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Excercise 1: Điền vào chỗ trống dạng đúng của so sánh hơn.

Sử dụng “er” hoặc

thêm “more”.

1. Dogs are more intelligent (intelligent) than rabbits.

2. Lucy is older (old) than John.
3. Russia is far larger (large) than the UK.
4. My garden is a lot more colourful (colourful) than this park.
5. Julie is quieter (quiet) than her sister.
6. My Latin class is more boring (boring) than my English class.
7. My house is bigger (big) than yours.
8. The weather this summer is even worse (bad) than last summer.
9. This flower is more beautiful (beautiful) than that one.
10. A holiday by the sea is better (good) than a holiday in the mountains.

Excercise 2: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. I think London is more expensive/expensiver than New York. 

2. Is the North Sea more big/bigger than the Mediterranean Sea? 
3. Are you a better/good student than your sister? 
4. My dad’s more funny/funnier than your dad! 
5. Crocodiles are more dangerous than/as dolphins.
6. Physics is badder/worse than chemistry.
7. Cars are much more safer/much safer than motorbikes.
8. Australia is far/further hotter than Ireland.
9. It is strange but often a coke is more expensive/ expensiver than a beer.
10. Non-smokers usually live more long/longer than smokers.

1. He is ....... singer I’ve ever met.

A. worse                     B. bad                      C. the worst                      D. badly

2. Mary is ....... responsible as Peter.

A. more                      B. the most                      C. much                       D. as

3. It is ....... in the city than it is in the country.

A. noisily                   B. more noisier                  C. noisier                     D. noisy

4. He sings ……….. among the singers I have known.

A. the most beautiful                          B. the more beautiful

C. the most beautifully                       D. the more beautifully

5. He is ....... student in my class.

A. most hard-working                            B. more hard-working

C. the most hard-working                       D. as hard-working

6. The English test was ....... than I thought it would be.

A. the easier                     B. more easy                     C. easiest                     D. easier

7. Physics is thought to be ....... than Math.

A. harder                  B. the more hard                 C. hardest                   D. the hardest

8. Jupiter is ....... planet in the solar system.

A. the biggest                    B. the bigger                    C. bigger                     D. biggest

9. She runs …… in my class.

A. the slowest              B. the most slow           C. the slowly              D. the most slowly

10. My house is ....... hers.

A. cheap than                 B. cheaper              C. more cheap than            D. cheaper than

11. My office is ....... away than mine. (far)

A. father                      B . more far                       C. farther                       D. farer

12. Lana is ....... than David.

A. handsome                       B. the more handsome

C. more handsome                       D. the most handsome

13. She did the test ……….. I did.

A. as bad as                       B. badder than                      

C. more badly than                       D. worse than

14. A boat is ....... than a plane.

A. slower                     B. slowest                     C. more slow                     D. more slower

15. Her new house is ....... than the old one.

A. more comfortable                      B. comfortably

C. more comfortabler                      D. comfortable

16. Her sister dances ……….. than me.

A. gooder                      B. weller                      C. better                       D. more good

17. Her bedroom is ....... room in her house. (tidy)

A. tidier than                       B. the tidiest

C. the most tidy                       D. more tidier

18. This road is ....... than that road. (narrow)

A. narrower *               B. narrow              C. the most narrow             D. more narrower

19. She drives ……. Her brother.

A. more careful than                       B. more carefully

C. more carefully than                       D. as careful as

20. It was ....... day of the year.

A. the colder                       B. the coldest                      C. coldest                      D. colder

1. My Japanese class is _______ than his English class.

A. funny
B. funnier
C. funniest
D. the funny

2. This chair is _________ than the other.

A. comfortable
B. the comfortable
C. more comfortable
D. most comfortable

3. No one in my group is _______ than Duong.

A. kinder
B. kind
C more kind
D. most kind

4. Hoang visits his parents less ________ than she does.

A. little
B. least
C. the less
D. less

5. If Cuong had run ________ , his brother could not have caught him. (catch)
A. fast
B. faster
C. the fastest
D. more faster

1. This is the more wonderful book she has ever read. -> most

2. No moutain in the world is the biggest than Everest. -> bigger

3. Bill Gate is the richer people in the world. -> richest

4. The bed room is biggest than the kitchen one. -> bigger

5. One of the greater football players in Vietnam is Quang Hai. -> greatest
more comfortable
I prefer wearing flat shoes because they are (comfortable)   than high heel
Excuse me, can you help me with this box? It is (heavy)   than I thought.
My old armchair is not beautiful but it is (soft)   than this new one.
more spacious
Our country house is (spacious)   than our town house.
more intelligent
Tung will win the Olympic English contest because he is (intelligent)   than
other candidates.
Eating vegetables and fruits is (healthy)   than eating fast-food.
Most people think that driving a bike is (safe)   than driving a motorbike.
Lily is (thin)   than she was one month ago as she is on a low-carb diet plan.
more peacefu
For me, life in the countryside is (peaceful)   than life in the big cities.
After taking a cosmetic surgery, this girl is not more beautiful. Some people even think
that she is (ugly)   than she was before.

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