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Name: Jaycel Marie Ofiasa Hist11 Reading in the Philippine History (EED 1A)

Teacher: Mr. Renato Valdez Date: October 5,2020

EXERCISE 2.1 Give a concise explanation /discussion on the following items.

1. What is the primary reason of the author in writing the document? How
was it produced?
 The primary reason of Antonio Pigafetta the author of the first voyage
round the world is that to specifically furnishes important details on
the discoveries of the island and the people inhabiting the place, this
documents are useful to the students. The document was published
and produce by an Italian chronicles Antonio Pigafetta. Pigafetta were
appertaining to the description of the different places he had seen,
the he met. The historic voyage began 1519 and was successfully
completed in 1522.
2. What is the main theme of the document? Explain briefly.
 Unlatch things through adventures. When we try to understand it
deeper it is all about adventure, wherein we can able to discovered
new things through exploration as what Magellan did through his
exploration he met a lot of different people from different places he
3. What specific information of importance is provided in the text? Explain its
importance to the understanding of the study of Philippine history.
 The notable information provided in the text is when they include
ethnographic and geographical accounts, and it is very important in
the understanding the study of Philippine history because of the fact
that it is very crucial to know different kinds of ethnic and what
happened in past.
4. What light does it shed on people, their politics and economy, religious and
cultural practices? Analyze the text.
 The lesson that being shed in the political, economy, religious and
cultural is that the adaptation of one’s culture, and during the first
circumnavigation around the world has geographical and
symbolically linked different cultures, region and etc. providing
interchange and attainment in commerce, cultural and artistic and
religious practices.
5. What is your personal evaluation on the impact of the document in the
understanding of the 16th century people and their culture in the island?
 In my personal evaluation regarding the impact of the document in
the understanding of the 16th century is that without this document
people from 16th century might still unaware of everything, yet
through this document being published their minds were
enlightening by facts that for the first time people became aware of
the multicultural fact, because of the reason that multiculturalism
was empirically shown as the diversity of people and cultures and
their practices.
Name: Jaycel Marie R. Ofiasa Date submitted: October 5,

Course title: Hist 11 Reading in Philippine History


By: Antonio Pigafetta

SUGGESTED ACTIVITY The students will make a document analysis by

identifying remarkable facts presented in the document. After doing so, they
are going to make an outline out from these pieces of information. They are
expected to make a logical judgment and conclusion from the text.
I. Background of the author
a. Antonio Pigafetta he is the men and crew.
b. He is the assistant of Ferdinand Magellan.
c. He is the traveler around the world but with the purpose.
d. Famous Italian traveler
II. Content of the first voyage around the world
a. Cast and settings they are in
 Ferdinand Magellan
 Antonio Pigafetta and other who were include in their
b. The response of the Filipinos and foreign people.
 In every places they have travelled, lot of people they have
met, different people from different place. It depends on the
response of every people from the place that they were going
to in.
c. Different culture, religion and etc.
 One of the places they have visited is samal wherein samal
has its own belief, culture, and religion practices. As what I
have read their journey or their adventure was totally good,
they have contributed a lot from places, shared some
knowledge and they are not just exploring just for fun but to
unlock and discover something.
III. Conclusion
a. Earth is round, give yourself to discover something before you
leave. Magellan and the author Pigafetta give us quite learnings
that it is important to explore in places where it is not familiar to
us, because we can have discovered something very interesting,
something that we can use, regarding the history of the ancestor of
every places in the world, different culture, people, by exploring we
can be more knowledgeable enough with the different culture and
etc., and we will be knowable of species, island that still exist.
Lesson 2
ACTIVITY 2.2: Analyze the Author’s Purpose an author’s purpose is the
reason/s an author has for writing. Authors usually do not tell their purposes,
or reasons for writing. You have to figure them out. Read the autobiography of
Gregoria De Jesus and find out her purpose/s for writing. Determine also the
author’s main arguments. Watch out for the clues within the text itself. Write
your findings, observations and analysis in an essay format.

To enlighten our minds, the importance of giving one’s best in all endeavor, to
acknowledge the foundation, the solidity of our ancestor and the oblation they
went through in order for our country to be independent and to be free from
the colonizers.
Gregoria De Jesus wife of Andres Bonifacio. The founder and the vice-president
of the chapter of the Katipunan of the Philippines. She suffered countless
privations in the performance of the dangerous task which only women could
do undetected by the police. By reading It over and over again you can come
across plenty of occurrence that occur in the past, wherein Gregoria de Jesus
is a First Lady in the Philippines and a strong woman and independent lady.
the author main arguments that it was crucial for children of diaspora to
understand their rites, the strength of their ancestors and the oblation as well.
As what I have observe Gregoria De Jesus is woman with pride, dignity and
honor. Gregoria also entitled as a Lakambini that time as a practice of its
sacred principles, the first to translate of decipher the Katipunan.
Lesson 3

Exercise 2.3 Speech of Corazon C. Aquino

1. What can you say about this line in the speech of Corazon C. Aquino: “…
and so began the revolution that has brought me to democracy’s most
famous home, the congress of the United States”? Which concept in this
line is important to you? Why?
 This statement emphasizing what people need is democracy,
it is important that Aquino addresses or uttered this
statement spent many lives and much treasure to bring
freedom to many lives, the people who won it by freedom to
many lands, this paragraphs catches the attention of the
audiences from being idealistic.

2. What did Corazon C. Aquino mention in her speech pertaining the

aspiration of Filipino people? What are the specific lines for this? What
do you feel about these lines?
 we have face the aspirations of a people who had known so
much poverty and massive un employment for the past 14
years and yet their lives for the abstraction of democracy,
raised the democracy, not food although they clearly needed
it, but democracy! Not work, although surely wanted it but
democracy! Not money, but democracy. This statement got
my attention and it really affects my perspective in life,
indeed people before longing for democracy rather than food
to eat, the government before were very strict when it comes
to laws and rules, racism was there, people suffer from
poverty, live in a place where everything has a rule. That’s
why when it is Corazon Aquino presidency people are
begging for democracy.

3. In the video, how many times the former President Corazon C. Aquino
have been applauded by the members of the U.S. congress? Mention the
lines she said for which she received an over whelming applause.

 In the video being presented there are 11 times applause.

 “Today I say join us America, as we build a new home for
democracy, another haven for the opposed so it may stand
shining testament of our two nation’s commitment to
 “Yet our must has been the cheapest revolution ever”
 “Here you have a people who won it by themselves and need
only the help to preserve it”
 “with malice towards none, with charity for all, with firmness
in the rights as goods give us to see the rights. Let us finish
the work we are in, to bind up the nations wounds to care
for him shall have bounce the battles and for her widows
and for his orphans. To dial which may achieve and cherish
a just and lasting peace among ourselves”
 “Like Lincoln, I don’t relish it. Yet I will do whatever it takes
defend the integrity and freedom of my country”
 “As a President of all my people I will not betray the cause of
peace by which I came to power”
 “I will not standby and allow as an insurgent leadership to
spurn our offer of peace and kill our young soldiers and
threaten our new freedom”
 “Whatever disappointment I meet there, is the moral basis
for laying down the live branch of peace and taking up the
sword of war”
 “Today I have returned as a President of a free people”
 “I think there is a lesson here to be learned about trying to
stifle a thing with the means by which it grows”
 “As I came to a power peacefully, so shall I keep it. That is
my contract with my people and my commitment to God”
 “And so began the revolution that has brought me to
democracy’s must famous home, the congress of the united
Activity 2.3 Rhetorical analysis

Speech of her excellency Corazon C. Aquino President of the Philippines, during the Joint
Session of the United States Congress.

The speech presented in this lesson was obtained from an, which an official journal of the
Republic of the Philippines. This speech was delivered by the late President Corazon C. Aquino
in the U.S Congress, Washington DC, on September 18, 1986 six (6) month after her assumption
into official President of the Republic of the Philippines. This speech contains and indicating the
importance of democracy and some issues with regards to the opponent.
Corazon Aquinos appearance before the U.S Congress bestow a certain opportunity to the
analysis of speech. First how the speech conveyed and important to the Filipino and the
establishment of legitimacy on the claims as the President of the Philippines. Second how and
what long term implication form imposes for the Aquino presidency. The process and the
solution to get the better of the problems and how to address people’s aspirations and guardian
What long term implication form must be imposing for the corzaon Aquinos presidency. Well
one of implication that Corzaon imposes or plan to be impose is freedom, equality and most
importantly democracy which was neede by her people, no matter they don’t have any food to
eat, any job as long there is democracy. However, using the myth form may have its pros and
cons long term insinuation. The pessimistic side may add to Corazon’s posture as unavailing
brittle leader. In contrary the positive side is the emotional impact in both the Philippines and
United States which empowered politically defenseless people. Democracy renumeration it’s war
in opposition to the evils of maltreatment as the Filipino.
In summary to this analysis, Corazon Aquino was indeed doing her job as a President, establish a
government and democracy that shall give people freedom and equality. In spite of being a
woman who could imagine that she has a potential to carry the Philippines during her presidency,
a strong and versatile woman. The speech was delivered very clear and direct to the point, the
words being used are easy to understand, the speaker which is Corazon Aquino controlled herself
to every words she uttered as a sign of respect to the audience. And all was perfectly presented
that’s why during her speech she received tons of applause.
Exercise 2.4 Paintings Explain and discuss the following items below. A.
Situate art object in historical context.
1. What do you know about the period of the painting? Include in the
discussion following: biographical data of the artist, information about
how the painting was receive in its time, and important social, political
and economic constructs of the time.
 are historical painting it is visualized and represents the concrete
happenings on the life of the people in a specific period received by
the certain idea of the people’s event which expressed authentically
through art with form, technique and style.

2. What are the qualities profound in the painting that shows the skill of
the artist in replicating reality?
 I think the capacity of being a great artist is through innovative
imagination and critical thing as well. The artwork must be related to
historical period and in an environment.
3. What evidences can you provide to support your main claim on the
important depiction of the painting?
 It has its depiction towards people though it just art but it impacts to
people lives including myself too. Juan Luna was known for his
excellency in art one of his masterpiece is Parisian life and Fernando
Amorsolo and his masterpiece which Ina at anak. Every art being
drawn or portrait has its deep meaning.

Activity 2.4 Explore: Compare Famous Paintings of Luna and Amorsolo

The students will search online for two paintings, one from Luna and the other
one for Amorsolo.They will discuss the ideas portrayed in the paintings.

PARISIAN LIFE Oil on canvas impressionist Also known as interior d’un

painting café. Literally meaning
“inside a café”


INA AT ANAK It means mother and child.

This painting shows to us the
love between the mother and
child. It shows to us the bond
exists the two.
Exercise 2.5 Interpretation of the caricature. Fill-out the table correctly the
table as asked.

Caricature Objects/people Meaning of each Important Political or

Title that you see symbol(objects/people) clues social issues
#1 A new home steadier A Filipino worker who It shows treating This shows that it
wrinkle in strive harder to work un equally required
the art of under the heat of the against the relinquishment
thieving sun and to serve the worker and Of customary
superior, while the owner. claims to issue
superior was titles to grab
commanding lands in Nueva
#2 why the The guy who Shows the form of Indicates the Presented during
aparcelo fled in carrying landlord usually to strip
facts that do not the Spanish
rebels massive tenants farmer of theirbelieve goodness conquest the
equipment. rightful share. that being encomienda
shows by system led to the
someone instead true and even
fight for the land
rights you want. management.
#3 Public The filipino guy The cartoon shows a Informing the The cartoons
Post is not a wearing salakot politician from Tondo. latter to quit clearly shows a
Hereditary and barong giving Barcelona politician from
crown tagalog. the crown Tondo, Namen,
because it is not passing his crown
his time to begin to his brother in
with. lan.
#4 Uncle A guy riding a It shows inequality. Uncle Sam is a Uncle Sam
Sam Riding chariot and lot manifestation of represent its
a Chariot of man pulling patriotic specifically the
the chariot,. emotion in government,
American Colombia
culture represents the
united states its
#5 EL Turno In the picture We can see that uncle Political cartoon was an informal
de Los we can scrutiny sam rationing to the exposes the flow system operated
Partidos the politicians and member flaw in by the two major
of the progresista party Philippine parties for
while nationalist party colonial determining in
look on and wait for democracy. advance the
their turn. result of the
general election.
The system
ensured that the
party and liberal
party would have
periods in power.
Exercise 2.6 Political Caricatures
Explain and discuss the following questions below.
1. What is the cartoonist viewpoint in caricature 2? Explain
 The cartoonist perspective in caricature 2 is hardship of people
whose status of living is poor, distute people experienced being
maltreated by the owner, they do everything but their live remains
2. Do you agree or disagree with the cartoon? Why?
 I agree with the cartoon being portrait since it’s reality then and
now. It expresses the social and political status of Filipino. The
cartoonist is a political reformist that willing to force out the
imbalance and uneven life of the propertied and impecunious

3. How will you able to interpret the cartoon?

 The cartoon indicates or elucidate the social and political status of

the people. The deprivation and adversity that people experience of
those who are poor into the meat hook of the politician’s people.
4. What is the cartoonist trying to point through exaggeration?

 The cartoonist tried to exaggerate the illegitimate and imbalance

treatment of the people against poor. They manipulate, treat poor
people as bond servant and used them for them to have
prosperous living.

5. What is the irony in the caricature? What idea does in intend to


 People who work immensely hard but not for themselves but for
the good of the people who are in the skyscraping position, they
kept working yet still their status of living was the same no
changes at all. It emphasizes how poor people being treated by
those in the higher position.
Activity 2.5. The students will develop publicly campaign that is designed to
influence government policies on:

Land for the Landless
Not all people are lucky enough to own a land. A land which they can call
their own. As a citizen I have the right to address this kind of problems and
to raise awareness for the Filipino people who have been difficulties in
buying and owning a land for their livelihood. The government should
prioritize the farmers for they are the source of agricultural food, raise fund
for the misfortunate farmers. We face today a world of increasing repression
of rural communities and worsening threats to their rights to land and
resources. name of imperialist domination and plunder, local elite rule and
private profits.
The Agricultural Land Reform Code (RA 3844) was a major Philippine
land reform law enacted in 1963 under President Diosdado Macapagal. To
make the small farmers more independent, self-reliant and responsible
citizens, and a source of genuine strength in our democratic society
1. Quality Education


As one of the students aiming to have a better life in a near future. I use
my rights as a student to raise awareness for them to address and give
them a competent and sustainable quality of education. Education must
be equally distributed to the Filipino students, good quality education
with perseverance lead us to success.

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