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Name of Drug Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

of Action Effects Responsibilities

Isoniazid This drug is Isoniazid is CNS: -Advise the

Generic Name inhibits the indicated as a contraindicated to Psychosis, patient to take
synthesis of first-line therapy people with seizure medicine once a
Isoniazid mycobacterial of patients hypersensitivity, day, as suggested,
cell walls and having active acute liver disease, GI: Drug and do not skip
Brand Name interferes tuberculosis in having previous induced the missed dose
with combination with hepatitis from the hepatitis, or doupleup.
metabolism.T other agents to said drug. nausea, and
Classification his drug has combat the vomiting -Emphasize the
bacteriostatic disease per se. benefit of
Antituberculars and Hence, its NEURO: continuing care
bactericidal function is for Peripheral long after
action against prevention of neuropathy, symptoms have
Route susceptible tuberculosis. Hepatic subsided.
organisms. Reactions
PO/IM -Patient treatment
HYPERSENS during this
Dosage ITIVITY therapy to avoid
300 mg/day REACTIONS alcohol, as this
: Fever, skin can increase the
eruptions risk of
C AND -Advise patients
ENDOCRIN to alert timely
E: Pyridoxine physicians if
deficiency, there are signs
pellagra, and symptoms of
hyperglycemia hepatitis or
, metabolic peripheral
acidosis, and neuritis
Nausea and
optic neuritis

Nursing 2020 Drug Handbook (Vol.1) . (2020). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer

Kizior,R.J.,& Hodgson, K.J.(2019).Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook. St. Louis,MO, USA:Elsevier

Name of Drug Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

of Action Effects Responsibilities

Rifampicin Rifampicin is Rifampicin is CNS: Assess lung

Generic Name inhibits indicated to contraindicated headache, sound and
DNA- active with allergy to any drowsiness, character and
Rifampicin dependent tuberculosis, and rifamycin, acute fatigue, amount of
RNA meningococcal hepatic disease, dizziness, sputum
Brand Name polymerase carriers. In lactation. Further, inability to periodically
activity in addition, it is for cautious use concentrate, during therapy
susceptible prevention of during pregnancy mental
Rimactane, and
bacterial disease caused (teratogenic confusion,gene Administer on an
cells.In by Haemophilus effects have been ralized empty stomach, 1
Classification general, this Influenzaetype B documented in numbness, hr before or 2 hr
drug inhibits in close contact. preclinical studies; muscle after meals.
Antibiotic, RNA rifampin, weakness,
Antituberculotic synthesis by isoniazid, and visual Administer in a
(first line) blocking the ethambutol are disturbances. single daily dose.
transcription considered the
of RNA in most safe anti Dermatologic Consult
Route susceptible tuberculosis : pharmacist for
species per regimen for use in Rash, pruritus, rifampicin
PO/IV se. pregnancy) urticaria, suspension for
flushing, patients unable to
Dosage reddish swallow capsules
300 mg/day discoloration
of body fluids Advise patient to
— such take medication
tears,saliva, once daily, as
urine, sweat, indicated,and not
sputum. to skip doses or
douple up on
GI: heartburn, missed dose
anorexia, Emphasize the
vomiting gas, importance of
cramps, continuing
diarrhea, therapy even after
hepatitis, symptoms have
pancreatitis. subsided.

GU: Inform patient

hemoglobinuri that saliva,
a, hematuria, sputum,
renal urine,feces and
insufficiency, other body fluids
acute renal may become red-
failure, or-orange to red-
menstrual brown and that
disturbances. soft contact
lenses may
Hematologic: become
eosinophilia, permanently
thrombocytope discolored
nia, transient

Other: pain in
fever, flu like


Nursing 2020 Drug Handbook (Vol. 2) . (2020). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer

Kizior,R.J.,& Hodgson, K.J.(2019).Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook. St. Louis,MO, USA:Elsevier

Name of Drug Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

of Action Effects Responsibilities

Converted to In conjunction This drug is The following -Establish rapport

Generic Name pyrazinoic with other contraindicated are the adverse
acid antituberculous with people having and side - Monitor
Pyrazinamide susceptible to agents, hypersensitivity to effects of periodic liver
Mycobacteriu pyrazinamide is Pyrazinamide per Pyrazinamide: function tests.
m strains— indicated for the se, acute hepatic
Brand Name which then initial treatment disease, lactation, -Mild allergic -Monitor serum
reduces the of active and acute gout. reactions, loss uric acid
Zynaphar pH level of tuberculosis in of appetite,
the adults and nausea and -Assess patient’s
Classification environment. infants. Also, It vomiting, condition before
Further, it is a is indicated after increased uric therapy and
bacteriostatic treatment failure acid and joint regularly
and with other pain. thereafter to
(first line)
bactericidal primary drugs in monitor the
against any form of effects of the
Route mycobacteriu active -Serious drug per se.
PO m tuberculosis sideroblastic
tuberculosis Hence, only in anemia, -Assess regularly
Dosage combination with pellagra, the renal status
15 to 30 mg/kg other powerful seizures, low
once daily antituber-culous platelet count, -Instruct patient
agents can nephritis, to take drug
pyrazinamide be gouty arthritis, continuously as
used. and drug prescribed.
Initial treatment hepatitis.
of active
tuberculosis in
adults and
children with
medications has
failed following


Nursing 2020 Drug Handbook . (2020). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer

Kizior,R.J.,& Hodgson, K.J.(2019).Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook. St. Louis,MO, USA:Elsevier

Name of Drug Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

of Action Effects Responsibilities

Treatment of Contraindicated in CNS: -Assess any

Generic Name Losartan Hypertension, patients headache, known allergies
inhibits alone or in hypertensive to dizziness, to this drug to
vasoconstricti combination w/ Losartan. symbiote, prevent
Losartan on and other insomnia hypersensitivity.
Potassium aldosterone- antihypertensives Concomitant
secreting utilization with CV: -Assess if patient
Brand Name action Nephropathy in aliskiren is hypotension has impaired
angiotensin II patients with contraindicated in kidney or liver
Arbloc by blocking type 2 diabetes diabetic patients. SKIN: rash, function
angiotensin II Use cautiously- in pruritus, dry
receptors on Reduces the risk patients with skin -Assess baseline
Antihypertensive the surface of of having stroke impaired renal and status before
s vascular in patients with hepatic function GI: Diarrhea, beginning
smooth hypertension and abdominal therapy to fully
muscle and left ventricular pain, nausea, determine any
Route other tissue hypertrophy constipation, potential and
PO cells. dry mouth arising adverse
Dosage RESPI: includes
50 mg once a cough, sinus temperature and
day disorders, URI weight, skin
symptoms color, lesions,
pulse, blood
OTHERS: pressure,
Back pain, respiration,
fever, gout, adventitious
muscle sounds and
weakness abdominal
exams: renal and
liver function

patients to
lifestyle changes
just like loss of
weight, smoking
decreased alcohol
intake and salt in
the diet.

-Ensure the client

is not pregnant.
-Monitor the
patient carefully
that might lead to
drop in fluid

-Offer support
encouragement to
be able to
establish rapport.

-Assess and
monitor the
response of the
patient to the
drug especially to
blood pressure
that should be

-Monitor adverse
effects like
renal dysfunction,
skin reactions,
cough, heart
failure etc.

-Evaluate if the
patient's teaching
is effective to the
patient. You can
assess the patient
by means of
knowing the drug
name, dosage,
and adverse

-Monitor the
effectiveness of
comfort measures
and compliance
with the

Nursing 2020 Drug Handbook (Vol 2.). (2020). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer

Kizior,R.J.,& Hodgson, K.J.(2019).Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook. St. Louis,MO, USA:Elsevier

Date Done Laboratory/ Normal Values Actual Clinical Interpretation

Diagnostic Results Interpretation & Analysis
Examination (with reference)

White Blood Cells 4.00-10.00 11.7 DEVIATION FROM

High white blood cell counts
normally indicate increased
development of white blood
cells to combat infection. A
drug reaction that increases the
output of white blood cells.
Bone marrow disease, which
induces abnormally high
development of white blood

Reference: Smeltzer, S., Bare,

B., et al. Brunner &
Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical-Surgical Nursing (12 th
ed., pp.720).

Red Blood Cells 4.50-6.50 4.01 DEVIATION FROM

If the number of RBCs is lower
than normal, it can be caused
by: anemia. Failure of the bone
marrow. Erythropoietin
deficiency, the main cause of
anemia in patients with chronic
kidney disease.
Reference: Smeltzer, S., Bare,
B., et al. Brunner &
Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical-Surgical Nursing (12 th
ed., pp.720).

Hemoglobin 130.00 - 170.00 109 DEVIATION FROM

Low hemoglobin levels are
referred to as anemia or low red
blood count. A lower than
average number of red blood
cells is referred to as anemia,
and this number is expressed in

Reference: Smeltzer, S., Bare,

B., et al. Brunner &
Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical-Surgical Nursing (12 th
ed., pp.720).

Lymphocytes 0.25-0.50 0.19 DEVIATION FROM


Lymphocytopenia is an
abnormally low number of
white blood cell lymphocytes in
the blood. Many diseases will
decrease the amount of
lymphocytes in the blood, but
viral infections may decrease.

Reference: Smeltzer, S., Bare,

B., et al. Brunner &
Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical-Surgical Nursing (12 th
ed., pp.721).

Neutrophils 050-0.80 0.85 DEVIATION FROM


A high percentage of
neutrophils in your blood is
called neutrophilia. It's a
warning that your body has an
infection. Neutrophilia can
suggest a variety of underlying
conditions and factors,
including: infection, most likely

Reference: Smeltzer, S., Bare,

B., et al. Brunner &
Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical-Surgical Nursing (12 th
ed., pp.721).

Monocytes 002-0.10 0.01 DEVIATION FROM


Monocytes and other forms of

white blood cells are required to
help the body battle disease and
infection. Low levels may result
from certain medical procedures
or problems with the bone
marrow, while high levels may
suggest chronic infections or
autoimmune disease.

Reference: Smeltzer, S., Bare,

B., et al. Brunner &
Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical-Surgical Nursing (12 th
ed., pp.721).


microorganisms polymorp NORMAL
seen honuclear
cells = Pleural fluid is analyzed by
few bacterial culture, Gram stain,
AFB stain (for TB), red and
white blood cell counts,
chemistry studies (glucose,
amylase, lactate dehydrogenase,
and protein), cytologic analysis
for malignant cells, and pH.
Reference: Smeltzer, S., Bare,
B., et al. Brunner &
Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical-Surgical Nursing (12 th
ed., pp.1698).

Chest X-ray No pleural Diminutio DEVIATION FROM

effusion found n in the NORMAL
effusion in Physical examination, chest x-
the thorax ray, chest CT, and thoracentesis
confirm the presence of fluid. In
some instances, a lateral
decubitus x-ray is obtained. For
this x-ray, the patient lies on the
affected side in a side-lying

Reference: Smeltzer, S., Bare,

B., et al. Brunner &
Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical-Surgical Nursing (12 th
ed., pp.1698).

CT Scan Normal Pleural Massive DEVIATION FROM

Space pleural NORMAL
CT scans can detect pleural
masses that are not evident in
Pleural chest x-rays. It can detect
effusion underlying lung lesions that are
with not visible in chest x-rays. CT
apical may also direct the positioning
infiltrates of tubes in the pleural drainage

Abnormal body CT scan

findings reveal pleural effusion
condition. Massive: Often due
to malignancy.

Reference: Fischbach, F. T., &

Dunning, M. B. (2009). A
Manual of Laboratory and
Diagnostic Tests. 9th ed.,

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