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Guide Questions Answers

1. Given the nature of the research Since the study’s purpose is to investigate the
question, what type of design is most role of moral integrity in the enhancement of
appropriate? How does this work engagement among nurses, the most
correspond to the type of design appropriate design applicable in the study
used? was descriptive-correlational analysis.The
researchers planned to know and establish
the effects of moral competence to the work
engagement of nurses towards their patients.
Hence, the result stated that the hypothesis
test showed that moral competence has a
positive effect on the working engagement
especially on the confidence of the nurses.
On the top of that, the study already stated
that they utilized the descriptive-correlational
analysis which was for me the right design to
be used in the study.

2. To what extent is the study internally Based on the study, the major threats to
valid? What types of alternative internal validity were:
explanations must be considered (i.e., ● Contamination by an irrelevant event
what are the threats to the study's ● Maturation effect on age
internal validity)? Does the research ● Loss of subjects between the testing
design enable the researcher to draw ● Statistical regression effect on test
causal inferences about the scores
relationship among study variables? ● Selection bias on test groups
● Unreliability of instrument for
A selection bias was utilized to gather
participants for the hazard sampling used and
the nurses were choses from the seven public
hospitals situated in Malaysia. Since they
came from different institutional locations,
there might be stereotyping that might

3. To what extent is the study externally The study was conducted to staff nurses in
valid? What are the major limitations Malaysia; making the generalization only
of the design used? Are these limited. According to the researchers, the
limitations acknowledged by the healthcare providers experiments on different
researcher and considered in job environments might be safer to be
interpreting the results? performed or conducted. Moreover, the
researcher per se suggests having a
longitudinal study for different countries that
have different cultures, beliefs as well as
values. These limitations were acknowledged
by the researchers and became a
recommendation. Even if the study is
somehow lacking has limitations, it is still
considered valid since the hypothesis was
correct as per the results.

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