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Weekly Test in English (Q 1 Week 4)

Name: _________________________________________________ Grade &Section:_____________

I. Choose the word that best fits the sentence. Write your answer in the space provided

home , house 1. A ____________ is where a family lives happily and harmoniously.

hungry , starving 2. Rene spent the whole day playing basketball with his friends. When he arrived
home he was ____________ to death.
old , antique 3. Her ___________ collection of bottles must be worth a fortune.
small , minute 4. It has been found out that particles that are so ___________. we can't see by
our bare eyes, can cause allergies
thrifty , miser 5. Rex spends wisely and saves his allowance. However, if there is someone in
need, Rex helps that person, He is a ____________ person.
II. Box the correct answer.

6.__________is the specific , exact and concrete meaning of a word.

* Connotation * Denotation
5. It is an idea or quality that a word makes you think about in addition to its meaning.
*Denotation *Connotation
6. An _________ is a comparison of two things that may have similar or opposite characteristics or
*Word classification * Analogy
7. It is a skill of grouping related words together. Word can be classified ,or group together ,
according to ways in which they are similar._____________
*Analogy *Word classification

III. Choose the word that completes each sentence. vegetable church
8. A lion is to animal as rose is to _______________________ hand touch
9. Grass is to soil as seaweed is to _______________________ flower goat
10. A lantern is to Christmas as fireworks is to _____________ new year water
11. A kitten is to cat as kid is to __________________________ horse rock
12.Heel is to foot as palm is to ___________________________
13.Feet is to walk as hand is to ___________________________
14. A mango is to fruit as a squash is to ____________________
15. Muslims is to mosque as Christians is to _________________

IV. Heart the word or group of words that best describes the words in the box.

16 nephew , baby , teacher children people relatives

17. April, December , January holidays days months

18. cupcakes , brownies , cookies sour bitter sweet

19. milk , juice , tea

you can eat them you can cook them you can drink them
20. Dentist , Teacher , Scientist

They are mostly men They are mostly women They are all professionals

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