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Quarter 1 – Module 1

English 10

Name: _______________________________________________________ Section: _______________ Score: ____________

Read and answer the questions below with your knowledge of the topic discussed. Write the letter of your
choice before the number.

_______ 1. It refers to the act of getting varied kinds of information for a particular reason or purpose.
A. Information gathering B. Listening C. Researching D. Questioning
_______ 2. It organizes information into main topic and sub topic by using numbers, roman numerals and letters.
A. Outlining Method B. Mapping Method C. Cornell Method D. all of the above

_______ 3. This is a common skill that enhances informational listening in school.

A. Organization B. Taking Notes C. Memory D. Concentration

_______ 4. It involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences.

A. Reading B. Listening C. Writing D. speaking

_______ 5. This method uses diagram which represents words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged
radially around a central key word.

A.Outlining Method B. Mapping Method C. Cornell Method D. all of the above


Match the listening ideas in column A with their explanations in column B. Write your answer before the

Column A Column B

_______ 6. Look for key ideas. A. Restate in your own words the message of the speaker.

_______ 7. Paraphrase B. Listen carefully to the speaker to find out the main ideas
that he or she is trying to convey.

_______ 8. Memory C. Increasing mastery of vocabulary through techniques like

learning a new word a day or reading books

_______ 9. Knowledge of vocabulary D. Stay focus in the face of distractions

_______10. Concentration E. Recall experiences and information from our lives


Write “true” if the statement is correct, if it is false, change the underlined word/s to make it true.

________ 11. Observation is an informational listening skill which requires an open mind.

________ 12. Mind Mapping Method is the method to see how information relates to one another.

________ 13. Argue prematurely means try to understand the speaker's ideas after judging them.

________ 14. Noting details plays crucial part in gathering truthful information for everyday life usage.

________ 15. You can gather information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, panel discussions and many
other more.

Listen to an informative discussion about coronavirus using the link below. Finish the dialog based on the
information taken from the listening text. If you have no access to the internet, read the following text. Please use a clean
sheet of paper for your answers.

What is Coronavirus and How to Protect Yourself?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the expert body on coronavirus, has released guidance
for general public and healthcare professionals on the symptoms of the virus. What signs and symptoms should you
look out for? A person could be at risk if they have any or all of the following: fever and symptoms of lower respiratory
illness, such as coughing or difficulty breathing, after travelling to Wuhan or having close contact with someone who
was ill and is now under investigation for the virus in the past two weeks, fever or symptoms of lower respiratory
illness after having close contact in the past two weeks with someone who's been confirmed to have the virus. The CDC
defined “close contact” as being within about 6 feet (1.8 m) “or within the room or care area” of a person with the
coronavirus for a prolonged period without appropriate protective clothing, or “having direct contact with infectious
secretions” of a person with the virus without protective clothing.

Which people should be extra careful? Coronaviruses are particularly dangerous for people who have weaker
immune systems, like young children and older adults.

How to protect yourself? To protect yourself from the virus, try to avoid contact with people who display
symptoms similar to those of pneumonia or the common cold, like coughing or a runny nose. Don't touch your eyes,
nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, and scrub for at least 20
seconds. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when possible. Avoid animals and animal markets. The only current
treatment for Coronavirus being offered is supportive in nature. If you notice any of these signs and symptoms, please
contact your nearest Professional Healthcare setup. Help spread this information to everyone (Source:

Matthew: Mom, will you please help me with my assignment? Our teacher asked us to look for information
about coronavirus.

Mother: I think I can help you with it. I have listened to news about coronavirus recently.

Matthew: What was the news all about, mom?

1. Mother: _______________________________________________________. A guidance on the symptoms of

the virus was also released.
Matthew: Who released the guidance on the symptoms of the virus?
2. Mother: _______________________________________________________.
Matthew: To whom do you think is the information intended for, mom?
3. Mother: _______________________________________________________.
Matthew: Please tell me about the signs and symptoms of coronavirus. I become more curious about it.
4. Mother: _______________________________________________________.
Matthew: How, then, can we protect ourselves from coronavirus?
5. Mother: _______________________________________________________.
Matthew: Thank you so much for the information, mom.
Mother: It’s my pleasure to help, Mat.



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