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Comparison of Weighted Sum Model and Multi Attribute Decision Making

Weighted Product Methods in Selecting the Best Elementary School in

Article  in  International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications · April 2017

DOI: 10.14257/ijseia.2017.11.4.06


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2 authors:

Agus Perdana Windarto Abulwafa Muhammad

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK


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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol. 11, No. 4 (2017), pp. 69-90

Comparison of Weighted Sum Model and Multi Attribute

Decision Making Weighted Product Methods in Selecting the Best
Elementary School in Indonesia

Budiharjo1, Agus Perdana Windarto2 and Abulwafa Muhammad3

Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama)
Jl. Hang Lekir I No. 8, Senayan, Jakarta 10270
STIKOM TunasBangsaPematangsiantar
Pematangsiantar, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Universitas Putra Indonesia "YPTK" Padang
Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia,,

Selection program of the best elementary school in Indonesia aims to spur the
development of the growth and improve the quality of the primary school. In this paper,
the selection of the best elementary school is implemented based on predefined criteria.
To help the selection process, a decision support system is needed. This paper employs
Weighted Sum Model (WSM) and Multi Atribute Decesion Making Weighted Product
(MADMWP) methods. The results of both methods were tested three times with three
periods from the ranked data of schools obtained from Department of Education in
Simalungun, North Sumatera, Indonesia. This system can be used to help in solving
problems of the best elementary school selection.

Keywords: Decision support system; Weighted product; Weighted sum model;

Elementary school; Selection.

1. Introduction
Presently, high schools are overwhelmed with huge amounts of information regarding
student's enrollment, number of courses completed, achievement in each course,
performance indicators and other data [1]. This has led to an increasingly complex
analysis process of the growing volume of data and to the incapability to take decisions
regarding curricula reform and restructuring [2]. Children needs to undergo the school
period, therefore schools should be the most favorite place for them to active such as
learning, playing and developing creativity [3]. To realize the comfortable and pleasant
learning arena, it is necessary to hold the elections of the best school in each region to
determine the quality of schools [4]. To determine which one is best school of a particular
region, a system that is commonly called a decision support system is needed. Decision
Support System is a computer-based system that accumulates a variety of information
from various sources, present into organized form, analyze and facilitate the evaluation of
the assumptions underlying the usage of certain models [5]. This decision support system
usually uses the Weighted Sum Model (WSM) and Multi attribute decesion Making
Weighted Product (MADMWP) methods. The processes on WSM methods and
MADMWP are not much different. Calculation processes performed by the WSM method
are simply to add the multiplication result of an alternative value with weighted criteria
[6]. Meanwhile, in the MADMWP method, it is calculated by multiplying the result
reappointment criteria values with weighted criteria [7].

ISSN: 1738-9984 IJSEIA

Copyright ⓒ 2017 SERSC
International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol. 11, No. 4 (2017)

The WSM and MADMWP methods can help in determining the best schools, but in
counting only generate the greatest value will be chosen as the best alternative. The
calculation will be in accordance with this method, if the alternative is selected to meet
the specified criteria [8]. This method was chosen because it can determine the values for
each attribute, followed by the selection of the best alternative, in this case the best
alternative is the first ranked school based on the criteria that have been determined [9].
This study develops a decision support system that aims to solve the problems in the
selection of the best elementary schools in the region Simalungun, North Sumatera,
Indonesia using the WSM and MADMWP methods. The developed application system
will be addressed to the head of UPT (Technical Implementation Unit) Department of
Education of Simalungun in two sub-districts i.e. Dolok Pardemean and Bandar
Simalungun, where these two districts are the samples used in this study. Through this
system, considering into several factors such as the quality of teachers, the quality of
students, facilities and infrastructure of the Department of Education, it is expected to be
able to determine the best elementary school (SD) in the region, then the results are
published to parents of prospective students so that they know and can select which
school is the best for their children.
The rest of this paper is organized as follow. Section 2 presents related work on
decision support system. Section 3 presents material and method used. Section 4 presents
results and following by discussion. Finally, the conclusion of this work is presented in
Section 5.

2. Rudimentary
2.1. Decision Support System
Decision Support System is a computer-based system that accumulates a variety of
information from various sources, present into organized form, analyze and facilitate the
evaluation of the assumptions underlying the usage of certain models [5]. A decision can
be defined as a choice that has been taken from two or more available alternatives [10].
Each person must make many decisions every day. Potential option of a judgment is
formed after learning objective and the alternative minimum [11]. Decision Support
System can also be defined as a computer-based information system that combines
models and data in an attempt to solve the problem of semi-structured and some
unstructured problems with user intervention [12]. Decision Support System can provide
an informative analysis to improve the efficiency of decision-making within an
organization [13]. Decision Support System, including the decision models, data, and the
user interface are very important unity [14].

2.1.1. Decision Support System Components

Decision Support System must have three components that determine technical
capabilities of Decision Support Systems [15] i.e.:
a. Sub-system Management Database, which is a sub-systems that manage the data by
entering a database containing relevant data and managed by software.
b. Sub-system Base Management Model, which regulates all issues sub-system
integration and data access models of the existing decision in a Decision Support
c. Sub-system Software Operator Dialogue. This sub-system includes all relations
between Decision Support Systems and Users.

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol. 11, No. 4 (2017)

2.1.2. Decision Support System Requirements

According to Bidgoli, the terms of a decision system [16] is given as follow:
a. Requires hardware
b. Requires software
c. Requires people (designers and users)
d. Designed to support a decision
e. Should be able to help decision makers at every level of decision, and
f. Emphasizing the problem of unstructured and semi-structured.

2.1.3. Steps of Decision Making Process

The necessary steps in the process of decision making according to [15], are given as
a. Intelligence
 Forming the perception of the faced situation is to recognize the
decisionsituations and defining the main characteristics that exist in these
 Build a model that represents the situation
A model is a vehicle to assist in estimating the likely impact of a decision
 Quantitative selection of the size of the fee (disbenefits) and the most appropriate
benefits for the faced situation.
b. Design
The selection of the specific alternatives that are formed by identifying and
formulating clear steps can be performed.
c. Selection
 Evaluate the benefits and costs (disbenefits) of all alternative measures, namely
the ratings due to the application of any alternative measures by using
measurements of costs and benefits.
 Establish criteria to select the best step, namely the adoption of legislation by
correlating the results with the aim of making a decision.
 Completion of the decision situation i.e taking a step on the basis of acceptable
The steps above can be done repeatedly, either whole or partial steps. It is carried out
continuously until the decision situation completely resolved.

2.1.4. Characteristics and Decision Support System Capabilities

In respect of the number of the definition put forward regarding the definition and
implementation of a Decision Support System, affecting there are many views on the
system [17]. Decision Support System has characteristics and abilities [18], namely:
a. Supports all activities of the organization
b. Supports several decisions that interact can be used repeatedly and constantly
c. There are two main components, namely data and models
d. Using big external and internal data
e. Having the ability what-if analysis and goal seeking analysis
f. Using some quantitative models

2.2. Weighted Sum Model (WSM)

The WSM is the general model which has been used for different applications such as
robotics, processing data, and others [19]. It is a method often used in single dimension
issues [20]. If there are alternatives m and n criteria, then according to [21] the best
alternative can be formulated as follows:

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AiWSMScore   w j aij , for i  1,2,3,, m
j 1

where i  1,2,3,, m is the value of the best alternative, n is the number of criteria,
an alternative value i the criteria j, are value criteria j and max used to sort the
alternativedecision where alternatives have the greatest value will be placed on top [21].
The difficulty in this method is when the criteria used is not a single or multi-dimensional
criteria dimensions. In these problems, then the existing criteria should be lumped into the
same dimensions [21].
The following examples will be given to further clarify. There is a problem in
choosing the best alternative among A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5. While the criteria that
determine the selection process is K1, K2 and K3. The values of criteria and criterion
value of each alternative are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Sample of Value Criteria

Criteria K1 K2 K3
Alternative 0.3 0.4 0.3
A1 15 10 10
A2 20 10 15
A3 30 15 10
A4 20 25 15
A5 15 15 10

Based on Table 1, are known value that is given to the criteria K1 is 0.3 or 30%, the
criterion K2 is 0.4 or 40% and the criterion K3 is 0.3 or 30%. Then to calculate the value
of each alternative used WSM formula in equation (1). Based on the formula in equation
(1), A4 is selected as the best choice, because the value of A4 is the highest value of all
the available alternatives. The result can be seen in the Table 2 as follow:

Table 2. Ranking Results of WSM

Alternative WSM values
A4 23.5
A3 18
A2 14.5
A5 13.5
A1 11.5

2.3. Multi Atribute Decision Making Weighted Product (MADMWP)

The MADMWP is similar to WSM and also referred to as Multiplicative Exsponent
Weighting (MEW). This is another model of MADM scoring, the main difference is
instead of adding the usual in mathematical operations, but now it is multiplication. The
MADMWP is a finite set of alternative decisions described in terms of some criteria for
decision [22]. Preference for alternative Si is given as follows:

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol. 11, No. 4 (2017)

S i   xijwi (2)
j 1

S = Alternative preference analogous to the vector S
xij = The variable value of the alternatives on each attribute
wi = Value weight criteria
n = The number of criteria
i = alternative value
j = value criteria

where w
j 1
j  1.w j is the rank of positive value to attribute profits, and negative values

to attribute costs. Relative preference of each alternative, given as:

j 1

Vi  n
j 1

v : Alternative preference analogous to a vector v
x : Values Criteria
w : Weights Criteria / Sub criteria
i : Alternative
j : Criteria
n : The number of criteria

Example of WSM will be used also to explain the formula of this MADMWP as given in
Table 3 as follow.

Table 3. Sample Weight Value Criteria

Criteria K1 K2 K3
Alternative 0.2 0.4 0.3
A1 15 10 10
A2 20 10 15
A3 30 15 10
A4 20 25 15
A5 15 15 10

The MADMWP value calculation will be done using the formulas in equations (2) and
(3). From the above results, it can be seen which one is the best alternative, and the results
can be seen in Table 4 as follow:

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Vol. 11, No. 4 (2017)

Table 4. Results on Ranking MADMWP

Alternative MADMWP values
A4 23.3797
A3 16.3506
A2 13.9028
A5 13.2809
A1 11.2925

3. Data and Methods

3.1. Research Steps

This research was conducted by applying several methods of research as follows:
a. Study of literature
At this stage, do reference collection is needed in research. This is done to obtain
information and data necessary for the writing of this study. References used may
be books, journals, articles, and Internet sites related to this study.
b. Data collection
At this step, the process of collecting data related to this study as teacher data,
student data and inventory data to the data will be processed by the system to be
c. System planning
At this step, system design in accordance with a predetermined plan, which
include system design, database, and Graphic User Interface, as a design model
for the support system to be built. The design process is based on the limitations
of this research problem.
d. System implementation
At this step, the application of the system design of the system has been designed,
well systems, databases and Graphic User Interface.
e. Testing Systems
At this step, the system will be tested to see whether the system is in conformity
with the objectives set in this study.
f. documentation System
At this step, the creation of documentation system performed as research reports
to keep the material in the form of written or in other forms that describe the
whole system starting from the initial stage to the testing system.

3.2. Location Research and Case Studies

This research was conducted in elementary school (SD) Simalungun in two sub-districts
i.e. Dolok Pardemean and Bandar Simalungun as described in Table 5.

Table 5. Data Objects Primary School became Rate in 2 Sub-districts

No Bandar Simalungun No Dolok Pardemean

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16 SDN 091644 BAHLIAS 16 SDN 095172 SARAGIHRAS

3.3. Analysis System

Analysis of the system aims to identify issues that will arise in the manufacturing
system, this is done so that in the process of designing an application error does not occur,
which means, so that the system is designed to work well, appropriate and robustness of
the system will be more awake and finished exactly at the specified time.This system will
calculate the selection of the best elementary school in Simalungun. The system is
designed using WSM dan MADMWP metods.

3.4. Problem Analysis

Simalungun Regency particularly the sub district of Dolok Pardemean and the sub
district of Bandar have an election program of the best elementary school that will be
done every year. The selection is done to determine the elementary school which deserves
to be the best elementary school in the region to serve as the core elementary school and
sequential. In addition, the selection of primary school is also intended to motivate every
school principal to be more active and more concerned in improving the quality of
primary school he leads. To choose the best schools, the calculations performed involving
data and in the process a bit easier there was an error when done manually. With the
Decision Support System for the selection of the best primary schools, the calculation
process will become easier and accurate [23]. Because the system is only intended to
determine the best elementary school in Simalungun, then the system is built is a system-
based desktop. To identify the problem, Ishikawa fishbone diagram is used (See Figure

Figure 1. Ishikawa Diagram for Problem Analysis System

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Ishikawa diagram is a graphical tool that is used to explore and display of opinion about
the core components of a condition in the organization. This diagram can also browse
resources on the cause of a problem [15].

3.5. System Requirements Analysis

System Requirements Analysis includes analysis of the system functional requirements
and non-functional requirements analysis system.

3.5.1. System Functional Requirements

Functional requirement that must be owned by the election decision support system of
the best elementary school in simalungun is:
a. The system can enter student data, teacher data, inventory data, and weights the
b. The system can determine who deserves to be selected for the best elementary schools
using WSM and MADMWP.
c. The system can show the calculation results based on WSM and MADMWP.

3.5.2. Non-Functional Requirement System

To support the performance of the system, the system should be able to function as
a. The system can perform calculations election primary school best with high
computing speed.
b. The system should be easy to use so it can be operated by users.

3.6. Modelling
System modeling performed to obtain a clearer picture of any object that will interact
with the system, as well as what things should be done by a system so that the system can
function properly in accordance with the purpose and usefulness. This study uses UML
(Unified Modeling Language) as a modeling language for designing and planning
Election Decision Support System for the Best Elementary School in Simalungun. The
UML models are used, among others, use case diagrams, activity diagrams, and charts
sequence [24].

3.7. Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram is a diagram to represent the interactions that occur between the
systems by users [25]. Use case diagrams will explain the function of what is done by the

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
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Figure 2. Use Case Diagram of Decision Support System for the Best
Elementary School

From Figure 2 above, Staff can choose two actions that add data and perform
calculations of the system based on the method of WSM and MADMWP. The process
can be added on the data stated in Table 6 as follow:

Table 6. Table of Use Case in the Process of Adding Data

Name Process to add data
Actor staff who have been determined
Description use this case to describe the process of adding the data
Basic Flow staff are in charge of running the system and directly enter data
Alternate Flow staff can add data through a menu of data teacher, student data, and
inventory data
Pre Condition staff can see a table listing the school
Post Condition staff managed to enter data into the table value criteria schools list

In the process of the calculation method WSM and MADMWP, can be expressed in
Table 7 below.

Table 7. Table of Use Case in the Process of Calculation of the best Primary
Name Calculation method of WSM and MADMWP
Actor Staff who have been determined
Description Use case describes the calculation process in determining the best
primary schools using the WSM and WPM
Basic Flow staff tasked with selecting the form of calculation and enter the
weight of the assessment criteria
Alternate Flow staff can go back to your school and to add new data
Pre Condition staff can see the criteria values of all the available alternatives
Post Condition WSM and the staff know the value of the entire alternative WPM in
separate tanle

3.7.1. Activity Diagram

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To add data to the process of decision support systems in determining the best
elementary school, the activity diagram can be seen in the Figure 3 as follow:

Figure 3. Activity Diagram for Schools List

At the moment the system starts the user can directly enter data values necessary
criteria to perform calculation of the best elementary school. For the calculation of
decision support systems in determining best elementary school WSM method and
MADMWP, activity diagram can be seen in the following Figure.

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Figure 4. Activity Diagram for WSM and MADMWP

From Figure 4, in the calculation method of WSM and MADMWP, after the system
displays the form of account, users then asked to choose the period of alternative data to
be counted. Furthermore, users are required to enter the weight value criteria of each
criterion will be counted. If the weights of criteria already equipped, then press calculate
button to start the calculation. The results of the calculation will automatically appear in
the results table calculations. Users can perform calculations repeatedly.

3.7.2. Sequence Diagram

The following will explain sequence diagrams i.e. the process of entering data and
calculation process that occurs in the Decision Support System in selecting the best
elementary school in Simalungun. In the calculation process of determining the best
elementary school with methods WSM and MADMWP, the developed sequence
diagrams can be seen in the following figure.

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Figure 5. Sequence Diagram Calculation Process of Determining the best

Elementary School

From Figure 5, the sequence diagram above shows that users access the form
computer. Then the user selects the data period and enters the weight values predefined
criteria. Furthermore, the calculation result data entered into the database and displayed in
the results table calculation.In the process of entering data Decision Support System
Selection of the best elementary school in Simalungun, sequence diagrams can be seen in
the following figure.

Figure 6. Sequence Diagram of Add Data Process

From Figure 6, sequence diagram above shows that users access the form “Input
Data”. Form “Input Data” is an early look at this system. Then the user enters values
predefined criteria. Furthermore, the data entered into the database and displayed in the
data table value criteria.

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3.7.3. Flowchart Sistem

The Figure 7 shows a flowchart of Decision Support System for selection of the best
elementary school in Simalungun.

Figure 7. Flowchart of Decision Support System in Determining the Best

Elementary School

4. Results and Discussion

Implementation is a stage that must be passed in the software development
process of a system. This phase is carried out after the first through the stages of
analysis and design of systems that have been described in the previous chapter.

4.1. Implementation of WSM

Application of WSM Method in the system that has been developed on the calculation
process in determining the best elementary school in Simalungun is presented in this
section. The elementary school is an alternative decision is not of the whole area
Simalungun but only on the two sub-districts i.e. Bandar Simalungun and Dolok
Pardemean. To obtain the value of each alternative WSM is multiplication value data
weighting criteria with predetermined criteria of all alternatives. Then the result of
multiplying the data value criteria with criteria weights are summed to obtain the value of

Copyright ⓒ 2017 SERSC 81

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each alternative WSM. Here is presented the sample data of elementary school is an
alternative in the selection of the best elementary school in Simalungun.

Table 8. Data Sample of Elementary Schools from Academic Year 2011/2012

School Student Discipline Behaviour Teacher Certification Lab Library Props
Scores Eduction
SD 0911635 Kerasaan 63.37 5.35 5.53 2.78 1.00 1 1 13
SDN 091618 Perdagangan 60.08 5.06 4.94 3.80 1.00 0 1 4
SDN 091619 Perdagangan 60.70 5.33 5.67 3.00 1.00 0 1 56

In Table 8 above, there are three samples data of elementary schools as an alternative in
the selection of the best elementary schools in Simalungun. The steps to calculate WSM
value of the available alternatives is discussed as follow.

4.1.1. Step 1: Determine the Weight Value Criteria

The weight values set by the Department of Education in Simalungun can be seen in
Table 9 as follow:

Table 9. Weight Value Criteria

Criteria Weight (%)
Student scores 10
Discipline 10
Behavior 10
Teacher Education 20
certifications 20
Laboratory 10
Library 10
Props 10

4.1.2. Step 2: Calculate the value WSM using the formula (1)
First, multiply the value of each alternative criteria with weight value criteria as shown
in Table 10 below.

Table 10. Multiplication Alternative Value to Weight Criteria

Elementary school Student scores Discipline Behavior Teacher Education

SD 0911635 Kerasaan 63.37 × 0.1 5.35 × 0.1 5.53 × 0.1 2.78 × 0.2
SDN 091618 Perdagangan 60.08 × 0.1 5.06 × 0.1 4.94 × 0.1 3.80 × 0.2
SDN 091619 Perdagangan 60.70 × 0.1 5.33 × 0.1 5.67 × 0.1 3.00 × 0.2

Elementary school Teacher certification Laboratory Library Props

SD 0911635 Kerasaan 1.00 × 0.2 1 × 0.1 1 × 0.1 13 × 0.1
SDN 091618 Perdagangan 1.00 × 0.2 0 × 0.1 1 × 0.1 4 × 0.1
SDN 091619 Perdagangan 1.00 × 0.2 0 × 0.1 1 × 0.1 56 × 0.1

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4.1.3. Step 3: The Value of Each Alternative WSM Obtained

Then add the result of multiplying the value of the alternative criteria with the weight
value criteria for WSM value as shown in Table 11.

Table 11. Results of WSM

Elementary school WSM value
SD 0911635 Kerasaan 6.337+0.535+0.553+0.556+0.2+0.1+0.1+1.3=
SDN 091618 Perdagangan 6.008+0.506+0.494+0.76+0.2+0+0.1+0.4= 8.468
SDN 091619 Perdagangan 6.07+0.533+0.567+0.6+0.2+0+0.1+5.6= 13.67

Based on Table 11 alternatives that have the highest WSM valueis SDN 091619
PERDAGANGAN andthe lowest is SDN 091618 PERDAGANGAN.

4.2. Implementation of MADMWP

Implementation of MADMWP method in a system that has been developed on the
calculation process in determining the best elementary school in Simalungun is presented
in this section. The elementary school is an alternative decision is not of the whole area
Simalungun but only on the two sub-districts i.e. Bandar Simalungun and Dolok
Pardemean. The MADMWP value of each alternative is obtained from the data value
criteria raised to weight criteria which are then multiplied the result reappointment. Value
criteria must be at least equal to one because the results of the calculation of this
MADMWP method will be zero if there is a value of zero criteria [26]. This happens
because this method uses the multiplication operator when a value multiply by zero, the
result will be zero. Here is a sample data of elementary school is an alternative in the
selection of the best elementary school in Simalungun.

Table 12. Data Sample of Elementary Schools from Academic Year

Elementary School Student discipline behaviour Teacher certificat Lab. library Props
SD 0911635 Kerasaan scores
63.37 5.35 5.53 education
2.78 ion
1.00 1 1 13
SDN 091618 Perdagangan 60.08 5.06 4.94 3.80 1.00 0 1 4
SDN 091619 Perdagangan 60.70 5.33 5.67 3.00 1.00 0 1 56

In Table 12 above, there are 3 sample data elementary schools that become an alternative
in the selection of elementary school (SD) in Simalungun. The steps to calculate the value
of the available alternatives of MADMWP method are described as follow.

4.2.1. Step 1: Determine the Weight Value Criteria

The weight values set out in the selection of the best elementary school can be seen in
table 13 below.

Table 13. Weight Criteria Value

Criteria Weight (%)
Student scores 10
Discipline 10
Behaviour 10
Teacher education 20
Certification 20

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Laboratory 10
Library 10
Props 10

4.2.2. Step 2: Calculate the Value MADM WP using the formula (2)
Because the data held there is zero then first change the value to 1 and then raise to
value of each alternative criteria with weight value criteria as shown in Table 14 below.

Table 14. Reappointment Value Alternative to Weight Criteria

Elementary school Student scores Discipline Behavior Teacher education

SD 0911635 Kerasaan 63.37^0.1 5.35^0.1 5.53^0.1 2.78^0.2
SDN 091618 Perdagangan 60.08^0.1 5.06^0.1 4.94^0.1 3.80^0.2
SDN 091619 Perdagangan 60.70^0.1 5.33^0.1 5.67^0.1 3.00^0.2

Elementary school Teacher certification Laboratory Library Props

SD 0911635 Kerasaan 1.00^0.2 1^0.1 1^0.1 13^0.1
SDN 091618 Perdagangan 1.00^0.2 1^0.1 1^0.1 4^0.1
SDN 091619 Perdagangan 1.00^0.2 1^0.1 1^0.1 56^0.1

4.2.3. Step 3: MADMWP value of each Alternative is Obtained

Then multiplying the alternative result reappointment criterion value with value
weighting criteria to gain value of MADMWP as can be seen in Table 15 below.

Table 15. Results Value of MADMWP

Elementary school MADMWP value

SD 0911635 Kerasaan 1.514*1.182*1.186*1.226*1*1*1*1.292 = 3.361
SDN 091618 Perdagangan 1.506*1.176*1.173*1.306*1*1*1*1.148 = 3.114
SDN 091619 Perdagangan 1.507*1.182*1.189*1.245*1*1*1*1.495 = 3.942

Based on table 4.8 alternatives that have highest value is SDN 091619 Perdagangan
with MADMWP value 3.942 andthe lowest is SDN 091618 Perdagangan.

4.3. Testing Systems

System testing is performed to determine how the system performance in the process
of calculation in determining of the Best Elementary School uses WSM and MADMWP
methods. The results of both methods will be compared with data from the three periods
of the best Elementary School there is in Simalungun.

4.3.1. Calculation Process Testing Selection of the best Elementary School from
Academic Year 2011/2012
Figure 8 presents the results of calculation of the best elementary school from
academic year 2011/2012 using WSM and MADMWP methods. Based on calculations by
WSM in Figure 8, SD 091620 Perdangan is the elementary school which achieves the
highest score of WSM. Meanwhile, the result of the calculation with MADMWP method,
SD 091635 Perdagangan is the elementary school which achieves the highest score.

84 Copyright ⓒ 2017 SERSC

International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol. 11, No. 4 (2017)

Based on data from the elementary school rankings, SD 091 620 Perdangan is an
elementary school that achieves the best ranking in academic year 2011/2012.

Figure 8. Calculation Results on Selection of the Best Elementary School in

Academic Year 2011/2012

4.3.2. Calculation Process Testing Selection of the Best Elementary School from
Academic Year 2012/2013
Figure 9 below presents the results of calculation of the best elementary school from
academic year 2012/2013 using WSM and MADMWP methods.

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol. 11, No. 4 (2017)

Figure 9. Results Calculation Selection of the Best Elementary School in

Academic Year 2012/2013

Based on calculations by WSM in Figure 9, SDN 091620 Perdagangan is the

elementary School which achieves the highest score. Meanhhile, the results of the
calculation with MADMWP method, SDN 091625 Bandar is the elementary school which
achieves the highest score. Based on data from the elementary school rankings, SDN
091620 Perdagangan is the elementary school that achieves the best rangking in academic
year 2012/2013.

4.3.3. Calculation Process Testing Selection of the Best Elementary School from
Academic Year 2013/2014
Figure 10 below presents the results of calculation of the best elementary school from
academic year 2013/2014 using WSM and MADMWP methods.

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol. 11, No. 4 (2017)

Figure 10. Results Calculation Selection of the Best Elementary School in

Academic Year 2013/2014

Based on calculations by WSM in Figure 10, SDN 091620 Perdagangan is elementary

School who gets the highest score. Meanwhile, the result of the calculation with
MADMWP method, SDN 091625 Bandar is also elementary school which achieves the
highest score. Based on data from the elementary school rankings in Simalungun, SDN
091620 Perdagangan is an elementary school that had the best ratings in academic year

4.3.4. Comparative Testing Results Calculation Method of WSM and MADMWP

After three rounds of tests performed by the system against three ranked data period of
elementary school in Simalungun, the test results can be expressed in the Table 16. There
is a difference in results between the results of calculations by the method of WSM and
MADMWP. The results of calculations by the method of WSM in the three periods
showed similar results. Meanwhile, the results of the calculation with MADMWP method
change in the third period. From the three periods tested, the method of WSM has higher
compatibility than the method of MADMWP with data ratings from elementary schools in
Simalungun, Indonesia.

5. Conclusion
In this paper, comparison of weighted sum model and multi attribute decision making
weighted product methods in selecting the best elementary school in Indonesia has been
presented. Based on the results of the implementation and testing of the Decision Support
System using WSM and MADMWP in determining the best elementary school in
Simalungun, it can be concluded that:

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a. The system can solve the problems of the selection of the best elementary school in
Simalungun by implementing the method of WSM and MADMWP on the systems.
b. The results obtained from the calculation of the system are only as a reference for
users to solve problems in determining of the best elementary school in Simalungun.
c. After testing the three periods of data ranked schools which are owned by the
department of education in Simalungun, the results from WSM showed higher
accuracy than that MADMWP. Thus, in the case of the selection of the best
elementary school in Simalungun, suitability of WSM is higher than that MADMWP.
By using this system, users will be easier to determine the best elementary school.

Table 16. Results of Testing System Data Primary School in Simalungun

Academic WSM results MADMWP results
2011/2012 SD 091620 Perdangan = 13.67 SD 091635 Perdagangan = 3.954
SD 091635 Perdagangan = 11.99 SD 091620 Perdagangan = 3.949
SDN 091618 Perdagangan = 11.44 SDN 091618 Perdagangan = 3.708
SDN 091619 Perdagangan = 10.50 SDN 091619 Perdagangan = 3.509
SDN 091621 Perdagangan = 10.01 SDN 091621 Perdagangan = 3.405
SDN091622 Perdagangan = 9.68 SDN 091622 Perdagangan = 3.378
SDN091623 Perdagangan = 9.34 SDN 091623 Perdagangan = 3.378
SDN091624 Perdagangan = 9.33 SDN 091624 Perdagangan = 3.245
SDN091625 Bandar = 9.04 SDN 091625 Bandar = 3.215
SDN091626 Bandar Marutu = 8.89 SDN 091626 Bandar Marutu = 3.117
SDN 091627 Bandar Buntu = 8.70 SDN 091627 Bandar Buntu = 3.037
SDN 091628 Bandar Buntu = 8.61 SDN 091628 Bandar Buntu = 3.033
SDN 091929 Simp.Dosin = 8.60 SDN 091929 Simp.Dosin = 2.965
SDN 091630 Pem.Kerasaan = 8.58 SDN 091630 Pem.Kerasaan = 2.724
SDN 091631 Pem.Kerasaan = 8.47 SDN 091631 Pem.Kerasan = 2.666
SDN 091644 Bahlias = 8.21 SDN 091644 Bahlias = 2.663

2012/2013 SDN 091620 Perdagangan = 13.92 SDN 091625 Bandar = 3.982

SDN 091625 Bandar = 12.15 SDN 091626 Bandar Maratur = 3.913
SDN 091626 BMaratur = 12.02 SDN 091627 Bandar Buntu = 3.785
SDN 091627 Bandar Buntu = 11.22 SDN 091628 Bandar Buntu = 3.774
SDN 091628 Bandar Buntu = 10.20 SDN 091929 Simp.Dosin = 3.695
SDN 091929 Simp.Dosin = 10.06 SDN 091630 Pem.Kerasaan = 3.686
SDN 091630 Pem.Kerasaan = 9.93 SDN 091618 Perdagangan = 3.412
SDN 091631 Pem.Kerasaan = 9.52 SDN 091619 Perdagangan = 3.260
SDN 091618 Perdagangan = 9.36 SDN 091621 Perdagangan = 3.167
SDN 091619 Perdagangan = 8.91 SDN091622 Perdagangan = 3.153
SDN 091621 Perdagangan = 8.83 SDN 091623 Perdagangan = 3.020
SDN 091622 Perdagangan = 8.79 SDN 091624 Perdagangan = 2.991
SDN 091623 Perdagangan = 8.76 SDN 091631 Pem.Kerasaan = 2.972
SDN 091624 Perdagangan = 8.43 SDN 091620 Perdagangan = 2.725
SDN 091635 Perdagangan = 8.11 SDN 091635 Kerasaan = 2.663
SDN 091644 Bahlias = 8.09 SDN 091644 Bahlias = 2.613

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2013/2014 SDN 091620 Perdagangan = 14.19 SDN 091620 Perdagangan = 4.461

SDN 091618 Perdagangan = 12.20 SDN 091618 Perdagangan = 4.121
SDN 091619 Perdagangan = 11.93 SDN 091619 Perdagangan = 3.978
SDN 091621 Perdagangan = 10.64 SDN 091621 Perdagangan = 3.859
SDN 091622 Perdagangan = 10.50 SDN 091622 Perdagangan = 3.794
SDN 091623 Perdagangan = 9.90 SDN 091623 Perdagangan = 3.699
SDN 091624 Perdagangan = 9.74 SDN 091624 Perdagangan = 3.57
SDN 091635 Kerasaan = 9.70 SDN 091635 Kerasaan = 3.552
SDN 091625 Bandar = 9.66 SDN 091625 Bandar = 3.336
SDN 091626 Bandar Maratur = 9.59 SDN 091626 Bandar Maratur = 3.296
SDN 091627 Bandar Buntu = 9.33 SDN 091627 Bandar Buntu = 3.265
SDN 091628 Bandar Buntu = 9.31 SDN 091628 Bandar Buntu = 3.198
SDN 091929 Simp.Dosin = 8.87 SDN 091929 Simp.Dosin = 3.132
SDN 091630 Pem.Kerasaan = 8.77 SDN 091630 Pem.Kerasaan = 2.954
SDN 091631 Pem.Kerasaan = 8.73 SDN 091631 Pem.Kerasaan = 2.691
SDN 091644 Bahlias = 8.55 SDN 091644 Bahlias = 2.660

This research is supported by Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama), Jakarta,

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