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ISSN 1062-8738, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2019, Vol. 83, No. 1, pp. 97–103. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2019.
Russian Text © M.E. Mazurov, 2019, published in Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Seriya Fizicheskaya, 2019, Vol. 83, No. 1, pp. 113–120.

Physical Mechanisms and Properties of Tornadoes

M. E. Mazurov*
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, 117997 Russia

Abstract—Many well-known types of tornado (e.g., atmospheric (air), electric, fire, dust, liquid (water), and
snow) are classified according to their substrates and shapes. Known tornado theories are also given. In this
work, a model of a tornado is proposed in which it is a structure that arises in the active medium of a thun-
dercloud, where concave spiral autowaves that transfer energy excite vortices that travel into the environment.
An exact analytical solution is given to the vortex regimes of the Navier—Stokes equation for a tornado model.
The results from computer modeling of rotational concave spiral autowaves that excite a tornado vortex are
given. The satisfactory nature of the proposed model with regard to the set of basic properties of a tornado
and the variety of its characteristic properties is shown.

DOI: 10.3103/S1062873819010155


A twister—also called a tornado—is a mysterious A number of tornado classifications and a wide
and enigmatic natural phenomenon of tremendous variety of tornado types are known. It is natural that a
destructive power. A tornado is usually considered an tornado be classified according to the substrate of
atmospheric phenomenon in which a vortex forms which it consists. The following types of tornadoes can
during a thunderstorm and is accompanied by rain or be distinguished according to the vortex substrate:
hail [1–9]. (1) atmospheric (air); (2) electrical; (3) fire; (4) dust;
Cyclones and typhoons [8, 9] can also result in (5) liquid (water); and (6) snow. There are others as
mass destruction. They are atmospheric structures well, e.g., smoke, steam, and fog. Tornadoes that dif-
that usually originate in tropical regions, have consid- fer by substrate are shown in Fig. 1.
erable lengths of hundreds of kilometers, and are capa- Let us consider the classification of atmospheric
ble of generating vortex structures and hurricane-force tornadoes according to shape, where air masses are the
winds. Below, we consider vortex structures of the tor- substrates: (1) whiplike and thin; (2) columnar;
nado type only. (3) barrel-shaped and shaggy; and (4) composite. In

(а) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 1. Tornadoes differ in their substrates: (a) an atmospheric (air) tornado; (b) an electric tornado; (c) a fire tornado; (d) a dust
tornado; (e) a liquid (water) tornado; (f ) a snow tornado.

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(а) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 2. Air tornadoes: (a) a whip-like tornado; (b) a columnar tornado; (c) a barrel-shaped tornado; (d–f) composite tornadoes.

the last category, several additional vortices are usually lightning and its possible connection with torna-
very powerful and rotate around one vortex. dogenesis was discussed in [14–18].
Tornadoes can be created artificially. Artificial tor- (5) Mesoscale turbulence, based on the simple idea
nadoes will therefore be considered a specific class to that a small vortex (an element of a turbulent meso-
be discussed in more detail later. This class allows us to structure) obeys its own dynamics as an object rotating
visualize how tornadoes emerge, and to explain their with a spin speed in accordance with Newton’s law for
properties. a finite body [19, 20]. Three dimensional visualization
that is topologically equivalent to a tornado’s form can
be obtained.
KNOWN TORNADO THEORIES (6) V.S. Politov’s dynamic gas structure of a tor-
Some known tornado theories are given below: nado, based on the concept of a tornado as a swirling
flow of atmospheric air with an axis of symmetry per-
(1) Self-organization in the mathematical model- pendicular to the Earth’s surface [21]. A characteristic
ing of highly nonequilibrium and nonlinear processes feature of this is the rotational motion of a thunder-
[10–13]. cloud’s particles in the paraxial region. Rotational
(2) The model of tornadogenesis in which espe- motion is transferred from the paraxial region of the
cially disturbed parts of the atmosphere, where the initial vortex to the atmospheric air below it, due to
distortion of the electric field reaches critical values internal friction. There are a number of other works
[10–13], play an important role in the formation of a devoted to swirling vortices and their applications [22].
(3) The separation of electric charges. The accu- PROPOSED STRUCTURAL MODEL
mulation of electric charges in the atmosphere is OF A TORNADO
accompanied by their separation according to polarity
and is uneven for a number of reasons, including ones Let us consider the definition of a tornado given
that remain poorly studied and not understood. It has below:
also been established that tornadogenesis depends A tornado is a structure that occurs in an inhomo-
directly on the development of thunderstorm pro- geneous active medium where excited self-oscillating
cesses with exceptional power [10–13]. concave spiral autowaves that transfer energy excite
(4) The emergence of a set of internal waves [13]. It vortices that escape into the environment.
is assumed the existence of a tornado is due to great It can be said that an atmospheric tornado is a self-
amounts of internal lightning. It has been shown that oscillating system that is in the active medium of a
a stream of electromagnetic energy can circulate in a thundercloud and generates periodic concave spiral
tornado, so the energy produced by a tornado during autowaves which transfer energy (CSATE) and create
electrical discharges can be stored. The generation of large-scale atmospheric vortices. The generation of


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CSATEs in active media on the periphery of a region

was described in [23–28]. A structural diagram of a
tornado according to the proposed model is shown in
Fig. 3.
According to the above definition of a tornado’s D1 D2
structure, the specific properties of an atmospheric Active region that forms
tornado are determined by the active medium (the rotating concave waves
thundercloud and the substrate of a vortex). Start of a mother
vortex-forming region H

z Vortex ring of dust

Let us consider a mathematical model of a tor- 1 km

nado’s active medium. Systems of nonlinear differen-

tial equations of the parabolic type are usually used in
synergetics to describe an active medium:
∂Vi Fig. 3. Structural diagram of a tornado. On the left is the
= Fi (V1,...,Vn ) + Di ΔVi (i = 1,..., n), (1) view of a tornado and a thundercloud from below; on the
∂t picture is the view of the structural model from below.
where Vi represents variables; Fi , nonlinear functions; D1, H1 are the diameter and height of the active region;
and Di , coefficients of diffusion. D2, H1 are the diameter and height of the mother region;
H is the altitude of the thundercloud above the ground.
∂V ∂V ∂V
2 2 2
ΔVi = 2i + 2i + 2i . In this work, we consider a
∂x ∂y ∂z 
system of two equations, where υ = (V1,...,Vn ) is the vector field of velocities;
∂V1 ∂V2 p is pressure; ∇ is a Hamiltonian operator; Δ is a
= F1(V1,V2 ) + D1ΔV1, = F2(V1,V2 ) + D2 ΔV2. Laplace operator; t is time; ν is the coefficient of kine-
∂t ∂t 
matic viscosity; ρ is density; and f is the vector field of
The FitzHugh—Nagumo equations were used as mass forces. Boundary and initial conditions are
the model of an active medium in our computer exper-
added to the Navier–Stokes equations:
dV1 V
3 υ ∂Ω = 0, υ t =0 = υ0.
= V1 − 1 − V2 + I + D1ΔV1;
dt 3 The vortex solutions to the Navier–Stokes equa-
= ε(a − V1 + bV2 ) + D2ΔV2, tions are calculated for the circular area in which the
dt parent region of the vortex is approximated. In numer-
where V x , V y are the components of velocity; I, a, b, ical modeling, the solutions are combined for the
and ε are parameters (a = 0.7, b = 0.8, I = 0.142); and active medium and the boundary of the circular area.
D1, D2 are the coefficients of diffusion.
In this mathematical model, the vortex funnel of a INITIAL CONDITIONS FOR EXCITATION
tornado is excited by concave spiral autowaves that OF CIRCULAR ROTATIONAL MOTIONS
transfer energy (CSATEs). CSATEs are periodic cir- OF AN ACTIVE MEDIUM
cular self-oscillatory motions in the active medium of
the considered model. CSATEs excite vortex move- In a two-dimensional domain, Eq. (1) has an
ments of air and the formation of a tornado funnel due infinitely large number of solutions that differ topo-
to bonds caused by viscosity. Below, we use the logically. A specific solution from their infinitely large
Navier—Stokes equations, which describe the motion number can be found using specially selected initial
of a viscous liquid and gas in hydrodynamics, to show
mathematically how the vortex funnel of a tornado conditions or external influences [29]. For example,
forms. They form a system of partial differential equa- two or more oppositely directed winds, or the collision
tions that describes the motion of a viscous Newtonian of two air masses with different temperatures and
liquid. The system consists of two equations (one of humidities, are additional factors in the emergence of
motion and one of continuity). They are written in a rotating structure. The initial conditions for the gen-
vector form for an incompressible liquid [30–32]: eration of circular autowaves in the active medium
     were discussed in [29], which was devoted to their
∂υ = −(υ ⋅ ∇)υ + νΔυ − 1 ∇p + f , occurring in human atria. The initial conditions for
∂t ρ the generation of circular autowaves have much in

∇ ⋅ υ = 0, common for active media of different types.


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D2 plane Z = 0 at time t (m2 s−1); and ν is the kinematic

viscosity (s/m2).
These exact analytical solutions can be given the
geometric interpretation shown in Fig. 4.
Solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations can be
found through a computer experiment using specific
parameters included in the FitzHugh–Nagumo and
Vr Navier–Stokes equations.


Let us consider in more detail the generation of
concave spiral autowaves that transfer energy and are
needed to rotate an atmospheric vortex. To do so, we
shall use the model of autowave processes in active
media that was given in [23–28].
The formation of a concave spiral autowave that
transfers energy is impossible in a uniform two-
dimensional region. A nonuniform circular area bro-
ken into rings was used for a specific instance of a
CSATE. A system of two nonlinear partial differential
equations (the FitzHugh–Nagumo equation [32]) was
used to describe the active environment for CSATE
generation. These equations are known to be the ones
Z most suitable for a conceptual study of spiral waves.
The FitzHugh–Nagumo equation’s parameters in
each ring were selected in such a way as to ensure the
Fig. 4. Formation of an atmospheric vortex in the mother velocity of propagation for each ring that is needed for
region of a thundercloud, according to the precise analyti- the formation of a concave autowave. This velocity
cal solution to the Navier–Stokes equations obtained by must slow as the outer and inner diameters of the ring
G.I. Kiknadze and G.K. Krasnov in [30, 31]. D2, H1 are contract. A non-excitable region of small diameter is
the diameter and height of the mother region; H is the alti-
tude of a thundercloud above the ground.
created in the center of the ring, since the velocity of
propagation must slow as the diameter of the nonex-
citable region contracts. If the diameter tends to zero,
EXACT ANALYTICAL SOLUTIONS the velocity must also fall to zero; i.e., when
FOR THE VORTEX OF A TORNADO d → 0  v → 0. This is impossible if there is no non-
excitable region (e.g., a circle of small diameter). The
The vortex of a tornado rotates in the mother velocities of autowaves in the rings must therefore slow
region due to CSATEs in the active medium and cov- as they approach the center. For an area with, e.g., five
ers the surface of the cylindrical mother region shown rings, we have V5 < V4 < V3 < V2 < V1.
in Fig. 3. As was shown in [30, 31], the Navier—Stokes
equation for the considered cylindrical mother region Below, we present the results from a computer
has an exact analytical solution that can be written as experiment on the creation of a concave wave in a cir-
cular inhomogeneous active medium using the
Vr = −C0(t )r, Vz = 2C0(t )z + C1(τ), FitzHugh–Nagumo equations. The velocity of propa-
gation of the autowave falls from the periphery to the
Г 0(t )   −C0(t )r 2 
Vϕ = 1 − exp   , center. The concave autowave is shown in Fig. 5.
2πr   2ν  Excitation in a given area can spread only if there is
where C0(t ) = − Vr R is an arbitrary function that a circular excitation at the boundary of the area. The
depends on time and determines the compression of active medium can be nonexcitable inside the bound-
ary ring. The excitation in the middle of the region
the stream (s−1); Г 0(t ) is an arbitrary function that attenuates inside the boundary ring if there is no exci-
depends on time and determines the circulation of the tation near the edge of the region, or if it ceases after a
stream (m2 s−1); C1(t ) is an arbitrary function that time. Such an unusual mode of excitation was
depends on time and determines the value of Vz in achieved in a computer experiment (see Fig. 6).


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Fig. 5. The concave autowave in the FitzHugh–Nagumo model is shown on the left. A convex autowave in a uniform circular
region extending from the center of the region is shown on the right for comparison.

CONCAVE SPIRAL AUTOWAVE cloud itself. Then part of it descends in the form of a
AS AN INTRANUCLEAR SPIRAL AUTOWAVE funnel that gradually grows longer and finally con-
Concave spiral waves can be considered as intranu- nects to the ground in the form of a huge pillar (or ele-
clear waves. Conventional spiral autowaves form due phant trunk) with a strong vacuum inside.
to the circular movement of a tip around their core, The rotation of the active medium in which such
which usually has the shape of a circle. The circle in self-oscillatory movements as concave waves are
the center is thus a nonexcitable core for an ordinary observed can be seen from photos of tornadoes
concave spiral wave, and the wave itself propagates obtained by eyewitnesses (Fig. 7).
outward, from the core to the periphery. A concave
spiral autowave propagates from the periphery of the
region to the center. It is important that the peripheral EFFECT THE DIRECTION OF THE PLANE
region is the main source of energy for a concave spiral OF THE ACTIVE MEDIUM HAS
wave, which transfers energy from the periphery of the ON TORNADOGENESIS
region to the center. If we consider the peripheral The initial direction of the axis of a tornado is
region as the core of a CSATE, the concave spiral determined by the direction of the normal to the plane
autowaves that transfer energy may therefore be con- of the active mother medium. The directions of the
sidered to be intranuclear waves.


The compression of the vortex toward the axis is
due to the compression that arises from the impact of
concave spiral auto waves that transfer energy
(CSATE) and seek to condense the concave waves
toward the center of the cloud’s self-oscillating active
material medium. The vortex motion escaping from
the throat of the active medium and ejected downward
toward the Earth’s surface is born due to the emer-
gence of superdensity and thus instability. This pres-
sure persists after the the vortex is ejected. The vortex
does not collapse, since the pressure inside is balanced
by the centripetal force acting on its material (e.g., air,
water, products of combustion, dust, or steam). If this
force of internal pressure is strong enough, it intensi-
fies the vortex funnel; if not, a columnar or even bar-
rel-shaped (“shaggy”) vortex forms. Fig. 6. Excitation of a concave autowave in the inner non-
excitable region, due to the excitation of an autowave in the
A tornado is part of a thundercloud that has rapid excitable boundary region. The boundary region is blocked
rotation around its vertical axis due to the formation of on the lower left slide, resulting in the annihilation of exci-
CSATEs. This rotation is initially visible only in the tation inside the boundary region.


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(а) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 7. Illustration of the presence of an active medium in which such self-oscillatory movements as concave waves occur; (a) and
(b) show the formation of an ordinary tornado; (c) and (d), the formation of a barrel-shaped tornado.

tornado axis shown by arrows (1) ↓ , (2) ↑ , (3) ←,

(4) →, (5) , (6) , (7) , and (8)  can be distin-
guished by the slope of the active medium. The first
four cases are illustrated in Fig. 8.
The direction of a tornado’s axis or that of a funnel
is normal to the plane of the active medium. At the
same time, however, two directions of the axis are pos-
sible (in the forward and backward directions). The
plane of the active medium during the formation of an
atmospheric tornado can be parallel to the plane of the
Earth, or it can be perpendicular to the plane of the
Earth’s surface.

The proposed model of a tornado allows us to
describe satisfactorily most of the properties of actual
tornadoes (even ones that seem arcane), to conceive
the mechanisms by which they form, and to predict
their evolution.

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