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Term paper


Title:A study on emergence of m-commerce in hospitality.

Submitted to

Amity School of Hospitality

Guided By: Submitted By:

Mr. Manish Kumar Sharma ANKIT KUMAR


Amity School of Hospitality




This is to certify that the project report titled A study on emergence of m-commerce
in hospitality partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of BHM of
Amity School of Hospitality is an authentic work carried out by me with the best of my efforts.

Sign ______________
Enrol. No: A2728918087
BHM 5 Sem.


This is to certify that the project report titled A study on emergence of m-commerce
in hospitality is a bonafide work carried out by ANKIT KUMAR, Enrollment no
A2728918087 Of Bachelors of Hotel management programme of Amity School of Hospitality
for BHM degree of Amity University, Noida. (U.P)

(Name and Signature of Guide)

Amity School of Hospitality
Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida




I would like to express my special thanks and gratitude to my teacher Mr. Manish Kumar
Sharma who gave me the opportunity to do this project on the topic A study on
emergence of m-commerce in hospitality which encouraged me in doing a lot of
research and helped me finishing this project within the allotted time.

Sign ______________
Enrol. No A2728918087
BHM 5 Sem.




1 Abstract 6
2 Introduction 7
3 Objective of the study 8
4 Methodology 9
5 Observation 10-12
6 Advance application of m-commerce used in 10
hospitality industry
7 MODULE AND INTEGRATE m-commerce solution 11

8 Impact of m-commerce in hospitality industry till today

9 Some main brands of m-commerce in hospitality
industry 12
10 Prediction of m-commerce in hospitality
11 Advantages and disadvantages and reasons for using m-
commerce 13
9 Results 14
10 Discussion and conclusion 15
11 Reference 16

M-commerce in hospitality industry is wonderful and creative choice for the most of hotel
now a days in this competitive industry. It help in move on from the large number of
competitor in the market. We all know that hotel industry is very fast growing industry that’s
why m- commerce becoming boon for these industry now a days. We see that now a days
customers are also become technical that’s why they also want to become comfortable in
doing all the activities and every ones getting help in save time through using m- commerce. I
have discus below the emergence of m-commerce in many perspective to the hotel industry
according to current scenario. All the discussion undertaken is in the behalf of present market
of hospitality industry. Bellows are the mention of benefits of m- commerce to both the guest
as well as to hotel. Impact of m-commerce in revenue generation is also very important. I
have also discussed about the advantages and disadvantages of m- commerce in hospitality
industry. Various models of m-commerce are used in industry now a days. Significance and
importance are also undertaken during discussion in the study of following research. M-
commerce help in booking the hotel, doing registration, check in check out, knowing the
status of room and so many more activities are done by using m- commerce.

According to last 21 year we all have seen or absorb that the use of mobile is increasing
rapidly across the world and in hospitality industry also. This using of mobile phone
technology in large number or wide number has change the way of uses or acquired these
consumption traditionally. The type of interaction between one person to another and
communication between them are also got change very much by coming mobile phone use in
daily life. This uses of m- commerce technology making people life more comfortable and
important also. Hoteliers accept that this m- commerce is very important to reaching to the
main and potential customer in this competitive industry.
This is done only by making that purchasing of product and services is completed more and
only by using m- commerce. That purchasing are known as m-commerce. M-commerce act
as a mediator between hotel and customer in making communication , sharing information,
completing transaction, sharing data publicly or from private networking. It can be done at
any time or at any place freely. M-commerce are said to be reachable, accessible, locally
accepted, easily identified and very portable and comfortable.
Because of very different function m- commerce are becoming very different business and
marketing tools in now a days in the hospitality industry. Too many studies and research
explain that m-commerce are the modern trend for further future commerce. M-commerce
help the hospitality industry to becoming multydollerbillenierand worldwide industry. The
overall revenue collected are seen as dramatically growth in doller. M-commerce is becoming
more rapid and easy to use. Therefore it is said that m-commerce is very-very helpful in
changing the company financial status and performance in the market. It is very best tool in
gaining more and more customer to evolve more business and for betterment of customer
relationship management according to demand of these competitive market in hospitality
industry now a days.
Even these record seen m-commerce is little bit lacking more hotel now a days. Many hotel
are not taking advantage of m-commerce in their rapid growth. Many researcher suggested
that m-commerce is very-very important to gain profit and customer and for betterment and
rating their service among the customer. Some of the studies explain m-commerce as
movement of knowledge. M-commerce has many benefits than e-commerce like lesser the
difficulties, large benefits and so more. This is gaining popularity among innovative people,
before use people, and early user get more benefits.
In modern time many hotels moves towards these technology widely as observing their
benefits in customer attraction and revenue generation. It very helpful in making of
successful marketing strategies. Also help in giving the value to customer. It has too many
distinctive characteristics for adaptation. It consist of idea of acceptance and idea of
technology. It’s shaping also determine it’s widely use among the whole hospitality industry.
This is seen that hotelier life are getting improved by using m-commerce in wide numbers.
Hospitality intelligence is promoted the use of m-commerce to be personal among customer
and hotel for the better improvement in service as well as earnings. Uncourtly I can say that
future of hospitality industry is going to getting boom in growth by the help of m- commerce
which is very innovative also.

Objective of the study
The main words is to be come in mind while researching the study is that to study deep of
emergence of m-commerce in hospitality industry now a days in India. At that time I also
studies the impact of m-commerce in hospitality industry in present competitive market of
Indian hospitality industry.
Following are the some major objective of the study:
 To study about emergence of m-commerce in hospitality.
 To study about origin of m-commerce in Indian hospitality industry.
 To study the impact of m-commerce in hospitality industry.
 To study the advantages of m-commerce in hospitality industry.
 To study the disadvantages of m-commerce in hospitality industry.
 To study how hotel can use m-commerce for their betterment and growth.
 To study the idea of building strategies of using m-commerce.
 To study the little compression between m-commerce and e-commerce.
 To study the evolution of m-commerce.
 To study the mind-set of m-commerce in Indian hospitality industry.
 To study the technical advantage of m-commerce.

According to some researchers, m-commerce is merely an extension of e-commerce

Hadiana, 2016 adopts Kansei Engineering as a method in her research to translate the customer’s
feelings and impressions into m-commerce design[9]. As a result she found that there are six
emotions of the customer that have higher value on this perspective which is glamour, dynamic,
comfortable, passion, unique and cool whereby the dynamic and glamour on the top and second
place that have highest value among them. All this emotions can be used as a reference in how to
design the interface of m-commerce. At the final analysis, she identified the design concept of each
significant element under the dynamic and glamour interface. The design concepts of dynamic
interfaces are Background Color: Black, Header Color: Blue and Search Icon: Right. Meanwhile the
design concepts of glamour are Background Color: Black, Header Color: Black and Search Icon:
Right[9]. Tarasewich, 2003 categorize three elements in graphical representation of context model
that can be used for m-commerce design[6]. The three elements are environment, participants and
activities which linked to each other’s by interaction that exist among them. The environment
category is referring to availability and physical applications or devices and communications. The
participant’scategory involves the user’s physical characteristics and other elements inside the
environment. Meanwhile activities category is mention about all activities or task that performs by
participants in that environment. The designer must understand first this entire element on this
model for example people and how they interact with each of others[6]. Gong &Tarasewich, 2004
use Shneiderman’s “Golden Rules of Interface Design” as a starting point for their reference in order
to develop and propose their own guidelines for mobile interface design[10]. They proposed eight
main guidelines for the mobile design whereby four of them from Shneiderman’s including enable
frequent users to use shortcuts, offer informative feedback, design dialogs to yield closure and
support internal locus of control. The other four guidelines are consistency, reversal of actions, error
prevention and simple error handling and reduce short-term memory load. All this guidelines are

based on desktop interface design but it is accustomed to fulfill the unique features and limitation of
mobile devices [10]

Research Methodology
I have adopted the various data finding method from too many different sources and read and
studied them in proper and in detail way. I have taken data from both the magazine and
internet. I has also studied data from various hospitals expert studies and their research done
on m-commerce. The method I have selected are the most efficient method of studied any
topic, these are generally accepted in doing survey, design concept and widely used in
explaining the type of customer their idea and hoteliers idea also understood by these way in
this hospitality industry. The method used was concept of m-commerce in hotel studies. The
main part of any report is research methodology. The field study was conducted to observe
the market share and understand the value of m-commerce in hotel industry.

Method of collection of data

Collection ofPrimary data
The source of the primary data is the result sample from which i collect the data. The data
was collected through the primary source by survey method using knowing view of expert
and taking respondent’s personal interview.
 Study the research paper of industry expert.
 Survey
 Observation

Collection of secondary data
Secondary data helps in saves time that would otherwise be spent collecting data and,
particularly in the case of best observation of data, provides larger and higher-quality
observation that would be tough for any individual researcher to collect on their own. In
addition, analysts of social and economic change consider secondary data essential, since it is
impossible to conduct a new survey that can actually know past change and developments.
The data is collected from journals and trusted internet sources, Books, Magazines, Journals,

Advance application of m-commerceused in hospitality industry.
1. Mobile payment
It is trending application which is refer to customer to use in mobile device which
help in done payment with more interaction of goods and their service within hotel.
a. Digital wallets- too many information are stored of payment done by guest with
proper security.
b. Tabbedout: it is the application which is run in mobile and tends guest to complete
their billings with the help of their mobile phone. With this guest can also be aware of
their timing of meals and other service.

Some expert says that security issues are come by using these in large number.

2. Mobile apps
It help in feeling always be ready or start on to customers. Card payment can also be
done by the help of these apps, these are carried out through website and an employee
of hotel. After these all m-commerce is totally expressed as speed, application, in
which someone can keep and save their cc information to lesser their time of
payment, which is accepted as less time taken are the extra benefit by this. The
satisfactory level of guest and hotel are also dependent on the ease of using these app
and their experience.

3. SoLoMo application
It is the word use in place of bundle of m-commerce that including all the satisfaction
of guest which are satisfaction, location, and phone based demand. Large no use of
these application are foursquare, yelp and some same network through which guest
can search their hotel and other service for their full satisfaction.

4. Cloud
It is very-very trending application which is present in phone which help to store data
and information by keeping duplicate which help hotel as well as guest in getting
previous information related to guest as well as hotel. It also help in using account of
guest in more than one place at particular or same time. In hospitality industry it
works as boon to many.

5. SMS marketing personnel

This is a type of customer involvement trend or CET. It helps in making automating
messaging to the guest for the payment and for accepting their service also. It also
help in check in time to know the billing and other information by reminder message.

MODULE AND INTEGRATE m-commerce solution (MIM)

1. For coordinate location of customer- API

2. Coordinate with gds and booking done by internet
3. Provide extra benefits to guest on function, and promote by remaindering.
4. Provide packages
5. Done ads through mobile
6. Use these for getting important feedback.
7. Perform upselling and down selling according to situation

Impact of m-commerce in hospitality industry till today

 It has seen that near about 36% hotels booking are done by mobile in 2019.
 Nearly half of the customer have taken help of m-commerce in 2019.
 This time is consider as golden year for the technical user.
 Now at this time network of m-commerce is also getting more rise.
 In European countries 34% of hotels are allowing customer use m-commerce with
proper benefit.

 It has observe that 2 out of 10 are using mobile for completing checkin checkout in
hotels for business purpose and 16% of all are for other trip globally.
 Nearly 97.13% restaurant allow application of mobile phone for describing their all
service to use for customer. They refer food and beverage details also by the help of
 Among all the application nearly 73% of all the application refers room reservation
service to customer.
 It has seen that approximate 29.78% time acquired on hotel related sites done through
 Nearly 86% m-commerce brands suggest mobile-friendly service to customer, either
on link and application.
 M-commerce is also very-very helpful in doing and performing payment for goods
and transport.
 It has also seen that hotel use m-commerce to track his guest and for checking room
status and guest also track their orders through these it make the ease of tracking.
 Mostly customer use these for ordering and room booking and doing payment.

Some main brands of m-commerce in hospitality industry

Galileo by travelport
Hotel tonight
Virgin America
Tripcraft and so more….

Future predicti0n of m-commerce in hospitality industry

 Till next year 360 million staffs will take help of smartphones and 209 million
of them are using their own.
Till next year near about one billion guest involve or take advantages of m-
commerce globally will must be presenting their involvement.

M-commerce Company or brand will going to expend near about $1.34tn in
making of application in next year. In hotel industry android and ipad
development are going to be biggest leaps.
Hotel industry sales and service are also going to getting boom in next year as
nearly 280%.
By 2022 approximately 60 percent of customer are going take booking with the
help of m-commerce.
 Better staying experience are going to be increased by 76% in next because of
customer involvement in m-commerce. Near about 79% of the guest will
going take advantage of tracking their order and knowing about amenities till
next year.
 Approximately 61% of guest are going to take advantages of m-commerce in
performing checkout and checkin in hotel they did not have to go for seen list
of booking. This is going to become easy and helpful during heavy checkout
in hotels.
It has seen that it helps in decreasing the rush in hotel by the help of increament
in using of smart phone and smart tab or their application.
 It indirectly going to increase the sales as well as profit and going to give more
customer to hotel.

Advantages and Disadvantages of m-commerce

1. It give rise to increase customer globally.
2. This helps in emerging of rural market.
3. This evolve more and more benefits to user data accessing.
4. At the time of doing inventory it bring ease of work.
5. For knowing the status of market and business it is very beneficial.
6. For performing order in large number and making them safely it become very
helpful and it also work as platform for this.
7. It helps in making the permanent customer and for increasing repeat business.
8. It is also giving help in making of purchase in large number.

1. Without technology and network access it is not working.
2. It’s seem that there is lacking of touch personally to the customer.
3. There is must need of application without these it can’t work.
4. Without faith it brings difficult to use.
5. It makes the industry very competitive.

6. It must need high quality networks and service availability at all time.
7. Better product deliver is very-very necessary for the hotel to the customer.

Reason for using m-commerce

For getting personal experience
It bring convenience
Enhanced amenities
Increase trust among consumer or guest
Increase brand value
Better Revenue generation
For better relationship with guest
Track transaction and operation loss as well as financial losses
For disadvantage by competitive marketplace

Following are the results obtained from study of emergence of m-commerce in
 It bring easy to customer in booking of their room, restro, banquets hall, etc.
 It is seen that it becomes very-very helpful in performing loyalty in marketing forms.
 By the help of m-commerce hotel and entire hotel department feel comfortable all
time in checking of the guest status of every work from reservation till check out by
the help of m-commerce.
 This system is very fast and their speed of working and response are also very fast.
Hotel as well as customer both getting better results. These are perform by using
email, social media and text message system.
 It helps in making faster payment at the time of reservation or registration at the time
of check in and in these time people also fulfil their demand by ordering through m-
 Now a day whole industry taking advantage of m-commerce by making marking
through social media which is totally based on helps in increasing the
number of customer by searching them according to location also.
 Bill pay by guest or customer increase and maintain relation with company which is
indirectly help in earning revenue.
 M-commerce is very trending and beneficial in the area of getting all the details of
hotel as well as for booking. This is also used to edit the guest need during the
reservation and check-in.
 M-commerce is very helpful in maintain standard operation procedure and staff ease
of working and their efficiency.
 It also helps in getting other advantage like booking spa, using room without key, and
 Now a days it makes easier in booking of cabs also.
 These all can only be done by better selection of sites and connectivity.
 Lastly in all the aspects it helps in making more and more customer and increasing
revenue of the hotel industry.

Discussion and conclusion

In this report we have done a very simple discussion on m-commerce according to our own
understanding and current situation of emergence of m-commerce in hospitality industry now
a days. Overall discussion undertaken of emergence, popularity, benefit, advantages and
disadvantages, ease of service and use, and impact of m-commerce in hospitality industry. I
have read the research notes books and internet and then discuss all in our own mind for
improve our knowledge. Discussion done among the various studies and the main points are
lastly mention in the report in proper way. Some extra finding are mention as the result
column. The studies done on the basis of acceptance of m-commerce among which age group
or categories. Here is also mention of which company is very better for using m-commerce.
The way of using m-commerce are also discussed. Mind-set towards m-commerce are
undertaken in this report.

Top hotels are going to adopt that m-commerce and digitalisation are must be locally
accepted and must be fulfilling the demand of fluctuated need of customer and guest
throughout their whole experience during visit of hotel. M-commerce study says that by using
this customer as well as hotel getting time to meet their demand accordingly. For example a
guest can be very easy in getting their all hospitality service during the stay at any time easily
and get fast response by saving time. If the m-commerce is handle by top level staffing then
the hotel as well as guest becoming more satisfied and indirectly it increase the no of
permanent guest. M-commerce has fast accepted according to need of era in current top hotel
and evolution also seen among them. Day by day it is widely accepted. This report freshly
explain that how m-commerce give their impacts in hospitality industry of India in current
scenario. It is clearly said that the hotel which are using more in m-commerce can uncourtly
getting benefit in growing rapidly.

 hotel magazine


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