Quiz 2

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Name: Ampuan, Norhanah L.

Subject and Section: CWTS1 NST29

Instructor: Mark Laurente

Date: January 31, 2021

Quiz 2

1. What is socialization?

- Socialization is a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a

personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, culture and

ideologies of their own society. It is the process of learning how to live

in a way acceptable to one's own society.

2. What is social process?

- Social process mean the various modes of interaction between

individuals or groups including cooperation and conflict, social

differentiation and integration, development, arrest, and decay. It is the

ways in which individuals and groups interact, adjust and readjust and

establish relationships and pattern of behaviour which are again

modified through social interactions.

3. Explain the two forms of social interaction.

- The two forms of social interaction are the Associative and

Dissociative. Associative processes of social interaction are of positive

type of interaction. This process is always worked for the solidarity and

benefit of society. This category of social processes include cooperation,

accommodation, assimilation and acculturation etc. On the other hand,

the dissociative processes of social interaction are of negative type of

interaction. These are also called disintegration of society. It hinders the

progress and development of society. It includes competition, conflict,

contravention and differentiation.

4. Why is group important in social process?

- Group is the most important thing in the social process because a

social process requires two or more people to work with one another

regularly to achieve common goals. Groups help organizations in

accomplishing important tasks. Groups are important to improve

organizational outputs and to influence the attitudes and behaviour of

members of the organization.

5. What is servant leader?

- Servant leader is a leader in which an interaction with others are

important—either in a management or fellow employee capacity with

the aim of achieving authority rather than power. The authority figure

intends to promote the well-being of those around him or her. The

main goal of this leader is to serve. This is different from traditional

leadership where the leader's main focus is the thriving of their

company or organizations.


What are the qualities of good and effective leadership? Explain two


Qualities of Good and Effective Leadership:

• Honesty and integrity

• Confidence

• Commitment and Passion

• Good Communicator

• Gratitude

• Decision Making Capabilities.

• Accountability.

• Delegation and Empowerment.

• Influence

• Focus on team interests and needs

• Visionary

• Learning agility

• Respect

• Courage

• Empathy

Courage. One of the more important qualities of a good leader is

courage. Having the quality of courage means that you are willing to

take risks in the achievement of your goals with no assurance of

success. Because there is no certainty in life or business, every

commitment you make and every action you take entails a risk of some


Integrity. It requires that the leader should always tell the truth, to all

people, in every situation. Truthfulness is the foundation quality of the

trust that is necessary for the success of any plan of a leader. People will

always gree on the importance of complete honesty in everything the

learder do, both internally and externally.

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