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Which of the following is not a database technique in VB?

Which is not a standard dialog box?
Color Dialog
Font Dialog
Print Dialog
Zoom Dialog
The default unit of measure for a control on a window is
Which structure is/are used for branching and decisions?
If/Then/Eise/End If
None of these
_____________ is/are required to be specified for a menu item.
Name properties
Caption properties
Both (A) and (B)
None of these
Which of the following loop structures is not supported by VB?
Do Loop
For Next
Do While
ForEach Next

Write different data types used in Visual Basic.

Explain the branching and looping statements used in Visual Basic.
Briefly explain the visual basic control tools. What are dialog boxes and how they are created ?
What is the procedure of declaration of Arrays?
What are the advantages of ADO?
Why COM components are used ? How object oriented approaches are used in Visual Basic ?

What are arrays? Differentiate between control array and collections in detail.
Explain control statements in visual Basic. Discuss the use of while to navigate through a record
Give steps to debug a VB program. Also explain break points, watch values, tracing of a
Explain the steps to create a package of a VB project and further to deploy it at customer end.
Differentiate between by val and By Ref argument passing. Create a function that swaps values
of two variables using By Ref technique.

What is VB.NET? How it is different from other languages, Explain architecture and properties
of VB.NET in detail.
What are the conditional statements? Explain various types of conditional statements available in
VB.NET with at least one example each.
What are the procedures? Differentiate between subroutine and function with the help of suitable
What is an array? How it is different from other data types? Also, explain different types of
arrays with example.
Explain the various objects of ADO data control. Write down the various steps of frontend and
backend connectivity.
Write a program in VB.NET to add three numbers.
Write a program in VB.NET to check whether the given number is even or odd.

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