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Question 1 (1 point)

Flexible work schedules often result in a lower level of job satisfaction.

Question 1 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 2 (1 point)

Benchmarking looks at the "best practices" in other companies.

Question 2 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 3 (1 point)

How can organizations lessen the experience of survivor syndrome during a downsizing?
Question 3 options:
A) ensure a good severance package is provided to those who were laid off
B) ensure downsizing activities do not take place near holidays
C) ensure popular employees are kept on, to help motivate others
D) ensure the remaining employees feel like they matter
Question 4 (1 point)

An environment where people have multiple part-time jobs instead of one permanent job is
referred to a gig economy.
Question 4 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 5 (1 point)

Providing family-friendly practices can serve as a powerful way to attract and retain top-
caliber employees.
Question 5 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 6 (1 point)
How has the educational attainment of the Canadian labour force changed in recent years?
Question 6 options:
A) remained at about the same level
B) fallen slightly
C) fallen dramatically
D) risen steadily
Question 7 (1 point)

All managers are people managers and, therefore, have HR responsibilities.

Question 7 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 8 (1 point)

Which term best describes the value of knowledge, skills, and capabilities that may not show
up on a company's balance sheet but have tremendous impact on an organization's

Question 8 options:

A) human capital

B) core competencies

C) knowledge capital

D) stakeholder value

Question 9 (1 point)

Aligning work expectations for the employee with the organization's goals is part of which
HRM activity?

Question 9 options:

A) managing employee performance

B) rewarding and recognizing employees

C) orienting, training, and developing employees

D) promoting employee health and safety through organizational culture

Question 10 (1 point)

Studies reveal that in order to remain competitive, what should organizations be monitoring
continuously, due to its impact on HRM systems, practices, and policies?
Question 10 options:
A) changes in labour legislation at federal and provincial levels
B) human capital development and talent management
C) HRIS policies
D) takeovers, mergers, and acquisitions
Question 11 (1 point)

Which strategy are you using when analyzing how hamburgers are sold?
Question 11 options:
A) corporate strategy
B) business unit strategy
C) business strategy
D) HR strategy
Question 12 (1 point)

Many Canadian companies have created global operations or work collaboratively with
foreign companies to sell Canadian products.
Question 12 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 13 (1 point)

What is the influence of technology on HRM?

Question 13 options:
A) operational (e.g., automation), improved services and access to information
B) increased contracting out, outsourcing, and employee leasing
C) concerns about privacy, ethics, and culture
D) a complicated set of issues related to language and communication
Question 14 (1 point)

Talent management involves leveraging competencies to achieve high organizational

Question 14 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 15 (1 point)

How is the continuing focus on work and family balance impacting the workplace?
Question 15 options:
A) an increase in the number of unions starting up
B) an increase in people switching careers mid-life
C) an increase in employee demands for privacy
D) an increase in non-traditional jobs (part-time, contract, etc.)
Question 16 (1 point)

HR professionals provide guidance and assistance as internal consultants to managers.

Question 16 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 17 (1 point)

In what way are Canadian labour force demographics expected to change?

Question 17 options:
A) College graduates will make up a smaller share of the Canadian labour force than they did in the past.
B) Women will make up a smaller share of the Canadian labour force than they did in the past.
C) Visible minorities will make up a smaller share of the Canadian labour force than they did in the past.
D) Young entry-level workers will make up a smaller share of the Canadian labour force than they
did in the past.
Question 18 (1 point)

All employees must be literate in order to secure a job.

Question 18 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 19 (1 point)

Which HR activity provides the resources to assist employees in developing the necessary
knowledge and skills to do their jobs today and in the future?
Question 19 options:
A) defining, analyzing, and designing work
B) managing employee performance
C) orienting, training, and developing
D) knowing rights and responsibilities
Question 20 (1 point)

What percentage of the Canadian economy is affected by international competition?

Question 20 options:
A) 30 to 40 percent
B) 50 to 60 percent
C) 70 to 80 percent
D) 80 to 90 percent

Chap 2
Question 1 (1 point)

Reverse discrimination is allowed if the employer can demonstrate that they are living up to
the spirit of the Employment Equity by attempting to correct past discrimination.
Question 1 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 2 (1 point)

Decisions reached by human rights commissions or tribunals have little influence over
employment issues.
Question 2 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 3 (1 point)
What are employers covered by the Employment Equity Act legally obligated to do?
Question 3 options:
A) identify and remove any employment barriers for members of designated groups
B) establish pay equity policies
C) appoint an employment equity coordinator to liaise with the federal regulatory agency
D) establish a joint committee comprised of union and management representatives
Question 4 (1 point)

It is recommended that a company's anti-harassment policy acknowledge that the company is

committed to a harassment-free environment.
Question 4 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 5 (1 point)

The provinces and territories in Canada have their own legislation that covers employment
standards, human rights, labour relations, and worker health and safety.
Question 5 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 6 (1 point)

Only workplaces in the public sector are covered by human rights legislation.
Question 6 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 7 (1 point)

Why is systemic discrimination difficult to prove?

Question 7 options:
A) It's less understood than other forms of discrimination so people aren't aware.
B) Businesses may rationalize their actions by saying "we've always done it this way."
C) Many employment barriers are hidden and unintentional.
D) The people affected don't want to talk about it.
Question 8 (1 point)
Halifax and Vancouver have the largest visible minority communities in Canada.
Question 8 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 9 (1 point)

What legislation states that significant work-related stressors such as bullying, harassment, or
violence are prohibited?
Question 9 options:
A) privacy legislation
B) occupational health and safety legislation
C) employment equity legislation
D) human rights mental disability prohibition
Question 10 (1 point)

Who should be aware of their personal biases and how these attitudes can influence their
dealings with one another?
Question 10 options:
A) all employees, including supervisors and managers
B) full-time employees
C) male employees
D) managers
Question 11 (1 point)

Which of the following is an example of reasonable accommodation?

Question 11 options:
A) permitting an employee to use medical marijuana in the workplace provided there is no safety
risk to others
B) providing childcare allowances when employees take company-sponsored courses
C) maintaining rigid work schedules which prohibit employees from participating in traditional activities
D) telecommuting for an employee who prefers to work at home
Question 12 (1 point)

Under the Employment Equity Act, employers are required to develop plans to better
represent members of the designated groups.
Question 12 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 13 (1 point)

Which of the following is an added advantage of establishing a diversity initiative?

Question 13 options:
A) discovering and addressing unconscious biases
B) reviewing employment practices
C) communicating values and mission statements
D) designing a performance appraisal form
Question 14 (1 point)

The four designated groups identified in the Employment Equity Act are women, First
Nations peoples, persons with disabilities, and underemployed minorities.
Question 14 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 15 (1 point)

Newfoundland and British Columbia do not have pay equity legislation.

Question 15 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 16 (1 point)

CEOs in Canada recognize the importance of diversity in their overall business strategy.
Question 16 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 17 (1 point)

Which of the following is a factor in pay equity comparisons?

Question 17 options:
A) currency pay rate
B) performance of the employees
C) seniority
D) skill and effort
Question 18 (1 point)

Which of the following groups is required to comply with the Employment Equity Act?
Question 18 options:
A) crown organizations employing more than 250 people
B) not-for-profit groups
C) organizations who do more than $1-million dollars of business with the federal government
D) the federal government and federal agencies
Question 19 (1 point)

While diversity refers to our differences, inclusion is putting into action all those differences
to create a very successful organization.
Question 19 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 20 (1 point)

The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) protects the
employee's personal information.
Question 20 options:
A) True
B) False

Chap 4
Question 1 (1 point)

Who determines what tasks and activities need to be performed, and in which order, to reach
the company's objectives?
Question 1 options:
B) manager
C) head of HR
D) team leader
Question 2 (1 point)
Job descriptions are only valid if they contain the date the description was created and the
reporting structure.
Question 2 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 3 (1 point)

What is a radical change within the past decade in terms of how work is done?
Question 3 options:
A) the introduction of employee teams
B) the introduction of empowerment teams
C) the introduction of top-down decision-making
D) the introduction of employee involvement
Question 4 (1 point)

Job analysis is the process of obtaining information about jobs or work by determining what
the duties, tasks, or activities are and what skills, knowledge, and abilities are associated with
those jobs.
Question 4 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 5 (1 point)

Job specifications describe the duties, tasks, and responsibilities performed on the job and
therefore play a key role in performance appraisal.
Question 5 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 6 (1 point)

Why is job analysis called the cornerstone of HRM?

Question 6 options:
A) It links HR strategy with HR processes.
B) The information obtained is proactive.
C) The information it collects serves so many HRM functions.
D) It is required by law.
Question 7 (1 point)

Which part of the HRM process would include the following instruction: "Describe two or
three of the more difficult problems you must solve to get your job done"?
Question 7 options:
A) performance evaluation
B) job description creation
C) job design
D) job analysis
Question 8 (1 point)

"Deposits cheques on a daily basis" is an example of which two components of a job

Question 8 options:
A) standards of performance and job specifications
B) essential duties and responsibility and standards of performance
C) job specifications and required experience
D) required experience and standards of performance
Question 9 (1 point)

Employee empowerment and employee teams are collaborative techniques used in today's
Question 9 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 10 (1 point)

How many essential duties and responsibilities are usually listed in a job description?
Question 10 options:
A) 5-9
B) 10-15
C) 16-20
D) 21-30
Question 11 (1 point)

"Keeps customer satisfaction levels at 80% or above" is found under the heading of Duties
and Responsibilities in a job description.
Question 11 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 12 (1 point)

An employer may be charged with unfair discrimination if the criteria used to evaluate an
employee's performance is not job-related
Question 12 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 13 (1 point)

Which term refers to the process of systematically defining and arranging tasks, roles, and
other processes to achieve employee goals and organizational effectiveness?
Question 13 options:
A) job analysis
B) organizational design
C) job evaluation
D) job design
Question 14 (1 point)

Enhancing collaboration increases the degree to which employees engage in work processes
and/or organizational decisions.
Question 14 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 15 (1 point)

Which of the following can be included in a job design strategy?

Question 15 options:
A) job downsizing
B) job rotation
C) job shadowing
D) job sharing
Question 16 (1 point)
Which term refers to a group of employees working together toward a common purpose,
whose members have complementary skills, the work of the members is mutually dependent,
and the group has discretion over tasks performed?
Question 16 options:
A) employee empowerment
B) employee commitment
C) employee team
D) employee engagement
Question 17 (1 point)

Job design is the process of defining and arranging tasks, roles, and other processes to achieve
employee goals and organizational effectiveness.
Question 17 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 18 (1 point)

The job specification that a truck driver must be male, is an example of what?
Question 18 options:
A) exploitation
B) harassment
C) discrimination
D) inclusion and diversity
Question 19 (1 point)

Prior to commencing any job analyses, it's key that managers and employees understand how
the analysis will be conducted and what will be done with the information that is collected.
Question 19 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 20 (1 point)

What are two outcomes of the job design process?

Question 20 options:
A) achieving employee goals and organizational effectiveness
B) adapting to the role of being a leader, coach, and facilitator
C) finding ways to support and enhance employee contribution initiatives
D) understanding employee empowerment, employee involvement, and employee teams

Chap 5
Question 1 (1 point)

Transferring employees to another department is a common tactic when managing an

employee with performance issues.
Question 1 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 2 (1 point)

HR managers should not interfere in their organization's management steering committee or

strategic planning group.
Question 2 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 3 (1 point)

Excessive reliance on internal sources can create the risk of employee cloning.
Question 3 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 4 (1 point)

The selection process enables the recruiter or employer to predict job performance of the
candidate in the organization.
Question 4 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 5 (1 point)

Application forms, résumes, interviews, tests, and reference checks are different sources of
information about applicants.
Question 5 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 6 (1 point)

The information used for selection decisions must be both reliable and valid.
Question 6 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 7 (1 point)

Which type of test is used to measure a person's general intelligence?

Question 7 options:
A) cognitive abilities
B) personality and interest inventory
C) job sample
D) emotional intelligence
Question 8 (1 point)

Aptitude tests measure a person's capacity to learn or acquire skills. They are also referred to
as cognitive ability tests.
Question 8 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 9 (1 point)

What is one concern associated with using employee referrals as a method for recruitment?
Question 9 options:
A) Employees don't want to compete with people they know for positions.
B) This recruitment method raises the potential for systemic discrimination.
C) The costs associated with employee referrals is often high.
D) The quality of employee-referred applicants is usually low.
Question 10 (1 point)

Many managers are unclear about the questions they can ask on an application form.
Question 10 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 11 (1 point)

When an organization becomes "flatter,� it means there are fewer organizational layers
between front-line employees and executives.
Question 11 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 12 (1 point)

In the past, the traditional retirement age was usually 65. Today, many people postpone
retirement and continue to work past 65. Which HR function does this trend have the greatest
impact on?
Question 12 options:
A) selecting recruitment sources
B) planning training and development
C) determining the natural attrition rate
D) calculating salaries and benefits
Question 13 (1 point)

Several years ago, ThinkFast Marketing Solutions was rapidly expanding and had just over
120 permanent employees. Since then, the organization has shifted its market focus. Senior
management has determined that it has 12 percent more employees than it needs to operate
efficiently and effectively. What is this an example of?
Question 13 options:
A) surplus of employees
B) oversupply of labour
C) natural attrition
D) high turnover
Question 14 (1 point)

Making hiring decisions is a scientific process.

Question 14 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 15 (1 point)

Which type of test is used to measure an individual's personal qualities for leadership roles?
Question 15 options:
A) cognitive abilities
B) personality and interest inventory
C) job sample
D) emotional intelligence
Question 16 (1 point)

Executive search firms seek out candidates with qualifications that match the requirements of
the positions that their client firm is seeking to fill.
Question 16 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 17 (1 point)

Hiring decisions are typically approached in one of two ways. What are these two
Question 17 options:
A) clinical and unstructured
B) structured and clinical
C) unstructured and statistical
D) statistical and clinical
Question 18 (1 point)

Educational institutions are typically a source of young applicants with formal training and
relatively little full-time work experience.
Question 18 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 19 (1 point)

The structured interview tends to be less reliable than the unstructured method where the
questions are more open-ended.
Question 19 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 20 (1 point)
Which of the following are common tools used in the employee selection process?
Question 20 options:
A) application forms and reference checks
B) cover letters and employee referrals
C) internal job postings and interviews
D) job fairs and interviews

Chap 6
Question 1 (1 point)

The instructional systems design approach to training and development involves three distinct
Question 1 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 2 (1 point)

Determining the length and sequence of materials in a training program is usually done during
the evaluation phase.
Question 2 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 3 (1 point)

What are the first and fourth steps in the instructional systems design approach to training?
Question 3 options:
A) program administration and evaluation
B) needs assessment and evaluation
C) needs assessment and delivery
D) program design and delivery
Question 4 (1 point)

Which of the following is one of the methods for evaluating training?

Question 4 options:
A) impact
B) outcome
C) behaviour
D) motivation
Question 5 (1 point)

Why must an organization's plans, policies, and procedures continually change?

Question 5 options:
A) to adapt to conditions that are always changing
B) to keep pace with new technology
C) to attract younger employees to organization
D) to confuse competitors about organization's focus
Question 6 (1 point)

Which of the following is one of the methods for evaluating training?

Question 6 options:
A) learning
B) motivation
C) outcome
D) contribution
Question 7 (1 point)

Role-playing brings a hypothetical situation to life and provides experiential learning.

Question 7 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 8 (1 point)

Which of the following best defines employee learning?

Question 8 options:
A) acquiring the skills, behaviours, and abilities to perform future work or to solve an organizational
B) ensuring that employees continue to learn and grow
C) continuing the flow of instruction and suggestions from a manager
D) changing an employee's behaviour and thinking
Question 9 (1 point)
Orientation helps employees understand their role in the larger organization.
Question 9 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 10 (1 point)

Being open to working with a diverse group of people is a core skill that many employers
look for in potential employees.
Question 10 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 11 (1 point)

Socialization refers to how quickly an individual forms friendship at work.

Question 11 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 12 (1 point)

To assess the value of training and development, organizations measure their return on
Question 12 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 13 (1 point)

Trainee readiness can be impacted by previous successful and unsuccessful training.

Question 13 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 14 (1 point)

The management team at EFY co. would like to improve the interpersonal relationships and
team dynamics within its organization. What should managers consider as they design team
Question 14 options:
A) Team training is most successful when it takes place over time and includes team development.
B) The development of teams is a gradual, linear process.
C) Management will have to start over at the beginning of a training program whenever new employees
come on board.
D) Most older employees prefer traditional training materials and formats.
Question 15 (1 point)

To increase trainee motivation, the training objectives must be clearly related to trainees'
individual goals or needs.
Question 15 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 16 (1 point)

Lateral transfers allow employees to more horizontally through different departments in an

Question 16 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 17 (1 point)

One of the long-term benefits of effective orientation is lower turnover.

Question 17 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 18 (1 point)

When a training program is successfully implemented in several departments within an

organization, the training program has a high degree of transfer of training.
Question 18 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 19 (1 point)

Health and safety training should be part of all formal orientation programs.
Question 19 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 20 (1 point)

Everything learned during training programs is transferred and used on the job.
Question 20 options:
A) True
B) False

Midterm Review
Question 1 (1 point)

Flexible work schedules often result in a lower level of job satisfaction.

Question 1 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 2 (1 point)

How is the continuing focus on work and family balance impacting the workplace?
Question 2 options:
A) an increase in the number of unions starting up
B) an increase in people switching careers mid-life
C) an increase in employee demands for privacy
D) an increase in non-traditional jobs (part-time, contract, etc.)
Question 3 (1 point)

Canadian oil and gas companies, and Canadian mining companies, have been experiencing
growth while the Canadian car manufacturing industry has declined significantly. Canada's
ability to export large quantities of oil and gas faces environmental concerns about extracting
and shipping. What current business challenge is this an example of?

Question 3 options:

A) demographics and employee concerns

B) technology and quality

C) culture and environment

D) changes in firms and business sectors

Question 4 (1 point)

IT costs are one of the largest expenditures in any organization.

Question 4 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 5 (1 point)

How has the educational attainment of the Canadian labour force changed in recent years?
Question 5 options:
A) remained at about the same level
B) fallen slightly
C) fallen dramatically
D) risen steadily
Question 6 (1 point)

What are three current business concerns facing organizations?

Question 6 options:
A) global economy, demographics, and technology
B) language, organizational culture, and employee assistance
C) human resource planning, staffing, and training
D) labour relations, language, and culture
Question 7 (1 point)

Who is the key link between the employee and the organization?
Question 7 options:
A) manager
B) human resource manager
C) work group
D) department teams
Question 8 (1 point)
What is critical to an organization for it to build its competitive advantage?
Question 8 options:
A) its business strategy
B) its employees
C) its corporate strategy
D) its productivity edge
Question 9 (1 point)

What information do employees rely on HRM to help them understand?

Question 9 options:
A) social and legal issues of organizational non-compliance
B) how to apply HRM principles in the execution of their technical skills
C) that managers are the key link between the employee and the customer
D) how their performance will be measured
Question 10 (1 point)

"Family-friendly" is a broad term that may include unconventional hours, daycare, part-time
work, job sharing, maternity leave, executive transfers, and telecommuting.

Question 10 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 11 (1 point)

In addition to legislation, what else drives business to treat employees in certain ways?
Question 11 options:
A) competition amongst employers
B) avoiding negative publicity
C) reduction in employee turnover
D) the morale of the employees
Question 12 (1 point)

Reverse discrimination is allowed if the employer can demonstrate that they are living up to
the spirit of the Employment Equity by attempting to correct past discrimination.
Question 12 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 13 (1 point)

Each province and territory has legislation, relatively similar to the federal employment laws,
that provides certain rights and guarantees regarding employment.
Question 13 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 14 (1 point)

In the most recent Employment and Social Development Canada's report, which designated
group has seen a significant increase in participation?
Question 14 options:
A) baboriginal peoples
B) women
C) people with disabilities
D) visible minorities
Question 15 (1 point)

Provinces and territories have legislation dealing with human rights and legislation that covers
unions and their relationships with employers.
Question 15 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 16 (1 point)

Which of the following groups is required to comply with the Employment Equity Act?
Question 16 options:
A) crown organizations employing more than 250 people
B) not-for-profit groups
C) organizations who do more than $1-million dollars of business with the federal government
D) the federal government and federal agencies
Question 17 (1 point)

Recruitment, training, and performance management all must be examined by organizations

looking to increase the diversity of its workforce.
Question 17 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 18 (1 point)

Which of the following best defines diversity management?

Question 18 options:
A) the basic equal opportunity obligations of employers
B) employment of individuals in a fair and unbiased manner
C) the combination of organizational policies and practices that supports and maximize the benefits
of different employee in order to reach business objectives
D) fairness in such areas as race, religion, and gender
Question 19 (1 point)

The four designated groups identified in the Employment Equity Act are women, First
Nations peoples, persons with disabilities, and underemployed minorities.
Question 19 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 20 (1 point)

Systemic discrimination refers to the open, intentional barriers that organizations use to
deliberately prevent members of designated groups from progressing.
Question 20 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 21 (1 point)

A job consists of a group of related activities and duties.

Question 21 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 22 (1 point)

Employee empowerment succeeds regardless of whether the culture of the organization is

receptive or unreceptive to change.
Question 22 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 23 (1 point)

What essential role do job specifications play in the recruitment process?

Question 23 options:
A) to reduce the likelihood of discrimination occurring
B) to deter unqualified applicants from applying
C) to provide a basis for attracting qualified applicants
D) to identifies competencies which may make candidates undesirable
Question 24 (1 point)

Work activities, worker attributes, and work context are some of the information gathered as
part of job design.
Question 24 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 25 (1 point)

Which term refers to the section of a job description that describes the health and safety
hazards related to the job?
Question 25 options:
A) title
B) summary
C) specifications
D) duties and responsibilities
Question 26 (1 point)

Which HRM process makes use of the information collected during job analysis?
Question 26 options:
A) employee termination
B) performance management
C) developing benefits packages
D) developing employee guidelines
Question 27 (1 point)
Which of the following is a characteristic of the job characteristics model?
Question 27 options:
A) readiness
B) autonomy
C) task intensity
D) individual differences
Question 28 (1 point)

Which model recognizes the link between motivational factors and components of a job to
achieve improved job satisfaction?
Question 28 options:
A) job satisfaction model
B) job characteristics model
C) job achievement model
D) job motivation model
Question 29 (1 point)

What is the job design term for when a person's job expands in the types of tasks he or she is
expected to perform?
Question 29 options:
A) job crafting
B) job rotation
C) job enrichment
D) job enlargement
Question 30 (1 point)

By comparing the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) identified by job analysis with those
that employees bring to the job, managers can determine the gap that exists. What is this
information especially useful for?
Question 30 options:
A) union negotiations
B) determining the job's salary scale
C) training and development initiatives
D) establishing selection criteria
Question 31 (1 point)
Several years ago, ThinkFast Marketing Solutions was rapidly expanding and had just over
120 permanent employees. Since then, the organization has shifted its market focus. Senior
management has determined that it has 12 percent more employees than it needs to operate
efficiently and effectively. What is this an example of?
Question 31 options:
A) surplus of employees
B) oversupply of labour
C) natural attrition
D) high turnover
Question 32 (1 point)

Well-written advertisements highlight the major assets of the position while showing the
responsiveness of the organization to the job and career needs of the applicant.
Question 32 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 33 (1 point)

What is a key purpose of human resource planning?

Question 33 options:
A) to provide greater job security in uncertain times
B) to remove the responsibility for effective employee selection from line managers
C) to anticipate labour shortages and surpluses
D) to deploy human resources in a manner that conforms to employment legislation
Question 34 (1 point)

The structured interview is used more frequently as a result of employment equity

requirements and a concern for increasing the validity of selection decisions.
Question 34 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 35 (1 point)

An employment test is an objective and standardized way to assess a person's competencies

and other characteristics in relation to other individuals.
Question 35 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 36 (1 point)

One way for managers to successfully recruit employees with different ethnic and cultural
backgrounds is to be involved in outreach programs.
Question 36 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 37 (1 point)

In what type of organization does HR planning happen more systematically?

Question 37 options:
A) small organizations
B) entrepreneurial organizations
C) organizations with rapidly changing environments
D) large organizations
Question 38 (1 point)

Even when all legal, ethical, and procedural considerations are taken into account, bad hiring
decisions may still occur.
Question 38 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 39 (1 point)

What is one advantage of external recruitment?

Question 39 options:
A) It stabilizes the organization.
B) Employees have less resentment toward an outsider who fills a job they wanted.
C) It can bring in people with a variety of experiences and perspectives.
D) It can help maintain the corporate culture.
Question 40 (1 point)

Hiring decisions are typically approached in one of two ways. What are these two
Question 40 options:
A) clinical and unstructured
B) structured and clinical
C) unstructured and statistical
D) statistical and clinical
Question 41 (1 point)

How do career development programs benefit organizations?

Question 41 options:
A) They provide greater retention of valued employees.
B) They offer employees the opportunity for advancement within their fields.
C) They give managers more control over their subordinates.
D) They reduce the need for succession planning at a higher level.
Question 42 (1 point)

What is one of the easiest, but least effective, approaches to training evaluation?
Question 42 options:
A) reactions
B) learning
C) behaviour
D) results
Question 43 (1 point)

Teamwork skills fall under two broad categories: task-related and relationship-related.
Question 43 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 44 (1 point)

Which term refers to executives or managers who coach, advise, and encourage lower-level
employees of?
Question 44 options:
A) role models
B) mentors
C) prot�g�s
D) teachers
Question 45 (1 point)

What are two principal criteria for determining promotions?

Question 45 options:
A) seniority and salary
B) knowledge and skills
C) merit and seniority
D) seniority and knowledge
Question 46 (1 point)

How must training and development programs be structured in order to contribute to the
organization's overall goals?
Question 46 options:
A) streamline organizational development
B) support organizational goals and strategies
C) enhance organizational performance
D) improve organizational analysis
Question 47 (1 point)

Which learning principle addresses the fact that people need to know why specific outcomes
have been set?
Question 47 options:
A) modelling
B) relevance
C) goal setting
D) activity
Question 48 (1 point)

Classroom instruction is often supplemented with case studies.

Question 48 options:
A) True
B) False
Question 49 (1 point)
Which principle of learning is illustrated by giving students information on their learning
progress through tests and verbal assessments?
Question 49 options:
A) relevance
B) feedback
C) validation
D) goal setting
Question 50 (1 point)

When new hires have all the skills required to perform well in their new roles, they do not
need formal orientation.
Question 50 options:
A) True
B) False

More questions
Question 1 (1 point)

The basis of which strategy is formed by the question "How should we compete?"

Question 1 options:

A) corporate strategy

B) business strategy

C) HR strategy

D) systems strategy

Question 2 (1 point)

Ensuring that employees know what they are expected to accomplish and then providing
appropriate mechanisms for regular feedback is part of which HRM focus?
Question 2 options:
A) occupational health and safety

B) defining, analyzing, and designing work

C) managing employee performance

D) promotions and transfers

Question 3 (1 point)

Which is the key role of a manager?

Question 3 options:

A) reducing costs and employee development

B) increasing productivity and reducing costs

C) employee development and ensuring the organization is a great place to work

D) employee development and increasing productivity

Question 4 (1 point)

All employees must be literate in order to secure a job.

Question 4 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 5 (1 point)

All managers are people managers and, therefore, have HR responsibilities.

Question 5 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 6 (1 point)

What societal change is driving organizations' desire to provide employees with more family-
friendly options?
Question 6 options:

A) the number of workers over the age of 65

B) TV coverage of celebrities taking their kids to work with them

C) an aging population

D) rise of non-traditional family arrangements

Question 7 (1 point)

Which HR activity determines what, where, when, and how work tasks are done?
Question 7 options:

A) defining, analyzing, and designing work

B) managing employee performance

C) planning for, recruiting, and selecting employees

D) knowing rights and responsibilities

Question 8 (1 point)

Which term best describes the role of an HR professional whose focus is on ensuring their
organization is staffed with the most effective human resources to achieve its strategic goals?
Question 8 options:

A) operational

B) strategic

C) staffing

D) administrative

Question 9 (1 point)

In addition to recruiting and knowing how to pay people appropriately, HR professionals also
require strong mathematical and presentation skills.
Question 9 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 10 (1 point)

What practice should an organization consider if they wish to attract, keep, and engage
Question 10 options:

A) hold annual communication meetings with staff

B) allow employees to perform at their best

C) micromanage employees to ensure compliance to company standards

D) develop a top-heavy management structure

Question 11 (1 point)

Labour relations legislation regulates the minimum age of employment, hours of work,
minimum wages, statutory holidays, etc.
Question 11 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 12 (1 point)

Which provinces/territories have legislation that provides certain rights and guarantees
regarding employment?
Question 12 options:

A) Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia

B) Ontario, Alberta, and the Northwest Territories

C) all provinces and territories

D) Quebec, Ontario, and Nova Scotia

Question 13 (1 point)

A crucial element of any diversity management initiative is proper training across the
Question 13 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 14 (1 point)

Who are Canadian employment laws intended to protect?

Question 14 options:

A) the employer and the employees

B) the employer and outsourced services providers

C) both national and international projects

D) the employee through good management practices

Question 15 (1 point)

What two distinct sets of laws govern Canadians?

Question 15 options:

A) national and local

B) provincial and territorial

C) federal and provincial

D) national and international

Question 16 (1 point)

Employment equity makes good business sense since it contributes to the bottom line.
Question 16 options:
A) True

B) False

Question 17 (1 point)

What principles is pay equity based on?

Question 17 options:

A) gender-neutral job descriptions and employee performance

B) female pay equity, and male pay equity

C) pay for equal work, and equal pay for work of equal value

D) employment equity, and equal pay for equal work

Question 18 (1 point)

Which of the following would be included in a code of ethics?

Question 18 options:

A) informal policies and practices

B) human rights legislation

C) employment standards

D) the organization's primary values

Question 19 (1 point)

What human rights legal concept is displayed when an employer's workforce is representative
of one group in society and the company recruits by only posting job vacancies within the
Question 19 options:

A) reasonable accommodation

B) systemic discrimination

C) bona fide occupational qualification

D) undue hardship

Question 20 (1 point)

While no specific provincial acts pertain to employment equity, the concept of employment
equity is rooted in federal and provincial employment standards legislation, human rights
codes, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Question 20 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 21 (1 point)

Which specific performance requirements does human rights legislation require a job to be
based on?
Question 21 options:

A) common practices in industry

B) the National Occupational Classifications

C) past practices

D) valid job-related criteria

Question 22 (1 point)

How many essential duties and responsibilities are usually listed in a job description?
Question 22 options:

A) 5-9

B) 10-15

C) 16-20

D) 21-30

Question 23 (1 point)

The information collected through job analysis is used only in the recruitment process.
Question 23 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 24 (1 point)

Who are the people typically involved in job analysis?

Question 24 options:

A) experts outside of the company are brought in

B) manager, incumbent, and an objective third-party

C) trained HR people, manager, and incumbent

D) trained HR people, manager, and an objective third-party

Question 25 (1 point)

Prior to commencing any job analyses, it's key that managers and employees understand how
the analysis will be conducted and what will be done with the information that is collected.
Question 25 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 26 (1 point)

What is a benefit of employee empowerment?

Question 26 options:

A) Employees are better able to empathize with customers.

B) Customers feel they are dealing with decision-makers.

C) Employees increase their risk-taking abilities.

D) Employees become more involved in their work.

Question 27 (1 point)
Autonomy is one of the five characteristics to be considered when designing a job.
Question 27 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 28 (1 point)

It is important for line managers to support and encourage employee empowerment, employee
involvement, and employee teams in order for initiatives to succeed.
Question 28 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 29 (1 point)

Business performance goals and strategies are linked to departmental performance rather than
individual employee performance.
Question 29 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 30 (1 point)

How can the results of a performance evaluation impact a job description?

Question 30 options:

A) Job descriptions are seldom updated, regardless of the performance evaluation results.

B) The evaluation may prove that the specifications on the job description attracted an over-competent

C) The evaluation may prove that the specifications on the job description attracted an incompetent

D) The job description may need to be updated if the specifications or performance standards are
no longer valid.
Question 31 (1 point)

All interview questions must be appropriate in accordance with human rights guidelines.
Question 31 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 32 (1 point)

Excessive reliance on internal sources can create the risk of employee cloning.
Question 32 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 33 (1 point)

The selection process enables the recruiter or employer to predict job performance of the
candidate in the organization.
Question 33 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 34 (1 point)

Making hiring decisions is a scientific process.

Question 34 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 35 (1 point)

Which type of test is used to measure an individual's personal qualities for leadership roles?
Question 35 options:
A) cognitive abilities

B) personality and interest inventory

C) job sample

D) emotional intelligence

Question 36 (1 point)

The process that informs applicants about the qualifications required to perform the job and
the career opportunities the organization offers its employees is known as performance
Question 36 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 37 (1 point)

Canada has sometimes relied on immigration to assist in meeting the country's labour
Question 37 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 38 (1 point)

What often occurs during a tight labour market?

Question 38 options:

A) There is a high unemployment rate.

B) The demand for labour exceeds the supply of labour.

C) The number of job applicants and job openings are about equal.

D) There is an overall decline in compensation rates.

Question 39 (1 point)
Which of the following are common tools used in the employee selection process?
Question 39 options:

A) application forms and reference checks

B) cover letters and employee referrals

C) internal job postings and interviews

D) job fairs and interviews

Question 40 (1 point)

What does recruiting from within enable an organization to do?

Question 40 options:

A) locate and encourage all potential job applicants

B) simplify the application of its HR practices and policies

C) capitalize on the investment it has made in recruiting, training, and development

D) broaden the pool of qualified applicants

Question 41 (1 point)

What strategy can managers use to ensure the training environment is conducive to learning?
Question 41 options:

A) Use positive and negative reinforcement.

B) Provide rewards and punishment.

C) Be flexible rather than adhere to structured objectives.

D) Have participants set personal goals.

Question 42 (1 point)

Which of the following is one of the methods for evaluating training?

Question 42 options:
A) impact

B) outcome

C) behaviour

D) motivation

Question 43 (1 point)

Orientation is the formal process of familiarizing new employees with the organization.
Question 43 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 44 (1 point)

The term "transfer of training" refers to the successful application of knowledge, skills, and
abilities learned to what is required on the job.
Question 44 options:

A) True

B) False

Question 45 (1 point)

Who is typically responsible for coordinating orientation activities and providing new
employees with information about conditions of employment, pay, and benefits?
Question 45 options:

A) direct supervisor

B) line manager

C) HR department

D) senior employees

Question 46 (1 point)
Which statement best describes orientation programs?
Question 46 options:

A) Coordination between line and staff managers is not necessarily required.

B) Careful planning of the orientation activities is essential.

C) Follow-up and evaluation of orientation activities is not always required.

D) Impact of an orientation program on new employees lasts a short time.

Question 47 (1 point)

A manufacturing company provides team training as part of a team project to design a new
product. Which phase of the instructional systems design approach to training is being used in
this situation?
Question 47 options:

A) needs assessment

B) training design

C) training delivery

D) evaluation

Question 48 (1 point)

Which term refers to a needs assessment that reviews the activities of the work to determine
the competencies needed?
Question 48 options:

A) job analysis

B) organizational analysis

C) task analysis

D) person analysis

Question 49 (1 point)

What is another term for employee onboarding?

Question 49 options:

A) development

B) recruitment

C) orientation

D) training

Question 50 (1 point)

Which training method provides a variety of work experiences to broaden the knowledge and
understanding required to manage more effectively?
Question 50 options:

A) role modelling

B) lateral transfer

C) individual development

D) job rotation

Question 1 (1 point)
What is the goal of Six Sigma and TQM management approaches?
A) improve quality and achieve higher customer satisfaction
B) improve resource allocation
C) embrace new technology and manage change
D) enhance human resource development

Question 2 (1 point)
"Strategic human resources management" involves identifying key HR processes and linking
those to the overall business strategy.
A) True
B) False
Question 3 (1 point)
Total-quality management is a set of principles and practices whose core ideas include doing
things right the first time and striving for continuous improvement
A) True
B) False

Question 4 (1 point)
Many Canadian companies have created global operations or work collaboratively with foreign
companies to sell Canadian products.
A) True
B) False

Question 5 (1 point)
How can organizations lessen the experience of survivor syndrome during a downsizing?
A) ensure a good severance package is provided to those who were laid off
B) ensure downsizing activities do not take place near holidays
C) ensure popular employees are kept on, to help motivate others
D) ensure the remaining employees feel like they matter

Question 6 (1 point)
What distinguishes an organization's business strategy from its corporate strategy?
A) focus on company-wide and overall objectives
B) focus on long-term survival and growth
C) focus on the line of business
D) focus on turnaround situations and divestitures

Question 7 (1 point)
According to Statistics Canada, what percentage of the labour force will be foreign-born by
A) 33 percent
B) 54 percent
C) 68 percent
D) 72 percent

Question 8 (1 point)
The gap between educated and non-educated employees is steadily closing.
A) True
B) False

Question 9 (1 point)
In order to develop and design HRM systems, practices, and policies, which two groups of
people must work together?
A) HRM system consultants and business owners
B) business owners and HR professionals
C) managers and business owners
D) managers and HR professionals

Question 10 (1 point)
What cultural trend has resulted in people pursuing multiple careers instead of just being
satisfied with "having a job"?
A) the desire to spend more time with family
B) the desire to work close to home in order to save on gas and to lessen the environmental
C) the desire to find a career that has a low environmental footprint
D) the desire to balance rewarding work with a fulfilled personal life

Question 11 (1 point)
Which of the following is an example of sexual harassment?
A) allowing a young female to manage a team of men who are older than her
B) permitting employees to keep family photos in their office space
C) reprimanding a female employee for wearing inappropriate office attire
D) promoting a female employee after she upgrades her skills through training

Question 12 (1 point)
Which statement is the most accurate representation of pay equity?
A) Pay equity is the result of an amendment to the Employment Standards Legislation in 1978.
B) Pay equity means equal pay for work of equal value.
C) The goal of pay equity legislation is to eliminate the historical wage gap between members of
the designated group.
D) Pay equity means equal pay for equal work.

Question 13 (1 point)
Who is responsible for the enforcement of federal and provincial human rights laws?
A) Canadian Human Rights Commission and Tribunals
B) Labour Relations Council
C) Human Rights Tribunals or Commissions
D) Labour Canada

Question 14 (1 point)
Which Act is most referenced when discussing email monitoring, use of social media, and
website visits by employees while at their worksite?
A) Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
B) Canadian Human Rights Act
C) Employment Standards Act
D) Employment Standards Act

Question 15 (1 point)
Who is responsible for reinforcing health and safety training and being accountable for
employee's understanding and behaviour regarding workplace health and safety?
A) union representative
B) Workers' Compensation Board
C) manager
D) business owner

Question 16 (1 point)
Canada's economic growth will be dependent on employers making use of the talent immigrants
A) True
B) False

Question 17 (1 point)
What is employment equity intended to promote?
A) diversity management
B) equitable treatment in employment for members of the designated groups
C) equal pay for equal work
D) equal opportunity employers

Question 18 (1 point)
How is word-of-mouth recruiting an example of systemic discrimination?
A) It does not allow for women or visible minorities to apply for the job.
B) Companies may use it as an inexpensive way to grow the workforce.
C) People who are not part of a select demographic will not learn about the opening.
D) People must be part of the union before they can apply for the job.

Question 19 (1 point)
All provinces and territories have enacted legislation prohibiting psychological harassment.
A) True
B) False

Question 20 (1 point)
Only workplaces in the public sector are covered by human rights legislation.
A) True
B) False
Question 21 (1 point)
A position differs from a job in that multiple people can be in a position, but only one person can
have a job.
A) True
B) False

Question 22 (1 point)
The job specification that a truck driver must be male, is an example of what?
A) exploitation
B) harassment
C) discrimination
D) inclusion and diversity

Question 23 (1 point)
Job descriptions written to match the needs for reasonable accommodation reduce the risk of
A) True
B) False

Question 24 (1 point)
Which term refers to the human resource function that occurs when a manager uses the
information on the job description as a basis to compare the skills and abilities of each applicant?
A) recruitment
B) selection
C) training and development
D) performance standards

Question 25 (1 point)
Which term refers to the human resource function that occurs when a manager uses the
information on the job description as a basis to identify any discrepancies between the
knowledge, skills, and abilities demonstrated by a jobholder and the requirements contained in
the description and specification for that job?
A) recruitment
B) selection
C) training and development
D) performance standards

Question 26 (1 point)
Face-to-face teams consist of members with complimentary expertise, experience, and perceptive
who work independently.
A) True
B) False

Question 27 (1 point)
Any discrepancies between a candidate's knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) and the
requirements identified through job analysis can identify a need for job training.
A) True
B) False

Question 28 (1 point)
Which of the following can be included in a job design strategy?
A) job downsizing
B) job rotation
C) job shadowing
D) job sharing

Question 29 (1 point)
Which of the following is a work-team-related problem?
A) Compensation plans must be constructed to reward individuals for team
B) It becomes too easy for a manager to hand over power.
C) Some employees will thrive with the opportunity to take on traditional management
D) Managers must work hard to keep the team in balance, and ensure new-found expertise is not

Question 30 (1 point)
When preparing job descriptions, managers must be aware of human rights legislation
A) True
B) False

Question 31 (1 point)
Personality tests measure characteristics such as extroversion and openness to experience.
A) True
B) False

Question 32 (1 point)
The number of steps in the selection process and their sequence will vary with the organization,
type and level of the jobs to be filled.
A) True
B) False
Question 33 (1 point)
Many managers are unclear about the questions they can ask on an application form.
A) True
B) False
Question 34 (1 point)
A disadvantage to external recruitment is that the process does not identify many qualified
candidates for the job.
A) True
B) False
Question 35 (1 point)
What type of interview asks interviewees to describe how they would react in a given situation?
A) situational
B) directive
C) behavioural
D) non-directive

Question 36 (1 point)
Which interview approach typically asks an applicant what they actually did in a given situation?
A) structured interview
B) behavioural description interview
C) non-directive interview
D) situational interview

Question 37 (1 point)
Online job interviews are sometimes conducted using Skype or Google Hangouts.
A) True
B) False

Question 38 (1 point)
Since high-calibre executives are in short supply, a significant number of large corporations in
Canada use executive search firms to fill their top positions.
A) True
B) False

Question 39 (1 point)
You are interviewing a potential candidate for a position that involves some travel each month.
During the interview, the candidate mentions that she has three children who are active in
different sports. You want to determine whether she will be able to meet the travel requirements
of this position. What is the best question to ask?
A) Does your spouse travel for work?
B) Do you foresee any difficulties meeting the travel obligations of this position?
C) What arrangements do you have in place for when your children are ill?
D) Do you have reliable childcare arrangements?

Question 40 (1 point)
Which statement best describes employment-related drug and alcohol testing?
A) The Canadian Human Rights Commission prohibits any drug and alcohol testing during the
employment selection process.
B) With the legalization of recreational marijuana, employers will no longer test for this
C) Any policies relating to substance abuse testing during the selection process must have a
clear and legitimate purpose.
D) If substance abuse is detected during the selection process, the candidate may take the test

Question 41 (1 point)
A gap that exists between the KSAs that employees have (actual) and the ones they need
(desired) is a training need.
A) True
B) False
Question 42 (1 point)
Organizational analysis, task analysis, and person analysis are part of what phase of the
instructional systems design approach to training and development?
A) training and development
B) evaluation
C) goal analysis
D) needs assessment
Question 43 (1 point)
All employees should be continually reoriented to changing conditions.
A) True
B) False

Question 44 (1 point)
The management team at EFY co. would like to improve the interpersonal relationships and team
dynamics within its organization. What should managers consider as they design team training?
A) Team training is most successful when it takes place over time and includes team
B) The development of teams is a gradual, linear process.
C) Management will have to start over at the beginning of a training program whenever new
employees come on board.
D) Most older employees prefer traditional training materials and formats.

Question 45 (1 point)
To assess the value of training and development, organizations measure their return on
A) True
B) False

Question 46 (1 point)
Which type of training presents trainees with the opportunity to perform under pressure and to
learn from their mistakes?
A) internship
B) vestibule method
C) on-the-job
D) apprenticeship

Question 47 (1 point)
Effective customer communication training involves a large behavioural component. What
training method would be most effective?
A) on-the-job training
B) role playing
C) training by means of a CD-ROM
D) vestibule training

Question 48 (1 point)
A manager received an excessive number of customer complaints about the slow service of a few
of their drive-thru counter crew. How might the manager gather a more complete picture of the
potential training needs?
A) conduct organizational, task, and job analyses
B) complete a needs analysis by meeting with all the counter crew employees
C) design and evaluate a customer service training program
D) establish customer service training objectives

Question 49 (1 point)
Co-operative training methods combine practical on-the-job experience with all the
characteristics of self-directed learning
A) True
B) False
Question 50 (1 point)
The managers and executives who coach, advise, and encourage employees of lesser rank are
called evaluators.
A) True
B) False

Question 1 (1 point)
Integrated knowledge sets within an organization that distinguish it from its competitors and
deliver value to customers are known as core competencies.
A) True
B) False
Question 2 (1 point)
What is necessary for organizations to be different from their competition and provide ongoing
value to their customers?
A) human capital
B) skills inventory
C) core competencies
D) leveraged talent
Question 3 (1 point)
The answers to "Should we be in business" and "What business should we be in" provide the
basis for which strategy?
A) business strategy
B) corproate strategy
C) department strategy
D) HR strategy
Question 4 (1 point)
Which of the following functions is within the framework of human resources management?
A) ISO 9000
B) customer expectations
C) managing performance
D) globalization
Question 5 (1 point)
The Canadian economy is primarily built on importing.
A) True
B) False
Question 6 (1 point)
What impact has PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) had
on HR departments?
A) HR departments must obtain an employee's consent before personal information is
B) HR departments are only permitted to keep select data on an employee.
C) HR departments are permitted to share personal employee data, provided it is done across
secure internet lines.
D) HR departments can share personal employee data, provided it's not located in an electronic
Question 7 (1 point)
What distinguishes an organization's corporate strategy from its business strategy?
A) a focus on company-wide and overall objectives
B) a focus on short-term survival and growth
C) a focus on the line of business
D) a focus on competition
Question 8 (1 point)
What is a benefit that employees receive from telecommuting?
A) the flexibility to work when they feel most motivated
B) cost savings, as less physical workspace is required for employees
C) a better work�life balance
D) less pollution due to fewer cars on the road
Question 9 (1 point)
Which activity is an example of HRM responding to the challenge of globalization?
A) identifying capable expatriate managers
B) containing staffing costs
C) strictly defining jobs and the ways in which people must work
D) matching compensation packages to those of the home office
Question 10 (1 point)
Which term refers to leveraging competencies to achieve high organizational performance?
A) knowledge capital
B) human capital
C) core competencies
D) talent management
Question 11 (1 point)
Who should be aware of their personal biases and how these attitudes can influence their
dealings with one another?
A) all employees, including supervisors and managers
B) full-time employees
C) male employees
D) managers
Question 12 (1 point)
An example of sexual harassment is having to listen to comments made by co-workers about
their sexual conquests every Monday morning, even after you have stated that their remarks
make you extremely uncomfortable.
A) True
B) False
Question 13 (1 point)
Which legal term justifies the hiring of only women guards in women prisons?
A) employment equity
B) bona fide occupational requirement/qualification
C) equal employment opportunity
D) justification does not exist for reverse discrimination against men.
Question 14 (1 point)
Newfoundland and British Columbia do not have pay equity legislation.
A) True
B) False
Question 15 (1 point)
According to the most recent Statistics Canada census, two percent of Canadians are Aboriginal.
A) True
B) False
Question 16 (1 point)
The health and safety of employees is the responsibility of employers.
A) True
B) False
Question 17 (1 point)
As society changes, so do the prohibited grounds for discrimination.
A) True
B) False
Question 18 (1 point)
In recent years, the focus of discussions on harassment has shifted to sexual harassment in the
A) True
B) False
Question 19 (1 point)
What is the first step in the Canadian Human Rights Commission's dispute resolution process?
A) investigation
B) filing a complaint
C) preliminary assessment
D) complaint received
Question 20 (1 point)
Employment equity involves the identification and removal of systemic barriers that adversely
affect the employment opportunities of the four designated groups in the Employment Equity
A) True
B) False
Question 21 (1 point)
The quality of information collected during job analysis is often reflective of the time and money
spent on the process.
A) True
B) False
Question 22 (1 point)
When writing a job description, it is essential to use statements that are concise, direct, and
simply worded.
A) True
B) False
Question 23 (1 point)
Future job design practices will require more attention to job crafting, allowing employees to use
their strongest competencies and skills.
A) True
B) False
Question 24 (1 point)
The output from a job analysis provides information for which HRM activity?
A) production planning and expediting
B) compensation and benefits
C) employee disciplinary actions
D) employee exit surveys
Question 25 (1 point)
Which of the following is the most likely outcome when employees are more highly involved in
their jobs?
A) lessened commitment to the organization's goals
B) increased employee acceptance of decisions
C) less cooperative approach to workplace tasks
D) increased ability to calculate the outcome of risks
Question 26 (1 point)
What is a key belief inherent in the concept of employee teams?
A) Employee teams build comradery amongst its members.
B) Socializing within an employee team can spur creativity.
C) Employees are in the best position to contribute to workplace improvements.
D) Team decision-making allows all team members to share their viewpoints.
Question 27 (1 point)
What job analysis approach do organizations in dynamic and changing work environments use
that considers the characteristics of successful performers rather than standard job duties?
A) future-oriented approach
B) living job description approach
C) strategically-oriented approach
D) competency-based approach
Question 28 (1 point)
The three mandatory sections of a job description are: job title, summary, and performance
A) True
B) False
Question 29 (1 point)
Which term refers to the process of systematically defining and arranging tasks, roles, and other
processes to achieve employee goals and organizational effectiveness?
A) job analysis
B) organizational design
C) job evaluation
D) job design
Question 30 (1 point)
Job specifications usually cover two areas: (1) the skill required to perform the job and (2) the
level of autonomy inherent in the position.
A) True
B) False
Question 31 (1 point)
What are two emerging trends in employee selection practices?
A) online application systems and video resumes
B) increased use of social networks and employee referrals
C) mobile platforms and increased use of social networks
D) video interviewing and conference calls
Question 32 (1 point)
The interview in which the interviewer asks broad, open-ended questions and permits the
applicant to talk freely with minimum interruptions is known as a non-directive interview.
A) True
B) False
Question 33 (1 point)
The information used for selection decisions must be both reliable and valid.
A) True
B) False
Question 34 (1 point)
As part of the recruitment process, line managers and HR professionals may use professional
organizations and labour unions as possible sources for qualified candidates.
A) True
B) False
Question 35 (1 point)
Private employment agencies usually focus on clerical, technical, and junior�middle
management positions.
A) True
B) False
Question 36 (1 point)
One purpose of application forms is to provide a basis for the questions that will be asked during
an interview.
A) True
B) False
Question 37 (1 point)
How does effective HR planning assist an organization that has made a strategic decision to
move into a new market?
A) It provides information about the objectives the organization is attempting to achieve.
B) It helps the organization to understand the relevance of the skill sets of existing
C) It removes the need for managers to evaluate their current labour costs.
D) It outlines information about the compensation levels of competitors in the new market.
Question 38 (1 point)
By law, an employer cannot reject an applicant after any step in the process.
A) True
B) False
Question 39 (1 point)
It is best to avoid using employee referrals as a source of applicants because the quality of
employee-referred applicants is normally below standard.
A) True
B) False
Question 40 (1 point)
The degree to which a source of information or a selection method yields comparable data over a
period of time is known as reliability.
A) True
B) False
Question 41 (1 point)
Training programs do not have to consider the overall organizational goals.
A) True
B) False
Question 42 (1 point)
Organizations may refer to "human capital" as their competitive advantage. What is human
A) the combination of human knowledge and organizational support
B) individual learning and organizational development
C) organizational learning potential leading to organizational knowledge
D) core sets of knowledge and expertise that give an organization an edge over its
Question 43 (1 point)
Systematic needs assessment requires managers to utilize organizational analysis, task analysis,
and person analysis.
A) True
B) False
Question 44 (1 point)
Transfer of training is more likely to occur when the training includes identical elements of the
A) True
B) False
Question 45 (1 point)
What is one of the fundamental criteria for evaluating training?
A) impact
B) results
C) outcome
D) motivation
Question 46 (1 point)
What is one advantage of on-the-job training?
A) greater likelihood of transfer of learning to the job
B) structured training environment
C) well-defined job performance criteria
D) use of a wide variety of training methods
Question 47 (1 point)
Which statement best describes mentoring programs?
A) Informal arrangements are usually the most successful.
B) They may help women and minorities move upwards in an organization.
C) These programs have tended to work for men because of the good old boys' network.
D) The mentors in these relationships learn little from the experience.
Question 48 (1 point)
Orientation should be conducted and completed on the first day of work.
A) True
B) False
Question 49 (1 point)
Training involves the acquisition of skills, behaviours, and abilities to perform current work.
A) True
B) False
Question 50 (1 point)
The two preconditions for learning are employee readiness and motivation.
A) True
B) False

Question 1 (1 point)
Which term best describes the value of knowledge, skills, and capabilities that may not show up
on a company's balance sheet but have tremendous impact on an organization's performance?
A) human capital
B) core competencies
C) knowledge capital
D) stakeholder value
Question 2 (1 point)
Which term refers to the combination of knowledge, skills, and characteristics needed to
effectively perform a role in an organization?
A) individual competencies
B) core competencies
C) human capital
D) organizational competencies
Question 3 (1 point)
IT influences HR by enhancing services for managers and employees
A) True
B) False
Question 4 (1 point)
In some situations, large companies have business units that provide outsourced services such as
technology support.
A) True
B) False
Question 5 (1 point)
Beyond the typical HR activities, what other strategic activities might HR participate in?
A) terminating employees who don't comply with company policy
B) planning social activities to make the workplace enjoyable
C) teaching health and safety courses
D) policy formulation and implementation
Question 6 (1 point)
Due to security restrictions, outsourcing services such as technology support are strictly
forbidden in Canada.
A) True
B) False
Question 7 (1 point)
What HR process ensures that people in the organization are the right people with the right skills
at the right time in the right place?
A) understanding labour relations and collective bargaining
B) defining, analyzing, and designing work
C) planning for, recruiting, and selecting employees
D) knowing rights and responsibilities
Question 8 (1 point)
An environment where people have multiple part-time jobs instead of one permanent job is
referred to a gig economy.
A) True
B) False
Question 9 (1 point)
According to the Ethics and Compliance Initiative, millennials are the most compliant and risk-
adverse group of workers.
A) True
B) False
Question 10 (1 point)
Canada has a relatively high unemployment rate; however, employers say they cannot find
A) True
B) False
Question 11 (1 point)
It is recommended that a company's anti-harassment policy acknowledge that the company is
committed to a harassment-free environment.
A) True
B) False
Question 12 (1 point)
The best way to deal with complaints regarding sexual harassment is to develop, communicate,
and enforce sexual harassment policies.
A) True
B) False
Question 13 (1 point)
If a certain behaviour at work would be considered unacceptable by a "reasonable person," then
the recipient of the behaviour can claim harassment.
A) True
B) False
Question 14 (1 point)
Many organizations lack their own codes of ethics.
A) True
B) False
Question 15 (1 point)
On what grounds is discrimination prohibited in all provinces and territories?
A) records of criminal convictions, family status, and political beliefs
B) age, pardoned convictions, and gender
C) disability, family status, and age
D) political beliefs, disability, and pardoned convictions
Question 16 (1 point)
What practice can an organization undertake to ensure all employees are working to create a
culture of diversity and inclusion?
A) evaluating performance of behaviours on a continuous basis
B) creating ad hoc groups within the organization to monitor diversity
C) confidential surveys to minorities to determine their level of inclusion
D) confidential surveys of clients and suppliers to determine their view of the organization's
diversity program
Question 17 (1 point)
The terms "diversity management" and "employment equity" can be used interchangeably.
A) True
B) False
Question 18 (1 point)
Federal legislation, namely the Canada Labour Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act,
applies to only about 20 percent of Canadian workers.
A) True
B) False
Question 19 (1 point)
What are Canada's top employers doing to enhance employment for Aboriginal peoples?
A) permitting Aboriginal employees to celebrate their tribal holidays on non-statutory holidays
B) promoting work opportunities in metropolitan areas to promote socialization
C) offering alternative work schedules to help achieve a better work�life balance
D) educating workers in Aboriginal languages and practices
Question 20 (1 point)
What are employers covered by the Employment Equity Act legally obligated to do?
A) identify and remove any employment barriers for members of designated groups
B) establish pay equity policies
C) appoint an employment equity coordinator to liaise with the federal regulatory agency
D) establish a joint committee comprised of union and management representatives
Question 21 (1 point)
Which term refers to the section of a job description that describes the working conditions of the
A) title
B) summary
C) specifications
D) duties and responsibilities
Question 22 (1 point)
What are job descriptions?
A) written documents that list the different duties, tasks, and responsibilities that make up
a job including the skills, knowledge and competencies required to be successful in the job
B) written documents that list the performance standards required to successfully complete a job
C) written documents that list the educational background and skills required to do the job
D) written documents that list the work experience required to do a job including the duties,
tasks and responsibilities that make up the job
Question 23 (1 point)
What is the most likely outcome of vague or non-job-related criteria for standards of
A) The employer is prohibited from taking corrective action against the employee's performance.
B) The employer may be charged with unfair discrimination.
C) The employee may claim a violation of human rights legislation.
D) The employee may file a grievance with the Labour Relations Board.
Question 24 (1 point)
The line manager takes an active role in determining what skills and abilities are needed to
successfully perform the work.
A) True
B) False
Question 25 (1 point)
An organization's culture must be highly structured and rigid in order for employee
empowerment to be successful.
A) True
B) False
Question 26 (1 point)
What do the duties of a job consist of?
A) the related tasks among various jobs
B) the tasks and activities that are distinct from each other
C) the natural units of work that are similar and related
D) a blend of complex and routine tasks
Question 27 (1 point)
In order to effectively perform most of the HRM processes and practices, HR managers need to
determine the requirements of the jobs in an organization.
A) True
B) False
Question 28 (1 point)
Who does the term "incumbent" refer to?
A) employee hired to do a job
B) best employee for a task
C) applicant who is being considered for a position
D) previous employee to hold a given role within an organization
Question 29 (1 point)
How is the relative worth (pay rate) of a job determined?
A) by calculating how much the company would lose if the incumbent was unable to work
B) by calculating what the job demands of an employee in skill, effort, and responsibility
C) by reviewing salary survey results in the same geographical area
D) by reviewing pay equity survey results for the same or similar job
Question 30 (1 point)
Ultimately, it is the HR professional who makes pay decisions based on performance relative to
the established performance standards.
A) True
B) False
Question 31 (1 point)
Which type of test is used to measure a person's general intelligence?
A) cognitive abilities
B) personality and interest inventory
C) job sample
D) emotional intelligence
Question 32 (1 point)
What is one major disadvantage of external recruitment?
A) An outside person may not have the skills the organization requires.
B) There is a lack of solid information about the person's performance on the job.
C) Different experiences and perspectives will disrupt the culture of the organization.
D) Salary requirements for the external hire may be higher than for an internal hire.
Question 33 (1 point)
The selection process involves measuring the applicant's competencies and matching them with
the requirements of the job and needs of the organization.
A) True
B) False
Question 34 (1 point)
What type of interview asks interviewees to describe how they reacted in a past situation?
A) situational
B) directive
C) behavioural description
D) non-directive
Question 35 (1 point)
n the past, the traditional retirement age was usually 65. Today, many people postpone retirement
and continue to work past 65. Which HR function does this trend have the greatest impact on?
A) selecting recruitment sources
B) planning training and development
C) determining the natural attrition rate
D) calculating salaries and benefits
Question 36 (1 point)
Under federal employment equity legislation, new Canadians are considered one of the
designated groups.
A) True
B) False
Question 37 (1 point)
Which activity is illegal for an employment agency?
A) billing an employer more than 20 percent of the annual salary of a successful candidate
B) head-hunting prospective candidates while they are at work for their present employer
C) charging job-seekers a fee for helping them find work
D) contacting a prospective candidate on behalf of two different employers
Question 38 (1 point)
One purpose of a cover letter is to provide the employer with an example of the applicant's
writing and communication skills.
A) True
B) False
Question 39 (1 point)
Private-sector organizations tend to rely more on internal promotions and transfers than public-
sector organizations.
A) True
B) False
Question 40 (1 point)
You have just been hired to work with a small, independent retail business that is quickly
growing. The owner has asked you to design an application form. Which type of information are
you legally permitted to request?
A) education, experience, date of birth
B) work experience, arrests, references
C) employment history, references, whether person is legally entitled to work in Canada
D) references, country of citizenship, work experience
Question 41 (1 point)
It is not necessary for line managers to be involved in orientation, as the HR department can
adequately cover topics.
A) True
B) False
Question 42 (1 point)
How do organizations benefit from hiring student employees through college and university co-
operative programs?
A) They can pay students minimum wage.
B) Students can be given assignments that other employees don't want.
C) Organizations get individuals with new ideas and energy.
D) Some students offer to work for no pay in exchange for experience.
Question 43 (1 point)
Which term refers to the placement of an employee in another job for which the duties,
responsibilities, status, and remuneration are approximately equal to those of the previous job?
A) promotion
B) job rotation
C) career move
D) transfer
Question 44 (1 point)
What are the second and third steps in the instructional systems design approach to training?
A) administration and evaluation
B) needs assessment and evaluation
C) training objectives and delivery
D) design and development
Question 45 (1 point)
Coaching involves a continuing flow of instructions, comments, and suggestions from the
manager to the subordinate.
A) True
B) False
Question 46 (1 point)
A promotion involves moving an employee to another job with more duties, greater
responsibilities, and an increase in remuneration.
A) True
B) False
Question 47 (1 point)
What is one approach a manager can take to maximize the transfer of training to the job?
A) feature broad elements of the job in the training
B) focus on a few specific principles that can be adapted to fit most work environments
C) establish a climate for transfer, with the manager being supportive and ensuring that
the employee uses the new skills
D) ensure there is continued financial support for transfer of training back to the job
Question 48 (1 point)
Which of the following are common training methods used in e-learning?
A) lectures, demonstrations, and films
B) books, manuals, and video conferencing
C) simulations, case studies, and films
D) computer-based training, virtual classrooms, and interactive TV
Question 49 (1 point)
The principal criteria for determining promotions are seniority and merit.
A) True
B) False
Question 50 (1 point)
One of the long-term benefits of effective orientation is lower turnover.
A) True
B) False

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