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Part 1 – Case Problem (20 each)

The Vivo Restaurant, on Captiva Island near Fort Myers, Florida is owned and operated by John Doe.
The restaurant just completed its second year of operation. During that time, John sought to establish a
reputation for the restaurant as a high-quality dining establishment that specializes in fresh seafood.
Through the efforts of John and her staff the restaurant has become one of the best and fastest-growing
restaurants in the island.

The better plan for future growth of the restaurant, John needs to develop a system that will enable her to
forecast food and beverages sales by month for up to one year in advance. The following table shows the
value of food and beverage sales ( P1,000s) for the first three years of operation:

Month First Year Second Year

January 242 263

February 235 238
March 232 247
April 178 193
May 184 193
June 140 149
July 145 157
August 152 161
September 110 122
October 130 130
November 152 167
December 206 230


a. Perform an analysis of the sales data for the Vivo Restaurant. Prepare a report for John that
summarizes your findings, forecasts and recommendations. Include the following: (1) Time series plot (2)
Forecast sales for the 3rd Year using the trend in from two years.

Part 2 – Matching Type (2 point each)

A. Cyclical Pattern
B. Trend
C. Frequency Distribution
D. Forecasts
E. Outlier
F. Statistical inference
G. Interquartile Range
H. Frequency Distribution
I. Variables
J. Stratum Variable

_________1. It measures the relationship between two variables and that relationship is not affected by
the units of measurement for x and y.
_________2. A characteristics or quantity of interest that can take on different values.
_________3. A tabular summary of data showing the number of data values in each of several
nonoverlapping bins.
_________4. The difference between the third and first quartiles.
_________5. An unusually large and unusually small data value.
_________6. A pattern exists if the time series plot shows an alternating sequence of points below and
above the trendline that lasts for more than one year.

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_________7. It is the value of specified variable from Stratified Random Sampling.
_________8. It is a prediction of future values of a time series.
_________9. It is the long-run movement in the time series observable over several periods of time.
_________10. The process of making estimates and drawing conclusions about one or more
characteristics of s population through the analysis of sample data drawn from the population.

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