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Notice: This MS, is issued for the private use of those who have passed the appropriate final

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Serial No. 69

Twelfth Award

October, 1919



C. C. Zain

In the first chapter of Genesis we find the statement:

And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion
over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth,
and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own
image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

I quote from the Bible not because of its orthodox significance, but because in Genesis as well as in the
cosmology of other extant Sacred Books is to be found recorded the wisdom of a more spiritually enlight-
ened people. Who lived in times prior to the Great Deluge, and who had cultivated their soul-senses and
had devoted their lives for many, many generations, specifically to research concerning man’s origin,
nature and destiny.

If mankind was not of two distinct sexes, male and female, man would not be the image of God; for
the external universe is the body of Deity, and nothing is more manifest than that the Universe is com-
posed of male and female elements—and that all movement and energy and life is the reaction between
these two polarities. And every astrologer can demonstrate that Man is an exact likeness of the Universe,
every point and function of the Deific Man at the time of his birth being impressed definitely upon him and
even his movements thru life bearing a specific relation to the movements of the Grand Man of the skies.
Every astrologer knows, however, that either man or woman as separate entities do not form a complete
representation of the Grand Man; for neither alone are capable of reproduction of their species. Nor are
the vital and functional elements of the opposite sexes governed by the same Cosmic force. In the birth-
chart of a man the vital force is indicated by the Sun, and in the birth-chart of a woman the vital force is
indicated by the Moon. A male child draws the energy which sustains life and health from the Sun. A
female draws the energy which sustains life and health from the Moon. The Moon in the chart of a male
does not indicate his inherent vital force—but the magnetic conditions within his constitution derived thru
association with the opposite sex. The Sun in the birth-chart of a female indicates the magnetic conditions
within her constitution which are derived thru association with the opposite sex.

The magnetic conditions to which we here refer, and which are represented in the chart of man by the
Moon and in the chart of woman by the Sun, are brought into play unconsciously as the result of the
interplay of etheric and astral forces between the two sexes independent of physical contact. The vital
force of man, received directly from the sun is again radiated by him. He is a direct transformer of solar
vitality, and this radiated force is commonly known as personal magnetism. The vital force of woman is
received directly from the Moon. She is a transformer of Lunar energy. The difference in quality of the
personal magnetism radiated by woman is so different from the personal magnetism of a man as to be

readily distinguished by sensitive person. The Solar magnetism radiated by man, having undergone a
transformation in passing thru his organism, is readily absorbed by woman. Likewise, the Lunar magne-
tism radiated by woman, having undergone transformation is assimilated by man. It is this continuous
exchange of forces between man and woman that generates and sustains their mental life and engenders
those aspirations which arising from social contact are called moral.

Every astrologer knows that the most important factors in any birth-chart are the Sun and Moon.
When these two, called Luminaries, are well aspected and strong the most favorable conditions ensue.
When the Sun in a man’s chart is well aspected and the Moon afflicted it indicates that the energy received
from the Sun will give him vitality, but that the feminine magnetism he will contact is not sufficient to meet
the requirements of his constitution or is of a character inharmonious to him. Likewise, when a woman has
a well-aspected and strong Moon it gives her a strong constitution, but if the Sun be at the same time
afflicted it indicates inability to contact harmonious currents of force radiated by man. It is a common rule
of astrology that health and longevity require that both Sun and Moon be unafflicted, and the best possible
combination for length of life, health and prosperity is when the Luminaries receive the good aspects of
the planets and at the same time are in good aspect to each other. The Luminaries in good aspect to each
other point to the fact that the energies received directly from the Sun or Moon are harmoniously intensi-
fied by the etheric and astral emanations of the opposite sex—hence, there being less discord and more
power within, less discord and more success will be attracted from without.

Astrologers will not misunderstand me here, and others should not. For the personal magnetism of
everyone is either masculine or feminine, and it has an influence over every other person who comes
within the radius of its emanations. Those who do not marry and are never closer to the opposite sex than
to shake hands or talk, are nevertheless influenced by absorbing the magnetic emanations of the oppo-
site sex. It is true, of course, that the more intimate the relation the more pronounced the influence for
good or ill, as the case may be. But while the Moon in a man’s chart has some significance regarding his
wife, as does the Sun in a woman’s regarding her husband—yet the field covered by the Moon or Sun is
much wider. The Moon in a man’s chart indicates the magnetic strength he receives thru life from the
opposite sex as a whole. It indicates the loving care of his mother, the affection of his sisters, the magnetic
influence of women who meet him casually, and the ability upon his part to absorb and assimilate feminine
magnetism and utilize it for physical, mental or spiritual progress. The Sun in a woman’s chart indicates
the supporting magnetism of the father, the brothers, and also the influence of other men and her ability to
absorb and utilize masculine force. Where wife or husband comes into the life, Moon or Sun also, to a
great extent, indicates that magnetic and mental influence. Nor should it be thought that this assimilation
depletes the opposite sex who radiate it. There are cases where persons sap others of energy, but that is
a different matter. Both man and woman are constantly radiating personal magnetism, particularly so
those who are affectionate and sympathetic. This does not deplete, but makes room for receiving more
energy, just as the man who thinks and writes looses nothing by giving his thoughts to others. His thinking
consumes energy, but it increases his ability to think.

If the Moon were to be removed from the sky, life on earth would vanish—because her magnetic rays
are necessary to nourish and sustain the vital force imparted by the Sun. If woman were to vanish from the
world the mind of man would sink into stagnation—mental growth would be impossible. Furthermore, the
subjugation of woman means the subjugation of man’s mental ability—for man’s receptivity to ideas de-
pends upon woman; for her Lunar forces fructify his mental creations. I do not mean that it is necessary for
man and woman to work together consciously to perform satisfactory mental work, but that these qualities
necessary for mental fruitfulness must be radiated by some person of opposite sex, however distant, and
be assimilated by the thinker. The mental power of one sex depends upon the mentality of the opposite
sex—hence the impossibility of one sex becoming very wise while the other remains in gross ignorance;
and the Truth expressed by the two wavy lines of the Man of the Zodiac, that wisdom is gathered from the
tree of good and evil only when man and woman stand equal.

The plane of effort we are here considering is mental and spiritual and should not be confused with
the nuptial relation. Elbert Hubbard, one of the world’s greatest authorities on the lives of famous men and
women, states that every real book is the product of two minds—the work of a man with a woman at his
elbow, or vise versa. It is also well known that in expeditions where men are long isolated from sight of
woman-kind there is a tendency to deteriorate and return to savagery, and that cloistered women do not
exhibit the same sympathetic tolerance and mental breadth that is common to those who are not so
isolated from contact with men. In fact, if we were to believe those who denounce the mingling of the
sexes and who advocate asceticism as the royal road to attainment, we would expect that two-thousand
years of monastic life would have produced a class of Nuns and Monks who are at least mental and
spiritual giants. But the very reverse is true. History proves that monastic life has been the very hotbed of
error, producing bigotry and cruelty, and launching upon the world wave after wave of fanaticism. Nor is
this statement confined to the West; for in every age of Mohammedanism it has been the ascetic Der-
vishes who have been the source of barbaric outrages. It has been these wandering friars of Islam, or the
saintly Kalenders from some Dervish monastery, that have incited the populace to massacre the Chris-
tians, and who, on the eve of battle rove excitedly thru the camps prophesying victory for the true believ-
ers, promising rich rewards in the hereafter for those who die fighting the Christian Dogs—and in the
midst of battle urging the soldiers on with frantic prayers and appeals and shouts of “O Martyrs”, “Ya
Allah”. Of these Kalenders Sheik Yussuf, their founder, said that by wandering barefoot, subsisting en-
tirely upon alms and practicing the severest asceticism may be attained “that state of ecstacy, of light, and
of perfect sanctity which is the portion of every true Kalender, and which alone can render him worthy of
that designation.” It is written that Jesus loved Martha and her Sister and accepted of their ministrations—
and that the noble Gautama, forsaking wife and home endeavored for years to get illumination by asceti-
cism. Failing, he gave up the life of self-mortification and attained illumination thru following the “Middle
Path”, the path of discrimination, upon which his teachings were based. And as Pythagoras likewise had
at one time followed the ascetic discipline, yet found it so unsatisfactory that at the age of 84 he took
himself a wife, we may conclude from cumulative evidence that the 18th verse of the 2nd chapter of
Genesis is a statement of Natural Law: “And the Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone,
I will make an help nest for him.”

When a notion becomes prevalent it is not enough to indicate its fallacy, but we should ascertain its
prestige in relation to origin. The idea that sex is obnoxious arises from throe distinct causes. The first of
these springs from the belief that in some manner the future world is so different from this one that sex will
be obliterated. It has been taught that there is neither marriage nor giving in marriage in heaven. It has
been taught that when men and women pass to the future life they go to one of two places—either to
Heaven where they are so busy playing a harp and singing about the Great White Throne that they have
no time for thinking of anything else, or they are plunged in lakes of flames to be pitchforked about by
devils, and consequently so absorbed by suffering that they can have no other interest. Or if we lean to the
teachings of the Far East we are led to believe that man after escaping the wheel of rebirth is absorbed
into a dreamy Nirvana where there is neither thought, action nor individuality. But thanks to a constantly
widening field of experimental investigation we have sufficient evidence to convince the unprejudiced that
the life beyond the tomb differs not at all from this life except in plane of action. People who pass the veil
of death do not radically change their desires, their interests, their habits nor their functions. It is true they
do not require physical food, and after becoming accustomed to their surroundings do not eat as on earth-
plane, but thru a process similar to breathing. They still love and are loved, attend schools, and perform
duties similar to those performed here. Men are still men and women are still women—and their mental
expansion still depends, even as here, upon the energy radiated by the opposite sex. They do not raise
families of physical children on the inner plane, but there is a corresponding function fully as important.

The second cause for contempt of sex is due to a prevalent idea that to be happy is to be sinful.
Ascetics of all ages take the vow of Poverty, Charity and Chastity. In what way poverty confers virtue is
difficult to understand. To be non-attached to anything worldly gives time for meditation, leading to psychic

experiences. But such a life is really selfish, for someone must furnish the physical necessities. The
ascetic wishes to spend his time in spiritual development, so shoves all responsibility for his mainte-
nance upon his fellows. He depends upon alms. The practice of charity is most admirable, and those
who administer to the ills of others are to be commended. But surely the ability to be charitable is
increased if one produces what is requisite to their own support, and a surplus that may be given to
others. Many ascetics mortify the flesh by extreme fasting, by flagellation, by hardships and tortures
that break down the physical constitution. But all such practices are contrary to the teachings of ad-
vanced psychology. The exercise of man’s normal functions, some time devoted to recreation, a healthy
body, and the joy of living, are found all to conduce to the highest development of mentality and spiritu-
ality. Misery conduces to inefficiency.

The third cause for contempt of sex is its prevalent abuse. The more important a function and the
more sacred its duties and the more exalted its possibilities the greater injury produced by its abuse and
perversion. In making the sacred function of sex but the seat of sensual gratification man has become
disgusted with his own baseness. His inconsideration for the feelings and finer sensibilities of his matrimo-
nial partner, and his disregard of the higher laws governing union have brought a train of woes. And
realizing his sexual nature has caused him to act even worse than the beasts of the field, who never
compel an unwilling union, he has thought to find the remedy, not in judicial control of himself, but in the
obliteration of the function. This is as sensible as it would be to cut out the tongue because the physical
constitution had suffered thru unrestrained eating and drinking.

If we reflect a moment on the history of the race we are compelled to admit that civilization is but the
expansion of family life, and that the fireside is the nucleus of all social relations. Destroy family life and
what becomes of the doctrine of Universal Brotherhood? Right-minded men and women reject the ascetical
idea that life is a misfortune, to be free from whose responsibilities is the one great blessing. They look
upon life as a glorious opportunity—as one state of apprenticeship in becoming a Master Workman in
Universal construction. They accept their responsibilities joyfully, desiring to complete this phase of their
schooling before passing to the next plane of endeavor, yet not loth to pass to still higher duties when
called by the Master Architect. Nor, when by natural endowment called upon to do so, do they shirk
rendering unto other souls the opportunity for birth into physical life. Every person on earth owes his
physical existence to his parents. And justice demands that we should be willing to render unto society the
office society has rendered unto us. If the birth-chart indicates misfortune with offspring, out of regard
both for society and offspring it is much better to let others more fortunate in such matters bring children
into the world. If the birth-chart indicates too great difficulties it is better to remain single. One will render
a greater service to society and himself by devoting his energies to the department of life where more
success is shown. There are thousands of people who will do better work while on earth if they remain
unhampered by family life. But this is a very different matter than advising all advanced souls to refrain
from marriage and permit the children of the world to be the offspring of inferior parents. To do the latter is
deliberately to breed an inferior race of people. Stockmen breed their animals of highest endowment and
thus secure superior progeny. It is not consistent with Universal Brotherhood to condemn the children of
the future to be brought into the world by those gross and unenlightened.

The very word Soul-Mate has acquired an atmosphere of disrepute because of its wide abuse. It has
been made the excuse for actions that have brought a train of direful results—actions that if universal
would undermine the foundations of society. It has been made the plea for many a disgraceful elopement
with the matrimonial partner of another. But in such cases the word has been used as a synonym for some
strong physical or mental attraction; more often than not the kind of attraction that is so violent that it soon
burns to ashes and repulsion and vain regrets.

As every action is accompanied by an equal and opposite reaction, as every positive change of
electricity has an equal and complementary negative charge, so the Ego, after its differentiation evolves

attributes, and as the only mode of expression is thru polarity, one set of these attributes is of a positive
nature, and one set of a negative nature, and the two must, by the Law of Polarity, be equal and the
complements of each other. These soul-monads each contain a portion of the opposite nature within
themselves, even as man contains some feminine and woman some masculine qualities—or better still,
even as a positive current of electricity will generate about it a field of force containing positive and
negative attributes, and a negative charge, its complement, will engender also a field of force containing
both attributes. The separation of the dual souls takes place in the higher spiritual states. At the present
stage of race-evolution it is very rare for true soul-mates to meet on earth-plane. In fact, as the memory of
the separation is retained only in the vibrations of spiritual substance that connect the Ego with the astral
and physical brain the recognition of the true soul-mate requires a degree of spirituality far above the
average. Not only does it take spiritual development to distinguish between the attraction due merely to
planetary configuration and that due to the recognition of true soul-mates—but until a high degree of self-
sacrifice to the good of others is developed its advantages would not be utilized.

For the vast majority the conception regarding the Soul-Mates must remain only an ideal; for at
present it does not pertain to the plane of physical endeavor except in very rare instances. And in those
rare instances in which they meet and recognize there are frequently material barriers that keep them
apart. The recognition of a possibility, however, squares the mind with Nature and is the first step towards
its realization. And such is the power of suggestion that the constant thought that all association with the
opposite sex is pernicious not only brings antagonism and inharmony between the sexes while on earth;
but creates an effectual barrier against the opposite sex that lasts beyond the grave and by its force of
denial shuts from the life that one in harmony with whom the greatest progress is possible in higher
spheres of life. And while on earth the objective recognition of soul-mates is rare; yet among the more
spiritual, whose aspirations lead them to search the spaces for new knowledge during sleep, it is not rare
for soul-mates to meet, free from the body—perhaps one already having passed to the realms above the
earth. When such occurrences take place it invariably brings a great change into the life—for the sleeper
may lose all remembrance of it on waking, yet he becomes inspired with new ideals. He feels he has a
mission, that he must labor for the welfare of others, and that the land beyond the borderline of death
holds for him a priceless treasure.

It is seldom the recognition of the soul-mate comes into the life at a time to disrupt marriage, for it
depends upon conditions that make this improbable. It comes usually only as the result of high spiritual
development, also bringing a knowledge of the course of endeavor that will ultimately bring the two to-
gether—which course of action being spiritual does not shirk responsibilities already shouldered, and is
based on justice to all. The premature endeavor to force such recognition leads to self-deception. Those
who are faithful in a few things are those who are entrusted with many things. Only those who demon-
strate their ability to conduct themselves with consideration and love and sympathy toward those with
whom they associate on the physical plane are apt to rise to the spiritual height in which they can appre-
ciate and utilize a union of a purely spiritual nature. The doctrine of soul-mates, when rightly understood
will not have a tendency to bring dissatisfaction into matrimony. It will be a recognition that marriage on
earth is but the symbol of soul-union on the spiritual planes of life, and that as such it should approach as
nearly as possible its higher prototype in sanctity, harmony, spirituality, and sympathetic devotion.

As to whom, in individual cases, the knowledge of the missing half will come, whether while yet on
the physical plane of life, immediately on passing from the physical plane, or in the still more distant vistas
of the future, depends on various factors. We have the statement of a Neophyte regarding his own expe-
rience. This Neophyte afterwards attained Adeptship, found his Soul-Mate while still in the flesh, accom-
plished the greatest spiritual work of the 19th Century, and their work accomplished, both passed to the
next higher plane to continue the work there. This greatest Adept of the 19th Century has now been gone
from physical life some 25 years. His name we here withhold but quote verbatim from MS left his faithful
pupils the following account of his Initiation:


Obeying an impulse it is impossible for me to resist, I now, for the first time in my life,
describe in writing, so far as I am permitted, the most sacred experience of my past career: It
is a scene from the tragedy of the Soul’s initiation.
It is not offered for literary criticism nor to be used for fuel to feed the unhealthy imagina-
tions of unbalanced mystical natures. It is far too holy and sacred for either; but it is written for
some purpose, the utility of which is not at present manifest.
I have entitled this vivid and never-to-be-forgotten experience “Il Zoraya”, which in the
Moorish Arabian tongue means “The Blush of Dawn”. I have so entitled it out of respect for
one of the venerated Masters of this race who figures in my narrative. To me it is a true reality,
it was the first “Blush of Dawn” of the coming day of a new life.
“Il Zoraya” (The Blush of Dawn).
“Free: Free at last from the dull bondage of a carnal world, whose fiendish motto is self
and whose only God is Gold.”—Scarcely has these words escaped my lips when a bright
dazzling cloud seemed to surround me, and hid from view the frail exhausted form that still
bound me to the world of matter—and what before was to me but empty air, was now trans-
formed into a hard scintillating crystalline pavement. Oh! how utterly inadequate is human
language to portray this life sphere of the soul. At first I was lost in complete bewilderment
with the exalted sensations which pervaded the vary vitals of my being. Slowly and gradually,
however, full and complete self-possession returned to me; and then I could see and perceive
that the whole Universe was one vast Orchestra and the myriads of Astral Systems were but
the different chords from the infinite variety of instruments that were sounding forth the An-
them of creative life. “We Praise Thee O God”. So enraptured did I become with the exquisite
symphonies of this celestial harmony that I instinctively, as it were, in the overpowering joy of
my new born freedom, joined in the chorus of the song, and as I did so a faint remembrance
awoke within me, it seemed like a faint distant echo from the dead silent vistas of past eterni-
ties, undefined, uncertain, and yet distinct, and then gently died away.
At this moment I perceived that the well beloved form of my venerated Master was beside
me and I knew that he was cognizant of my remotest thoughts. Anticipating the question I
was about to ask, he said, “It is well. Thou hast been tried in the balance and hast not been
found wanting. That faint recollection which has been awakened within thy soul, is the key
note of your future endeavors. It is the positive proof required of all who attain unto the 7th
state of manhood, and that distant echo of the past, which sounds so faintly within thee shows
the way. It is the “Fairy Hand” of the devoted “Lancelot du Lake”, and demonstrates to thee
that, throughout the past ages of thy being, the rapport of thy soul with its deific atom of life,
has not been broken, but that it still retains the magnetic force that will again enable ot to
become reunited with the divine parent of its being; therefore, my child, guard thy treasures
well. It is the “Pearl of Great Price”, and from this moment the spiritual compass of thy destiny,
to point out the hidden path over the trackless ocean of universal life. Therefore, mark well its
bearings; for no matter how dark, discordant and stormy the external may become, thy an-
gelic compass will always point faithfully and steadily to the pole star of thy race and guide
thee safely to the glorious haven of thy journey.”
During this conversation we had been rapidly ascending toward a bright shining expan-
sive path, upon which I noted a most magnificent building, the majestic proportions of which
no human language can describe. “This”, said the venerated Master (again anticipating my
thoughts), “Is the temple of Two Truths”. “Two Truths”, I replied, somewhat puzzled. “How can
that be? Does not our sacred science teach us that there is but One Truth, One Principle, One
Law and One Word?” “True, my child. Hermetic science does so teach thee, and when con-
sidered in its truly esoteric light there is but one truth. Paradoxical tho it may seem, however,
this is really the temple of two truths.”

At this point of our conversation we were joined by another, who seemed to be well known
to the Master. To me he appeared to be of Moorish or Arabic descent. “So your Neophyte,
dear brother, cannot reconcile the paradox of two truths?” asked he. “Not at present”, replied
the Master, “but it is very important, and he must commence his lessons now.” We had by this
time arrived very close to the building, and I perceived that the whole edifice was Dual—that
is to say, a building within a building, in such even proportions that one was exactly the same
size as the other. The external (I use this term as the only one that can convey a true idea of
my meaning tho both were the same size yet one really internal to the other) building was
composed of hugh unsewn stones, rude and unfinished, yet following out the same lines,
angles and forms of superb architecture as the internal structure, which was of the most
exquisite workmanship and glittered like a gem fresh from the hands of a jeweler. Fully aware
that I had duly noticed these points of similarity and contrast, the stranger said to me: “Do you
not see that this temple presents two aspects?” “Yes”, I replied, “But why do you call it the
temple of two truths?” “Because”, answered the stranger, “it symbolizes the primary and
secondary truths of creation, the truth of reality and the truth of appearances. The external
appearance of the temple presents its physical, objective appearance on the external plane
of matter—but the internal temple presents the subjective ideal edifice, existing subjectively
in the mind of its architect. Both are true and real upon their respective planes, the one is
always non-existent when viewed from the plane of the other, and this is the reason why the
inner is always the same dimensions as the outer. These two truths are those of Spirit and
Master. The truth of appearances, or matter, ephemeral and of limited duration—that of spirit
eternal and ever the same; in this sense only is the truth realized that there is but One which
is absolute and real; while the secondary or apparent truth is but a rude unfinished photo-
graph of nature’s divine and eternal reality.
Still continuing his conversation the stranger said, “Within this temple of Two Truths lie
concealed all the mysteries of the sacred sanctuary. The pure Angelic Hierarchies of God,
equally with external embodied man, can only comprehend one side of the Creator’s infinite
universe. Neither are in a position to give forth the absolute truth.”
“The seraph basking within the very sunlight of divinity itself, amid all the glories of the
blissful Garden of Eden, and man grovelling in the spiritual darkness of his lowest estate are
alike totally ignorant of the pure absolute truth; each viewing and measuring the infinite from
the standards of their own special sphere, are equally in error, and each equally unconscious
of the other’s existence.” With this the stranger departed after saluting the Master, who said:
“Think well over the words of my brother for like the starry Solomon of old, his words are
those of wisdom.”
At this moment the doors of the temple opened and as they did so it seemed as if the very
Cherubim and Seraphim of the highest heaven were chanting forth the Anthem of the Uni-
verse. It was the same overpowering music which so enraptured me upon my first realizing
that I stood in the infinite realms of spirit. Soft as the gentle zephyres came the melodious
song, its influence gradually stealing over my sensitive soul like an harmonious symphony.
Unconsciously giving way to the magnetic state, which it seemed the special province of this
influence to produce. I, to my pleased surprise, became myself a singer, and as the words
came flowing spontaneously from my lips my whole soul became inflated with a glorious light
and the whole of my energies seemed bowed in adoration to God, the Great Father of all.
As the last strains of the anthem were dying away my self-possession gradually returned,
and the revered Master, taking me gently by the hand, then led me through the various apart-
ments composing this temple of two truths, but the sacred laws and mysteries concealed therein,
and the momentous revelations that were disclosed to my spiritual view can never be written by
me nor breathed to any mortal ear “Save One”. Suffice it to say that I there learned Who and
What I Am and saw enacted in its entirety, “The Grand Drama of the Soul”, henceforth; I know
and must labor unceasingly to realize externally that which I have learned internally.

Hence it is that incarnation throughout the natural universe is undertaken by spirits. It
was for this that Adam and Eve, the symbolic first man and woman ate the forbidden fruit
and were expelled from the blissful Garden of Eden. O what a glorious scheme of human
redemption is this, unsullied by flood of Prophet or Lamb. What a deific masterpiece is the
true perfected man, allied to the brute in his external nature, allied to the hierarchies of
celestial life in his soul. And yet when truly perfected, he stands forth, Godlike in his glory,
superior to both.
“Come my child”, and the voice of the Master startled me like an electric shock, for my
soul had become so absorbed in the contemplation of the divine possibilities of man, that for
a moment, I was unaware of anyone’s presence but my own. Without further remark I was led
thru the midst of a dense forest, containing pathways running in every direction. So intricate
were these pathways, and so exactly alike, that it would have been impossible to have re-
turned without a skillful guide. As we proceeded in silence together, I noticed that a strange
feeling of loneliness and isolation was gradually taking possession of me. As this feeling was
increased it was soon accompanied with a keen sense of grief. In fact, I cannot describe the
fearful lonesome anguish of isolated grief that now possessed me.
“Thru what realm of human suffering are we now travelling?” I exclaimed. “All the paine
and injuries of an afflicted people seem to be trying to live their miserable wrongs over again
in my soul.” “Stay, nor be impatient, my child”, answered the Master, “Our fair companion
here, Queen Luna, will answer you.” And to my surprise I noticed for the first time that a
beautiful female was with us. Of all the perfect human forms, I thought hers was the most
divinely complete. Turning to Queen Luna I asked the reason of my sympathetic suffering. “It
is because you are alone”, she replied, “learnt you not in the temple of two truths that the soul
only becomes truly harmonious and complete when it has become united to its missing half,
its second self, the angelic Isis of its former state?”
“That is true”, I replied with a sad desponding thought that I was, indeed alone, that my
own sweet soul companion was at present lost to me, that she might be, perhaps, suffering
within the hells of disembodied humanity, from which it would take me ages to release her.
I must here confess that for the first time a pang of true jealousy shot thru me—or she may
be upon the external plane of life and still lost to me—lost, by being bound legally in an
unnatural union with another. So acute was this undefined feeling of loneliness and deser-
tion that I believe I should have given up all self control, had not the sharp ringing tones of
the Master at that moment brought me to my senses. “Neophyte, remember where you
are.” That was sufficient. In an instant I was myself again, and then I learned from the
beautiful Luna that the true prototype of my soul was still in the world of external life. “She
was there, waiting to be won.”
“Follow!” she said, “the index of your soul and that power which directs your movements
among men will ultimately lead you in the right direction. Far, far away from your present
home, away beyond the setting sun, lies the missing jewel of your soul. Oceans and deserts
divide you, but fear not, time and opportunity are in the divine providence duly meeted out
unto all.” With this she retired, and I, obeying the voice of the Master, was again summoned
to earth, the life force gradually permeated my poor unconscious mortal frame, the heart
resumed its almost extinct pulsations, and I stood once more alone in my room, the frail
enfeebled man. My first real initiation was over and I had gained the victory over self. Hence-
forth, for a time, my duty would lay amid the busy haunts of men, but no matter where, when
and why, I was determined to faithfully follow out the law, and steer where my faithful com-
pass pointed, knowing that sooner or later the lost orb would be found, and the two faithful
souls united. My triumph then would be certain, the crown of victory won, All Human possibili-
ties Mine!

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