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Gender Equality is a myth!

-What is gender equality?
-Religious influence
-Fluctuation with the course of time.
3.Factors which indicate that women are not equal:
-Physical Inequality
-Psychological Inequality
-Social Inequality
-Economic Inequality
-Religious Inequality
-Poor implementation of laws
-Less say of women
-Illiteracy and feudalism
-Cruel customs and traditions
-Misinterpretation of religion
-Economic dependence on men
-Domestic violence
-Weak economy
-Over population
-Strict implementation of laws
-Adequate representation of women in politics
-Freedom to decide their future
-More awareness/educational institutions for
-Role of media
Gender equality also known as sexual inequality is the state of equal ease and
access to the resources and opportunities regardless of genders. Gender equality is
achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all
sectors of society, including economic participation and decision making and when
the different behaviors, aspirants and needs of women and me are equally valued
and favoured
UNICEF says,
“Gender equality means that women and men, girls and boys enjoy the same rights,
resources, opportunities and protections. It does not require that girls and boys or
women and men, be the same, or they be treated exactly alike.”
“Frailty, thy name is women”
From the beginning of the human existence, men are regarded strong and superior
and women are neglected and marked inferior on basis of arm power. Religion,
afterwards, paid attention to the rights of both genders. Forexample, before advent
of Islam, women were burnt and buried alive but after prevailing of Islam, rights of
women were seriously stressed out. Now, in the modern world, both genders are
working hand to hand in national and international interests. Equality is the factor
which fluctuated with the course of time.
Physical, psychological, social, economic and religious inequality indicate towards
the factor of gender discrimination. Man is physically stronger as man can do more
hard work as compared to woman. Man is assigned the task of outdoor activity in
society while woman stays at home to do chores due to this physical inequality.
Similarly, woman is emotionally attached to her children as she has given them
birth and due to her mother instinct. Man is not as emotional as woman. Woman is
feeling type, man is thinking type. In the same manner, women being a mother,
wife and daughter is dependent on man, on the other hand, man is not dependent.
Alike, man, being the outdoor worker, is the main contributor of family economy
while women’s household works do not contribute to economy. Man has the main
responsibility to run the financial family matters i-e education of children, utility
bills and other expenses. Akin religiously, in Islam man is dominant over women
which is indicated clearly by the difference in share of assets.
Behind these inequalities, there are certain causes which result in the outburst of
this grave concern. At governmental level, laws are not implemented to safeguard
the share of women. Exploitation of women’s right is not dealt severely. In the
same manner, women are not regarded important in decision making of families.
Similarly, there is a huge difference in literacy rates of both the sexes. Literacy rate
for men is 87% and for women is 77% which indicates the exploitation of their
right to study. Yet in Asian world, feudalism is the way of administration and in
feudalism women need to stay under four walls and they are not allowed to go out
and study. In modern world, yet old traditions and stereotypical norms govern the
families and according to these norms, women are respectful so they should stay at
home which confiscate their opportunities and chances to tray and achieve. And
lastly, most prominent cause of this inequality is misinterpretation of religion. For
example, Islam gives freedom to women to gain education but men do not allow
them to go out to study and ask them to remain at home as Islam says that women
should stay in shelter.
These inequalities can never be addressed completely but they can be improved by
taking certain steps. Firstly, there are laws to provide women with their rights but
to implement them is yet a far cry for governments. Laws should be enforced
thoroughly to safeguard their rights. Secondly, women should be given proper
representation in law making process in politics to enhance their share in nation
building and to encourage them to achieve more by coming forward in every field.
Thirdly, women should be allowed to choose their careers freely according to their
will and talent. Lastly media should play their due role for protecting their rights.
Media should become the voice for women as in modern day world, media has
gained an immense importance.
In a nutshell, there is no sustainable development without gender equality and the
world may miss accomplishable targets because of gender inequality. Women and
girls represent half of the world’s population and they should get their share
accordingly in every field. Beside all differences and inequalities, men and women
are dependent on one another and safety of their rights is essential for the survival
and prosperity of world at large.

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