seed canes were previously prepared by planting
single-bud cane cuttings in plastic trays and watering them daily. After 6 weeks, the plants were transferred to 30-cm-
diameter plastic pots containing the planting media. For watering treatments, two plastic tubes 30 cm long and 1.9 cm in
diameter were placed in each pot. Each plastic tube had 6 holes. Before application of the watering treatments, all plants
were watered daily for 2 weeks and after that each plant was watered to maintain the soil water content as a proportion of
field capacity. We determined field water capacity using the method of Swibawa and Oktarino (2010). Disease severity,
number of shoots and plant height were observed 3 months after planting.

Disease severity observations

In all experiments, disease severity was assessed using the scoring system for sugarcane mosaic disease modified from
Putra et al. (2003) (Table 1). The first to the third visible dewlap leaves and spindle leaves of each plant were examined
for mosaic symptoms.

Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, volume 29, 1620-1626, 2016

Table 1. Scoring of mosaic severity on sugarcane.

Leaf area with
mosaic symptoms
0 0%
1 0.1 – 5.0%
2 5.1 – 10.0%
3 10.1 – 20.0%
4 20.1 – 30.0%
5 30.1 – 40.0%
6 40.1 – 50.0%
7 50.1 – 75.0%
8 75.1 – 100.0%

Disease severity was rated using the formula:

where DS = disease severity, n = number of leaves with a certain score, v = score, N = number of leaves observed, Z =
the highest score (8).


Fertilizer experiments

In the glasshouse experiment as ZA rates increased, the incubation period of the disease decreased, although differences
among the nitrogen rate treatments were not significant (Table 2). The shortest incubation period occurred in plants without
ZA application. As ZA fertilizer increased, the disease severity on the plants tended to increase, with the disease severity
among plants in treatments that received 1,200 kg/ha ZA almost 80% and significantly different to the other treatment
rates. Without ZA application, disease severity could not be assessed accurately as the lack of N caused the leaves to
become severely chlorotic and the mosaic symptoms were indistinct.

Table 2. Influence of ZA fertilizer rates on the incubation period and disease severity*.
Rate of ZA Incubation period Disease severity 3
fertilizer (days after months after
(kg/ha) inoculation) inoculation (%)
0 13.3 a 25.0 a
400 47.0 b 56.3 a
600 36.7 b 50.0 a
800 38.0 b 55.6 a
1,000 28.3 ab 62.5 a
1,200 28.3 ab 79.9 b
*Numbers in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at 5% LSD.

In the field experiment, the effect of ZA fertilizer (Table 3) showed that disease incidence and number of stools and stalk
height increased with ZA levels. The number of shoots was not affected by increasing ZA rates. Without ZA application
plants expressed N-deficiency symptoms of leaf chlorosis making it difficult to assess mosaic symptoms. The lack of N
also resulted in retarded plant growth and disease incidence was suppressed.

Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, volume 29, 1620-1626, 2016

Table 3. Influence of ZA fertilizer rate on disease incidence, number of stools, number of shoots and stalk height 3 months
after planting*.
Treatment Rate of ZA Disease Stools/ Shoots/ Stalk height
code fertilizer (kg/ha) incidence (%) 10 m row 10 m row (cm)
ZA0 0 3.11 a 15.67 a 38.75 a 25.95 a
ZA1 400 10.10 b 17.92 b 63.33 b 47.40 b
ZA2 600 13.13 bc 20.00 c 63.00 b 55.55 c
ZA3 800 15.34 c 21.17 cd 64.41 b 61.28 d
ZA4 1,000 14.55 c 21.92 d 64.00 b 61.70 d
* Numbers in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at 5% LSD.

The application of KCl fertilizer did not result in significant effects on the number of stools, shoots, or stalk height (Table
4). Without application of KCl fertilizer, disease incidence was lower than the incidence with KCl applications. Based on
the data it was appears that the availability of K in the soil was in adequate level since the application of K fertilizer did not
influence the increase of plant growth parameters. The application of KCl caused an increase of disease incidence, even
though there was no significant difference among the three levels of applied KCl.

Table 4. Influence of KCl rate on disease incidence, number of stools, number of shoots and stalk height 3 months after
Treatment Rate of KCl Disease Stools/ Shoots/ Stalk height
code fertilizer (kg/ha) incidence (%) 10 m row 10 m row (cm)
K0 0 8.96 a 19.67 a 58.40 a 49.46 a
K1 100 12.08 b 19.13 a 59.20 a 50.43 a
K2 200 11.86 b 19.13 a 59.27 a 51.48 a
K3 300 12.15 b 19.40 a 57.93 a 50.14 a
* Numbers in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at 5% LSD.

Table 5. Influence of the interaction between ZA and KCl rates on disease incidence, number of stools, number of shoots
and stalk height 3 months after planting*.
Treatment Disease Stools/ Shoots/ Stalk height
code incidence (%) 10 m row 10 m row (cm)
ZA0K0 1.90a 17.33bc 39.67a 24.73a
ZA0K1 5.67c 15.00a 35.00a 25.20a
ZA0K2 2.63a 14.00a 38.67a 26.87a
ZA0K3 2.23a 16.33a 41.67a 27.00a
ZA1K0 3.80b 16.67b 59.00b 45.27b
ZA1K1 11.60d 19.00bcd 68.33b 48.00b
ZA1K2 9.70d 18.33bcde 63.67b 49.40b
ZA1K3 15.30d 17.67bcd 62.33b 46.93b
ZA2K0 9.40c 21.00cde 66.00b 55.80c
ZA2K1 15.77d 19.33bcde 63.00b 55.47c
ZA2K2 14.43d 21.00cde 62.67b 59.27cd
ZA2K3 13.07d 18.67bcde 60.33b 51.67c
ZA3K0 16.33d 22.67e 63.00b 60.97e
ZA3K1 11.73d 21.33e 64.67b 61.30e
ZA3K2 17.67d 19.67bcde 68.00b 60.50de
ZA3K3 15.77d 21.00cde 62.00b 62.37e
ZA4K0 13.37d 20.67bcde 64.33b 60.53e
ZA4K1 15.63d 21.00cde 65.00b 62.17e
ZA4K2 14.83d 22.67e 63.33b 61.37e
ZA4K3 14.37d 23.33e 63.33b 62.73e
* Numbers in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at 5% LSD.

Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, volume 29, 1620-1626, 2016

In general, there was no interaction effect between ZA and KCl on the number of shoots (Table 5). At an application of ZA
greater than 600 kg/ha (Z3 and Z4), an increase in KCl level did not significantly affect disease severity or stalk height. For
number of stools, the interaction effect of ZA and KCl varied among the treatments.

When ZA was applied at 400 or 600 kg/ha without KCl fertilizer, the disease incidence was significantly lower than the ZA
was applied with KCl fertilizer. This showed that the application of KCl fertilizer increased symptom expression to SCSMV
infection, and indicated an interaction between ZA and KCL in some combinations. The best combination for this type of
soil with sufficient of K was an application of ZA at 600 kg/ha without KCl. This combination produced more stools and
shoots and the SCSMV incidence was lower. However, in general, an increase of ZA and KCl level caused an increase in
disease incidence.

Soil-water experiment

Soil water content affects disease severity, number of shoots and plant height (Table 6). Increasing soil-water content
generally caused an increase in disease severity. At 100% and 85% field water capacity, the disease severity was
significantly higher than the disease incidence at 55% and 75% field water capacity. Furthermore, an increased soil-water
content also increased the number of shoots and plant height. Under low soil-water contents, the cane growth was more
retarded as indicated by the reduction in shoot number and plant height.

Table 6. Disease severity number of shoots and stalk height at different soil water contents at 3 months after planting.
Soil water
Disease Shoots/ Stalk height
severity (%) plant (cm)
(% field capacity)
55 50.7 b 3.0 b 122.0 b
70 52.8 b 3.3 ab 133.7 ab
85 73.6 a 5.0 a 139.0 ab
100 75.7 a 5.0 a 147.7 a
* Numbers in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at 5% LSD.


Plant nutrition plays an important role in disease management because nutrition influences the rate of growth and the
plant’s susceptibility to pathogen infection. Nitrogen is the most important nutrient for plant growth, and nitrogen abundance
generally encourages in succulent growth, an extended vegetative period, and delayed maturity of the plant and those
increase plant susceptible to pathogen (Agrios 2005; Ghorbani et al. 2008). Our research showed that excessive ZA
application (≥ 1,000 kg/ha) increased the susceptibility of sugarcane to SCSMV. Dordas (2008) reported that for an obligate
parasite, such as a virus, high levels of N triggers rapid vegetative growth of plants resulting in a higher proportion of young
tissue so that the plants are more susceptible to pathogen infection. However, disease severity and plant susceptibility are
not only determined by the amount of nitrogen but also the form of nitrogen available to the host or pathogen (Agrios 2005).

A deficiency of N will also affect the susceptibility of sugarcane to SCSMV infection. We showed that the low levels of N
application shortened the incubation period and the lack of N made sugarcane plants more susceptible to SCSMV infection.
However the lack of N also caused severe chlorosis on the leaves. Consequently, mosaic symptoms became difficult to
be observed on the leaves, resulting in the masking of symptoms based on patterns of contrasting green color.

Potassium (K) is also associated with disease development. Up to the optimum level, K decreases the susceptibility of
host plants (Dordas 2008; Ghorbani et al. 2008). In our field experiment, the results suggest that the K content in the soil
was at an adequate level since there was no effect of KCl application on plant growth parameters. However, the addition
of K fertilizer caused the increase of sugarcane susceptibility to SCSMV infection similar to reports for Soybean mosaic
virus (SMV) on soybean (Pacumbaba et al. 1997), rice blast (Magnaporthe grisea) and Meloidogyne incognita on rice
(Agrios 2005).

Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, volume 29, 1620-1626, 2016

There was a synergistic interaction between N and K fertilizer in the increasing production and the impact on sugarcane
susceptibility to SCSMV. Based on our experiment, the application of ZA at rate 600 kg/ha without K is suitable for the soil
type with adequate of K nutrition. This application was able to suppress the mosaic disease and improve sugarcane growth.
However, there is no general recommendation for fertilizing. To improve fertilizer use efficiency and suppress the disease
intensity, soil analysis should be done before planting and the fertilizer recommendation should be made specific for
locations/regions. The basic consideration for the amount of ZA and K combination is the level that could increase the
number of stools, shoots, plant height and suppress disease severity.

Soil-water content not only influences plant growth but also affects disease severity. Our experiment revealed that at higher
soil water content, SCSMV infection will be more severe. This finding confirmed the previous field observation where
SCSMV incidence was more prevalent under irrigated than rain-fed conditions (Damayanti and Putra 2011). Agrios (2005)
stated that higher soil-water content increases soil humidity, making plants more succulent and increasing their
susceptibility to certain pathogens, which affects the extent and severity of disease.


An excessive application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer causes the increase of sugarcane susceptibility against
SCSMV infection and higher soil water content lead to increase disease severity caused by SCSMV.


This research was financially supported by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture,
and the Indonesian Sugar Research Institute. We thank Mr Edi Supardi, Mr Dhoan Bernadi, Mr Herwan Cahyono Adi, Mr
Tojib, Mr Edi Sanyoto, Mr Mustajab and Mr M. Sochieb for excellent support during the research.

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Putra, LK, Hadiastono T, Syamsidi SRCH, Djauhari S. 2015a. Dispersal, yield losses and varietal resistance of Sugarcane streak mosaic
virus (SCSMV) in Indonesia. International Journal of Virology 11: 32-40.
Putra, LK, Hadiastono T, Syamsidi SRCH, Djauhari S. 2015b. Investigation on transmission modes and host range of Sugarcane streak
mosaic virus in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) in Indonesia. Journal of Agriculture and Crop Research 3: 59-66.
Putra LK, Kristini A, Achadian EM, Damayanti TA. 2014. Sugarcane streak mosaic virus in Indonesia: Distribution, Characterization, Yield
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Putra LK, Ogle HJ, James AP, Whittle JL. 2003. Distribution of Sugarcane mosaic virus in sugarcane plants. Australasian Plant Pathology
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of a novel genus in the family Potiviridae. Virus Genes 40:432-439.

Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, volume 29, 1620-1626, 2016

Effet des engrais azoté et potassique et de la teneur en eau du sol sur l’incidence et la sévérité du
Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV) infectant la canne à sucre

Résumé. La mosaïque en tirets causée par le Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV) est une maladie majeure de la canne à sucre en
Indonésie et elle peut causer des pertes économiques significatives. Afin de mettre au point des pratiques appropriées de gestion de la
maladie, plusieurs approches ont été explorées, dont l’application d’engrais et le contrôle de la teneur en eau du sol. Une expérience en
serre a été menée pour examiner l’effet de l’engrais azoté sur la sévérité de la maladie en utilisant l’engrais ZA (sulfate d’ammonium) à
six doses (0, 400, 600, 800, 1000 et 1200 kg/ha). Un essai au champ pour explorer les effets des engrais azoté et potassique sur
l’incidence du SCSMV a aussi été conduit en utilisant ZA comme engrais azoté et KCl (chlorure de potassium) comme engrais potassique.
Cinq doses de ZA (0, 400, 600, 800 et 1000 kg/ha) et quatre doses de KCl (0, 100, 200 et 300 kg/ha) ont été testées. L’impact de la
teneur en eau du sol sur la sévérité de la maladie a également été évalué dans une expérimentation en serre en utilisant quatre niveaux
de teneur en eau du sol (55%, 70%, 85% et 100% de la capacité au champ). L’expérimentation de l’engrais en serre a montré que les
applications de ZA supérieures ou égales à 1000 kg/ha ont raccourci la période d’incubation du SCSMV et ont accru la sévérité de la
maladie. L’essai des engrais au champ a montré que l’application des engrais ZA et KCl a accru l’incidence du SCSMV de façon
significative par rapport au témoin. L’étude de la relation entre la teneur en eau du sol et la sévérité de la maladie a indiqué que les
teneurs en eau du sol plus élevées tendaient à accroître la sévérité de la maladie.

Mots-clés: SCSMV, azote, potassium, teneur en eau du sol, sévérité de la maladie

Efecto de fertilizantes nitrogenados y potásicos, y del contenido del agua del suelo en la incidencia y
severidad del virus del mosaico estriado de caña de azúcar (SCSMV) infectando caña de azúcar

Resumen. La enfermedad del mosaico estriado causada por el Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV) es una enfermedad importante
para la caña de azúcar en Indonesia, que puede causar importantes pérdidas económicas. Para el desarrollo de prácticas adecuadas de
manejo de enfermedades, se investigaron varios enfoques, incluyendo la aplicación de fertilizantes y la manipulación del contenido de
agua del suelo. Se condujo un experimento en invernadero de vidrio para examinar el efecto de fertilizantes nitrogenados en la severidad
de la enfermedad utilizando ZA (sulfato de amonio) con seis niveles (0, 400, 600, 800, 1.000 y 1.200 kg/ha). Se llevó a cabo un ensayo
de campo para investigar los efectos de fertilizantes a base de nitrógeno y potasio sobre la incidencia SCSMV, usando también ZA como
fuente de nitrógeno y KCl (cloruro de potasio) como fuente de potasio. Se evaluaron cinco niveles de ZA (0, 400, 600, 800 y 1.000 kg/ha)
y cuatro niveles de KCl (0, 100, 200 y 300 kg/ha). También fue evaluado en un experimento de invernadero, el impacto del nivel de agua
del suelo en la severidad de la enfermedad utilizando cuatro niveles de humedad del suelo (55%, 70%, 85% y 100% de la capacidad de
campo). El experimento del fertilizantes en invernadero demostró que aplicaciones de ZA ≥ 1.000 kg/ha acortan el período de incubación
de SCSMV e incrementan la severidad de la enfermedad. El ensayo de campo con fertilizante mostró que la aplicación de fertilizantes
de ZA y KCl aumenta significativamente la incidencia SCSMV en comparación con el control. La investigación sobre la relación del
contenido de agua del suelo y la severidad de la enfermedad indica que a mayor contenido de agua en el suelo se tiende a incrementar
la severidad de la enfermedad.

Palabras clave: SCSMV, nitrógeno, potasio, contenido de agua del suelo, severidad de la enfermedad


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