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QUIZ 001

20.00 / 100.00

Which of the following is not part of the message a speaker conveys?

- Facial Expressions (NOT SURE)

Which of the following is not part of the message a speaker conveys?

- Facial Expressions (NOT SURE)

Which of the following is a feature of a public speaking event but not a

- He started talking faster when he noticed that his listeners had to leave (NOT

The success of a speech is highly dependent on which of the following elements?

- Message (NOT SURE)

Which of the following elements conveys the message of the listener to the
- None of the above (NOT SURE)

Which of the following is not a difference between public speaking and


er as
- Public speaking is done within a time frame, while a conversation does not

strictly follow one (NOT SURE)

eH w
Which is not a form of external interference?

- A fight you had with your significant other (NOT SURE)
rs e
ou urc
Which is not a technique in developing confidence?
- Prepare for the worst possible scenario. (NOT SURE)

Which of the following characteristics refers to the research and careful study

a speaker does before an event?

aC s

- All of the above (NOT SURE)

v i y re

Which is not a form of internal interference?

- Thinking of a fight with your significant other (NOT SURE)

QUIZ 002
ed d

50.00 / 100.00
ar stu

In a debate, you bring up certain trivia about the speaker in hopes to deflect
the attention from the argument they are raising.
sh is

You mention in your speech that there are compelling arguments that contradict
your idea, but despite this you feel that your main points still stand because

you also have undeniable evidence that support it.


Quoting statements and acknowledging the people you interviewed to support your

Silently rejecting the points of the speaker, and eventually tuning out because
the speech is against your personal beliefs.

Rounding up percentages so your presentation looks better.


Rounding up percentages so your presentation looks better.


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Silently rejecting the points of the speaker, and eventually tuning out because
the speech is against your personal beliefs.

You take down notes from the speaker�s message, and raise concerns about it
during the open forum after the speech.

You paraphrased another author in your speech, and let the audience assume it
was your idea.

Quoting statements and acknowledging the people you interviewed to support your

QUIZ 003

The _________ purpose determines whether your speech will be informative or


- Entertainment Speeches

er as
The _________ _____ should reflect what you want to achieve in the speech.

eH w

The technique of brainstorming that involves listing specific topics under
rs e
certain categories.
ou urc

The specific purpose needs to be written in the form of an ___________ sentence.

aC s

The _________ _____ reflects what you want to say in the speech.
v i y re

The _________ of the speech must be relevant to the audience.

ed d

We must avoid using _________ language in making the specific purpose of a

ar stu

- abusive

The role we assume when delivering a persuasive speech is an ___________.

- advocates (not sure)
sh is

What is the first recommended technique when brainstorming for a topic?


What term is used for the statement you want your audience to remember after the
- critical thinking (not sure)

QUIZ 004
40.00 / 100.00

Audience centeredness means developing a relationship with the audience so they

identify with us, and vice versa.
- True

We need to consider the audience�s disposition towards the topic in making the

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Good public speakers are message centered.

We need to consider the audience�s disposition towards the topic in making the

Situational audience analysis considers the make up of the audience, by looking

into its members.

Data sampling is a more qualitative way of surveying the audience.


Direct observation is a good technique to use because personal experience is

better than knowledge we learn directly.

Age and gender setting are types of demographic audience analyses


Identification is when we are mindful of the audience when making the speech.

er as

eH w
Fixed alternative questions give fixed choices, and the person answering merely
needs to choose one amongst the options.

- rs e
ou urc
aC s
v i y re
ed d
ar stu
sh is

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