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Ex. 2 Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując podane w nawiasach czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present Simple.

1.       I ___________ (play) football with my friends on Sundays.

2.       Tina ____________ (walk) to school every day.

3.       We ____________ (go ) to bed at 10 o’clock every night.

4.       Penguins ____________ (live) in the Antarctic.

5.       Tony _____________ (study) maths at univeristy.

6.       Jo and Peter ____________ (visit) their grandparents every week.

7.       Sally ____________ (speak) Spanish.

8.       Mike ______________ (do) his homework every evening.

9.       Susan _____________ (wash) her hair every day.

10.   My mum _____________ (cook) very well.

Ex. 3 Uzupełnij właściwym czasownikiem posiłkowym: do, does, don’t, doesn’t .

1.       ________ Mark live in Madrid?

Yes, he ________ .

2.       I ________ like spaghetti.

3.       He _________ go to school by car.

4.       ________ you play the guitar every day?

No, I ________.

5.       My mum and dad ________ watch TV in the morning.

6.       We _________ study after dinner.

7.       _______ your father work in a bank?

Yes, he __________ .

8.       ________ Peter and Bob wash the dishes? No, they ________ .

Ex.4 Read and complete. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1.I ___________ computer games in the evening. (play)
2.She _____________ TV before dinner. (watch)
3.My Mum ___________ early in the morning. (get up)
4.My Dad ____________ toast for breakfast. (eat)
5.We ______________ to school by bus. (go)
6.My sister ____________ her homework after school. (do)
7.My friends ___________ on line. (chat)
8.My aunt and uncle ____________ in Ireland. (live)

Ex. 5 Read and complete. Use don’t or doesn’t.

1.I ______________ live in Britain.
2.My brother _____________ go to school.
3.She _______________ like computers.
4.We _____________ draw at school.
5.My Mum and Dad _____________ speak English.

Ex. 6 Make questions and then write true answers. / play / chess?

__________________________________     _________________ / live / in a flat?

__________________________________      _________________

1.your friend / play / the piano?

__________________________________       _________________

1.your teacher / speak / French?

__________________________________       _________________

1.your friends / go / to the cinema?

__________________________________        _________________

1.your school / have / a computer room?

__________________________________        _________________

Ex. 7 Make sentences.

1.Nathan / like / computer games.


1.Megan / study French.


1.Ellie / do her homework / every evening.


1.Nathan / have breakfast / half past seven.


1.Adam / go swimming / Friday.

Ex. 8 Read and complete. Choose the verb and put it in the correct form.

go            like          get up          go          have           play          study           watch

1.James _____________ at seven o’clock.
2.He ________________ to school in the car with his mum.
3.He _____________ lunch at school at 12.30. He ________ pizza and salad. It’s his favourite.
4.At school, James _____________ a lot of different subjects. His favourite lessons are English and History.
5.After school, he _____________ TV or ______________ computer games.
6.He usually _____________ to bed at nine o’clock.

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