U6 - Part 1 - Reading 1 - 10

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Câu hỏi 

Reading 1
Eating Well: Less Science, More Common Sense (pages 135-136)
Previewing to predict the main idea of whole text
Task 1: Read the title, paragraph 1, paragraph 10 and circle the best main idea of the
article. Then read the whole text and check your answer.

The best main idea of the article:

Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. Making healthy food choices and eating well are two major challenges of
people in the modern society. 
b. A better diet and healthier life can result from four simple things in spite
of difficulties in choosing what and how to eat.
c. In addition to changing eating and shopping habits, people should regularly do
physical exercises to stay healthy.
d. Shopping at farmers’ market or a local store is suggested by many experts as
the food there is fresher and healthier.
Câu hỏi 2
Skimming for main ideas
Task 2: Read the statements. Would the author of the magazine article agree with
them? Write Y (yes) or N (no). 
 1. Scientific research about diet and health usually gives us helpful
information.Trả lời
2. Reading food labels has made us better informed, healthier consumers.Trả lời

3. We don’t need experts to tell us what to eat.Trả lời
4. A lot of food found in a supermarket is not “real food”.Trả lời
5. The purpose of eating is mainly for health and nutrition.Trả lời
6. An urban garden is an old tradition that works well in modern cities.Trả lời

Câu hỏi 3
Reading for details (using glosses and footnotes)
Task 3: Read the whole article again and choose the best answer.
1. According to the article, which question is difficult for many people to answer
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. Which are the healthiest foods to eat? 
b. How do people limit their meat intake?
c. How do eating habits affect people’s behaviors?
d. How do people eat to stay healthy?  
Câu hỏi 4
2. In Paragraph 2, how are the results of the studies on eggs from different
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. confusing 
b. similar
c. significant
d. helpful
Câu hỏi 5
3. Why do manufacturers usually write “low fat” or “all natural” on food labels?
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. They only want to sell their products. 
b. Doctors and health experts suggest.
c. Shoppers are attracted by good products.
d. These products are carefully tested.
Câu hỏi 6
4. How do Japanese people limit their intake of food? 
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. They eat until they are 80% full. 
b. They eat only vegetarian foods.
c. They don’t eat too much in a meal.
d. They eat only fruit and vegetables.
Câu hỏi 7
5. Which piece of advice would Michael Pollan probably agree with?
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. Selecting healthy food and learning how to cook it are both important. 
b. Shopping at a supermarket is the best choice as food there is good.
c. If you eat only one meal a day, you will certainly feel healthier.
d. Eating for good health is more important than eating for pleasure. 
Câu hỏi 8
6. At the Edible School Yard in the U.S., what are children not learning to do?
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. Read and understand food labels. 
b. Learn how to plant fruits and vegetables.
c. Practice developing healthy eating habits.
d. Learn how to prepare for their meals.
Câu hỏi 9
7. Which is NOT the benefit of having an urban garden?
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. Knowing how to sell their products 
b. Promoting community and sharing
c. Having fresh fruits and vegetable
d. Getting more exercises and saving money
Câu hỏi 10
8. What does “Bon appétit” at the end of the article mean?
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. Enjoy your food 
b. Have a better diet
c. Be healthier
d. Try good food 
Câu hỏi 11
Đoạn văn câu hỏi

Four techniques the writers use to influence readers.

1. Using descriptive language and vocabulary (not supported with facts and
2. Expressing direct criticism of the opposing point of view.
3. Using adverbs like in fact, in reality, and indeed to emphasize particular
4. Using pronouns like we and our to claim that the reader shares the writer’s
A. Read these sentences from the reading1. Look at words in  bold. Write the
number of technique used from the box above for each sentence. In some sentences,
two techniques are used.
a) We are surrounded by information telling us what’s good for us and what
isn’t, but usually this information is more confusing than helpful.
Chọn nhiều câu trả lời đúng:
A. Technique 1
B. Technique 2 
C. Technique 3
D. Technique 4 
Câu hỏi 12
b) Shopping for food can also be challenging.
Chọn nhiều câu trả lời đúng:
A. Technique 1 
B. Technique 2 
C. Technique 3
D. Technique 4
Câu hỏi 13
c) Indeed, many food labels are often misleading.
Chọn nhiều câu trả lời đúng:
A. Technique 1
B. Technique 2 
C. Technique 3 
D. Technique 4
Câu hỏi 14
d) In reality, though, their specific yoghurt isn’t preferred by doctors, but
shoppers may think it is because of the food label.
Chọn nhiều câu trả lời đúng:
A. Technique 1
B. Technique 2 
C. Technique 3 
D. Technique 4
Câu hỏi 15
e) So how do we make healthy choice?
Chọn nhiều câu trả lời đúng:
A. Technique 1 
B. Technique 2
C. Technique 3
D. Technique 4 
Câu hỏi 16
f) According to Pollan, we need to stop reading labels, and listening to the
so-called scientific “experts.”
Chọn nhiều câu trả lời đúng:
A. Technique 1
B. Technique 2 
C. Technique 3
D. Technique 4
Câu hỏi 17
g) A supermarket is also full of items like instant noodles, diet sodas, and similar
products- the ones that aren’t good for us.
Chọn nhiều câu trả lời đúng:
A. Technique 1
B. Technique 2 
C. Technique 3
D. Technique 4 
Câu hỏi 18
h) The food [at farmers’ market] fresh and healthier.
Chọn nhiều câu trả lời đúng:
A. Technique 1 
B. Technique 2
C. Technique 3
D. Technique 4
Câu hỏi 19
B. Write down the language that shows bias in the following sentences and write
the number of the technique used by the writer.
a) You may read that my colleagues do not agree with me on this topic. But let
me make this clear: my colleagues have ignored the latest research data.
do not agree, have ignored . 2
Câu trả lời: 
Phản hồi

my colleagues have ignored the latest research data. (Technique 2)

Câu hỏi 20
b) Not all fats are bad for you. In reality, some are very good for you.
Not all, In reality. 1 and 3
Câu trả lời: 
Phản hồi

In reality (Technique 3)

Câu hỏi 21
c) Nutrition advice can sometimes be difficult to understand.
difficult to understand. 2
Câu trả lời: 
Phản hồi

difficult to understand. (Technique1)

Câu hỏi 22
d) We are all concerned about our weight getting out of control, so let’s do
something about it.
concerned, do something. 4
Câu trả lời: 
Phản hồi

We; let’s (Technique 4)

Câu hỏi 23
e) Research into nutrition has been going on for decades, but in fact, much is
still unknown about foods as simple as the carrot.
but in fact. 1 and 3
Câu trả lời: 
Phản hồi

in fact (Technique 3)
Câu hỏi 24
f) You and I both know that candy isn’t good for our teeth, so why do we
continue to eat it? 
isn't good, continue to eat. 2 and 4
Câu trả lời: 
Phản hồi

You and I (Technique 4)

Câu hỏi 25
Đoạn văn câu hỏi

g) Everyone wants to eat healthily. Many food manufacturers, however, are more
interested in keeping costs down than in using healthy ingredients. 
however. 2
Câu trả lời: 
Phản hồi

are more interested in keeping costs down than in using healthy ingredients.
(Technique 2)

Câu hỏi 26
h) You won’t believe how delicious the cheesecake is: It’s an absolute miracle. 
Câu trả lời: 
Phản hồi

You won’t believe; delicious; absolute miracle. (Technique 1)

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