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OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.

May, 2008
Replicate1 Version 4.0.6 Installation Guide
Copyright Vision Solutions® , Inc. 1994–2008
All rights reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and is furnished under a license agreement. This
document is proprietary to Vision Solutions, Inc., and may be used only as authorized in our license agreement. No
portion of this manual may be copied or otherwise reproduced without the express written consent of Vision Solutions,
Vision Solutions provides no expressed or implied warranty with this manual.
The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective organizations or companies:
• Vision Solutions is a registered trademark and ORION, Integrator, Director, Data Manager, Vision Suite,
ECS/400, OMS/400, ODS/400, SAM/400, Replicate1, EchoCluster, EchoStream, and iTERA HA are trademarks
of Vision Solutions, Inc.
• DB2, IBM, i5/OS, iSeries, System i, System i5, Informix, AIX 5L, System p, System x, and System z, and
WebSphere—International Business Machines Corporation.
• Adobe and Acrobat Reader—Adobe Systems, Inc.
• Double-Take, GeoCluster, and NSI—NSI Software, Inc.
• HP-UX—Hewlett-Packard Company.
• Intel—Intel Corporation.
• Java, all Java-based trademarks, and Solaris—Sun Microsystems, Inc.
• Linux—Linus Torvalds.
• Microsoft and Windows—Microsoft Corporation.
• Mozilla and Firefox—Mozilla Foundation.
• Netscape—Netscape Communications Corporation.
• Oracle—Oracle Corporation.
• Red Hat—Red Hat, Inc.
• Sybase—Sybase, Inc.
• Symantec and NetBackup—Symantec Corporation.
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ii OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6


Contents ...................................................................................................................iii

Introduction ..............................................................................................................1
Overview .................................................................................................................... 1
Sample Configurations ............................................................................................... 1

Setup .........................................................................................................................3
Overview .................................................................................................................... 3
Preparing your OS/400 Environment ......................................................................... 3
Preparing your DB2/400 Environment ........................................................................ 8

Installation: a multi-step process ......................................................................... 13

Overview .................................................................................................................. 13
How to Install the Change Selector Process ............................................................ 14
How to Install Replicate1 .......................................................................................... 17

After installation .................................................................................................... 35

Overview .................................................................................................................. 35
Licensing .................................................................................................................. 35
Starting Replicate1 Listener ..................................................................................... 36
Stopping Replicate1 Listener ................................................................................... 36
Resizing DB2/400 Target Files for Replicate1 Console ........................................... 36
Reconfiguration ........................................................................................................ 37
Creating User Spaces .............................................................................................. 38

Upgrading ...............................................................................................................39
Upgrade Steps ......................................................................................................... 39
Replicate1 Director Steps ......................................................................................... 42
Monitoring and Control Steps ................................................................................... 43

Uninstalling ............................................................................................................. 45

OS/400 Reference ................................................................................................... 47

Overview .................................................................................................................. 47
Product-level Security .............................................................................................. 47
Changing or Displaying Messaging Defaults ............................................................ 52
Changing the Product Library for Selected Object Types ........................................ 53
Converting Stream Files and Save Files .................................................................. 53

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 iii

iv OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6


The installation package includes the Replicate1 CD in DOS format. You can read the
Replicate1 CD in Windows environments that support the ISO-9660 standard for
The package includes installation software and the following documentation:
• Documentation List
• Release Notes
• Installation Guide
• OS/400 Installation Guide (this guide)
• Getting Started Guide
• Advanced User Guide
• System Reference
• Support Policy
Use Adobe Acrobat® Reader to view documentation online and print it, if desired. If
you need to download a copy of Adobe Acrobat® Reader, go to:
If you need to contact Vision Solutions, you may need your customer number. If you
ordered software directly from Vision Solutions, your installation package should con-
tain a letter with your unique customer number. If you ordered software from a Vision
Solutions Product Provider, contact your provider for your customer number.

Sample Configurations

As described in the following sections, the location of the Replicate1 Director in your
system configuration is optional; the choice and placement of JDBC is not.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 1

Sample Configurations

Figure 1 MS SQL to DB2/400

Figure 2 Sun OS Oracle source to DB2/400

All figures show the Replicate1 Director on a separate Windows machine. This is not
required when Windows hosts comprise all or part of the system. In “Figure 1 MS SQL
to DB2/400” on page 2, the Replicate1 Director could just as well reside on the Win-
dows machine hosting the source.

2 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6


Before you can begin installation, you must prepare your environment as described in
the following sections:
• Preparing your OS/400 Environment
• Preparing your DB2/400 Environment

Preparing your OS/400 Environment

Prepare the following in your OS/400 environment:
1. IBM TCP/IP must be installed and running.
2. The installation directory must be created prior to the installation and must be
created in the AS/400 UNIX interface strqsh or iSeries Navigator™ under the
integrated file system “Root” structure.
3. The file system where Replicate1 is installed must have at least 50 megabytes of
disk space.
4. J2SE must be installed on both the installer and recipient hosts. (See Release
Notes for the Java version number.)
Note: Although the user is required to obtain a JDBC driver for other platforms,
the one exception is OS/400 hosts where Replicate1 installs the JDBC
5. Ensure that the correct Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC) offset is defined on all machines in your Replicate1 system. To
automatically adjust for time zone differences, Replicate1 relies on a time zone
setting that the operating system on each host machine keeps. This setting
specifies the difference between the machine’s local time and the current time in
Greenwich, England.
You must also reset the offset if you have seasonal changes in local time (for
example, when Standard Time changes to Daylight Saving Time in the USA).
For more information about GMT in Replicate1, see the Getting Started Guide.
For more information about Daylight Saving Time, see the section on scheduling
in the Advanced User Guide.
For an OS/400 machine, the timezone offset is kept in the system value,
QUTCOFFSET. You can use the DSPSYSVAL and CHGSYSVAL commands to
display and change the value. For example:

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 3

Preparing your OS/400 Environment

where offset is in the form +hhmm or -hhmm, that is, hours (maximum 24) and
minutes ahead of or behind UTC, respectively. A sample offset for New York, for
example, is -0500. Locations east of Greenwich are preceded by a positive sign
You can obtain the current GMT online by accessing the U.S. Naval Observatory
web site, for example, at:
For more information about GMT in general, you can search on UT (universal
time) on the Astronomical Applications Department of the U.S. Naval Observatory
6. Create the file SystemDefault.Properties file.
SystemDefault.Properties is not supplied with your OS/400. Optionally, this
file may contain many defaults to be used by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
running under OS/400.
Use one of the following ways to create this file:
– On your PC workstation,
Add a network drive to the target iSeries server to the shared root directory
Open the Java400 subdirectory, using, for example, Windows Explorer:
Click File > New > Text Document. Name the file SystemDefault.txt.
Rename the file to SystemDefault.Properties. Click OK when you
receive the warning message about changing the file extension.
– Alternately, you could create and rename the file on your Windows machine
and FTP it to the proper directory. Please make sure no file already exists
before doing this.
– You could also use an editor in the qsh window on the AS/400 to create or edit
and rename the file directly on the AS/400.
The file must be in $Home directory of the user
doing install on OS/400. This file indicates what version of Java to use if the
version of Java is different than system default, as the following example shows:
Edit the file to add the timezone property. Java
applications using timestamps require this timezone property since Java uses
QTIME, QUTCOFFSET, and the user.timezone property together.
– Open the file with the Windows-provided Notepad (or equivalent) editor
– Add the timezone statement, using the setting appropriate for your locale, for

4 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Preparing your OS/400 Environment

Note: Do not insert a blank on either side of the = character.

– Save the file.
– Exit the editor.
When this is set, and when Replicate1 has been installed and the Replicate1
Listener is started, you should see timestamps in the kernel and Replicate1
Listener logs set to local time. (Logs are described in the Troubleshooting section
of the Getting Started Guide.).

This property needs to be changed manually for Daylight Saving

time. For more information about Daylight Saving Time, see the
section on scheduling in the Advanced User Guide.

7. Set up journaling.
One or more database tables can be journaled to each environment, and multiple
journal environments can exist at the same time on an individual OS/400
Note: Replicate1 does not support remote journals or dual receivers.
Note: The Replicate1 Change Selector is not able to open and read journal
records from a journal that has more than 2945 receivers. If this maximum
is ever exceeded, then the Change Selector terminates with MSS
You must create or specify existing journals for:
– All replication source tables
Source tables are journaled to provide the records of the data changes that
Replicate1 captures for distribution to the target.
– All replication and copy target tables
Target tables are journaled to provide transaction control for committing or
rolling back a series of changes.
The tables must be journaled with before-images as well as after-images. In
addition to providing control for committing or rolling back, before-images are
required to detect distribution key changes and for data enhancement as well as
for collision reporting in protected replication.
To create a journal, you must first define or have available one or more journal
receivers and a journal message queue. Table 1 describes first the OS/400
commands to create a receiver and a message queue, followed by the command
to create a journal definition and to assign a table to the journal. The descriptions
include usage comments and related commands.DB2/400 databases support
logging of database transactions within a journal environment. The environment

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 5

Preparing your OS/400 Environment

includes a journal definition (*JRN object), one or more journal receivers (*JRNRCV
object), and a journal message queue (*MSGQ object).

Table 1. OS/400 journaling commands

Command Comment
CRTJRNRCV Creates a journal receiver (*JRNRCV object), the first of a series (chain) of physical
storage containers for the journal.
You must create a receiver before you create the journal definition object. The
receiver and journal may belong to different libraries.
Related commands:
DLTJRNRCV Deletes a journal receiver.
DSPJRNRCVA Displays journal receiver attributes.
CRTMSGQ Creates a journal message queue (*MSGQ object), a persistent queue attached to
the journal for receiving messages about the state of receivers.
You must create a message queue before you create the journal definition object.
Using QSYSOPR, the system message queue, is not recommended for Replicate1
distribution: its typical heavy usage makes it subject to operator maintenance that
risks loss of required data.
Related command:
DLTMSGQ Deletes a journal message queue.

CRTJRN Creates a journal definition (*JRN object), which contains management information
for the journal environment and associates the receiver(s) and message queue with
the journal.
It is recommended that you set the command option Manage receivers
(MNGRCV) to *SYSTEM (let the operating system change the receivers), and set
Delete receivers (DLTRCV) to *NO.
If this journal is for tables on a target-only DB2/400 server, journals are necessary
for commitment control only, and Replicate1 change management is not available.
You may want to specify *SYSTEM for Manage receivers and *YES for Delete
Changes to user data are recorded as entries in the journal receiver, each of which
is identified by a sequence number. You can display the entries in the journal
receiver by issuing the DSPJRN command.
Related commands:
DLTJRN Deletes a journal definition object.
CHGJRN Changes a journal definition object. For example, attaches a new
receiver if receivers are user-managed and not system-managed.
WRKJRNA Works with journal attributes, including the files that are journaled
by the journal.
DSPJRN Displays journal entries in detail.
DSPOBJAUT Displays authorities.
GRTOBJAUT Grants authorities to an object.

STRJRNPF Starts journaling for a table (physical file) that is not currently being journaled.
Specify *BOTH for the Journal images option; this journals both before-images
and after-images of the changed data. *BOTH is not the default.
Do not assign a table to the QAUDJRN journal (the system audit journal) in the QSYS
library or to the Replicate1 metabase journal, if it exists.
Related command:
ENDJRNPF Ends journaling on a physical file.

6 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Preparing your OS/400 Environment

Set up a journal on the source server and the target server, as described below:
– Prepare a journal on the source server.
For all DB2/400 tables from which you replicate data, you must create or have
available one or more journals and accompanying receivers.
A single journal is often sufficient for all the tables, but you can use multiple
journals. A unique Replicate1 process (DB2/400 Change Selector) reads each
journal. A table cannot be assigned to more than one journal.
You can create new journal objects or use existing ones. To create a new
journal object and assign tables to it, see Table 1 on page 6, which briefly
describes the basic OS/400 commands to do so.
The journal you use for your tables must be distinct from the journal that
Replicate1 creates for its metabase tables. For more information about the
metabase journal, see the Getting Started Guide.
If you use an existing journal:
• Do not use QSYS/QAUDJRN, the system audit journal.
• You may use a QSQJRN journal, a library’s default SQL journal, but be
aware that it can grow very large: all tables created within that library using
the SQL CREATE TABLE statement are automatically assigned to QSQJRN
(as long as the table creator has sufficient authority to write to the journal).

Do not setup journaling for user tables in the product or install

library regardless of whether or not you opt to use the QSQJRN.

• Make sure the journal’s authorization is *ALL for those users who may
start or end journaling for tables that you want journaled.
• Special examples of this requirement are the user profiles that sign on to
OS/400 machines on sending and receiving server connections from
Replicate1 Director. To use the Replicate1 Director to journal tables for
you, the journals’ authorizations must permit access to these users. You
can use the OS/400 DSPOBJAUT command to display a journal’s
authorities, and the GRTOBJAUT command to grant authorities to a journal.
• Review the journal definition’s settings for change management and delete
management of journal receivers.
It is important that these receivers, which are the buffers that contain the
data-change records that Replicate1 captures and replicates, are not
deleted until some time after all their entries are captured and committed.
To help ensure this, assign the task (using the journal definition) of
changing receivers to IBM, and assign the task (using Replicate1 Director)
of deleting receivers to Replicate1.
Even if your site has an existing method of change management in place,
it is highly recommended that you assign delete management to
Replicate1 to safeguard the data to be replicated.
To display or change your journal’s definition, issue the CHGJRN command.
If the system is to do change management, set Manage receivers to

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 7

Preparing your DB2/400 Environment

*SYSTEM (set it to *USER if Replicate1 does change management). If

Replicate1 is to do delete management, set Delete receivers to *NO.
• Assign the tables
For tables that are not currently being journaled, issue the command to
start journaling (STRJRNPF, described in Table 1).
For tables that are currently being journaled, check the table attributes
(Display file description, DSPFD) to make sure Journal images is set to
*BOTH (changes to the table are journaled with before-images as well as
If Journal images is not set to *BOTH, issue the command to end
journaling (ENDJRNPF, described in Table 1), and restart journaling
(STRJRNPF) with Journal images set to *BOTH.
– Prepare a journal on the target server.
You must create or specify existing journals and accompanying receivers that
include before-images for all receiving files (tables) at an OS/400 target server.
You can follow the same procedure you used based on the information in
“Prepare a journal on the source server.” on page 7.
Note: The journals are necessary for commitment control only, and Replicate1
has no journal management facilities for target-only OS/400 host
machines. (Journal definition settings are described above.) You may
want to define system-managed changing and deleting of receivers,
and arrange for regular checking of the message queues assigned to
your journals to make sure journaling is not interrupted.
If your receiving table is an OS/400 logical file, you must journal only the
underlying physical file(s) referenced by the logical file.

Preparing your DB2/400 Environment

DB2/400 Distributable Objects
Replicate1 is designed for distributing SQL tabular data or user changes to that data.
If the data can be accessed through an SQL entity that is represented in the SQL
system catalog, it should be distributable. Table 2 lists the table types are eligible for
distribution as DB2/400 source or target tables.

Table 2. Table types eligible for distribution

DB2/400 Replicate1 Copy or Copy or

object Director Replication source Replication target
category a
Table (SQL) Table Both Both

Physical file Table Both Both

View View Copy Both

(only if updateable)

8 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Preparing your DB2/400 Environment

Table 2. Table types eligible for distribution (Continued)

DB2/400 Replicate1 Copy or Copy or

object Director Replication source Replication target
category a
Logical file View Copy Both
(only if updateable)

Alias for table Alias Both Both

Alias for Alias Both Both

multi-member file

a. The checkbox label you select in Replicate1 Director when you retrieve that
object’s data from the DB2 system catalog into your Replicate1 model.

Creating User IDs

Create user IDs and authorities required to install, test, and run Replicate1. Although
multiple IDs are described, you can combine their responsibilities under fewer IDs.
For example, a single user with the QSECOFR profile along with one other user ID for
testing could install, test, and run the product.
• Replicate1 installation creates the OMNIENT user profile to own the objects initially
installed in the product library.
Note: You must not modify the OMNIENT user profile or specify it for any of the
users described below or elsewhere in the product.
The OMNIENT user ID is installed with these settings:
USER CLASS . . . . . . . . : *SECOFR
After installation is complete, you should change the password with WRKUSRPRF
to a site-specific password. The OMNIENT user id has all the required privileges
on the source. It should be used for both replication (rep user) and the metabase
owner. For a target-only iSeries, a user id with the same privileges should be
created for the rep user and metabase owner.
This user profile owns all the metabase objects, including the journal and journal
receivers created for the metabase. The user ID is used on connections to the
metabase from the Replicate1 processes and Replicate1 Director.
This user profile also owns objects created using these connections (such as
lookup and shadow tables used by Replicate1 Director).
You specify this user in the Replicate1 Director on the Server Properties tab by
checking Rep user after entering the userid.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 9

Preparing your DB2/400 Environment

The Rep user requires the following authorities:

– Authority to create a collection and create tables in the Replicate1 product
– Authority to read the system catalog to retrieve column information from
sending and receiving tables
– *ALLOBJ authorization privileges.
This is not required for Copy, since journaling of Copy sending tables is not
• Create or make available an OS/400 user profile for the system installer.
The installer must be able to sign on the OS/400 using the QSECOFR user profile
or a user profile that has security officer authority.
• Make certain you have established a user profile like QSECOFR or one with
*SECOFR class of privileges with:
– Privileges to restore objects
– Privileges to start/stop subsystems
– All object authority
• Create a user profile for the metabase owner.
• Make certain you have established a user profile with DB2 update (insert, update,
delete) authority on the target tables.
The target table “updater” is a user profile, other than the metabase owner, that
can sign on to the receiving server, select table and column names from the
system catalog, start or end journaling for the receiving table (*ALL authority to
the journal), and update the receiving table. This is the replication userid for
bi-directional replication.

When adding, updating, or deleting rows on the source table, be

sure you are not using the replication user ID (rep user) to make
these changes. Change capture ignores changes made by the rep-
lication user.

10 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Preparing your DB2/400 Environment

• Define a LOCALHOST IP connection. This is especially important if you are using

remote hosting (described in the Getting Started Guide). Use CFGTCP, Option 10,
to view the host definitions, for example:

Work with TCP/IP Host Table Entries

System: <machine name

Type options, press Enter.

1=Add 2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display 7=Rename

Internet Host
Opt Address Name INTRA

The standard for localhost is

• Similarly, define an INTRA connection.
Note: LOCALHOST, INTRA, and LOOPBACK are all required for Replicate1.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 11

Preparing your DB2/400 Environment

12 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Installation: a multi-step process

Installing and using Replicate1 on an OS/400 system differs from installing and using
Replicate1 on another type of system because you must install a Change Selector.
Note: This guide gives the process for OS/400 only. See the separate Installation
Guide for other systems, even if you are using these systems to install
remotely onto the OS/400 system.
To run Replicate1 on OS/400, you must install the following:
• Replicate1 Director on each Windows host where modeling will be done
Replicate1 Director is the GUI modeling tool that runs on a Windows
NT/2000/XP/2003 host and is used to create and maintain an Enterprise Data
Movement Model (EDMM).
Refer to “Windows Installer” in the Installation Guide.
• DB2 Change Selector on the OS/400 platform whose database server is a source
of data movement
A DB2 Change Selector captures changed data on a DB2 database server. The
Change Selector must be installed before you install the Java components.
Refer to “The steps to install the Change Selector, described in detail in
subsequent pages, are as follow:” on page 15.

You must install the Change Selector before running the Java
Installer. An installation or reconfiguration modifies OMNIL and
needs a to write it.

• Java data movement components and Replicate1 Listener, on each host, whether
a source, target or intermediate host, that participates in data movement
These components collect and replicate data. Replicate1 Listener runs on each
host, initializes and communicates with the other data movement components on
the host and with client components.
Refer to “How to Install Replicate1” on page 17.
• Java client components on each host that will monitor and control data movement
Java client components monitor and control data movement. Replicate1 MonCon
is a GUI application and may be installed on Windows and UNIX. Replicate1
Console is a command-line application and may be installed on OS/400,
described in this guide, or on Windows, UNIX, and Linux, described in the
separate Installation Guide.
Refer to “How to Install Replicate1” on page 17.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 13

How to Install the Change Selector Process

• Delete journal receiver exit program on each iSeries source host that has an
Replicate1 installation library.
• Install one exit program on each iSeries source host that has an Replicate1
installation library, if you want Replicate1 to automatically delete journal receivers
once it is finished processing them.
Issue a green screen command to activate the exit program. Once the exit, which
is a standard executable iSeries program (ORDLTRCV *PGM), is copied into the
Omni install library, a user with *SECOFR privileges enables or activates it by
issuing the ADDEXITPGM at the green screen.
Note: When the Java Installer runs, it automatically issues the ADDEXITPGM
command if the appropriate box is checked.
Run the exit as OMNIENT. By default, the exit runs with QUSER authority, but
instead you should use an optional "program data" parameter in the
ADDEXITPGM command which enables the exit to run under the privileges of the
user name specified in the program data.

How to Install the Change Selector Process

You must install the Change Selector before running the Java Installer.

The Change Selector is a process, that is, an executable component, used for replica-
tion on DB2 servers only. The Change Selector captures SQL row operation changes,
specifically INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE in the context of an SQL transaction.
See the Getting Started Guide for more information on how the Change Selector
works and how the OMNIREP subsystem works.
The Change Selector is installed before the Java components. Install a Change
Selector on all OS/400 machines in your Enterprise Data Movement Model (EDMM)
that host DB2/400 source servers.
You may need the cooperation of a systems programmer, security administrator, DB2
administrator, and a network administrator.
Note: If you are upgrading the AS400 Change Selector installation from a Replicate1
version prior to V4.0.4, the Change Selector installation fails with V4.0.4 if the
*OMNIENT license code is bad or expired. To avoid this, issue the following
command from STRSQL on the OS/400:
The installation process includes unpacking the compressed installation library. Trace
information about the entire installation job is stored in a spool file (QPJOBLOG) in your
user output queue.

Important: You must install the Change Selector before running the Java Installer.

14 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Installation: a multi-step process

The steps to install the Change Selector, described in detail in subsequent pages, are
as follow:
1. Sign on.
2. Load the CD or Copy the STM file from the Replicate1 CD.
3. Install INSMMX, if not already installed.
4. Enter the INSMMX command to start the install.
5. Install License Manger, if not already installed.
6. Choose 1 Install/Upgrade.
7. Accept or choose new lnstallation Library name.
8. Press [Enter] to start the installation process.
9. Press [F12] to return to the command line.
Note: If it does not exist, the installation creates the OMNIENT user profile, which
owns all product executables. You must not use or modify the OMNIENT profile.
1. Sign on.
Use the QSECOFR user profile or a user profile that has security officer authority.
The end of the installation process automatically generates a job log. By signing
on just before starting the installation, you limit the job log to only the installation
2. Load the CD or Copy the STM file from the Replicate1 CD.
• If you are installing from a CD, load the CD into the device and make the
device ready. Using the name of the device from which you are installing for
device-name, enter the following command:
LODRUN DEV(device-name)
Once completed go to Step 5.
• If you are copying the STM file, locate the STM file in the iseries folder on the
CD. The file name is:
<version number>.REP1.STM
Copy this file to the following location:
/replicate1/<version number>.REP1.STM
3. Install INSMMX, if not already installed.
Vision Solutions provides the Install MIMIX (INSMMX) tool in version 5 License
and Availability Manager for users that are installing from a streamfile (STMF).
The INSMMX tool simplifies the install process.
If either of the following conditions apply, you must obtain the tool manually during
the installation:
– You are using the STMF format for a new install, where License and Availability
Manager is not installed.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 15

How to Install the Change Selector Process

– You are using the STMF format to upgrade to version 5 from V4R4 service
pack SP070.00.0 or greater for the first time and License and Availability
Manager is not at version 5.
The INSMMX STMF and manual are on the CD in:
4. Enter the INSMMX command to start the install.
Issue the following command from the OS/400:
LAKEVIEW/INSMMX STMF('/replicate1/<version
5. Install License Manger, if not already installed.
If you do not have a License Manager installed, you are prompted to install it when
you attempt to install the Change Selector. License Manager must be installed
before you install the Change Selector. If you have already installed License
Manager, go to Step 6.
See Table 3 on page 19 to access the License Manager Main Menu.
6. Choose 1 Install/Upgrade.
On the Lakeview Technology Common Install screen, input 1
Install/Upgrade in the Opt column next to Replicate1 and press Enter. For
online help, press F1 when the cursor is at the top of the display or, for a specific
option or item, press F1 when the cursor is on that option or item.

The Install Lakeview Product (INSLKVPRD) display appears.

16 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Installation: a multi-step process

7. Accept or choose new lnstallation Library name.

In the Installation Library field, you see either a default library name (OMNIENT),
the name of your existing product library (if you are reinstalling) or the value *NEW.
You can accept the library name or change it to a new name.
If the value *NEW appears, the default library already exists on the system and
you must provide the name of a library that does not already contain a copy of the
Replicate1 files you are installing.
8. Press [Enter] to start the installation process.
Messages at the bottom of the page describe the active installation task. When
the installation of all the products completes, the Lakeview Technology Common
Lakeview Technology Install display appears. A completion message appears at the
bottom of the display.

If you are installing multiple products, repeat Step 7 and Step 8 for each product.
9. Press [F12] to return to the command line.

How to Install Replicate1

This guide gives information on using the Java Installer to install Replicate1 on
OS/400 platforms only. Installation must be done locally in batch mode or remotely in
GUI or batch mode, that is, with the installer running on a Windows or UNIX originat-
ing host and installing onto an OS/400 host. See the Installation Guide for all other
platforms besides OS/400, including how to set up the originating host.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 17

How to Install Replicate1

You must install the Change Selector before running the Java
Installer. For more information see “The steps to install the Change
Selector, described in detail in subsequent pages, are as follow:” on
page 15.

The following sections contain information on:

• Modes of Installation
• Installation Files
• How to Install Using the GUI Installer
• How to Install Using the Batch Installer
The installation procedure accomplishes the following steps:
1. Gathers input describing where to install and information about the host
2. Verifies information gathered in Step 1.
Before copying any Replicate1 files, the Installer verifies the following:
– The version of the Java Run-time Environment must be at a level acceptable
for the Replicate1 executable processes.
– The Java compiler should be available wherever Replicate1 is installed.
You receive a warning if the javac file is not available or is not in the path.
Installation can continue without javac, but expressions and join tables will
not function.
– The TCP/IP port number chosen for use by the Replicate1 Listener must be
available and not used or reserved by any other service. On a reconfiguration,
Replicate1 Listener must be shut down prior to the reconfiguration.
All the drivers chosen for use at a host must be accessible and supported for use
by Replicate1.
3. Configures shell scripts using input gathered in Step 1.
4. Installs the files.
This involves copying components from the install directory to the specified
directory on the host and creating the OMNIREP subsystem.
5. Starts the Replicate1 Listener.
6. Saves the installation configuration.
This step creates the following files:
– <host> in the installation directory
– <host>verifier.results
– <host>.ini
This file contains the parameters values chosen for this host installation and
usually resides in the /tmp directory on the host on which you are installing.

18 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Installation: a multi-step process

– install.log
Along with the log file created during the installation, this file serves as a record
of the installation. Subsequent runs of the Installer attempt to locate this file.

Modes of Installation
You must choose whether the installation performs a full install or reconfigures an
existing installation and whether it is done in batch or interactive mode.

Full or reconfiguration
Full installation is a complete installation of all files.
Once Replicate1 has been installed, Reconfiguration is offered as a choice for all
changing parameters except the installation directory and the host where it is

GUI or Batch Installer

Replicate1 may be installed interactively via a GUI Installer or a Batch Installer.
From a UNIX host or a Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 host, use either the GUI Installer
or the Batch Installer to install remotely. From another OS/400 host, use the Batch
Installer to install remotely. No GUI Installer is available for installing locally on

Installation Files
Installing Replicate1 on a remote OS/400 host entails issuing OS/400 commands
from the Installer connected to the host as a client. The procedure involves doing a
binary transfer of a number of files to a target installation directory on the mainframe.
When the Installer is run remotely in this manner it runs on the host in the queue QUS-
RWRK under the user QUSER with a job name of QZRCSRVS.
The installation files, listed below, are packaged together in one file, named To list the contents of without unpacking, enter the fol-
lowing command:
jar tvf

Table 3. Installation files list

File Description Replicate1 packaged into a .zip file

binstaller.cmd .cmd file that runs the Batch Installer on Windows Shell script that runs the Batch Installer on UNIX

ginstaller.cmd .cmd file that runs the GUI Installer on Windows Shell script that runs the GUI Installer on UNIX

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 19

How to Install Replicate1

Table 3. Installation files list (Continued)

File Description
inetfactory.jar Library, provided by jScape, required for installation
networking tasks and for installing the Replicate1 Listener
start and kill scripts in the boot area

installer.jar Java Installer program for both the GUI and Batch Installer

jt400.jar Library from IBM required for FTP installation tasks and
running Replicate1 after it is installed

log4j-1.2.8. jar Library used for writing messages to an install log Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container, necessary to run

WebMonCon, packaged into . zip file .properties file used if you use the remote hosting feature
described in the Getting Started Guide where you model a
remote OS/400 server on a Windows or UNIX host. File used to enable FOR BIT DATA (OS/400 only translation
to treat binary data values as character values. Files containing the z/OS Change Selector. Files containing the UDB Change Selector.

The installation steps are:

1. Copy from the CD to a writeable directory on the originating host
where the Installer is to be run. When FTPing across a network,
do a BINARY transfer of the file.
2. Unpack the installation files (listed above) on the installing host. The command to
unpack depends on the platform of the originating host.
– On a UNIX platform, issue the command:
jar xvf
– On a Windows platform, use WinZip® or another similar program or
jar xvf
3. Execute the Batch or GUI Installer.
See “How to Install Using the GUI Installer” on page 20 or “How to Install Using
the Batch Installer” on page 31

How to Install Using the GUI Installer

The GUI Installer may be used to perform the installation on a remote machine run-
ning OS/400 where the local machine runs UNIX or Windows.
The GUI Installer may be used to perform an initial full install of Replicate1 or a recon-
figuration of an existing installation. If the installer finds an existing <host>.ini file
(as described on page 18) created during a previous installation, a subsequent instal-

20 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Installation: a multi-step process

lation automatically runs reconfiguration. If you do not want to run reconfiguration,

delete the <host>.ini file.

Before doing a reconfiguration, shut down Replicate1 Listener.

If you were using a previous 4.0.x release of Replicate1 software
on OS/400, you must upgrade metabases on your OS/400 DB2
source and target servers when you upgrade.
When you upgrade, you should recommit your model when you fin-
ish installation to take advantage of the latest features of the new

Described below are the GUI windows and the information requested for installing
Replicate1. The appearance of the window varies slightly depending on the platform.
The installation steps are as follow
1. Start the GUI installer.
When the originating host is UNIX, execute the GUI installer with the command:
When the originating host is Windows, execute the command:

2. Click Next to display the Welcome window, in which you set constants for the
operating system.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 21

How to Install Replicate1

Table 4. Welcome window fields

Field Description
Host Defaults to the local machine. For remote install, enter the name or IP
address of the remote host.

Operating System Defaults to the operating system on the local machine. Select the operating
system type that matches the installing host machine.

User ID (Remote installs only) Enter the userid for logging on to the remote host.

User Password (Remote installs only) Enter the password for logging on to the remote

22 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Installation: a multi-step process

3. Read and accept the license agreement:

4. Enter the path where the Java program is located, for example:
Note: For the Java installer, all paths specified during install should use the
forward slash,
Then click Next.

5. Identify the directory where Replicate1 is to be installed. If installing remotely, the

directory must be accessible to the remote host. As noted in “Preparing your
OS/400 Environment” on page 3, the installation directory must be created prior to

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 23

How to Install Replicate1

the installation and must be created in the AS/400 UNIX interface strqsh or
iSeries Navigator™ under the integrated file system “Root” structure.

The Browse button does not appear because this is a remote install. Click Next.

Reconfiguration • The Browse button does not appear.

• The destination folder fills in with whatever was set during the
previous installation or reconfiguration. It cannot be changed

6. Enter the name of a Command library where commands to start Replicate1

Listener and Replicate1 Console may be installed. The install creates and
attempts to start the Replicate1 Listener in a subsystem called OMNIREP from the
Command library specified. If the Command library does not exist, the installer
creates it. The recommended Command library is OMNIENT where the Change
Selector is installed.

DO NOT CHECK the option concerning translation of binary values

to character values unless you have discussed this with your Vision
Solutions service engineer.

If you intend to have the system to delete receivers using the Delete Journal
Receiver exit program, check Install Delete Journal Receiver Exit Program and
specify the library in which it is to be installed. This exit program is described in
the Getting Started Guide chapter “OS/400 Journals.”

24 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Installation: a multi-step process

You must install one exit program for each Replicate1 installation library on each
iSeries source host where you want the journal receiver to be controlled by the
Delete Journal Receiver exit program.

The library where the Delete Journal Receiver exit program is

installed MUST be the same as the Change Selector install library
(for example, OMNIENT).
This library is where the Change Selector is installed and is speci-
fied on the server Properties window. This field is fully described in
the Getting Started Guide.

Note: You are not required to have the system delete receivers. You could delete
the receivers manually or rely on another program (such as the MIMIX
Journal Manager) to delete the receivers.
Installation may fail to activate the Delete Journal Receiver exit program if the
user is not using a user profile that allows execution of this command on the
iSeries host to which you are connecting. However, if activation fails due to
privileges, the install will still continue and you can issue the ADDEXITPGM
command later to activate the exit program:
– After the exit program has been installed, check whether it was installed and
activated properly. You can issue the WRKREGINF command:
Alternately, you can inspect the install.log.
– Then, if the exit was not enabled by the installer, issue the ADDEXITPGM. This
command should use the optional "program data" parameter so that you run
the exit as OMNIENT.
By default, the exit runs with QUSER authority, but instead you should run the
exit program under the privileges of the user name specified in the program
10 OMNIENT)TEXT('Omni Delete Receiver exit')

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 25

How to Install Replicate1

When you complete your entries, click Next.

Reconfiguration The command library fills in with whatever was set during the previous
installation or reconfiguration.

7. Select the Replicate1 components to be installed.

Then click Next.

8. Select the database types that will participate in data movement on this recipient
Then click Next.

26 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Installation: a multi-step process

Reconfiguration The database type selected is set according to what was chosen in
the previous install.

9. Normally, you would set the path for the JDBC driver. However, the JDBC driver
for OS/400 is automatically installed and does not require a driver path.
Click Next.

Reconfiguration The driver path contains the value provided in the previous install or

10. Specify an available TCP/IP port number for use by Replicate1 Listener. The
installer assumes the port is free if the port is not active.
Click Next.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 27

How to Install Replicate1

Reconfiguration The port number contains the value specified in the previous
installation or reconfiguration.
When reconfiguring an installation, Replicate1 Listener must be shut
down prior to installing or the Installer assumes the port is in use by
another service.

11. The next window is used to specify the amount of memory in megabytes to use for
data movement. The minimum memory is the threshold at which the Java Virtual
Machine begins collecting allocated memory no longer referenced and setting the
memory as free and available. In the Max. Memory field, if you enter any other
value than *NOMAX, it is interpreted as a maximum memory setting.
Click Next.

28 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Installation: a multi-step process

Reconfiguration The memory minimum and maximum parameters contain the values
specified in fill in the previous installation or reconfiguration.

12. Select the Secure Socket Layer options to use in all network communications with
the recipient host.
Click Next.

Reconfiguration The SSL option selected is the one chosen in the previous installation
or reconfiguration.

13. The summary window reviews your selections. If correct, click the Install button. If
incorrect, click Back and make changes.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 29

How to Install Replicate1

Reconfiguration Click the Reconfig button to continue.

14. If the install is successful, you will receive the following successful message. Click
OK to close.

Reconfiguration You will receive a similar message if the reconfiguration is successful:

15. The final window shows the installation results. Click Finish to end the installation

30 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Installation: a multi-step process

Reconfiguration A similar window shows the reconfiguration results.

How to Install Using the Batch Installer

The Batch Installer may perform the installation on a local host running OS/400. The
Batch Installer may perform the installation on a remote machine running OS/400
where the local machine is UNIX or Windows.
The Batch Installer may be used to perform an initial full install of Replicate1 or a
reconfiguration of an existing installation.

Before doing a reconfiguration, shut down Replicate1 Listener.

To run the batch installer, do the following steps, each of which is described in a
1. Create the host.list File containing entries for installing to one or more
2. Create the <host_name>.properties File for each host listed in the host.list file
where HOSTNAME is the name of the host machine to install Replicate1.
3. Execute the Batch Installer.
Create the host.list File: Create the host.list file containing entries for
installing to one or more hosts.
The host.list file identifies one or more hosts on which to install Replicate1. The
file must be located in the current directory where the Installer is running. Below is a
sample host.list file:

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 31

How to Install Replicate1

This example asks the Batch Installer to install on two hosts:
• A local, initial full install onto the UNIX host named vector
• A remote, reconfigure install onto the OS/400 host named mountain
Keywords and input parameters may be in mixed case. The order of the input param-
eters is important. Comments are denoted by a ‘#’ in the first column of a line. Com-
ments are not allowed on the right side of a key=value property specification.

Table parameter description

Keyword or Input Value Description

Remote Y or N N is the default. N indicates the install will occur
locally where the Installer program is running.
Y indicates the Installer program will install on a
different host than where the installer is running.
The originating host is a different host machine
than the recipient host.
This remote keyword affects all installing hosts
defined later in the host.list file until another
remote keyword is specified.

Reconfigure Y or N N is the default. N indicates the installer must

perform a full install of Replicate1.
Y indicates that hosts have an existing Replicate1
installation and should be reconfigured.
This reconfigure keyword affects all hosts
defined later in the host.list file until another
reconfigure keyword is specified.

host_filename = Defines host (recipient host) on which to install

HOST_TYPE Replicate1.
host_filename The host_filename parameter identifies the
properties file containing the installation
parameters for installing to one host.
host_filename plus .properties comprises
the properties filename.
In the example above, there would be two
property files names named and
HOST_TYPE The HOST_TYPE is the recipient host operating
system type. Valid operating system type is
OS400. (See Installation Guide for other types.)

Create the <host_name>.properties File: Define a separate .properties file

for each host listed in the host.list file where <host_name> is the name of the
host machine to install Replicate1. Each .properties file must be located in the

32 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Installation: a multi-step process

current directory where the installer is running. Below is a sample .properties file
named for the host named mountain:
# Sample OS400 install parameters file
# HOST_NAME is the name of the OS400 host to install

Table keyword description

Keyword Description
HOST_NAME Network name or IP address of the host to be installed on.

HOST_USER Required only for remote installs.

Name of the remote user on the host that “owns” the installation.
This user does the remote connect and should own the directory where
Replicate1 is being installed or should have permission to write to this

HOST_PASS Required only for remote installs.

Password associated with HOST_USER.
Leave blank or enter <PROMPT> if you prefer to be prompted rather than
save your password in a file.

JAVA_PATH Directory where the Java executables are located on the recipient host.
JAVA_PATH is required when installing to a remote host .

INSTALL_CD Directory location of the installation file.

The Installer requires the current working directory to be writable.

INSTALL_DIRECTORY Directory on the installing host where Replicate1 will be installed.

LISTENER_PORT TCP/IP port number to be reserved for Replicate1 Listener. Enter NONE
if the installer is to skip the installation of the data movement kernel and
Replicate1 Listener.

INITIAL_MEMORY Initial memory setting of the Java heap memory (default, 32).
On OS/400, the number specifies the threshold at which the Java Virtual
Machine begins collecting allocated memory no longer referenced and
setting the memory as free and available.

MAXIMUM_MEMORY If you enter any other value than *NOMAX, it is interpreted as a maximum
memory setting.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 33

How to Install Replicate1

Table keyword description (Continued)

Keyword Description
SSL_AUTH Flag of either “Y” or “N” that indicates whether SSL authentication is to be
used. A “Y” value means that –Dssla will be passed to Replicate1

SSL_ENCR Flag of either “Y” or “N” that indicates whether SSL encryption is to be
used. A “Y” value means that –Dssle will be passed to Replicate1

INSTALL_CLIENT Flag of either Y for yes or N for No, indicating whether to install the
Replicate1 Console and Replicate1 Console tools.

NUM_DRIVERS On OS/400, specify 0 for NUM_DRIVERS. Replicate1

automatically installs the driver.
DRIVER_ID_n On OS/400, do not specify a DRIVER_ID for the JTOpen400 JDBC
driver. Replicate1 automatically installs the driver.

DRIVER_CLASSPATH_n On OS/400, do not specify a DRIVER_CLASSPATH for the

JTOpen400 JDBC driver. Replicate1 automatically installs the
COMMAND_LIBRARY Name of an OS/400 Command library.
This library is used by the installer to contain 2 command language
programs, OMNIL and OMNIC. The former is a program that can be called
to start the Replicate1 Listener, and the latter is a program that can be
called to run the Replicate1 Console.
The installer creates this library if it does not already exist, and then
creates a file called COMMANDS, if it does not already exist. The installer
copies into COMMANDS the files that contain the command language
source for the two programs and then generates the two programs.

TARGET_ONLY Enter Y or N, depending on whether this is a target-only installation.

TRANSLATE_BINARY Enter N, unless you have been specifically advised by your

support/services engineer.

INSTALL_JETTY On OS/400, specify N.

INSTALL_LIBRARY Library where the Delete Journal Receiver exit program is to be installed.
This library MUST be the same as the Change Selector install library (for
example, OMNIENT). The Change Selector install library is specified on
the server Properties window.

Execute the Batch Installer: Once the input files, the host.list file and
<host_name>.properties file, are created, the next step is to run the batch
installer. The Installer always writes an “install.log” file in the current working
directory of the Installer. This detailed log documents the installation.
• When the originating host is UNIX, execute the Batch Installer with the command:
• When the originating host is Windows, execute the command:

34 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

After installation

After installation, you begin modeling. Refer to the Getting Started Guide, which con-
tains information on the Change Selector and the OMNIREP subsystem.
Other topics of interest are described in the following sections:
• Licensing
• Starting Replicate1 Listener
• Stopping Replicate1 Listener
• Resizing DB2/400 Target Files for Replicate1 Console
• Reconfiguration
• Creating User Spaces

You usually receive by email what you need to license Replicate1 in the form of a
license file.
If you are FTPing the licensing file, you must specify that it is binary. The initial instal-
lation may be done without the license file. It is, however, required before you can
commit a model. Rename this file to “omnilicense” and save it in every kernel
directory where Replicate1 components are installed. See the following example:
where omnilicense is the licensing file name.
Note: The license file has no extension.
Replicate1 automatically reminds you if your license is within 30 days of expiring. This
message displays at startup and at the beginning of each subsequent day.
The license file must be populated across all kernel directories in order for the data
movement components to work correctly. .
Note: If you do not have a license file in the kernel directory, you get an error that
contains the following:
2004-04-01 09:09:16,528 [main] ERROR:-Exception obtaining
Replicate1 license
omnilicense (No such file or directory)
Replicate1 Listener has been terminated.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 35

Starting Replicate1 Listener

Starting Replicate1 Listener

By default, an OS/400 installation creates and attempts to start the Replicate1 Lis-
tener in a subsystem called OMNIREP from the Command library specified on the
OS400 Installation Parameters window. Working with the OMNIREP subsystem is
described in more detail in the Getting Started Guide.
A local or a remote reconfiguration starts the Replicate1 Listener by starting the
OMNIREP subsystem.
To determine if Replicate1 Listener is active, create a model in the Replicate1 Director
with a host defined with the appropriate host name and port and test the connection.
See the Getting Started Guide for instructions.

Stopping Replicate1 Listener

To stop Replicate1 Listener on an OS/400 machine, from a shell in an AS/400 green
screen, do the following:
• Issue a “cd” command to change to the kernel subdirectory under the install
• Issue the command:
omnilistener stop
You should receive a message like the following:
nrep402/<machine name>/kernel $ omnilistener stop
2004-04-01 09:17:43,724 [main] INFO:Replicate1 <Version
information> Date: 2004/03/30 05:03:46

2004-04-01 09:17:43,790 [main] INFO:<license information>

2004-04-01 09:17:43,793 [main] INFO:Using
2004-04-01 09:17:43,833 [main] INFO:Socket created from null to
<machine name> at port 20007
2004-04-01 09:17:43,836 [main] INFO:Entering verifySocket
2004-04-01 09:17:43,837 [main] INFO:Socket created from null to
<machine name> at port 20007
2004-04-01 09:17:44,144 [main] INFO:Recd:+HELLO 20007 1.171

Type help for a list of available commands.

Connection with Replicate1 Listener has been terminated.

Resizing DB2/400 Target Files for Replicate1 Console

If you intend to use Replicate1 Console for monitoring and control tasks, distribution
can increase the size of DB2/400 target files. This can be a problem for non-SQL files
defined with a specified size limit (files created using CRTPF (create physical file) are
given by default a size of 13,000 rows). You may need to resize or reorganize your
target files.

36 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6


When Replicate1 deletes target records, the deleted record slot is not reused, so the
target file may grow to its maximum and cause Replicate1 to receive an error or hang
in a message wait state. Copy's default apply mode is the most likely to encounter this
problem, since it immediately deletes all specified target records before inserting their
Before using Replicate1, do one of the following:
• Adjust the size of any at-risk target files using the CHGPF SIZE(*NOMAX)
• Create new target tables with SQL and not CRTPF.
Otherwise, you must monitor the target file sizes and use RGZPFM as necessary to
reorganize files to reclaim space.


Before doing a reconfiguration, shut down Replicate1 Listener.

In addition to doing a full install, you can reconfigure an existing installation. The steps
for running the GUI Installer or the Batch Installer are the same as for an initial, full
install. All parameter values may be changed except the recipient Host and the instal-
lation directory.
• The GUI Installer attempts to detect an existing installation of Replicate1 on the
installing host by creating a 'file' in a well-known writeable system directory. The
directory is the “temporary I/O” directory provided by the Java system property The 'file' is either a link to the <host_name>.properties
file in the host installation directory, or a copy.

Table 7.

Platform Temporary Directory File Type

OS/400 /tmp Copy of the

The Installer checks for the last installation done on the host being installed. It
does not check for Replicate1 installations on the same host done prior to the last.
It displays the parameter values specified on the prior install in all windows except
the initial window where the recipient host is defined.
• The Batch Installer reconfigures a host installation if the reconfigure keyword
parameter in the host.list file is Y.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 37

Creating User Spaces

Creating User Spaces

Replicate1, specifically, the Replicate1 Director, creates user spaces, file type *USRSPC, for
the change selector configuration files. If your system restricts user spaces, the Replicate1
installation and metabase libraries must be added to the system variable QALWUSRDMN.
Check the setting with “dspsysval qalwusrdmn”. Its value will be either *ALL or a list of librar-
ies. If the value is a library list, the system administrator will need to add the installation and
metabase libraries to this list following the installation.

38 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6


• If you are upgrading the AS400 Change Selector installation

from an Replicate1 version prior to V4.0.4, the Change Selector
installation fails with V4.0.4 if the *OMNIENT license code is
bad or expired. To avoid this, issue the following command from
STRSQL on the AS400:

Upgrade Steps
In general, use the following steps to upgrade the software when you are upgrading
from a previous 4.0.x release:
1. Stop the following:
– In a monitoring and control tool, stop the Change Selector. For example, In
Replicate1 MonCon, this is done in the Process view.
– In a monitoring and control tool, shut down the Replicate1 Kernel. For
example, in Replicate1 MonCon, this is done in the Process view.
– Stop the Replicate1 Listener. For more information, see “Stopping Replicate1
Listener” on page 36.
– Stop the omnirep subsystem by issuing the command:
2. Install into the existing OMNIENT library (recommended approach) as described
in Table 8. You do not need to modify the shadow tables in any way with this
approach. If you are reinstalling the product in an existing library, the installation
job replaces the objects that were initially installed but does not affect existing
logs, configuration files, or Replicate1 metabase files. The OEINST320 file in the
product library lists the objects that are installed.
Or, install into a separate OMNIENT library as described in Table 9.
The procedure for doing each of these is summarized in the following sections.

Table 8. Installing into the existing OMNIENT library

From... Do this What happens

1. Ensure all user transactions
are stopped and the
replication queues are

Replicate1 MonCon 1. Shutdown the Change


OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 39

Upgrade Steps

Table 8. Installing into the existing OMNIENT library(Continued)

From... Do this What happens

Replicate1 FTP site 1. Copy the ECS driver file, for
example, ECSE401218.
This file contains the OS/400
Replicate1 Software.

OS/400 command line 1. Execute the install command: Lakeview Technology Common
<driver name>/qinstecs Install screen displays.

Lakeview 1. Navigate to the line that Install Lakeview Product

Technology Common displays the current OMNIENT screen displays.
Install screen library. You see the following messages
2. Select option 1: Clearing library OMNIENT of
1=Install/Upgrade. (This shipped objects
goes under the OPT column on Restoring system objects into
the left of the screen.) library OMNIENT
3. Press [Enter]. Installation completed,
with warnings, into
library OMNIENT.

Check the joblog for messages.

(The "warnings" are normal and
should be expected; this can be
verified by checking the joblog.

GUI or Batch Installer Install the Replicate1 software

using the GUI (see page 20) or
Batch Installer (see page 31) with
the reconfiguration options.

Replicate1 Director For more information, see

“Replicate1 Director Steps” on
page 42.

Replicate1 MonCon, For more information, see

Replicate1 Console, or “Monitoring and Control Steps” on
WebMonCon page 43.

40 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Upgrade Steps

To install into a new library (all components), do the following:.

Table 9. Installing into a new OMNIENT library

From... Do this What happens

Ensure all user transactions are
stopped and the replication
queues are drained.

Replicate1 MonCon Shutdown the Change Selector.

Replicate1 FTP site Copy the driver file, for example,

This file contains the OS/400
Replicate1 Software.

OS/400 command line 1. Execute the install command: Lakeview Technology Common
<driver Name>/qinstecs Install screen displays.

Lakeview 1. Navigate to the line that reads Install Lakeview Product

Technology Common OmniEnterprise *NEW screen displays.
Install screen 2. Select option 1:
1=Install/Upgrade. (This
goes under the OPT column on
the left of the screen.)
3. Press [Enter].

Install Lakeview
Product screen

1. Enter a name for the new

library (for example,
2. Backup your OLD OMNIENT
library and rename your
NEWLIBRARY to the existing
OMNIENT library. Otherwise,
you will have to modify your
existing production model to
reference the new Replicate1

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 41

Replicate1 Director Steps

Table 9. Installing into a new OMNIENT library(Continued)

From... Do this What happens

GUI or Batch Installer Install the Replicate1 software
using the GUI (see page 20) or
Batch Installer (see page 31) with
the reconfiguration options.

Replicate1 Director For more information, see

“Replicate1 Director Steps” on
page 42..

Replicate1 MonCon, For more information, see

Replicate1 Console, or “Monitoring and Control Steps” on
WebMonCon page 43.

3. Finish upgrading the model.

Replicate1 Director Steps

In addition to general software preparation outlined in “Upgrade Steps,” use the fol-
lowing steps to upgrade the model from a previous 4.0.x release.
After you upgrade the software, perform the following step in Replicate1 Director:
1. Open your production model.
2. Import the data enhancement method .rsl file, if a new method is available.
If Release Notes say a new built-in data enhancement method is available, use
the following steps to make the method available when you open a model that
was defined using a previous V4.x of Replicate1. Otherwise, the new method is
not listed.
a. From the menu, choose File > Import RSL or click on .
b. In the Specify RSL File Name dialogue box, navigate to the director
subdirectory, for example:
c:\Program Files\OmniRep405\director

c. Import rpv4methods.rsl.
You will receive an error for each existing method; these may be ignored. The
list of messages is output in a text file since it is too long to be displayed in a
single window.

42 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Monitoring and Control Steps

Any new data enhancement methods are imported into the model.
Note: If you are using a model that was defined using 3x and if you do not
have any V4 servers, you would not see any V4 methods.

If you import the file rpv4delmeth.rsl, it deletes all built-in

methods! Any mappings that use these methods will revert to NULL

3. Install the metabase. If you receive a message asking if you want to go from 40A
to 40B, respond Yes.
4. Perform a full commit of the model to take advantage of the latest features of the
new release.
– Right click on the Model or Host branch.
– Select Full Commit.

Monitoring and Control Steps

In Replicate1 MonCon, Replicate1 Console, or WebMonCon, do the following:
1. Perform a Model Update.
2. Start the Change Selector.
3. Test Replication or Copy.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 43

Monitoring and Control Steps

44 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6


Uninstalling does not remove user-created files, such as models and logs.
Use the following procedure to remove Replicate1 on a computer using OS/400.

1. The product must not be active.

2. Remove the metabase. See the Getting Started Guide for directions.
3. Delete the Replicate1 library, default name OMNIENT, using the drop
collection SQL command.

4. Issue the following command from a command line:

The Lakeview Technology Installed Products panel displays.
5. Type 4 in the Opt column for the product you are uninstalling, and press Enter.
The Confirm Uninstall of Product panel displays.

6. Press Enter to confirm the removal.

When the software is removed, you are returned to The Lakeview Technology
Installed Products panel.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 45

46 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6
OS/400 Reference

This section provides reference material related to the OS/400.
The principal topics in this section are:
• Product-level Security
• Changing or Displaying Messaging Defaults
• Changing the Product Library for Selected Object Types
• Converting Stream Files and Save Files

Product-level Security
Product-level security allows an administrator to limit product access. An administra-
tor can set a default authority level for *PUBLIC users and control access to levels of
function by setting authority levels for specific user profiles. For these authority levels
to take affect, product-level security must be turned on. Note the following:
• The user profile you use to perform these procedure must have *ADM authority to
License Manager.
• The change does not affect users running functions until the next time they access
a function that product-level security protects.
• To display authorized user profiles for a product library, see “Changing Authority of
User Profiles” on page 50.
• For information about granting, revoking, or changing an authority level for a user
profile, see “Changing Authority of User Profiles” on page 50.

License Manager Main Menu

Use the method in Table 10 to access the License Manager Main Menu.

Table 10. Accessing the License Manager Main Menu

From... Do this What happens

1. Enter the command: Lakeview Technology Installed
LAKEVIEW/WRKPRD Products screen displays.
2. Press [Enter].

Lakeview Technology 1. Input 9 next to the License License Manager Main Menu
Installed Products Manager product in the displays.
screen library you want.
2. Press [Enter].

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 47

Product-level Security

Granting authority to a user profile

Use the method in Table 11 to grant authority to a user profile to a product library or if
you do not know the product library.

Table 11. Granting authority to a user profile to a product library

From... Do this What happens

License Manager main 1. Enter 2 (for Work with The Lakeview Technology Installed
menu Products). Products display appears.
2. Press [Enter].

Lakeview Technology 1. Type 31 (for Grant Product Grant Product Authority screen
Installed Products Authority) next to the product displays.
screen library you want.
2. Press [Enter].

Grant Product Authority 1. Specify the name of the user Authority is granted to the user profile.
screen profile for which you are
granting authority.
2. Specify the highest authority
level that you want the user
profile to access. See
Table 12.
To set a default value for all
user profiles, specify
3. Press [Enter].

Table 12 lists valid values for access rights.

Table 12. Valid values for access rights

Value What it stands for... Description

*ADM Authorization rights Authorizes the user profile to functions that can create,
change, or delete security classes for users. This
authorization level also has *MGT, *OPR, and *DSP

*MGT Management rights Authorizes the user profile to functions that creates or
changes the configuration of the product. This
authorization level also has *OPR and *DSP rights.

*OPR Operational rights Authorizes the user profile to functions that controls the
operation of the product, such as starting or stopping
readers and reissuing failed requests. This authorization
level also has *DSP rights.

*DSP Display rights Authorizes the user profile to use menus and other
display functions.

*EXCL Exclude Prevents the user profile from accessing the product.

48 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Product-level Security

Use the method in Table 13 to grant authority to a user profile to all products in the
library or if you know the product library.

Table 13. Granting authority to a user profile for all products in the library

From... Do this What happens

License Manager main 1. Enter 12 (for Grant product Grant Product Authority screen
menu authority)next to the License displays.
Manager product in the library
you want.
2. Press [Enter].

Grant Product Authority 1. Specify the type of product Authority is granted to the user profile.
screen and the name of the library to
which you want to grant
2. At the User profile prompt,
specify the name of the user
profile to which you are
granting authority.
3. At the Authority level prompt,
specify the highest level you
want the user profile to
4. Press [Enter].

Displaying Authority of User Profiles

For each product library, you can display a list that shows the user profiles that have
been authorized to specific authority levels.
Note: Product-level security does not apply to the security officer user profile
(QSECOFR). As long as valid access codes exist, the QSECOFR user profile can
perform all functions. This allows the security officer to access a product in the
event that all other user profiles are excluded from access.
Use the method in Table 14 if you do not know the name of the product library or want
to display authority on one or more product libraries.

Table 14. Display authority on one or more product libraries

From... Do this What happens

License Manager main 1. Enter 2 (for Work with The Lakeview Technology Installed
menu Products) next to the License Products display appears.
Manager product in the library
you want.
2. Press [Enter].

Lakeview Technology 1. Enter 5 (for Display Product Display Product Authority lists user
Installed Products Authority) next to the product profiles that have access to this product
screen libraries that you want. library with an “X” in the column for
2. Press [Enter]. which the user profile has been
authorized. The entry for *PUBLIC
indicates the authority of all user
profiles that are not explicitly listed.

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 49

Product-level Security

Use the method in Table 15 if you know the name of the product library or want to
change all products in the library.

Table 15. Display authority on all products in the library

From... Do this What happens

License Manager main 1. Enter 11 for (Display Product Display Product Authority displays.
menu Authority)next to the License
Manager product in the library
you want.
2. Press [Enter].

Display Product 1. Specify the type of product

Authority screen and the name of the library
you want.
To set security for all products
in the library, specify *ALL at
the Product prompt.

Changing Authority of User Profiles

For each product library, you can change the authorization of the user profiles to
specific authority levels by first revoking the authority and then re-granting it.
Note: Ensure that the user profile to which you revoke or re-grant authority is not a
group user profile.
Use the method in Table 16 to revoke the authority to a user profile on one or more
product libraries or if you do not know the name of the product library.

Table 16. Revoke authority on one or more product libraries

From... Do this What happens

License Manager main 1. Enter 2 (for Work with Lakeview Technology Installed
menu Products) next to the License Products displays.
Manager product in the library
you want.
2. Press [Enter].

Lakeview Technology 1. Enter 32 (for Revoke Product Revoke Product Authority screen
Installed Products Authority). displays.
screen 2. Press [Enter].

Revoke Product 1. Specify the name of the user Authority level change is revoked.
Authority screen profile for which you are
revoking authority.
2. Specify the authority level that
you want to revoke.
3. Press [Enter].

50 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Product-level Security

Use the method in Table 17 to revoke authority to all products in the library or if you
know the name of the product library.

Table 17. Revoke authority on all products in the library

From... Do this What happens

License Manager main 1. Enter 13 (for Revoke Product The Revoke Product Authority screen
menu Authority) next to the License displays.
Manager product in the library
you want.
2. Press [Enter].

Revoke Product 1. Specify the type of product Authority level change is complete.
Authority screen and the name of the library to
which you want to revoke
2. At the User prompt, specify
the user profile from which you
are revoking authority.
3. Press [Enter].

Use the method in Table 18 to re-grant the authority to a user profile on one or more
product libraries or if you do not know the name of the product library.

Table 18. Re-grant authority on one or more product libraries

From... Do this What happens

License Manager main 1. Enter 2 (for Work with Lakeview Technology Installed
menu Products) next to the License Products displays.
Manager product in the library
you want.
2. Press [Enter].

Lakeview Technology 1. Type 30 next to the product Change Product Level Security
Installed Products libraries that you want. displays.
screen Note: If you select multiple
product libraries, you see
the Change Product
Level Security display for
each of the libraries you
2. Press [Enter].

Change Product Level 1. Specify the value you want for Authority level change is complete.
Security screen product-level security at the
State prompt.
2. Press [Enter].

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 51

Changing or Displaying Messaging Defaults

Changing or Displaying Messaging Defaults

Each Replicate1 product is shipped with default values for handling product messag-
ing. Use the method in Table 19 to display or change message-handling defaults for a

Table 19. Display or change message-handling

From... Do this What happens

License Manager main 1. Press [Page Down] to see Change License Mgr Messaging
menu the second display. (CHGLMMSG) screen displays.
2. Select option 31 (for Change
License Manager Messaging).
3. Press [Enter].

Change License Mgr 1. Specify the value you want for Change License Manager Messaging
Messaging the Product prompt. displays with the current settings for all
(CHGLMMSG) screen 2. Press [Enter]. libraries that contain this product.

Change License Change the default values for all Message handling change is complete.
Manager Messaging libraries containing the specified
screen product.
1. For the Enable message
handling prompt, specify
whether to send warning
messages to the specified
message queues when the
access code is about to
2. For the Enable on new access
code prompt, specify whether
to enable message handling
when the access code is
3. Specify the number of days
before expiration to begin
sending warning messages in
the Days before expiration
4. Specify the name and library
of the primary message queue
to which to send warning
5. Specify the name and library
of the secondary message
queue to which to send
messages. If you do not want
to have messages sent to a
secondary message queue,
specify *NONE.
6. Press [Enter].

52 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

Changing the Product Library for Selected Object Types

Changing the Product Library for Selected Object Types

Use the method in Table 20 change the product library for all objects of a specified
type within a library. Supported object types are *CMD and *MENU.

Table 20. Change product library type

From... Do this What happens

command line within 1. Use the command Change Product Library (CHGPRDLIB)
License Manager LAKEVIEW/CHGPRDLIB screen displays.
2. Press [Enter].

Change Product 1. Specify the name of the library Product library type changes are
Library (CHGPRDLIB) that contains the objects to be complete.
screen changed.
This value is also used as the
name of the product library.
2. Specify which type of object to
3. Press [Enter].

Converting Stream Files and Save Files

The Convert Stream File (CVTLKVSTMF) command converts a save file to a stream file
or converts a stream file to a save file. This allows you to:
• Convert a stream file you received over the Internet or from other media to a save
file format that you can use with Vision Solutions products.
• Package save files as stream files that can be sent to remote systems or to
CustomerCare system.
Use the method in Table 21 to convert a file

Table 21. Convert a stream file and save files

From... Do this What happens

command line within 1. Use the command Convert Lakeview Stream File screen
License Manager LAKEVIEW/CVTLKVSTMF displays.
2. Press [Enter].

Convert Lakeview 1. Specify the name of the save File is converted.

Stream File screen file and the name of the library
in which it exists.
2. Specify the name of the
stream file. The stream file is
created if it does not already
exist. If you are converting to a
stream file, the content of the
stream file is replaced with the
converted save file data.
3. Specify the type of conversion
to perform.
4. Press [Enter].

OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6 53

Converting Stream Files and Save Files

54 OS/400 Installation Guide V4.0.6

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