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Process audits


Advantages - Bedhampton 5S checklist

Shading in of quadrants
Professional appearance

Disadvantages - Bedhampton 5S checklist

Very subjective
Small print
Interpretation from person to person

Advantages - 5 "S" Housekeeping survey

Very clear and precise

Check item and description
Self explanatory

Disadvantages - 5 "S" Housekeeping survey

Advantages - 5 "S" Chad's checklist

Very specific
Self explanatory
Includes safety and environmental items

Disadvantages - 5 "S" Chad's checklist

Potentially long

Advantages - 5 "S" Boeing


Disadvantages - 5 "S" Boeing

Too lengthy
No scoring facility
General dislike

Advantages - 5 "S" South Molton

Straight forward
Disadvantages - 5 "S" South Molton

No visual system
5 S checklist requirements
Visual system for scoring
Standard for scoring
Self explanatory
Ease of use
Includes safety and environmental items
Red tag issues
Auditor, date, area, frequency
Communication and structure
Generate checklist
Corrective actions
Score Condition Observed Score (check box)
0 1 2 3 4 To calculate smart score
4 Very Good (perfect condition) 1. Add up each column
Good (1-2 problems)
OK (3-4 problems)
Bad (5-6 problems)
SMART OFFICE CHECKSHEET 2. Add each column together to get total
3. Divide total by 280
4. Multiply this score by 5
0 Very Bad (above 7 problems), or non existent 5. This is now your smart score

Date :_____________________________ Audited By :_________________________ Area Audited : _________________________

Straighten Shine
Sort (Can be defined as arranging items so that they are (Means sweeping floors, wiping off machinery, and Standardise Sustain
(Means removing from the workplace all items that easy to use and labelling them so that they are easy generally making sure that everything in the factory (It is the state that exists when the first three S's are (Making a habit of properly maintaining correct
Number Item are not needed for current production) Score to find and put away) Score stays clean) Score being maintained) Score procedures and looking to continually improve) Score

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Performance metrics are posted and labelled that Visual performance metrics are displayed per plant
Performance metrics per the standard with evidence
effectively visually communicate in / out of condition standard, evidence of regular stand-up meetings at
of regular stand-up meetings at the board taking
Visual Management for No unnecessary visuals are posted or written on processes. All postings are orderly in appearance and clear to the boards with pareto/root cause/ improvement
1 place with pareto / root cause action planning.
performance white boards Training matrices are posted for office personnel understand, white boards clear action planning. Actions are specific, measurable,
Actions are specific and measurable, current and
Office 'smart' board exists with before & after photos and accountable for particularly negative trends.
accountable particularly for negative trends.
and actions for improvement. Ownership shown at the local level.

Future state map, plans and actions for key and

support processes have been developed (per the
Visual Management for VSM's (Current & Future) for key & support VSM standard exists. Future state map, with
Key Business Processes are identified, mapped, All postings are orderly in appearance and clear to site standard) within the last 9 months with more
2 business improvement (Value business processes are displayed in the target area subsequent plans and actions, are current and have
and reflect current processes understand, white boards clear than one cycle of improvement (current has become
Stream Maps) with owners and action plans. been created less than 12 months ago.
future state). Linkages between maps and the site
wide plant map / action plan can be clearly seen.

Standard electronic file structures & work

Key Business Processes data / information flows Process maps (Current & Future) for key & support
instructions are set to enable cross working / skilling Personnel are maintaining the system to the
3 Electronic data management are process mapped and described in Work business processes are displayed in the target area System is tidy and cleared to standard
of personnel. Standards for software are clearly standards set
Instructions, and refelct current processes with owners and action plans.

All items have designated locations, are labelled

Storage requirements are defined, documented and Standard exists for organisation and identification of Personnel are maintaining the system to the
4 Electronic data storage and are organised. Items / data / metrics can be System is tidy and cleared to standard
clearly communicated files & folders in line with company standard standards set
retrieved rapidly.

Hardcopy Data Management

No unnecessary items present (on or inside), All items have designated locations, are labelled Standards exists and are posted that determine
Items do not cause overloading of racks, shelves, Personnel are maintaining the area to the standards
5 excess paperwork not being collected, excess sales and are organised. All required paper products are locations, labelling, maintenance and organisation
Office shelves, cabinets, cabinets or drives. Areas are clean & free of debris set
literature (overproducing) stocked to adequate levels (inventory) in line with company standard

Common Areas / Rooms

(Computer room, Conference All items have designated locations, are labelled Standards exists and are posted that determine
Personnel are maintaining the area to the standards
6 rooms, Canteen, Library, Print No unnecessary items present and are organised. Areas / rooms are neat and Area is clean, free of debris & excess paperwork locations, labelling and organisation in line with
Room, Changing rooms, orderly, all chairs are in proper place around tables company standard

No un-necessary items (I.e. production parts) on Desks and work surfaces are organised and project Desks and work surfaces are clean and in good Does a standard exist in the area that describes Are all desks & surfaces standards adhered to at all
7 Desks & surfaces
workbenches or work surfaces a professional image condition what the desks and surfaces should require times ?
All fire extinguishers are charged, and first aid
Are there fire extinguishers, fire exits clear, and first All fire extinguishers and first aid equipment is clean Area plan identifies fire extinguishers, fire exits and Risk assessments have been undertaken, actions
8 H&S equipment available and labelled. Location is clearly
aid equipment available and ready to use first aid equipment are current and are driving improvement
identified at head height

Processes / equipment have been arranged so that

Unnecessary walking to / from copier, central filing, Floors mopped / carpets hoovered, no slip / trip Standard layouts exist for workgroups that show Personnel are maintaining the area to the standards
9 Excess motion they are easy to use and reduce excess motion to a
fax machine. Free of obstructions on walkways. hazards movement between processes / equipment set

Equipment, desks, chairs, PC's have been arranged

No unnecessary motion taking place within Personal workspaces are clean and in good Standards exist and are posted for the correct Personnel are maintaining their workspace to the
10 Ergonomics within the individuals workspace that reduce stress /
individuals workspace condition arrangement of personal workspace standards set
strain to a minimum

The area has a standard identified defined location

No unallowed foodstuffs and beverages being No unallowed foodstuffs and beverages Standards exist and are posted for foodstuff and Personnel are maintaining the area to the standards
11 COSHH for consumption of foodstuffs and beverages and
consumed or in the areas contaminating PC's or areas beverage consumption within the office areas set
standard times for its use.

No recyclable materials in non-recyclable Areas have specified recycling containers for paper, Personnel are maintaining the area to the standards
All outside surfaces of recycling containers are Waste disposal, lighting, PC standards exist and are
12 Environmental containers, no lights being left on unnecessarily, no cups, cans & plastic bottles and have designated set. Evidence of current improvement activities that
clean displayed
PC's not being switched off, no excess paperwork locations, labelled and organised are looking to positively affect the environment.

Area standard exists and is posted to define layout

Are facility items in the area broken, damaged. No and format. Has maintenance request been raised ?
Have items in the area been identified that are The area has floors swept, equipment clean and Does an area have a planned maintenance
13 Facilities flickering / broken / insufficient lighting. No un-used Planned maintenance / duty rotas exist for
broken or damaged ? generally clean schedule for all facilities issues ?
wiring & cabling present or trailing. maintaining the area / equipment to the required
standard exist and are current.

Red Tag area is designated and labelled, all items

14 Office Red Tag Are there items requiring red tags within the area Red tag area to be clean Area plan identifies red tag area Red tag area is maintained to correct procedure
tagged with date placed in area

SECTION TOTALS : /56 /56 /56 /56 /56


'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/546366131.xls'#$New Bedhampton 5S Form

Date :_____________________________ Audited By :_________________________ Area Audited : _________________________

Straighten Shine
Sort (Can be defined as arranging items so that they are easy (Means sweeeping floors, wiping off machinery, and Standardise Sustain
(Means removing from the workplace all items that are to use and labelling them so that they are easy to find and generally making sure that everything in the factory stays (It is the state that exists when the first three S's are being (Making a habit of properly maintaining correct
Number Item not needed for current production) put away) clean) maintained) procedures)

Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments

Visual Management for


Visual Management for

business improvement

3 Electronic data management

4 Electronic data storage

Hardcopy Data Management

Office shelves, cabinets,

Common Areas / Rooms

(Computer room, Conference
6 rooms, Canteen, Library, Print
Room, Changing rooms,

7 Desks & surfaces

8 H&S

9 Excess motion

10 Ergonomics


12 Environmental

13 Facilities

14 Office Red Tag

'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/546366131.xls'#$New Bedhampton 5S Comments Form

Date :_____________________________

Straighten Shine
Sort (Can be defined as arranging items so that they are easy to use and labelling them so that (Means sweeeping floors, wiping off machinery, and generally making sure that everything in Standardise Sustain
Number Item (Means removing from the workplace all items that are not needed for current production) they are easy to find and put away) the factory stays clean) (It is the state that exists when the first three S's are being maintained) (Making a habit of properly maintaining correct procedures)

Actions Owner Due Date Actions Owner Due Date Actions Owner Due Date Actions Owner Due Date Actions Owner Due Date

Training Matrix to be completed PH / LB / ROE 15/8/06

Visual Management for
1 Functions to review visuals and agree standard MA/RK 7/20/2006 Per sort
Implement Smart office board MA 21/7/06

Move VSM's to target areas RK/MA 20/7/06

Talk to Colin about placemnet of Plant VSM MA/RK 17/07/2006
Develop VSM standard RK/MA 30/8/06
Visual Management for Review support process maps, define standard, and move to RK/MA 30/8/06
2 Identify Key Business Processes and plan review cycle. MA/RK 21/7/06 Per sort
business improvement target areas
Change VSM's to reflect standard RK/MA 15/09/06
Ensure all VSM's are within 12 months MA/RK 30/8/06
Complete NPI future state SR 15/8/06

3 Electronic data management

4 Electronic data storage

Develop standard MA 30/7/06

5 Hardcopy Data Management
Organise sort and straighten day ML/SR 308/06

6 Common Areas / Rooms Define owners (COMPLETE) BOS 7/17/2006 Provide recycling facilities in common areas MA/RK 8/15/2006

7 Desks & surfaces

8 H&S Put Fire extinguisher labels at head height DW 8/15/2006 Develop area plan (COMPLETE) MA 8/15/2006 Generate Risk Assessment Plan DW 8/15/2006

9 Excess motion Review each work area, define standards and needs RK/MA 7/30/2006

10 Ergonomics Ensure ergonomics are part of Risk Assessment DW 8/15/2006

11 COSHH Post standard more visibly DW 8/15/2006

12 Environmental

13 Facilities Include cabling etc in risk plan - define standard DW 8/15/2006

14 Office Red Tag Develop office red tag process / std and communicate MA/RK 8/15/2006 Label items in red tag area DW 7/20/2006 Include in area plan MA 8/15/2006

'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/546366131.xls'#$New Bedhampton 5S Actions Form

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