Qpaper MPI Phy 1.11.20

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Xth Physics Exam paper for 1st November 2020

1. The following combination of resistance, 1 ohm each, are connected across AB to a

battery of 3 volts. Find the power dissipated by the configuration in Watts and enter
its magnitude only.

2. The figure shows three charged particles, held in place by certain means. Q1 and Q3 are
negative and Q2 is positive. Calculate the magnitude of the resultant electrostatic force on
Q1 in Newton (up to two places after the decimal only). Given that Q1 = -1.2 µC, Q2 = +3.7
µC, Q3 = -2.3 µC, distance Q1 and Q2 is 15 cm, distance Q1 and Q3 is 10 cm, the angle θ is 32
degree. Take k = 8.99 x 109N-m2/C2 sin 32 = 0.53 and cos 32 = 0.85

Q1 Q2

3. In the circuit diagram each resistance is of 10 ohm and current I passing through X. Calculate
the current in the arm XY in terms of “n” times I and enter the value of n up to two places
after the decimal only.

4. Calculate the current through the wire XY in Amp and enter the value only.
1 ohm 2 ohm

3 ohm 4 ohm

50 V
5. The resistance of a 5 cm long wire is 10 Ohm. It is uniformly stretched so that its length
becomes 20 cm. Calculate the new in resistance of the wire in Ohm and enter value only.

6. The wire AB is 1 meter and resistances R1 and R2 are 10 Ohm and 30 Ohm respectively and
the bridge is balanced at x. If the resistances R1 and R2 are interchanged, the balance point
will shift by how many centimeters? Enter value only.

R1 R2

x C

7. In the figure shown the resistances are in Ohm, calculate the current (in Ampere) drawn
from the battery. Multiply your answer by 8 and enter the resulting final number up to two
places after the decimal.

15 20

15 V
10 5

30 25

8. Calculate the current in amp’s through the 5 Ohm resistor shown in the circuit below and
enter value only up to two places after the decimal only.

2 volt 2 ohm

2 volt 2 ohm

5 ohm
9. Calculate the potential difference across the points P and Q in Volts and enter value only.

1 ohm 4V 8V 2 ohm

P 9 ohm Q

10. An electric heater has a rating of 4000 W at 200 Volt. It is operated on a 110 V supply.
Calculate the rate at which it develops heat in Watt and enter value only.

11. A uniform metal chain is placed on a rough horizontal table such that one end of the chain
hangs down over the edge of the table. When one-third of its length hangs over the edge
and two-third is on the table, the chain starts sliding. Find the coefficient of static friction
between the chain and the table. Enter value up to two places after the decimal only.

12. In Joule's experiment (experiment determining mechanical equivalent of heat), a body of

mass 15 kg falls through a height of 10.5 m and rotates a paddle wheel that stirs 375 ml of
water. Assuming no loss of heat to the surrounding, by how many Celsius will the water
temperature rise? Enter value only up to two places after the decimal only. Take g = 10 m/s2
Specific of water 4200 Joules per kg degree C

13. A smooth bowl of radius 20 cm is placed on ground. Its shape is perfectly hemispherical. A
particle of mass 50 g is placed on its inner edge of the rim as shown in diagram and is given
an initial velocity of 4 m/s directed vertically downward along the surface of the bowl.
Calculate by how many centimeters will it rise above the ground at the other end. Enter
value only. Ignore friction and air resistance. Take g = 10 m/s2.

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