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Geoderma 363 (2020) 114150

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The kinetics of mercury vaporization in soil during low-temperature thermal T

Min-oh Parka, Moon-Hyun Kimb, Yongseok Honga,

Department of Environmental Engineering, Korea University Sejong Campus, Sejong City 30019, Republic of Korea
Department of Environmental Engineering, Daegu University, Geongsan-si 38453, Republic of Korea


Handling Editor: David Laird Equilibrium vapor-phase Hg concentrations and vaporization kinetics at temperatures from 100 to 400 °C were
Keywords: evaluated in field soil naturally contaminated with Hg0, as well as sand artificially contaminated with HgCl2,
Thermal treatment HgO, and HgS. The calculated change in the standard enthalpy of Hg vaporization (ΔH0) was 4.73 ( ± 1.52),
Remediation 2.11 ( ± 0.17), 5.59 ( ± 0.25), and 4.87 ( ± 0.46) kcal mol−1 for naturally Hg0-contaminated field soil and sand
Hg-contaminated soil artificially contaminated with HgCl2, HgO, and HgS, respectively. The measured ΔH0 was 30% of the theoretical
Desorption kinetics ΔH0, which suggests that higher temperatures are required to remove Hg from contaminated soil when com-
pared to pure chemical states. Thermal vaporization and desorption kinetics tended to increase upon increasing
the temperature; however, the rates at 300 and 400 °C were similar to each other due to kinetic limitations. Our
theoretical calculations showed that 90% Hg removal from field contaminated soil at 100, 300, and 400 °C
would require 204 days, 3.5 h, and 2.7 h, respectively. At low temperature (i.e., approximately 100 °C), an
unrealistically long time was required for Hg removal from soil; however, increasing the temperature up to
400 °C did not necessarily decrease the remediation time. Thus, optimal remediation temperature needs to be
evaluated based on Hg thermal desorption and volatilization kinetics.

1. Introduction A number of remediation technologies, such as thermal treatment,

electro-kinetics, soil flushing/washing, and phytoremediation, have
Over the past several decades, the toxic and persistent existence of been applied to remove mercury from soils (He et al., 2015; USEPA,
mercury in environments has given rise to significant health concerns for 2007). Sequential extraction methods have suggested that Hg in soils
humans (Biester et al., 2000; Rice et al., 2014; Skyllberg, 2010; Zhao et al., has a low solubility in dilute acids (Bloom et al., 2003; Issaro et al.,
2016; Zhu et al., 2015). Soil can be contaminated with high levels of 2009; Kim et al., 2000) and solution pH decrease to 3 only removed
mercury originating from various natural and anthropogenic sources, such 0.3% of total Hg in soil, hence washing was considered to be ineffective
as gold mining and chlor-alkali production (UNEP, 2013). Many Hg spe- (Cox et al., 1996; Xu et al., 2014). Complexing ligands, such as iodine,
cies such as Hg0, HgCl2, HgO, and HgS occur in soil. Further, their spe- can be used to increase the solubility of Hg in water and promote
ciation can be affected by environmental redox reactions and adsorption, electro-kinetic remediation for removing Hg from soils (Cox et al.,
as well as complexation with soil humic acids or with inorganic ligands 1996). However, this technique is considered to be ineffective as its Hg
(Bollen et al., 2008; Kim et al., 2000; Miller et al., 2015; Miller et al., removal efficiency is low and its energy demand is quite high (Sierra
2013). HgCl2 is often observed in contaminated soils due to its frequent et al., 2016). As an alternative, thermal treatment is considered a
industrial use. HgS, also known as cinnabar, is a widely-occurring geolo- promising technique for mercury removal from soils due to high vola-
gical species in Hg mining areas. HgO is another Hg species that is often tility (Park et al., 2015; Sierra et al., 2016).
found in soil; it is produced by the oxidation of Hg0 in spill sites and from Upon thermal treatment, soil temperature increases due to heat
the readsorption of Hg2+ onto oxygen-containing functional groups (Liu conduction; this facilitates contaminant desorption, vaporization, and
et al., 2011; Miller et al., 2015; Padak et al., 2006). Among the afore- removal by an induced gas flow (USEPA, 2007; Vidonish et al., 2016).
mentioned Hg species, Hg0 and HgCl2 are highly volatile and can evapo- In-situ thermal desorption (ISTD) generally uses heating elements and
rate from soil; therefore, many health problems have been linked to Hg extraction wells to apply heat and vacuum, respectively; these two
exposure via inhalation (Baughman, 2006; Bollen et al., 2008). treatments are carried out simultaneously to remove Hg from soil sub-

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Hong).
Received 26 July 2019; Received in revised form 9 December 2019; Accepted 17 December 2019
Available online 20 January 2020
0016-7061/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.-o. Park, et al. Geoderma 363 (2020) 114150

surfaces (Kunkel et al., 2006). Ex-situ techniques generally rely on ro- herein were ACS grade or trace metal grade. Field contaminated soils
tary kiln-type reactors (Sierra et al., 2016; Taube et al., 2008). In both were collected from a liquid Hg0 spill site in Korea. The soils were used
types of methods, the temperature at which Hg species are vaporized to as capping materials to prevent the vaporization of Hg0 that con-
gas is considered to be the most important parameter for removing Hg tinuously spilled in the basement of a light bulb factory for three
from soil. Thermal treatment is generally categorized into low tem- months. Thus, vapor-phase elemental Hg0 was the initial source of Hg
perature (100–350 °C), high temperature (350–600 °C), and destructive contamination. Soils were collected from the field and passed through a
temperature (600–1000 °C) subsets (Falciglia et al., 2011). Previous 2 mm sieve to remove large debris and pebbles, after which they were
studies have suggested that most Hg species found in contaminated soils stored in the dark in polypropylene containers until further use.
can be volatilized in the low-temperature range (Park et al., 2015; Sequential extraction was carried out on these soils to investigate Hg
Taube et al., 2008). The remediation potential of Hg-contaminated soil distribution in various phases – water-soluble fraction 1 (deionized
by low-temperature thermal treatment has been further proved by Hg water), weak acid-soluble fraction 2 (0.1 M CH3COOH + 0.01 M HCl),
pyrolysis experiments (Biester and Scholz, 1997; Reis et al., 2012; Reis organic chelated fraction 3 (1 M KOH), elemental Hg0 fraction 4 (12 M
et al., 2015). HNO3), and sulfide-associated fraction 5 (7.5 mL concentrated
Thermodynamic speciation of mercury in soil and gas and de- HCl + 2.5 mL concentrated HNO3) (Bloom et al., 2003; Kim et al.,
termining the temperature at which various Hg species vaporize is 2003). In addition, field contaminated soil was further sieved through
necessary for developing cost-effective remediation strategies (Falciglia 250 μm and 63 μm sieves and Hg concentrations in sand, silt, and clay
et al., 2011; Smith et al., 2001; Taube et al., 2008). However, thermal fractions were measured by aqua regia extraction (7.5 mL concentrated
desorption and volatilization processes can be kinetically limited by HCl + 2.5 mL concentrated HNO3) to investigate soil-particle size-de-
intra-particle and/or inter-particle diffusion processes (Lighty et al., pendent Hg distribution. Artificially contaminated soils were prepared
1990) and these limitations are dependent on the temperature and by spiking HgCl2 (Acros), HgS (Sigma Aldrich), and HgO (Sigma Al-
chemical status of Hg species in soil (Biester and Scholz, 1997; Falciglia drich) to extra pure quartz sand (Fisher Chemical). In the first step,
et al., 2011; Reis et al., 2015; Taube et al., 2008). Such complexities can 1000 mg Hg/kg sand was prepared by mixing the Hg chemical of in-
significantly affect remediation strategies, i.e., by increasing cost and terest with 200 g of quartz sand in an end-over-end tumbler for 1 day.
treatment time; however, little information is available on these aspects Later, the sand was diluted 10 times by mixing 20 g of the prepared
in existing literature. Hence, in the present study, high-resolution ki- mixture with 180 g of sand in the tumbler for 1 more day to achieve a
netic rate constants are evaluated for various mercury species in low Hg concentration of 100 mg kg−1. The final spiking concentrations of
temperature ranges (100–400 °C) to provide insights and fundamental various Hg species were confirmed by aqua regia extraction.
design parameters and concepts for Hg thermal treatment processes.

2.2. Hg vaporization kinetic experiments

2. Materials and methods
Mercury thermal desorption experiments were conducted in a
2.1. Chemicals and reagents custom-built experimental setup (Fig. 1). More detailed schematics of
the setup are shown in Figs. S1 and S2. Experiments were conducted in
All the chemicals and reagents used in the experiments described 10 cm (length) × 7.0 mm (o.d) × 5.0 mm (i.d.) quartz column reactors

Fig. 1. Schematic of the experimental setup for the thermal desorption of Hg-contaminated soils.

M.-o. Park, et al. Geoderma 363 (2020) 114150

under two conditions – batch system without gas flow and continuous 3. Results
system with nitrogen gas flow. A quartz column containing 0.1 g of Hg-
contaminated soil was heated using a 70 cm-long 22 gauge nichrome 3.1. Thermal treatment – Temperature control
wire coiled to a final length of 5 cm. Four quartz column reactors were
constructed, which allowed us to conduct four thermal desorption ex- Controlling temperature in the quartz column reactor surrounded by
periments at once. The temperature of the quartz column reactor was a nichrome wire coil was critical in evaluating Hg thermal treatment
controlled by changing the voltage applied to the nichrome wire coil. kinetics. The results of temperature control are shown in Fig. S3.
Temperature inside the quartz column was measured using high-tem- Changes in temperature in response to changes in the applied voltage
perature K-type thermocouples with fiberglass insulation and connected were rapid and steady-state temperatures could be obtained within
to a DAQ Pro 5300 portable meter (Omega, England). The relationship 3 min in the temperature range of 50 to 400 °C. In addition, steady-state
between voltage applied to the wire coil and temperature of soil in the temperatures in the quartz tubing reactor were found to exhibit a linear
quartz column was also determined in this study. The soil temperature trend with respect to the applied voltage. The relationship between
of soil was controlled in the range of 100 to 400 °C by controlling the applied voltage and soil temperature in the quartz column is as follows.
applied voltage.
temp( °C) = 23.8 + 56.1 × voltage(V), R2 = 0.99 (3)
For batch-type experiments, both sides of the quartz column were
tightly sealed with 5 mm-thick silicone septa. Temperature was in- This observation confirmed that the custom-built experimental
creased from 100 to 400 °C by controlling the applied voltage. After setup was appropriate for our Hg thermal desorption experiments in
30 min, during which the gas-phase Hg concentration equilibrated, soils.
50 μL of the gas containing vapor-phase Hg samples in the head space
was sourced using a 50 μL needle-type SGE® gas tight syringe. The Hg 3.2. Field and laboratory Hg-contaminated soil
gas sample in the syringe was immediately purged into a KMnO4 so-
lution (prepared by mixing 1.8 g of KMnO4 (Sigma Aldrich), 7.5 mL of The average Hg concentration in the field contaminated soil was ap-
trace-metal grade H2SO4 (Fisher), 7.5 mL of trace-metal grade HNO3 proximately 35.1 ( ± 0.78; i.e., standard deviation) mg kg−1. The frac-
(Fisher), and 285 mL deionized water) at a flow rate of 20 mL min−1. In tions of sand (250 μm < , < 2 mm), silt (63 μm < , < 250 μm), and clay
the solution, vapor-phase Hg was absorbed and oxidized to Hg2+ (63 μm <) were 79.1%, 19.2%, and 1.7%, respectively, and the total Hg
(Wiatrowski et al., 2009). Hg levels in KMnO4 were determined using a (THg) concentrations at these different sediment sizes were 29.4 ( ± 0.29),
cold vapor-atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (CV-AFS) system 53.5 ( ± 1.15), and 63.9 ( ± 0.21) mg kg−1, respectively. THg con-
(BrooksRand, USA) according to the US EPA method 1631. centration was high in silt and clay fractions; however, the sandy fraction
For thermal desorption kinetic experiments with N2 gas flow, one also contained a high Hg concentration that exceeded the 10 mg kg−1
end of the quartz column was connected to 99.9999% nitrogen gas regulatory soil contamination limit mandated in Korea (
using an Aalborg® ball flow controller and the other end was connected kr/eng/web/ Sequential extraction results from
to a Hg trap made of gold beads (BrooksRand, USA). Later, the column fractions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 resulted in 1.47 ( ± 0.67), 0.03 ( ± 0.01), 0.63
temperature was increased from 100 to 400 °C. Additionally, the ni- ( ± 0.25), 82.1 ( ± 6.9), and 15.8 ( ± 6.5) %, respectively, suggesting that
trogen flow rate was regulated at 0.56, 5.6, and 56 mL min−1, which most of the Hg was strongly associated with the soil. The relatively high
was within the range of typical soil vapor extraction technology pro- levels of Hg in the sand fraction and poor Hg extraction in dilute acidic
cesses (Dixon and Nichols, 2006). solutions further suggested that solution-based remediation technologies
Vaporized Hg was transported to the gold-coated glass bead trap by (e.g., soil washing and electro-kinetics) are not effective for Hg removal
N2 gas where volatilized Hg was captured. The trap was changed after from soil (Xu et al., 2014). In the case of artificially contaminated sand,
0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 h to analyze time-dependent Hg vaporization. Hg THg concentrations in HgCl2, HgO, and HgS-spiked quartz sands were
in the trap was thermally desorbed at 450 °C for 20 min and the va- 97.2 ( ± 2.43), 93.4 ( ± 3.45), and 104.0 ( ± 7.6) mg kg−1, respectively
porized Hg was allowed to flow through 10 mL of KMnO4 for oxidation (these values were obtained from four replicates). It must be noted that
and trapping; Hg trapped by these reactions was subsequently analyzed these values were close to the target concentration of 100 mg kg−1, which
using a CV-AFS system according to the US EPA method 1631. Time- implies that the Hg spiking method produced relatively homogeneous Hg-
dependent Hg concentrations in soil were calculated by subtracting the contaminated soil.
concentration of Hg captured in the gold bead trap and KMnO4 solution
from the initial Hg concentration in soil. To determine the mass balance 3.3. Hg thermal treatment in the batch system
of Hg, the residual Hg in the soil was measured by aqua-regia extraction
after completion of 6-h thermal desorption. The kinetics of Hg desorption and vaporization at 200 °C for Hg-
contaminated soils are shown in Fig. S4 and Table S1. In the closed
2.3. Thermal treatment modeling system, vapor-phase Hg concentrations reached equilibrium within
40 min. The first-order rate constants for field contaminated soil and
The released Hg was converted to residual Hg in soil from mass HgCl2, HgO, and HgS-spiked sand were 0.05, 0.04, 0.034, and
balance calculation. Subsequently, the kinetics of Hg removal from soil 0.041 min−1, respectively, suggesting that the desorption kinetics were
were modeled using the following equation (Falciglia et al., 2011), distributed in a relatively narrow range within a factor of two. How-
ever, equilibrium gas-phase Hg concentrations varied by an order of
C = C0exp ( kt n ) (1)
magnitude, i.e., 0.65, 1.2, 0.14, and 0.15 g m−3 for Hg-contaminated
where C is Hg concentration in soil (mg kg−1) at time t (h), C0 is the soil and HgCl2, HgO, and HgS-spiked sand, respectively, at 200 °C.
initial Hg concentration in soil (mg kg−1), and k is the thermal deso- Equilibrium gas-phase Hg concentrations were further evaluated at
rption kinetic rate constant (h1/n); n is a parameter that represents the various temperatures and the results are shown in Fig. 2(A). The figure
non-linearity of thermal desorption kinetics. Taking natural log on both shows that the measured concentrations increased upon increasing the
sides of the equation would yield the following equation. temperature. Hg concentrations measured in the gas phase were similar
for field contaminated soil and HgCl2-spiked sand; they varied from 0.2
lnC = lnC0 kt n (2)
to 2 g m−3 when the temperature was increased from 100 to 400 °C. Hg
Using this equation, k and n were evaluated by a SigmaPlot® non- concentrations measured in the gas phase for HgO and HgS-spiked sand
linear least-squares method and the goodness of fit was evaluated in were similar and they were about an order of magnitude lower than
terms of the correlation coefficient, R2. those of field contaminated soil and HgCl2-spiked sand. Using the

M.-o. Park, et al. Geoderma 363 (2020) 114150

10 8
(A) 0 0
H measured =0.31* H theoretical -3.9
Hg conc. in gas phase (g m-3)

r =0.98

(kcal mol )

Hg0 HgS
4 contaminated HgO

0.1 soil


HgS HgCl2
0 100 200 300 400 500 0
12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33
Temperature (oC) 0 -1
H theoretical (kcal mol )
Fig. 3. Comparison between theoretically calculated ΔH0 of pure chemicals and
106 experimentally measured ΔH0 for field Hg0-contaminated soil and HgCl2, HgO,
(B) and HgS-spiked sand.
Hg conc. in gas phase (g m )

ΔH0 values corresponding to Hg vaporization were 4.73 ( ± 1.52),
2.11 ( ± 0.17), 5.59 ( ± 0.25), and 4.87 ( ± 0.46) kcal mol−1 for field
100 contaminated soil and HgCl2-, HgO-, and HgS-spiked sand, respectively.
These positive values indicate that the thermal treatment processes
were endothermic; thus, an increase in temperature would enhance Hg
10-3 0 removal from soil. The measured ΔH0 values were compared with the
HgCl2 theoretical ΔH0 values of pure Hg compounds, as illustrated in Fig. 3. A
low ΔH0 value indicates that a higher Hg vaporization can be achieved
10-6 HgO
HgS in response to small changes in temperature. Therefore, compounds like
HgCl2 could be effectively removed by slight temperature increases.
10-9 However, compounds such as HgO and HgS require larger increases in
0 100 200 300 400 500 temperature to achieve Hg vaporization and removal. Overall, the
o measured ΔH0 accounted for only 30% of the theoretical estimations,
Temperature ( C)
suggesting that higher temperatures are required to remove Hg from
Fig. 2. (A) Experimentally determined and (B) theoretically calculated vapor- contaminated soil when compared to Hg in pure chemical states. The
phase Hg concentrations in Hg0-contaminated soils and HgCl2, HgO, and HgS- presence of soil may be responsible for these lower standard enthalpy
spiked sand. values. Notably, a similar result was reported in an earlier study
whereby temperatures higher than those theoretically calculated were
Table 1
required to volatilize mercury compounds in soils (He et al., 2015).
Phase transition reactions of Hg and the related thermodynamic values.
Reactions Log K (25 °C) ΔH0 (kcal mol−1) 3.4. Hg thermal treatment in the gas flowing system

Hg0(l) = Hg0(g) –5.59 14.67 The temperature-dependent and species-dependent thermal deso-
HgCl2(s) = HgCl2(g) –6.84 20.04
rption kinetic behaviors of Hg are summarized in Fig. 4. After com-
HgO(s) = HgO(g) –14.41 31.70
HgS(s) = HgS(g) –13.64 27.57 pleting 6 h-long thermal desorption experiments, residual Hg con-
centrations in different soils were measured by aqua regia digestion.
Mass balance calculation was performed by adding the mass of residual
equations shown in Table 1, the vapor-phase Hg concentrations of pure Hg adsorbed in soil to the mass of thermally desorbed Hg in KMnO4
Hg chemicals, such as Hg0, HgCl2, HgO, and HgS, were calculated solution; the obtained result showed that the mass balance is greater
(Fig. 2(B)). It can be observed that the measured gas-phase Hg con- than 90%. In general, below 300 °C, the desorption kinetics were slow
centrations were significantly lower (by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude) and at temperatures greater than 300 °C, the kinetics were particularly
than the theoretically calculated values. From the measured data, fast for the first two hours, after which they slowed down and exhibited
change in standard enthalpy, ΔH0, which represents the amount of heat significant non-linearity. Several other researchers also observed this
absorbed in the thermal desorption reaction was calculated using the trend in thermal desorption experiments (Barnier et al., 2014; Falciglia
following equation, et al., 2011; Smith et al., 2001; Tse and Lo, 2002).
As shown in Fig. 4(A), for the field contaminated soil, removal ki-
KT2 H 0 T1 T2 netics were relatively slow at ~100 and 150 °C and became rapid at
ln =
KT1 R T1 T2 (4) temperatures greater than 200 °C. However, at 200 °C, the kinetics were
slow and residual Hg concentration in the soils approached a plateau
where KT1 and KT2 are the equilibrium constants of phase-transition at ~10 mg kg−1. To remove 90% of Hg from soil, it may be necessary to
reactions at temperatures T1 (K) and T2 (K), respectively, ΔH0 is the increase the temperature to 300 °C; this operation resulted in a Hg re-
standard change in the enthalpy of the reaction (kcal mol−1), and R is moval of 3 mg kg−1 in 6 h. Increasing the temperature beyond 300 °C
the universal gas constant (0.00198 kcal K−1 mol−1). did not increase the rate of kinetics significantly and thermal desorption

M.-o. Park, et al. Geoderma 363 (2020) 114150

40 120
(A) soil (B) HgCl2
Hg in soil (mg kg )

Hg in soil (mg kg )


20 60


0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Time (h) Time (h)

120 120
(C) HgO (D) HgS
100 100
Hg in soil (mg kg )

Hg in soil (mg kg )

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Time (h) Time (h)

100 oC
150 oC
200 oC
300 oC
400 oC

Fig. 4. Kinetics of Hg removal in (A) Hg0-contaminated soil and (B) HgCl2, (C) HgO, and (D) HgS-spiked sand at 100, 150, 200, 300, and 400 °C. The values shown
are the averages of four replicates; N2 flow rate to the quartz column was 5.6 mL min−1.

seemed to be kinetically limited. The kinetics of Hg removal from at temperatures greater than 300 °C is not affected by an increase in
HgCl2, HgO, and HgS-spiked sand are shown in Fig. 4(B), (C), and (D), heating time (Taube et al., 2008).
respectively. HgCl2 was removed rapidly even at temperatures < 150 It was found that the value of k was greater for Hg0 contaminated
°C; 50% removal was achieved in 6 h of thermal treatment. The re- soil and HgCl2-spiked sand when compared to HgO and HgS-spiked
moval kinetics of HgO and HgS were slow below 150 °C; however, they sand at the same temperature. A previous study showed that the tem-
increased when the temperature was raised to 200 °C and became rapid perature at which vaporized mercury was released from the original
at temperatures higher than 300 °C. Roughly 90% removal mercury compound followed the trend of
(10 mg kg−1) could be achieved within 6 h when the temperature was Hg0 ≈ HgCl2 < HgS < HgO (Teršič et al., 2014) and interestingly,
greater than 300 °C. the thermal desorption kinetic rate constants also followed the same
The fitted kinetic rate constant k and n used in Equation (1) are trend. The value of n increased slightly with an increase in temperature,
summarized in Fig. 5. In general, k shows significant temperature de- suggesting enhanced non-linear thermal desorption (Smith et al.,
pendence; it was observed that k increased with an increase in tem- 2001). Moreover, it was previously observed that n is the least accurate
perature. However, the rate of increase reduced when the temperatures parameter (Smith et al., 2001). As our data showed relatively less
were greater than 400 °C. Fundamental thermal desorption and va- variation for n among different test Hg-contaminated soils, n was fitted
porization processes can be divided into inter-particle diffusion and across different soils and temperatures as follows.
intra-particle diffusion, which represent the thermal desorption of
n = 1.3 × 10 3·T( °C) + 0.35, R2 = 0.35 (5)
pollutants from adsorbed sites or volatilization of individually present
Hg solids and the transport of thermally desorbed or volatilized Hg The k values shown in Fig. 5 were evaluated again at fixed n values
species through soil pores, respectively (Keyes and Silcox, 1994; Lighty of 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.65, and 0.75 when the temperatures were 100,
et al., 1990). This observation is consistent with a previous study that 150, 200, 300, and 400 °C, respectively. The values of reevaluated k,
showed that the evaporation of mercury from soil may be diffusion which is defined as k’, are shown in Fig. 6. There was a clear difference
controlled, rather than by its chemical and physical properties (vapor in the k’ of different tested samples. Desorption kinetics were found to
pressure and volatility) and adsorption strength; the mercury remaining be the fastest in HgCl2-spiked sand and slowest in HgS-spiked sand. The

M.-o. Park, et al. Geoderma 363 (2020) 114150

soil soil
1.2 1.2 HgO


k' (h )
k (h )




n=0.35+ 0.001* temp( C)
0 100 200 300 400 500
100 150 200 300 400
Temperature ( C)
Temperature ( C)
Fig. 6. Linear regression of n fitted with the equation n = 0.35
( ± 0.08) + 0.001 ( ± 0.0003) × temp (°C) and R2 = 0.40; k’ is reevaluated
using the fitted n.
soil (B) Table 2
HgCl2 The logistic curve parameters for k’ described as a function of temperature
HgO when n = 0.35 + 0.001 × temp (°C), R2 = 0.40. Note that k’ = a/(1 + exp
1.2 HgS (–(temp – x0)/b)). The values shown are averages (standard deviation) obtained
from 5 data points.
a b x0 R2

Soil 1.08 (0.03) 34.5 (4.5) 204 (5) 0.99

HgCl2 1.46 (0.09) 64.4 (9.5) 218 (13) 0.99
HgO 0.78 (0.07) 29.8 (14.3) 204 (15) 0.97
HgS 0.59 (0.04) 28.1 (10.1) 203 (10) 0.99

desorption kinetics and hence, in this study, N2 flow rate into the
0.0 thermal desorption column was controlled at 0.56, 5.6, and
100 150 200 300 400 56 mL min−1. The area of the quartz tubing reactor was 0.2 cm2 and the
measured porosity of soil and sand packed in the quartz tubing was
Temperature ( C) around 0.5; hence, a gas flow rate of 5.4 mL min−1 was equivalent to a
pore gas velocity of 0.1 cm s−1, which is a typical gas pore velocity in
Fig. 5. Fitted (A) k and (B) n for thermal desorption of Hg in Hg0-contaminated
soil vapor extraction processes (Dixon and Nichols, 2006). The results
soil and HgCl2, HgO, and HgS-spiked sand at different temperatures.
of thermal desorption kinetics experiments at various flow rate condi-
tions are summarized in Figs. S7 and S8. In the case of HgCl2-spiked
k’ values for field contaminated soil and HgCl2, HgO, and HgS-spiked sand, changing the flow rate from 5.6 mL min−1 to 0.56 and
sands followed a so-called S-curve between 100 and 400 °C, as shown in 56 mL min−1 changed k from 0.72 to 0.47 and 0.96, respectively. Ex-
Fig. S6. Finally, the behavior of k’ can be described using the following cept for HgCl2-spiked sand, the values k and n were not affected by the
logistics curve, flow rate, which further supports our hypothesis that thermal deso-
a rption kinetics are limited by inter-particle diffusion rather than intra-
y= (x x 0 )
(6) particle diffusion.
1+e b

where a is the maximum thermal desorption kinetic rate constant 4. Discussion

(h1/n), x0 is the midpoint of the curve, and b is the steepness of the
curve. Table 2 summarizes the parameters. The maximum thermal Thermodynamic simulations of Hg thermal desorption suggest that
desorption kinetic rate constant a as well as the steepness b were the Hg vaporization is possible even at temperatures as low as the boiling
highest for HgCl2-spiked sand, suggesting that these Hg species were point of water; however, as shown in the present study, such vapor-
the most reactive among the investigated samples. The values of a and b ization can be kinetically limited. Using Eq. (5) for n and Eq. (6) for k’,
were the lowest for HgS-spiked sand, which implies that these Hg the time for 70, 80, 90, and 99% Hg removal from contaminated soils
species were resistant to thermal desorption and volatilization pro- was calculated at various temperatures and the results are summarized
cesses. Eqs. (5) and (6) can be very useful in understanding and mod- in Fig. 7. For example, to lower Hg levels in field contaminated soil by
eling Hg removal kinetics at temperatures in the range of 100 to 400 °C 90%, 204 days would be required if the soil is heated at 100 °C. If the
(Table 3). temperature is raised to 300 °C, then the time required may be shor-
tened to 3.5 h; upon further increasing the temperature to 400 °C, the
3.5. Effects of flow rate on Hg thermal treatment time required would be further reduced to 2.7 h, which is not very
different to the time required to remove 90% of Hg in soil at 300 °C. In
Thermally desorbed and volatilized Hg needs to be removed by the case of HgS, the time required to lower Hg levels by 90% at 100,
induced gas flow which is usually varied from 0.01 to 0.12 cm s−1 300, and 400 °C is 3 days, 132 days, 8.5 h, and 6.2 h, respectively.
(Dixon and Nichols, 2006). This variation could affect Hg thermal Increasing the thermal desorption temperature could increase Hg

M.-o. Park, et al. Geoderma 363 (2020) 114150

Table 3
Fitted k and n for the thermal desorption data obtained from field contaminated soil and HgCl2, HgO, and HgS-spiked sand at 200 °C at flow rates of 0.56, 5.6, and
56 mL min−1. The values shown are averages (standard deviation) of four replicates.
Flow rate 0.56 mL min−1 5.6 mL min−1 56 mL min−1

k n R2 k n R2 k n R2

Soil 0.38 (0.080) 0.59 (0.10) 0.98 0.53 (0.13) 0.42 (0.12) 0.94 0.59 (0.15) 0.45 (0.12) 0.94
HgCl2 0.47 (0.096) 0.54 (0.098) 0.97 0.72 (0.19) 0.46 (0.12) 0.95 0.96 (0.32) 0.42 (0.15) 0.90
HgO 0.31 (0.074) 0.51 (0.11) 0.96 0.38 (0.092) 0.48 (0.11) 0.96 0.44 (0.11) 0.53 (0.12) 0.96
HgS 0.21 (0.018) 0.67 (0.042) 0.99 0.26 (0.024) 0.56 (0.044) 0.99 0.28 (0.036) 0.69 (0.064) 0.99

thermal desorption kinetics and faster remediation can be expected. other. An optimal heating temperature and remediation time that
However, increasing the temperature to very high levels (for e.g., minimize cost and enhance remediation effectiveness are desirable; in
300 °C in this study) did not significantly increase the rate of Hg re- this regard, the relationship between thermal desorption temperature
moval from soil due to kinetic limitations. In addition, raising the and the time to achieve a certain removal efficiency can provide useful
temperature increases remediation costs and deteriorates the physical insight and information.
and chemical properties of soil (O'Brien et al., 2018). Although low- In addition, kinetic information can be used to optimize the per-
ering the thermal desorption temperature may be considered cost-ef- formance of thermal desorption processes (Gilot et al., 1997; Keyes and
fective, it will significantly increase the remediation time, which will Silcox, 1994). For ISTD, heating elements can be installed as vertical
also lead to an increase in the process cost. Our study showed that the wells or as blankets. In this case, heat is mainly transferred by con-
heating temperature and time are negatively correlated with each duction, thus generating an uneven temperature distribution around

6 6
(A) soil (B) HgCl2
5 5

4 4
Log time (h)
Log time (h)

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Temperature (oC) Temperature ( C)

6 6
(C) HgO (D) HgS
5 5

4 4
Log time (h)
Log time (h)

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
o o
Temperature ( C) Temperature ( C)


Fig. 7. Time necessary to achieve different removal efficiencies at temperatures from 100 to 400 °C for (A) field contaminated soil and (B) HgCl2, (C) HgO, and (D)
HgS-spiked sand.

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