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Written Rubric Report

Student’s Name: Matric No.:

Lecturer’s Name: Course Code:


1 2 3 4 Mark
Below basic Basic Proficient Advance s

Understanding Demonstrates little or no Demonstrates some understanding Moves beyond surface understanding; Demonstrates disciplinary
of Topic understanding of topic. of topic; Does not make Demonstrates facility with topical and understanding and
connections among ideas disciplinary knowledge interconnections; makes links
that suggest discovery of new
information or new ways of
relaying information
Content Uses appropriate and Uses appropriate and relevant Uses appropriate, relevant and Uses appropriate, relevant,
Development relevant content to content to develop and explore compelling content to explore ideas and compelling content to
develop simple ideas in ideas through most of task. within the context of the discipline illustrate mastery of the
some parts of the task. and shape the whole task. subject, conveying the
writer’s understanding, and
shaping the whole task.

Support for Inappropriate or Includes some, but not adequate Advances argument with sound Expertly advances argument
ideas insufficient details to support for arguments evidence and references with well-researched
support idea evidence and documentation

Mechanics Errors are frequent and Some errors in style or grammar Writing is generally errors free. Writing is free of errors in
distracting. occur that they become distracting. grammar, punctuation,
sentence structure,
capitalization and spelling.
Picture 1 ...
Written Rubric Report

Organization Not organized, discussion Some organization, discussions Good organization and discussions Excellent organization and
and makes no sense jump around, start and end are are logically ordered. discussions are logically
development unclear. ordered.

Total Marks

Scoring Key

Undergraduat Postgraduate
Below basic 1-5 -
Basic 6-10 1-7
Proficient 11-15 8-15
Advance 16-20 16-20

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