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Name: ______________________________________________________ Group: ___________ Date: ________________ Score: _____________


Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic Insufficient

Independently Performs skills with Performs skills with Performs skills with Unable to perform
performs all skills assistance of faculty 1 assistance of faculty 3 assistance of faculty during simulation.
fluently and without - 2 times during - 4 times during greater than 4 times
difficulty. simulation. simulation. during simulation.

4 3 2 1

Preparing the environment and


Wash hands.
Identify the client and introduce self.

Explain the purpose of the procedure .

Encourage the client to empty the bladder.

Place client in dorsal recumbent position,

supine with knees flexed to relax
abdominal muscles.

Place a small pillow under the head for



Drape properly to maintain privacy.

Warm hands by rubbing together. (Cold

hands can stimulate uterine

Use the palm for palpation not the fingers.

Measure fundal height accurately .

First Maneuver: Determines presentation

Stand at the side of the bed, facing the


Palpate the uterine fundus with warm


Determine which part of the baby’s body

lies on upper fundus according to its :

a. Relative consistency

b. Shape

c. Mobility

Second Maneuver: Determines fetal back

Place the palmar surface of both hands on

the sides of the abdomen .

Apply gentle but deep pressure in one side

of the abdomen.
Palpate the opposite side from the top to
the lower segment of the uterus in a
slightly circular motion.

Determine which side of the uterus is the

long axis of the fetus located.

Check the fetal heart beat .

Third Maneuver: Determines engagement

Grasp the lower uterine segment with

thumb and finger .

Press slightly and make gentle movements

from side to side.

Determine the mobility of the presenting


Fourth Maneuver: Determines attitude

Stand to the side facing the client’s feet.

Place the tips of the three fingers on both
sides about two inches from the inguinal

Apply pressure downward and in the

direction of the birth canal .

Confirm the presenting part.

Document the significant information.

Prepared by :

Risa P. Chua, RN, Ed.D

MCN- Team Leader

Noted by:

Jill Marie C. Hermogenes, RN, Ed.D

Assistant Dean

Approved by:

Michelle B. Yu, RN, DM


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