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Consumerism and culture

Consumerism and Culture

The other day I bought a red fur coat. My love for fur coats way back when I saw a

celebrity that I really admired, had a blue fur coat. That was the genesis of it all, I could

never get my mind off it. Every time I could imagine how the far coat would feel when I

wear it. My desire grew to an obsession. Any time I could have free time, I could go

online and look for photos of fur coats that were available. I stocked loads and loads of
Consumerism and culture
them in my computer. One would ask why I would not just go out and buy the fur coat

and be done with it. Firstly, the particular fur coat that I wanted was very expensive.

With the little money I got from my part time job, it all went to my daily expenses. Finally

I decided that I would never really get it, if I do not take deliberate measures to obtain it.

I began to save the little I got towards the item. After six months of excruciating saving, I

had enough money to buy a red fur coat. I was thrilled to have it on my wardrobe for the

first time.

I believe that this fur coat says a lot of who I am and who I want to be. I believe in have

a sense of style and class. All that is embodied in this fur coat. Whenever I wear it I feel

classy. Anyone who has seen me with it cannot help but feel the same. In Chapter three

of Section Consumer and Culture Dalton Conley (2011) idea that media is responsible

for maintaining consumerism. The belief that happiness and fulfillment can be achieved

by acquiring material things. For those six months what I saw on the web served to

reinforce the idea that I needed to buy the coat if I wanted to be happy. When I first

wore the coat I felt a sense of importance and class. The information I had been feeding

on through the media was finally taking effect.

Consumerism and culture

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