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Prompt #1: 

Having us watch the two clips made me then keep an open mind and see things in a

way that I might not of seen before. I would have liked to have a prewarning email that we

would need to watch this video though.

Prompt #2: I did see a connection between what I thought about and how that affected my

ability to do things. I try though to keep my center of focus on Jesus and not some other spiritual

thing. I would keep in mind in the future that there are Christians who might have an issue with

this form of alternative religion.

Prompt #3:  Spitting out the Hook was interesting. I tried to learn the concept but as I recently

learned in an argument with my husband it takes lots of practice and mindfulness to do on a

regular basis. The quizzes were good and helped to make sure we read.

Prompt #4: I think it is always good to relearn things, even though I already knew H.E.A.R.

processes it is good to have a reminder and see things in a different light.

Prompt #5: I would like to say I learned this skill perfectly, but I cannot. I tried to do this, but I

through out hooks and started a big fight. But it is something I will continue to try.

Prompt #6: This I have a hard time with. I do not like to say yes often unless I know that the

outcome will be good for all parties, and it is a financially sound investment. I will try to use this

more with my family though.

Prompt #7: I thought this was a good class. I did enjoy the movie at the beginning and was glad

I had to watch it. Some of the other videos in the later modules I felt were redundant and did not

really care for them. Over all it was a good class and I enjoyed it.  

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