Ashoka Essay

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1.I had shifted from the United States to India at a very young age.

With the vigorous change of

culture and people around me, I had a tough transition to say the least. I was unable to make
friends or even socialize with any kids my age at the time.this lack of exposure subsequently
resulted in years of low self esteem issues and lack of participation in any activities as a child. I
used to believe that I was incapable of achieving any milestones in life. I used to believe that I
would always just remain someone whose average, with no victories attached to their name.
But as I got older, I believe I also got wiser. I was so fixated at thinking the worse of me, that I
wouldn’t let the world see my better self. It all started when my mother forced me to go behind
the curtains of my middle school stage ,and prepared me for my first public speaking
competition. As I breathed heavily, too nervous to go on stage and make a fool of myself, I had
my supportive mother and understanding teachers helping me through my breakdown. Finally,
when I went on stage, I wasn’t just a nervous kid anymore. I was an empowered woman who
spoke her mind as an unknown force took over her words ,and brought the fluency she
could’ve only wished for. I might have not bagged a trophy that day, but I had won back my
respect for myself and I will forever be grateful for that. Over the years, I have learned to
surround myself with buoyant and encouraging people who help me keep my mind on track. I
refuse to let my failures and weaker parts describe me. I have learned to focus on my positives,
successes and talents ,and learn from my failures instead of letting them pull me down.
Needless to say, I believe that this realization has helped me realize my worth and grow as a
person who not only sees the best in herself, but also in the people around her.

2. Back in grade 9, students faced a lot of pressure to score well throughout the year because
we would have to appear for our board examinations the following year. I too, faced a similar
pressure throughout the year, and worked as hard as I could to stay on top of my grades the
entire year. During the final examinations though, my nerves got the best of me, and I botched
my math examination. When the results came, I was scared to death about how my parents
would react and couldn’t bring myself to even look an my horrible answer sheet. As I showed
up to my parents, shivering with cries and sobs, I started apologizing. To my surprise, they
weren’t upset about the marks. They were concerned about how much I had let such a small
matter affect me. That day, they made me realize that marks and grades are menial stuff
compared to what I will have to face going forward. I am grateful that this incident took place,
as it helped me realize that not every small setback is not worth breaking down over.

3. The industrial period took a huge toll on our environment. Pollution, deforestation, epidemics
and death were the collateral that we payed for economic growth. I believe that the next
decade will be dedicated to humans and not machines. We are currently fighting climate
change and global warming, but sadly it has not gain as much importance as it should’ve. We
are moving towards an environment crisis, from which we can not come back. But I believe
that as the present generation will take control, things would change for the better.
Environment laws and animal rights will be implemented to their full potential. The roads would
belong to the pedestrians and not just cars. Cities will be built in a way that we can walk
wherever we need to.

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