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TITLE OF JOURNAL ARTICLE: Thematic Analysis of Mainstream Rap Music -Considerations for
Culturally Responsive Sexual Consent Education in High School

AUTHOR/S: Christine Markham and Susan R. Tortolero

SOURCE: Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk, Volume
8, Issue 1, pp. 1-13

1. What is the journal article all about?
The journal article is all about sexual content of mainstream rap music.

2. What do you think is the main intention of the writer in writing the article?
The main intention of the writer is to show how sex, particularly sexual consent, is being
expressed in rap music.

3. What previous knowledge or perception about the topic is expressed by the writer?
(Note: Write a maximum of three and indicate the page when lifting your answer from
the article in verbatim.)
The previous knowledge or perceptions are:
a) An adolescent’s exposure to rap music is associated with engagement of
sexual risk behavior and the endorsement of misogynistic views and
sexualized stereotypes (1)
b) In mainstream music videos, alcohol and drug use is depicted more than any
other genre and this portrayal of substance use is often accompanied with
sexual imagery (1)
c) music with sexually suggestive and misogynistic themes influences sexual
communication and consenting behaviors (1)
d) Females who endorse sexual stereotypes and misogynist themes in music,
were less likely to communicate with their partner and negotiate sexual
consent (1)
4. What stages or processes are considered by the writer/s in analyzing the source if data?
a. Songs were identified from the Billboard Hot Rap Singles Year-End
b. Charts for the years 2001 through 2011
c. Lyrics were obtained from MetroLyrics, a lyrics website
d. Using thematic analysis, data are coded by analyzing the songs and identifying
lines/lyrics that suggest sexual situations, encounters, and gender-based
e. Identified lyrics (codes) are grouped according to themes
5. What is the source of data of the research? How is the source of data chosen? What is
the unit of analysis?
The sources of data of this study are 244 rap songs from Billboard’s Top 25 Rap Music
hits from 2001 – 2012. The songs are chosen based on the presence of sexual themes.
The units of analysis are lines/lyrics from the rap songs that express sexual themes or

6. Provide one specific objective/s OR statement of the problem and its corresponding
(Note: Write the corresponding page of the location of your answer regardless if copied
or rephrased.)


1. To identify themes related to sexual Three major themes emerged from analysis:
interactions in mainstream rap music
lyrics to provide greater insight into (1) It’s Really About Sex or Nothing at All
current social norms that may Sex is the only goal of male and female
influence adolescent sexual behavior, interaction. If sex does not occur, the
specifically sexual consent and interaction stops. It also includes rules for
communication. (3) this interaction, such as not being able to
change your mind once a decision about
sex has been made. (4)

(2) Substances as the Precursor/Enhancer

Alcohol and/or drugs are used in abundance
for the goal of sex. (4)

(3) Performance, Parts & Brand

Expectations for a female’s participation in
sexual activity that are based solely on
visual characteristics and non-verbal
standards. (5)
7. How did the writer/s support the findings? What specific examples are used? Justify the
use of the example.
The writers supported their answers by using lyrics or lines taken from the songs. An
example that supports the theme “It’s Really About Sex or Nothing at All” is found in
page 5:
Bottom of the ninth and a nigga gotta score
If not I gotta move on to the next whore
The sexual theme is suggested by the word “whore” which means prostitute. The lines
means that if the person cannot “score” or have sex with someone, he will just “move on to the
next whore” or will just look for another woman have sex with. For that person, any woman is a
whore so “it’s really about sex”.

8. What insights about social and global issues may be realized from this research?

The following insights may be realized: 1) there are people in our society who consider
women as sex object which causes them to disrespect them and physically, emotionally,
and psychologically abuse them; and 2) lyrics in music, like in rap music, reflect how we
view the people in our society, like women, and they provide a clue about the biases
and values that the society possesses.

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